• Member Since 12th Apr, 2013
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Crystalis McCloud


A Legend of Dragoon Crossover Fic.

Dragoons, magical knights that harness the magic of ancient dragons. When the power of these dragons is set loose on the world once more, Spike experiences a startling transformation. With the power of the other ancient dragons being harnessed by enemies of Equestria, Princess Twilight decides to put her life on the line and become a Dragoon herself. Realizing that goal will not be easy though, and if she succeeds, she will have to find the other Dragoons and bring them over to her side in order to end the threat to their peaceful way of life. But the path won't be easy at all. Words don't sway every mind, and with war ready to erupt, it will become kill or be killed when the powers of the Dragoons clash. Innocence and purity aren't easy to hold onto in the face of war and death. Twilight, with Spike at her side, will need to bring herself to make the hard choices needed to save those she cares about, and she'll need the support of her friends, old and new, if she's to succeed.

(A very much appreciated fan, Dirty Bit has saw fit to include youtube links to pieces of Legend of Dragoon soundtrack that he thinks fits the scenes or chapters best. He is a totally awesome dude for doing this, and if you want a little extra feeling to the scenes, by all means, click on one as you're reading or re-reading.)

Just a few things to keep in mind when reading this fic:
- This is not a direct crossover fic. Characters from the game Legend of Dragoon will not have main storyline significance, at least as far as I have planned. If they do appear, it will be more in a cameo sense through history that shaped this world.
- While this holds Alternate Universe tags, all the events of the show have happened up to the end of Season 3. What changes have been made will affect only the history of the world and future events.
- The current title image is just a placeholder. Currently seeking special title art for the story.
-While this is a crossover fic, I intend to make it very friendly to people not familiar with the game Legend of Dragoon. So those not familiar with it should not feel alienated coming in.

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 242 )

tension between villains? who would have thought... :rainbowlaugh:

oh now, what do we have here? an intriguing story? why yes, I think we do...

Indeed, it just wouldn't feel right if they got along fabulously. Especially since Discord would obviously get on all of their nerves. I have interesting plans for all of the villains introduced in the prologue, but there's gonna be far more trouble than just them. :pinkiehappy:

Glad you think so. It's not gonna be copy-pasting Legend of Dragoon stuff into Equestria by any means. I'm gonna be carefully stitching elements of the game into the history of Equestria so that they blend together nicely. Some elements from the game will be different in Equestria, to be sure.

:trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright: What sorcery is this?!

:raritystarry: By the nipples of Poseidon, a Legend of Dragoon FiMfiction?! :yay:

That was one of my many favorite games growing up!

Well, best not anger the Gods, and dig in.

*Slowly claps* That will do Discord, that will do.

Why thank you my dear reader, I do like to think that I captured Discord's personality quite well here. XD

This has now been put at the top of my read later list, you have piqued my interest... I'm wondering, are these the dragoon spirits from Legend Of Dragoon?

legend of the dragoon? oh my god i havent played that game since i was 9 years old (currently 20) one of the first and most favorite rpgs ive ever played xD

prince albert was so awesome :P anyway despite this not being a total crossover and pretty much have only the dragoons in it this should still be a decent read :moustache:

I can confirm without hesitation that the Dragoon Spirits have been unleashed. However, note in the prologue that their crystalline vessels were destroyed, and now they are seeking new vessels.

That choice was really a matter of personal taste. As a writer, I felt I could not adequately bring the characters into Equestria without gritting my teeth at horribly cliched story choices and plot devices. I found I had more creative freedom, while being able to remain faithful to both stories, if I simply incorporated the Dragoon mythos and a few other elements into the history of Equestria. As that note also said though, I am not totally opposed to making reference to LoD characters through cameo ponies/creatures in mentions of history. I do intend to make callbacks to the game wherever I feel it is appropriate without pandering or detracting from the story I have come up with.

entertaining prologue discord acted as expected of course :P

2605550 that sounds fair enough some of the boss monsters maybe would be awesome but you already have a plan so ill just sit back and enjoy the ride as of right now ill upvote and track this story and hope to read more soon

Legend of Dragoon. OH HELL YES.:pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:

That game is one of my all time favorites. Magician Faust, the Fall of Kadessa, the 108th Fruit. Oh, I just got a punch in the nostalgia.

But there are only six Bearers, but seven spirits. Eight if you include the Divine Dragon. Who's the other wielder?

Hehehe. It definitely is not going to be that simple. It would be taking the easy road as a writer if all of the Mane 6 got a Dragoon Spirit. No, only a few of them will get the power. The group of Dragoons is going to have a colorful assortment of characters, and I would be lying if I said there wouldn't be any OCs, but those will be minimal.

I've never seen LoD in fanfiction period, let alone a crossover.

I'll take a look at this...

O.M.G YES YES YES! The first two chapters are a little short; but I love the direction you're taking with this: 1: not all the mane six will be dragon knights as that would be too easy
2: The way you will NOT just be doing a cut-paste cheap approach
3: Though the first two chapters are a little short they are wonderfully written and worded
4: TLOD; one of the best games for the original PS.

