The Lunaverse 2,575 members · 203 stories
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Below is the complete list of Season 1 Lunaverse stories. Every entry in this list is a part of the Lunaverse canon. This list is in chronological order of when it takes place in the story. New episodes can no longer be added.
Webisodes in this list are side-stories. They are canon and usually associated with the episode that precedes them on the list. New webisodes can be added at your leisure.

1. Longest Night, Longest Day, by RainbowDoubleDash Complete!
Webisode. Trixie and Prince Charming, by Rixizu Complete!
Webisode. The Night After, by Blackbelt Complete!
Webisode. Longest Night: Everypony's Day Group Project!
2. Family Matters, by RainbowDoubleDash Complete!
3. Helping...Hands?, by RainbowDoubleDash Complete!
Webisode. Trixie's Winter Wrap-Up, by Blackbelt Complete!
4. Griffin Over the Line, by Emeral Bookwise Complete!
Webisode Keep On Trying, by ColdGoldLazarus Complete!
5. File Under 'I' for 'Impossible', by Fizzy Orange Complete!
6. Ill Communication, by RK_Striker_JK_5 Complete!
7. Boast Busted, by RainbowDoubleDash Complete!
Webisode. Boast Busted, the Lost Tales, by Emeral Bookwise Complete!
8. Where There is Smoke, by Fizzy Orange Complete!
9. Secret of Andalantis, by Fizzy Orange Complete!
10. Carrot Top of the Line, by Fizzy Orange Complete!
11. Musicians and Dreamers, by GrassAndClouds2 Complete!
Webisode. A Canterlot Morning, by GrassAndClouds2 Complete!
12. Scootalong to the Cheer, by Blackbelt Complete!
Webisode. The School Talent Show, by Blackbelt Complete!
13. A Hard Bargain, by Zap Apple Smash Complete!
14. Carrot Top Season, by GrassAndClouds2 Complete!
Webisode. Greengrass's Night, by GrassAndClouds2 Complete!
15. Tales of Ponyville, by RainbowDoubleDash Complete!
16. Of Hearts and Hooves, by InsertAuthorHere AND To Cheerilee, with Love, by HopeFox Complete!
17. The Hero of Oaton, by thatguyvex Complete!
18. Through the Fire and Flames, by DagaYemar Complete!
19. Symphony of the Moon and Sun, by GrassAndClouds2 Complete!
20. A Chance Encounter, by Hendy853 and InsertAuthorHere Complete!
21. The Jackelope Valley Festival, by Froborr Complete!
22. Dinner with the Folks, by RK_Striker_JK_5 Complete!
Webisode Foaling Around, by GrassAndClouds2 Complete!
23. Adventures in Ponysitting, by Whiteeyes
24. Eye of the Hurricane, by InsertAuthorHere
25. Foalish Misadventures, by GrassAndClouds2 Complete!
26. At the Grand Galloping Gala, by RainbowDoubleDash Complete!
Webisode. The Game and the Garden, by Zeroxion564 Complete!
Webisode. Pinkie and Bluie, by Talon and Thorn Complete!
Webisode. Climbing the Mountain, by Talon and Thorn Complete!

Group Admin

So, I liked two certain H&H stories so much that I decided to just make them canon, and use them to jointly complete Lunaverse Season 1. Well, fill it in completely, not finish it. That's up to you guys. And me - have to finish Gala.

Why the two H&H stories? Well, for one thing, both of them are basically independent; they don't contradict each other at any point. For another, neither of them have any real long-term impact on the series, allowing them to be slotted in wherever without disrupting anything. They also firmly establish a few points which were kind of vague in the Lunaverse canon thus far; namely, that Cheerilee is a bit miffed about not having a very special somepony; and that Raindrops is secretly a hopeless romantic.

We can imagine that Cheerilee and Rarity broke things off in order to not make things hard on young Sweetie Bell.

Anyway. LOOK! A full season! Once everything is finished!

