Starlight Glimmer 1,552 members · 2,925 stories
Comments ( 69 )
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Group Contributor

Greetings and thank you for joining, Starlight Glimmer! This is the thread where you can get to know other people in the group. Please follow a format similar to this:
Name: (does not have to be real one)
Bio: (here you can give a short summary of yourself)
Fav Pony:
Fav Story:
OC: (state name, personality, appearance and job if you can)
You are free to add anything else, this is simply a guideline.

(link to Questions, Comments, Complaints)

Comment posted by Toffee Bean deleted Mar 5th, 2015
Comment posted by FrozenBullet deleted Mar 5th, 2015
Group Admin

Name: Call me Gic-wig

Bio: 18 years old, Majoring in mechanical engineering at Kennesaw State's Marietta Campus (Formerly Known as Southern Polythechnic), I'm an American with the soul of a Brit.

Likes: Food, especially food that includes either sugar, or meat and cheese, Music, most every kind, Comics, mostly a DC fan but I like Marvel to, Norse Mythology, Anime, Here is myanimelist if your interested, and of course MLP.

Dislikes: I try not to think about things I don't like so I'm not going to take the time to list them.

Fav Pony: Twilight Sparkle.

Fav Story: The Life and Death of a DJ.

OC: I don't have a finalized oc, but I know that they are a griffin.

Comment posted by Toffee Bean deleted Mar 5th, 2015
Comment posted by FrozenBullet deleted Mar 5th, 2015
Comment posted by Toffee Bean deleted Mar 5th, 2015
Comment posted by gcwg57 deleted Mar 5th, 2015

Name: Call me Tacitus

Bio: 20 yrs old, majoring in history, studying to get my PhD and become a professor. I am an American with the soul of an Irishman and a love for all things British.

Likes: History, good food (pub food, cajun food, etc.), video games, movies, TV, anime, I'm really big into Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, Magic the Gathering, basically all things nerdy, and MLP.

Dislikes: People who are mean or hateful.

Fav Pony: Please don't make me choose :fluttercry:

Fav Story: Again, please don't make me choose :fluttercry:

OC: While I have many OCs planned out for future stories, my main OC is Tacitus, who you can see on my profile avatar. If you'd like some info on him, you can click here


Name: Gumball2

Biography: I'm just your average writer that lacks any grace or style. But if you must ask, read my biography

Likes: MLP, writing, history, politics, music, theater, math, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Starlight.

Dislikes: When people forget who Pinkie really is.

Favorite Pony: Pinkie. I could write for volumes why.

Favorite Story: My Special Somepony is my favorite of the works I have made. But if you're asking my favorite story on this site, it would have to be Purpose by Zompony.

OC: I don't really have a favorite.

Group Admin


I feel like we are going to get along well.


Likes: MLP, writing, history, politics, music, theater, math, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Starlight.

Do I have another drama nerd in my midst? Or do you just enjoy watching theater? Both are awesome.


I have theater experience and I'm currently in a production of "The Sound of Music" (I'm playing Franz).

4140588 Indeed good sir. :moustache:

I also quite enjoy theater, both watching and performing when given the chance. Improv is my speciality.

Group Admin

4140592 I'm a member of a drama group at an engineering college. We don't get to do much.

Group Admin

4140603 See I suck at improv. Give an interesting character and I'll do awesome with it.
I've played (From favorite role to least favorite): A slimy lawyer, a Ukrainian scientist, a drunk German, a mime, a zombie, a dental physician, a grad student, and a trouble making 4th grader.

4140670 I love how a slimy lawyer and a drink German are in your top three :rainbowlaugh:
That's awesome. I need to try and get into a drama group. Truth be told, I've never been in a real play, but I've always wanted to perform. This may seems cliche, but I've always wanted to star in a Shakespeare play.

Group Admin

4140683 Shakespeare is great. I've actually seen the Shakespeare Tavern in Atlanta twice. They're really good.

Group Contributor

4139797 After a Mishap with the threading I re-post this here!

Hello Fellow Group Members,

It is with great happiness that I post this introductory thread. After my whole introductory Spiel feel free to ask me any questions about me. I'm a pretty open book (Or so many think...) but, if you happen upon something not covered, I will answer to the best of ability. I retain the right to answer, as some things I don't want people to know. Onto the Spiel!

