Equestria at War 1,820 members · 808 stories
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Feather Book
Group Admin

The Equestria at War team is proud to announce the second Equestria at War Write Off!

You have until the 24th April to write a story between 2,000 to 10,000 words. The story must be set in the Equestria at War Universe and must fit within established lore. The story can be any theme or genre and can be about whatever or whoever you want so long as it fits within the universe. M rated submissions are allowed, but no pornography, highly questionable content or extreme gore is allowed.

The deadline is 23:59:59 (PDT) on the 24th April.
Here's a countdown for you all: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20190424T235959&p0=137&msg=EaW+Writing+Contest+Deadline&font=cursive&csz=1

The 1st place prize is a portrait made by the one and only lead of Equestria at War Scroup, a special role on the EaW Discord, and certain events and or characters from your story making it into the Equestria at War mod. (Should they not conflict with the already established universe)

The 2nd place prize is a special role on the EaW Discord and certain events and or characters from your story making it into the mod itself (should they not conflict with the already established universe), along with a steam key for the Hearts of Iron IV Man The Guns DLC, gifted by Psody.

And finally the 3rd place prize is a role on the EaW Discord server and a public reading of your story by either Cyrus or Psody, inform us which you would prefer. (All winners are eligible for a live reading should they choose so, just ask us nicely.)

All submissions are to be added to the 2019 Contest folder before the deadline.

Your judges are: Feather Book, Cyrus, Gara the Author, Vren55, Flying Dutchpony and Psody.

Due to some outstanding submissions last time, we are allowing in-universe writings that are not stories, however these must be submitted directly to a judge on the EaW Discord server due to FimFiction rules.

Feel free to join us on the Equestria at War Discord!

I'll write this in hope for the update to 1.6, lol

I'd love to participate... but I'm not sure if I can manage it this time. We shall see.

I've played the mod but I don't really know much of the lore. Any where I can read up on that? Also is anthro allowed?

Hell yes! I'll try my best to get first place this time >;)

Been loving this mod. I think I’ll throw my hat in the ring :raritywink:

What counts the established lore? Is it only certain events, such as the great war, or is it more general, like, everything that has an event in the game is a part of the lore?

Feather Book
Group Admin

6786723 6787213 For what counts as "in lore", you can use characters, events, nations, etc. as inspiration for your story and set your story in or around them. But so long as the story doesn't contradict lore, for example, Starlight Glimmer having defeated Chrysalis and reformed the changelings (something that hasn't happened in EaW) would be against the lore. But a story about an Chrysalis during the final days of the war (win or lose), a oc pony farming turnips for the war effort, a oc griffon going on a dangerous mission into Brodfeld, or even a story of Grover V's coronation would all be acceptable as being in the lore.

It's a very bored category and so long as there are no outrageous lore breaks then we won't mind.

To read more about the lore, you can always visit our wiki here.

6786723 so, sorry, no anthros.

So, do you want these to be single chapter or multiple chapters? I mean, 10k words is easily a medium to long chapter for me.

They're usually Single-Chapter

Feather Book
Group Admin

Either. But it is a 10k total limit.

I guess my recent short I just posted on Fanfiction.net won't qualify, but at least I had fun since I like crossovers and superheroes.

Question: Would these rules allow for crossovers, so long as what’s being crossed over is not from “the Canon MLP” universe? Because I have two crossover ideas, one featuring a short crossover with Kaiserreich (aka the most famous mod of Hearts of Iron IV, the game EAW is also a Mod for), the other elaborating on the origins of a certain Ms. Skye from Lake City...

Feather Book
Group Admin

That's fine so long as it fits with the other rules.

What happens if I post the story ON the 24th of April? Is that allowed? Or is that not allowed?

Feather Book
Group Admin

Probably should have clarified this at the start. The deadline is 23:59:59 EST on the 24th April.

Thanks, that gives me enough time to edit my story.

Whew thanks for asking that. I had the same question!

Are we both literally going to publish our stories like five hours just before the deadline?

Don't worry, I have to rewrite like two chapters becuase I forgot to press save on them. Ooorah.

Much appreciated :heart:

That's a nice clock there.

I’ve finished my story, but it’s stuck in the Approve Queue, waiting for a mod to approve it before I can show the story anywhere else on the site. Can you or anyone else in the Equestria At War group help me approve it so I can submit the story to the 2019 Writing Contest folder on time?

Feather Book
Group Admin

Don’t worry. If it’s stuck in the queue we will accept it once it’s through. Let me know the story name and I will speak to a moderator if it doesn’t go through soon. If it does not pass moderation (it’s very unlikely for that to happen) then we will discuss alternative ways to enter.

Thanks! The story is “Siege Of The Sito Line”. Let me know if you need the password to it (I’ll PM it if you do), or just needed the story name.

Agh, looks like I won't be able to finish my story. Curse my crappy writing ability and horrible indecision! :raritydespair:

Feather Book
Group Admin

6836995 :raritydespair:

You did really well last year! One of the best. Whenever you get it done, I look forward to reading it.

Oh, well thanks! Glad to hear people thought my last submission was very good, I didn't get much feedback on it. And I'll certainly try and get it finished :twilightsmile:

Good luck to all for the final judgment. I've gotten the chance to read all of them, and they are well written. Some had room for improvement, but overall pleasant enough to read, and even more so to participate!

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