Group Contributor

Looks awesome, though I do love the H&H days fics isn't the Cheerilee one sort of going against the norm for Trixie? Sorry, both to you and the author, please feel free to ignore me , I wish you the best of luck with the Gala! :pinkiehappy:

All right! Season 2! Sign me up for it!

Group Admin

Trixie is repulsed by sexual feelings. She's basically fine with romantic ones, although she does conflate the two. In any event, Hopefox in the comments did point out that, like many emotionally immature ponies, Trixie probably has a difficult time distinguishing familial love from romantic love. She only thinks she has a crush on Luna, but in reality it's mostly just what Sweetie Bell felt for Cheerilee.

Group Contributor

ah ok then, I did figure it would be purely romantic, my brain went in for possible long term consequences even if it was just confusion. heh sorry, thanks for the clarification. :twilightblush:

Group Contributor

so it's now canon that Sweetie Belle had a crush on Cheerilee and Rarity and Cheerilee dated for awhile?




This is THE





(is currently writing the chapter of Cheerilee's date where Sweetie Belle appears)

Group Admin


You know, when you laugh like that, it makes me picture you standing over some dead body, wearing a blood-covered lab coat and cackling about how they all called you mad.

Group Contributor


Yeah, Middle School was a pretty crazy time. They eventually agreed I wasn't mad though.


When did you got the Oyashiro curse?

Group Contributor
Group Contributor

728732 Thank you again! I never thought this little story would get promoted to the Season 1 canon. Thanks for reading, everypony!

The way I see it, Cheerilee does want a very special somepony, but he or she needs to be just that - very special. Her wild days are behind her, and she wants somepony serious. She doesn't have a lot of free time, of course, which makes finding the right pony that much harder.

I did write Cheerilee and Rarity agreeing that dating while Sweetie Belle is Cheerilee's student would be awkward. I like to think that they get along better now, though, at least compared to their antagonism in their first appearance. Of course, rescuing Rarity's little sister from Corona had to have helped too.

728739 As RDD said, Trixie's feelings towards Luna are a bit confused right now. "Finding out" that Dinky had a crush on her, and realising that Snails almost certainly did too (I'm pretty sure that's Lunaverse canon, and practically show canon, really), made her re-examine her own feelings of admiration for Luna, and she came up with the wrong result. My guess is that Cheerilee and Ditzy will sit Trixie down and have an embarrassing but helpful talk about it, and then they'll write back to Luna and clear everything up.

729113 You know, right after I found out that it was going to be made canon, I wondered how it was going to affect your plans for Cheerilee's date. And not only did Sweetie Belle have a crush on Cheerilee, but Scootaloo and Dinky know about it. Have fun!

Group Contributor


Only tangentially related, but last year I ran a one-shot campaign at AnimeUSA set in the Higurashi world. The Interdimensional Action Squad (Guts, Homura Akemi, Al Elric, Yoko Littner, Mimi Tachikawa, the Inherently Disposable Ninja, and Rainbow Dash, with Misato Katsuragi running Mission Control from aboard the Catbus) were assigned to investigate and break the time loop the town was trapped in.

Pony-related highlights included: the Hinamizawa After-School Games Club using the Elements of Harmony to make Discord vulnerable, after which Homura took him out with one (quad-damage due to critical hits) shot from her RPG; Rainbow Dash Sonic Rainboom-ing Walpurgisnacht in the face, then using weather control to make LadyDevimon's wings ice over and drop her to her doom, after which RD popped on her sunglasses and pronounced "This fight just got 20% cooler," and RD and Guts utterlying terrifying Satoko's abusive uncle into letting her go.

(This post brought to you by procrastinating on both real work AND writing the next chapter of Jackelope Valley.)

Group Admin

Are we definitely not doing anything baku-related in season 1, then?

Group Contributor


...holy crap, I forgot that existed.

Group Contributor

I think it was decided it was to hard to pull off due to time/space constraints. But I could be wrong. It could always be tried again with Discord in place of Corona creating the nightmares.

Group Admin

734283: I don't remember that being decided.

