Original Pairings 496 members · 718 stories
Comments ( 26 )
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Yeah. Weekend With the Dragon Lord definitely deserves its place as winner.

Yay! Pancakes and hugs for all!


Oh! Big thanks! I greatly appreciate it.

A wonderful honor to have - and the whole point behind the contest. I'm flattered.

As a side note, I have to ask: how do you get the judging done so fast every year? A couple of us were discussing it the other day and it's crazy how this contest pulls in such a huge number of stories, yet you get the judging done in 3-4 days while other contests take 30+.

You know in Rick and morty, there's that assassin character who is like " oh boy, here I go killing again! "

Well I feel very similar except it's, oh boy, here I go expanding my read later list again! Congratulations to all the wonderful stories and Authors!

(Though I'm sad you didn't have a worst story honorable mention as I think I would have won that prize! XD )

Congrats everyone

Wow, that was fast. Wasn't expecting results until the end of the month :rainbowlaugh:

At any rate, this was fun. Thanks for hosting it.

Congrats to all the winners!

I am humbled and honored to have gotten as high as 2nd place in this contest full of fantastic writers. I went into this only with the intent of giving a story worthwhile to both characters I chose. To see so many approve of it and enjoy it brings me a joy I cannot put into words. Thank you, and I wish all the best to all the participants and hope to see more great works from all of you! :twilightsmile:

Impressive response time. Thanks for a great contest and congratulations to all the winners!

I also noticed that there were a couple stories out there that--while only using two character tags for the two main protagonists--had other characters whose supporting role could have justified a third character tag.

Probably guilty as charged on that one. Sorry for wasting everyone’s time.

Congrats to all the winners!

Congratulations, everyone!! This was a blast this year, just like it was last year, and I can't wait for the next go-round!

Hmmm, the three winners are also a stoplight trifecta: ETM.

Congrats to everyone! :pinkiehappy:


"...we probably still loved your story even if it was an entire freaking encyclopedia on the history of Equestria which I specifically said not to write".

From the author of the offending piece; thank you.
It was forbidden :raritydespair:. Yet, it had to be told. :ajsmug:. Regardless of the risks! :pinkiehappy:
Congratulations to the winners!

Congrats to the winners! I'm a bit disappointed I didn't get anything in this year, though I did end up starting something I never finished, but the fact the number of entries is the same as last year is really neat. So I'd have just ruined that consistency had I joined, really.


Guess I better hurry up and make the actual cover art I'd intended for that fic already then. I honestly thought it was going to take y'all longer to do the judging. :rainbowlaugh:

...hot diggity, didn't the contest just end a day or so ago? You folks must've put in some serious overtime to go through almost EIGHTY fics, kudos! Congrats to the winners, and thanks to everybody involved for hosting this - love me some out-of-left-field pairings! :twilightsmile:

Congratulations 🎉!!
I had no illusion of winning, just happy I got to participate ^.^

Looking forward to reading as many of the entries as possible! How’d you judges do it so fast? Congrats to the winners, and I hope I’ll be able to participate next time.

Congrats, winners! :twilightsmile:

Well, can't say I'm suprised I lost. I had a feeling I wouldn't be able to keep up. Congrats to the rest of you though:heart:

Great to see so much Pie Sister representation in the top here! For what it's worth, I thought The Profanity Garden got the characterisation down a lot better than How to Farm Rocks, but the latter had all the worldbuilding, which is what it's being judged for with that award. Congratulations to all the entrants, and double congratulations to the winners!

I'm a bit sad I didn't get around to entering the contest this year, but you'll be back in 2022, right?

Well I have to say, I was expecting to lose, but I wanted to people enjoy my new shipping which I developed. Wallflower X Spike, I found it soo fun to write a story about my personal experience as a swimmer, and I have to say I loved writing, and now that the contest is over, I plan to add more sequels and Finally add more deep story with more characters over there.

I really hope the judges have enjoyed reading this story the same way I loved writing.

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