
Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results

Fic-A-Minute: The Incandescent Brilliance · 11:53am Jun 16th, 2017

E3 came and went, with a few things to look forward to down the line. Other than that, it was mostly a show of companies saying, "Remember all those games we showcased last year? Well, they're still coming!"

There's my convention-a-minute breakdown. For the usual nonsense, find that below.

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I Found A Chuck Tingle Interview · 2:37pm Jan 9th, 2017

It's a real! It's really him! He has a... um... nice voice?

Nobody's better at writing about unicorn sex than Chuck. Listen to it, then go out and prove love. Prove love is real.


AMA: Songs of the Spheres · 1:39pm Feb 10th, 2020

Arc 11 just ended in Songs of the Spheres, and with it almost all secrets and plot twists have been revealed. We have a single arc left, and it will return to a more episodic way of telling stories that we left behind in Arc 10. We'll tie up loose ends, look to the future, and settle down.

And now that all the big stuff is out of the way, it's time... to tell you about how awesome Princess Bubblegum is and how you should all bow to her candy-colored will!

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Never The Final Word: Reviews and a reading · 8:49pm Sep 22nd, 2015

If you're following me, you may already know about the minific collection I curate titled Never The Final Word: stories — both my own and others' — which were originally posted as comments to other fanfics, designed to reinterpret or extend the source story. If you've been curious about the collection, but have been waiting for a good starting point to jump in at, then yesterday it just got doubly easier!

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Near Christmas Update · 8:01pm Dec 12th, 2020

I just thought i'd give you guys an update, as we close in on Christmas.

First of all, i've written down my Christmas wishlist, and my folks and I are close to done with the Christmas shopping we're able to do, considering the current conditions of the outside world.

I've recently had some stomach problems that i've needed to get over. They seem to be mild, though.

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Mid-2021 Update · 3:37am Jun 16th, 2021

Hello everyone. I have officially finished the first part of my rewrite for the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series finale. I hope anyone who takes their time to check it out will enjoy what i've written so far, because it took months. But of course, feel free to provide any criticism, and be honest, because it's meant to be a fun writing exercise, and i'd like to improve in that field. Now i've gotten a chunk of the story done, it's time for this announcement. I'm going to be

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The Brilliance of DOOM's Soundtrack · 11:37pm Jun 11th, 2017


The Brilliance of Happy Chaos · 2:32pm January 8th


Updated the ridiculous fic no one's asked for! · 7:08pm Jul 15th, 2021

Join Sweetie Belle as she stops Twilight from killing Twilight with Twilight's magic! Does that sound stupid/ridiculous/silly/fun? Good, because it is!

THell's Belles
Sweetie Belle and Sugar Belle go on a whirlwind heist. It goes exactly as well as you'd expect.
Silent Whisper · 5.9k words  ·  37  1 · 379 views

Go ham, my friends. Apparently regular updates means "updates whenever I remember it exists." Which was today! Yay! I'll try to be better about this, I promise. We're in for a ride!

Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results