Besides the big group fic, there had been a couple other individual baku ideas (like the one in which Bonbon or another secondary character is plagued by recurring nightmares, and the team must use a baku to do a kind of dreamscape battle thing to save the day). Although I suppose those can also work in S2, so it's not a big deal.

Group Contributor

Like I said I could easily be wrong.

As for the other ideas, a Baku seems a bit excessive for nightmares, plus they have Luna in direct contact with them so if it;s dangerous in a dream she'd be the better one to ask.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

734283 734370
It was never officially canceled, but no one ever really got started on anything either.

Anyway, Baku dreamscape merging or not, I'm still planning to get around to that CT super hero one-shot some time or another.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

733997 We could always put dreamscape adventure as a theme for the monthly writing event.

Group Contributor


Might as well have a theme where Luna does some Dreamwalking, and we catalouge what she sees....

Group Admin

734628: Luna: "Alright, I'll just check out Lyra's and Bonbon's dreams..."
*5 minutes later*
Luna: "Agh! I'm blind!"

Group Contributor


Nah, it'd be more like this.

"...I'll have to visit them next time their estrus period begins....."

Group Contributor

Dream one shot's or a dream walking challenge would be pretty cool.

hmm maybe she could dream walk and visit Cadence/Trixie? Or even give a dream tour would that be possible?

Group Contributor

I think it could be either, she's probably seen a lot of dreams in her life assuming she didn't just stick to foals dreams, (and wasn't unlucky enough to wonder in on them in puberty) But she may find such thing embarrassing in themselves or it may even make her feel like a perv, or she could love the idea, who knows? I imagine t could be pretty fun finding out regardless.
She may get freaked out if she wanders in on them having that threesome they wanted, except it;s not just Trixie but Cadence and Luna herself there as well.
There's a funny fic I like that addresses that somewhat, in an extremely cracky, Luna out of her time, way. :rainbowlaugh:

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

There is also the notion that Luna doesn't actually dream walk, but rather due to her affinity for dreams whenever any pony dreams about her that image of the princess becomes an aspect of the real thing (memories and all), and when the dream ends, like any other duplicate of the princess it merges back into her consciousness giving her full recollection of the event.

Were that the case, I could scarcely imagine the... unusual ...situations Luna has found herself in over the years.

Group Contributor

I'm not much for the idea myself, it's an interesting idea, kind of lovecraftian/omnipresent actually. :rainbowderp: Though it's not my call how dream chatting goes, and yeah I imagine she's ended up in a few weird dreams before, hmm would she try seeking out Corona/Celestia in dreams or would that be an extremely bad plan?

Group Contributor


I assume both sister, over the eons, have managed to build up psychic blocks to keep others, including eachother, from messing with their heads.

Luna seeking out Zecora's dream for information, on the other hand.....

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

I doubt anything bad could happen by seeking out Corona in her dreams. At least from the Baku story context, the idea was that dreams are only ever that -- they can't hurt you. As such, dreams would be something of a neutral ground where the two alicorn sisters could speak to each other without either having to put themselves at risk.

Still, that's assumes that either has much reason to speak to the other. By way of Early Reunion we know that for the whole 1000 years Luna has had the ability to go to the sun and speak with her sister, but of course never to any productive end, and so basically gave up even trying. I suppose now that Corona is loose and representing a real and present danger to Equestria, Luna might have reason to try again, but it seems doubtful Corona would ever be in much of mood to listen.

Zecora has assumably been preparing for these events much of her life, I'd wager she's got the mental resilience to keep others out of her mind... or at the very least she sleeps with an enchanted dreamcatch of some sorts to prevent unwanted intrusions.

More importantly though, this is sort of why I prefer the idea that Luna herself isn't the one who goes dream walking, but rather that an aspect of her simply appears whenever someone dreams about her. It basically avoids the idea that she can intrude upon others when they are most vulnerable and replaces it with her basically having to be invited in. Still it, could work just as well with the idea that anyone capable of lucid dreaming would always be in full control and that even Luna can't overpower someone else in their own dreams

Group Contributor


Part of me also believes that, when it comes to dreams, the dreamer must allow the walker entry. It has to be consensual., that sounds dirty.

