Bronies 296 members · 2,156 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Group Admin

Da Rulez Time!

Spamming posts or threads will not be tolerated. People don't want to deal with thousands of notifications that are all the same thing. That being said, self-promotion is allowed, but an author is only allowed to post threads like that twice per week. That being said, those two threads must be about different stories, etc.

Cursing is allowed, but keep it to a minimum and put that little spoiler tag over it. If your whole thread is full of cussing, simply but a little language warning in your name. (Ex: NSFW–Language) If this rule isn't followed, your thread/comment will be deleted. Three times and it results in a suspension from the group.

The admins have the final say in everything. You know, unless they're trying to force you to do something uncomfortable, etc.

No mature content. Just don't.

Nothing that will offend somebody. I don't need to see what you think of this race or sex, that's your deal. Although, things like politics can be discussed. (Just know it's a rather strange and rage full topic to some)

Upload stories in only up to three folders, unless you have permission otherwise.

Label your threads, properly. I don't need a spoiler for some movie I haven't seen yet. If you want to show spoilers that's fine, but remember to put that in the title.

Art is allowed to be posted. Just obey rule one.

Things not related to MLP can be posted. (Overwatch, TF2, etc.) But do remember this is a MLP writing group.


Label your threads, property.




Nothing that will offend somebody.

Now THAT'S a rule I can get behind (most of my non-political posts generally don't have the intent to offend anyone.)

One of the first things I'll do here, probably, is post some Oddity Archive episodes over here. We've heard little of that here, but Oddity Archive is one of the most popular YouTube channels, and I happen to like that particular channel myself. Plus, I feel that these are pretty well in compliance with the rules this group has (the group and the videos are traditionally on the PG level).


All property is theft! :twilightangry2:


If the community of this site was Reddit-like, this group would be flooded by threads named 'property' by now.

Group Admin


Took me four weeks to fix that. :trollestia:


No mature content. Just don't.

I like this group. :pinkiehappy:

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