Question: Will the Virage, Winglies, or the Divine Dragons; Dragoon spirit appear? (I know the Virage were destroyed with the death of the "you know what" at the end of the game, but I feel that I must ask.)

Don't tell me if he's in here or not, but the possible presence of Magician Faust has me thinking and giddy. That guy was even stronger than Melbu, and he was obscenely hard to kill. I wouldn't doubt it if he was still alive.

Wait, the sunken city of Marelantis is actually Aglis! Holy balls!

2605519 Albert was King of Serdio especially after the end of chapter 1 with the end of the Serdian Civil War.

Serdio is also where the awful robot 00Parts was. I absolutely hated that thing with a passion because he spammed death spells and ran away like a coward.

Those are fleshlights in the cover art. Don't even try to deny it.

2606932 Actually that was "south of Serdio" lol North of serdio had the Yellow bird and you use the "sachet" item on them to instant k.o them oh and the game was released for PS3, PSP and Vita on PSN last April!

Dragoon- a soldier that uses an intimidating name to mask what is essentially just a man on a horse.

I'd totally forgotten about the Yellow Bird. I forgot what it gave, but I remember 00Parts always gave ruby rings worth 500 gold. I would swear on whatever you hold dear that I found them close to Bale though.

2606982 Dragoon- French- meaning: Dragon
Dragoon- Military-French: Soldier who rides to the battlefield on horseback, but dismounts to fight, name comes from their Carbines- Dragoons in reference to the large plume of smoke and fire when the weapon is discharged. used during the 18th-20th century.
Last known use WWI early on in European theater.

2607002 300 gold and 00parts dropped 600 gold and a spirit potion.

2607119 no worries. Does the author know that those are a bunch of fleshlights?

One thing that I would like to make clear is that I m not turning Equestria into the future Endiness. I am creating a completely new history by blending in elements from LoD and putting a unique Equestrian spin on them, as well as a few of my own unique ideas to help the Dragoon and Equestrian elements blend together better.

To put it at the most blunt, there will not be any litteral Magician Faust in this story, the a character payying homage to him is not out of the realm of possibility, ddpending on how the story goes.

On the topic of the Divine Dragon, that is an absolute yes. It is one of the eight spirits that was released and is the Sleeping King that was reffered to. For Virage and Winglies, I have a few ideaz on how to implement them, but for the most part, their inclusion will depend on where the story goes as I write it. In short, maybe, but they won't be quite the same.

2605522 I can't wait to read this story! for now you deserve a :yay:

I can't help it, that is just what the crystals look like. Besides, it is only a placeholder until I get fanart to replace it.

I enjoyed reading discord's dialogue!

2606918 I said prince didn't I?:facehoof: Damn it all its been years since I played xD so I'm rusty on the deep details xD

Umm, Legend of Dragoon Crossover? My favourite PS1 game (quite possibly my favourite game of all time)? Time to read this! You have my attention and a decent prologue. Time to read the first chapter!

Nice! A promising tale of worldbuilding to come. I can't wait for more chapters. Great story so far and thanks for writing. Also, there's mispelled word:

know that no matter ho interested

'ho' should be 'how'.

well thats one down >> curious on the others :D

Huh. I would have pinned him as either the Gold or Feyrbrand, not White-Silver. Of course, Feyrbrand seemed to have an affinity for poison, but the Gold Dragon fits him to a T.

Whatever. But then things are getting weird. If Spike is some kind of host for the White-Silver, then what's his relationship with Twilight? Twilight can hear Spike's thoughts, implying a link between the two. Such things have occurred only when a dragon chooses a Dragoon. So has the White-Silver chosen Spike, or Twilight? Or is something else going on?

If you're basing the idea of Golden off of his love of gems, you must remember that in the MLPverse, all dragons consume gems. Other than that, any dragon in MLP seen thus far has more in common with the Red-Eye dragon, what with breathing fire and everything. Really, the fact that he's White-Silver is influenced by two things, his personality, and Twilight.

Furthering on that point, I won't spoil too much, but there is a strong reason for the sudden connection between their minds that you obviously picked up on. Reasons and details will be elaborated on as time goes on.

OMG all my yes i love Legend of Dragoon must read ASAP

edited now that i read this i love it the characters fit to the show very well and you earn


So Celestia had the Dragon Buster? A dangerous weapon indeed.

Interesting... I like how you're making Discord make sense (in that he's acting like he did in the season two opener and that we can't determine his motives) kudos.

Yes, I am quite proud of how I write Discord. I think I'm doing great justice to him in this setting. Though some people I know would argue that they don't think Discord thinks ahead as much as I'm having him do. Still, I'm playing Discord almost entirely to a mindset I have always believed he's had, though for the sake of this fic, I've added another level or two to it. XD

Great fic, Though I must admit that I'm curious as to how you plan on the dragoon spirits working, in the game the dragon had to die for the spirit to be claimed, but I don't foresee Twilight being willing to kill Spike.

Another great chapter xD wooo only getting better xP

:twilightsmile::coolphoto::pinkiegasp::raritystarry::yay: Yes yes yes yes yes yes finaly Dragoon ponies and even has a pony of Rose on the cover! if you are a girl id kiss you for writing this but cause i dont know your gender Brohoof/) to you

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