Group Contributor

Hmm good point there, I was kind of reminded of Deathwing and Ysera the dreamer's refusal to enter his dreams out of sheer terror. Though, I was not really thinking it could be used as a meeting place, though that is certainly possible, maybe even to lure Luna/Corona into a trap. But I was mostly thinking of it being used to try and track Corona or figure out her plans.

I'm not much for the aspect idea, as it's being suggested, but that's personal opinion.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

Hey, where does 'Cheerilee's Date' fits in all this??

May I volunteer to make an episode? I'm not entirely sure how that whole thing works. ( I cant yet, but in the next couple of days. ( I want to read through the episodes we have up as of so far so I can familiarize myself with the community. ( I found it through "A Crisis on Two Equestrias" ( anyone know of any other good communities besides this one ( which I'm LOVING so far by the way)? Never thought I'd have a need of getting into any, just thought I'd write and read as an individual, but now seeing what they're all about I'm really excited. I wish I'd found this site earlier, it's a million times better than ( for anyone interested in reading some of my work I'm Connor Gorden on there too, and Nala's Pride is best work. ( sorry, not meaning to self promote)

Group Contributor

Welcome to the group! :pinkiehappy:

Anyone can volunteer to write an episode, though RainboeDoubleDash has final say on where all the stories go, Season 1 is currently full and RDD needs to write the Season 2 premier as that apparently introduces something of a game changer. But there's lot'd of ideas floating around the Brainstorming thread, for fanfics, semi-canon/tie ins and the full cannon episodes and you can bring your own idea to the discussion there and see what happens. I personally recommend starting with a fic or Tie in due to the current season schedule (plus we're still hashing out some of the details for Corona's arc) but if you get an idea you like or want to try for Season 2 then feel free as well, we'll be happy to offer any help you may need.

As for other groups, I can personally recommend the small but growing ManehattenVerse, if you are a fan of Celestia there's Protect Celestia and we also have a secondary group called Raindrops needs more Love.
I hope this helps and welcome again. :twilightsmile:

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

Maybe this thread should get pinned...

Guys, this is brilltastic. I've only discovered the Lunaverse in the last few weeks, and have subsequintly (hehe horse pun ok I'm sorry) devoured all the completed Season 1 episodes as fast as I could read. You've all done a fabulous job here. And this is from someone who normally hates AUs. :twilightsmile::trixieshiftright:

Group Admin

728731: Wha thappened to 'Cheerilee's Date for the GGG'?

Group Admin

I thought that was semi-canon...

Group Admin

902642: Oh, oops. I thought it was canon for some reason. My bad. Sorry.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

901446 Thanks! We do our best :pinkiehappy:

Surprised this isn't stickied. This is exceedingly useful, but I had to dig back two pages in the forum to find it again.

Group Contributor

Hey, my updates not listed! It looks like my story hasn't updated in almost 8 months!

So when are all the these unfinished episodes going to be finished exactly??? I'm near the end of Hero of Oaton and I don't want to go on until the rest is filled in. Also Secret of Andalantis has Rarity, but Carrot top of the line also has Rarity. I'm fairly sure they take place at the same time, but I can't be sure since secret of Andalantis isn't finished and there both by Fizzy Orange so it shouldn't be a lack of communication. Or does Rarity have an evil clone or something??? :rainbowhuh:

have i ever told you guys i love this fic (in my mind is just one BIG fic ) i think not.....anyway......i love it.........and the authors too .....and everything not partaining math (sry in the middle of an all nighter and i am kind of delirius right now)

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

1170799 Bwahaha :trollestia:

1624241 Thank you! :twilightsmile:


Silly question. What's the difference between the chapters marked with numbers and the one's marked with Webisode?

Group Admin

Webisodes are fully canon, but they're also usually just little side-stories, either too short to be proper episodes, or involving minor characters or events that don't really tie into the main chronology.


Awesome. Thank you :twilightsmile:.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

A webisode is usually some kind of direct follow up or addendum to the preceding episode.

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