I Just Want a Comment 3,691 members · 15,805 stories
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I’m getting the sense that my time left on this site is limited before I cap my pen and this becomes a dead account. However, I also hate leaving things unfinished. With my two incomplete stories (and a couple unpublished/unwritten ones) I would like to pass them over to someone else if possible so they have the opportunity to become one with the fandom.

As much as I would like to continue writing my stories, I feel like I’m getting nowhere and merely fantasizing about them. Perhaps someday I’ll return to this site if I were to leave but as of this moment it’s feeling pointless for me to keep being here if I can’t keep up with my writing.

Suggestions on where I should go or what I should do?

If you want to transfer a story, a mod can do that for you.

You could also ask anyone else who is interested if they wanna take over the story.

As others have said, if you would like, there are steps you can take to transfer your stories to someone else, if anyone will take them.

One thing I would add, though. I think that if you like something and want to keep doing it, it being difficult isn't the best reason to stop, so if all it is is that you're having trouble writing, I'd be a little sad if that's why you stopped. So if you want to finish these stories, I would advise against writing them off as forever unfinished right away, or doing anything as drastic as transferring them to someone else. I've had experiences where I felt really bad about a story and didn't know what to do with it or whatever, and all it took was coming back with a fresher pair of eyes--maybe a month later, sometimes close to a year--and things clicked a lot better, I had more ideas, I enjoyed it more, and I was able to finish it. Not all the time, but it can happen.

So what I would suggest is taking a break. Don't feel obligated to write or even think much about writing for, I don't know, maybe a week is enough, maybe that's too short. But step away for a little while, maybe shift your focus to something else, and then see how you feel about your stories afterwards.

It's up to you, ultimately. If you want to call it quits, that's your call and nobody can stop you. But if the reasons you're feeling that way are things that can be fixed, I think it'd be a shame if you didn't at least try.

7443234 Nopony knows your stories better than you do.

If you can't force yourself to finish them, you could turn them into collaborations. Whoever takes over would still benefit immensely from your input.


As much as I would like to continue writing my stories, I feel like I’m getting nowhere and merely fantasizing about them.

That’s all of us until those fantasies actually turn into something tangible. Just remember, no one is forcing you to write. It’s not like you get paid to do this either. No one says you have to leave just because you want to take a break from writing either. Participate as much as you want/can.

Just remember, writing is not easy. Don’t be afraid to fail because there is no learning in writing without failure.


That’s the basic idea, liquidate them out to other users. But I can’t just randomly plop them over to the first user that says “okay” or worse, corner some helpless random user and say “here you go, have at it.” I have a short list of criteria that do need to be meet before I transfer them.

1.) They need to be up to speed with my current story(s)

2.) They have to be willing to finish what they’ve been given. That includes the storyline beyond what I’ve already got and will provide what I can for them.

3.) they need to be well-versed enough so it doesn’t turn into something... repulsive? (That’s a bit stronger than what I was looking for but I think I’ve made my point)

They would be giving free rein with however they want to write it/them I would merely be another reader of their work seeing as they would become the new author.


The fact I’ve made this post at all means I’ve made up my mind. It’s not that I’m going to just quit writing stories, that’s something I enjoy doing, or did enjoy a while ago. (As I’ve told many people: “I’m better at story telling then I am at story writing”) Lately though, I’ve had a lot on my plate in the world of writing stories and can’t handle the workload I’ve put myself under. That’s not including my IRL responsibilities. Adding that to the equation, whenever I do make time for myself to type I’m a slow writer so I end up spending over an hour getting almost nothing done.

Perhaps if I where to unburden myself from the plethora of other stories I have, then I could focus on the one maybe two I really want to do.

I understand. Based on those criteria, there are a few authors I can suggest.

I’d like to get into contact with them. Or at least do a background check to see what they are capable of.


I asked them and it came out as a dead end. Anyone else I can look into? I’ll also ask around in other groups but right now IRL is in need of some attention.

I don't mean to sound like a negative Nancy, but those sound like pretty high expectations. You have to remember, this is a fan fiction website that's mostly non profit and done for fun. I have a bunch of stories up for adoption as well, and there was a time where I wanted to have those same criteria set in place, but after months of not getting a single comment or request to take the story, I decided to settle for whoever came first. Two of them are adopted now, by the same user, and it's out of my hands. They didn't use anything I had written, just the concept with their own unique spin on it.

I understand that you want to avoid what happened to that one displaced transformer fic, where the adopter just made it anthropology, added a few lines about the mane six's bust size, and forgot to edit out descriptions of them being quadrupedal when the adopter copied and pasted the work without editing it much, but you've got to take that risk if you want your work to live on.

I do understand that, but I also exchange a few words with them about what the story is then ask them if that’s something they’re interested in taking over. if they answer yes then I leave it to them, if the answer is ‘no’ or it’s not their style then I drop it and bid them farewell with the question of ‘if they know anyone that could be interested.’

So far I already got one of my story ideas over to another user, I only have... 6-7 more? I do... but I don’t... care too much about what they do with as long as (like you stated) it doesn’t get beaten and abused turn into whatever that story was.

But at the same time it’s sad to see so many unfinished stories. Out of the thousands of people on this site, there’s got to be at least a few that are willing to help. But that takes a lot of persistence among other things. I know they’re out there but I won’t find them If I don’t try.

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