The (Not So) Cynical Creators Guild 232 members · 1,000 stories
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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

According to Lyra, this was what was listed for the Discord, Skype, and Steam groups for the old group, which kinda rolls them over to the new group. This is what the old group's thread said!

Edit: Updated with new links 3/6/2019.

Group Skype and Discord Chat

Hey everyone.

I'm just letting you know that thanks to The Cynical Brony and Soaring Soarin we now have a group Skype and Discord chat!

Skype Chat:

Group Discord Chat:

Share And Connect:

Art-Tastic Creations:

Feel free to join the group chat rooms and chat with other group members.

TEWG Steam Group

Thanks to Soaring Soarin we now how have a Steam Group.

TEWG Steam Group:

Feel free to join the steam group and participate in game play with other group members.

--Sweetie Belle


Shouldn't this be pinned?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I think the old one wasn't, but was linked to on the front page.

The front page is kinda a mess right now, though. I suppose pinning it is a good idea.

--Sweetie Belle

Ember Q Discordia
Group Admin

To my knowledge, the Skype group is still on lockdown from a big Russian bot incident that we're still cleaning up from. It'll be open eventually once we figure out how to keep them from coming back in and kicking out all the inactive members just taking up space. If I'm wrong and you can join just fine, ignore this message.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Oh, I haven't actually logged into Skype for a long time, just Discord. Skype is scary!

Thanks for letting me know it is on lockdown. Hopefully that goes away soon.

--Sweetie Belle

Ember Q Discordia
Group Admin

Cynical says once we can get Obs to kick out all the inactives clogging up the user list and find a suitable way to block out the bots, it should be going smoothly again and we can re-integrate the Skype group back into the actual group. It all depends on when we can get someone with the right privileges on to do the purge.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, that's good, at least.

If it was Discord, I'd be throwing Sweetie Bot in there and configuring her to take care of the spammers, as I've gotten pretty familiar with her, but I really don't know much about Skype.

--Sweetie Belle

Ember Q Discordia
Group Admin

Skype's got some issues when it comes to permissions and such. Roles are basically non-existent and the commands for different levels of administration are clunky and weird. We're working with what we have at the mo.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, that doesn't sound good.

I personally stopped signing on when I started getting random pm requests from people that I didn't know and didn't seem to be from fimfiction...

--Sweetie Belle

Ember Q Discordia
Group Admin

Well, we're sort of starting fresh. It's kind of like the Byzantine Empire of this collapse. Not so much the Justinian part, more like Justin II onward. It's good, and it's trying its best to cling to all the shit it just lost, but it's bound to collapse within the next 800 years from invasion. But instead of the Ottomans, it's Russian bots.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, I can always update the skype link if we end up with a whole new one. That'd go with a whole new group, I suppose.

--Sweetie Belle

Ember Q Discordia
Group Admin

We're probably gonna keep it just because it's a bigger pain just to start over and re-give permissions. It's easier to do a few kicks than to do 20 re-ranks through the aforementioned clunky code system.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

That is a point. Never hurts to consider all options, tho'.

--Sweetie Belle

Ember Q Discordia
Group Admin

If the bot issue continues, we might have to build the whole thing from scratch on that end, too. But we'll burn that bridge after we cross it.

So um the Discord server doesnt exist anymore. Is anyone going to start up a new one?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

It looks like it still exists to me. That invite link expired, tho'.

I don't have admin rights there, but I think this link should work...

--Sweetie Belle

Mystical Rainboom
Group Admin

This has been updated recently apparently

Officer Hotpants
Group Admin

Do you use Discord? I've been meaning to ask. You and a few others, actually.

Mystical Rainboom
Group Admin

Sometimes, but not often.

Officer Hotpants
Group Admin

Sounds like me, though I've been trying to remember to use it more.

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