
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results

New Year 2024- New Projects 1939 · 5:42am January 1st

Still working on everything else this year, but I've got a sequel/prequel to Equestria: 1940 in the works, both a series of short stories set in the 1940 world up to the Equestrian moon project, and a war story showing some behind the scenes details about the war. For a little country the size of Ohio in the northern Atlantic, it has a lot of potential. Explosive, mostly. Snippets after the break.

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Quick blog post with a peek at Equestria - 1940 before I head to Bronycon · 11:55pm Jul 26th, 2018

Thankfully, my wife caught that we didn't have hotel reservations for Sunday night and we got that fixed, so a little sleep and we'll be on the way to KCI for our flight shortly. To keep you entertained, I'll just attach a chunk from my 1940 story where Jon Walthers has been assigned by Princess Celestia to help her student learn how to make friends. Because soon she will be headed for the Summer Sun Festival, and before that, Twilight wants to show him just how many friends she has made in

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Flim, Flam, and the Little Lost Apple Scam starts posting June 1 · 3:29am May 20th, 2017

In honor of Mistress Mare-velous, the Equestrian version of Wonder Woman, and her new movie, I'm going to start posting Flim, Flam, and the Little Lost Apple Scam on June 1, continuing on for eleven chapters. Unfortunately, I don't have enough of other stuff to do a chapter a day for a whole month like I did last year. I *could* make it to the end of the month if I were to publish what I have of Her Royal Morning Coffee, but I'm holding out until the whole thing is done. It's far better that

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Equestria 1940 - Where God and Goddesses collide... Or at least gently bump · 5:06am Oct 1st, 2018

It's inevitable when doing a 'Equestria is actually a place on Earth' story to have human religion interact with ponies. Most authors simply shy away from it, or treat it like a blind spot that never comes up in conversation because they're afraid the readers will recoil away from the concept of Christianity when matched up against pony. I'm not most authors. I think I can treat the subject with due respect, and I think my readers are mature enough to... Well, most of you. :pinkiehappy: So

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Equestria 1940 - On the Eve of Nightmare Moon's Return · 12:57am Aug 23rd, 2018

Here we see the human friendship advisor in consultations with the Monarch of the Equestrian Principality on the eve of her sister's return. Just a little something to show I'm still working, and that poor Jon Walthers can stick his foot in his mouth just as well as Twilight Sparkle.

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Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results