Name: The People I am not great friends with call me Leo or Mister Leo. If I call you friend at any time take that to think you can call em Codini, the name I go by when I am good friends with someone and IRL.

Bio: Read my Profile Page, there is an in-depth list there.

Likes: See above

Dislikes: See above

Fav Pony: See above

Fav Story:

OC: There is a whole thing on that one my page, once again.

There. That's my Spiel. Feel free to ask questions!


Heir L. Detournay, Heir Presumptive of Elder and Noble House of Detournay.

(P.S. That last one is a real thing!)

Group Admin

Name: BikerPon3

Bio: Well I'm 24, British, from north-east England. I spend an unholy amount of time on FiMFiction. I write, I review, and admin for a few groups. (This one included)

Likes: Motorcycles, obviously. I'm particularly fond of sunny skies and nice twisty roads. I also have a soft spot for ponies. (Who knew?)

Dislikes: Anyone who abuses Fluttershy or Sweetie Belle in their fics. Like, it really pis*es me off.

Fav Pony: Fluttershy, in case you couldn't tell from my avatar.

Group Contributor

Heyo people!
Name: Please, call me Spectrum :twilightsmile:

Bio: I'm 28 years brazilian lesbian from Rio de Janeiro. Totally addicted to MLP, Once Upon a Time and Hunger Games. Yes, that's what you see here, see more in my page

Likes: Fillyfooling (duh), ponies (duuuh), cats, dogs, animals, Octavia, books, writing, food, TV series, and many other things.

Dislikes: Too MANY things to say

Fav Pony: Octavia Melody

Fav Story: My Roommate is a Vampire

4139797 Name: Sorcerer

Bio: The most egotistical writer you will ever meet. Court mage to Ms. Discord (or as she is known now, Disparkila) Also an actor. Eager for comments and ready to analyse this new villain of ours.

Likes: Ms Dischordia, video games such as Fire Emblem Awakening, Phoenix Wright, Kingdom Hearts and anything by Nintendo. Very appreciative to my loyal viewers. I am also fond of extensive vocabularies. People who explain themselves. After all, the best kind of chaos is organized chaos.

Dislikes: Literature that interpret Ms Lulamoon in a bad light and downvoters who don't care to explain themselves. You know who you are.

Favorite Pony: Ms. Trixie Lulamoon

Favorite Story: Getting You Back On Your Hooves


Name: Fluttercheer (or call me Scoots, because I'm also CMC_Scootaloo on Equestria Daily!)

Bio: I'm not good at writing bios and my life wasn't all that exciting so far, so I'm leaving it at the basic informations.

Age: 28

Country: Austria

Profession: Writer and artist.

Likes: Ponies! And zombies. Zombie Ponies!

Dislikes: Hate, intolerance of any kind, "Bronies" calling themselves Bronies despite that they aren't Bronies, Scootachicken jokes, the term "headcanon", deniers of the credibility of the official comics and the unfortunate habit of this fandom to be overly critical with both fan animations as well as the show and the official comics, while not being the brightest bunch and failing to understand even the most easy plot aspects of the show and the comics, as well as the unfortunate habit to call episodes or comic issues bad just because it doesn't understand the plot or certain characters' behavior.

Fav Pony: Scootaloo! <3

Fav Story: Don't force me to choose! :fluttercry:

OCs: Shapy Cloud, Golden Grape, Snowy Breeze and Nasty Hooves

Please don't draw them for now. As their creator, I want to be the first one who draws them.


Dislikes: People who are mean or hateful.

I think we will get along well. :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Fluttercheer deleted Mar 10th, 2015

4154864 I get along with just about everyone, so I think you're right :pinkiehappy:


Hmm, that surprises me to hear now. With what you wrote here, I thought you would only get along well with the minority of this fandom.
Either you're extremely patient too and just haven't wrote it here or you meet entirely different people in this fandom than me.
Is there a place in this fandom were most bronies are still sane? If so, please show me the path to this magical wonderland. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


You are obviously dealing with the wrong fans, it's rare that I actually run into one of the annoying, crazy ones on here.


Also, what's wrong with headcanon?

4155386 I guess its a bit of both. I'm really patient, but I honestly haven't met very many bad bronies on this site. I've made a lot of good friends on here.

Psalm 137:9 (NIV)—Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.


I see. I guess you two stay away from new episode discussions and official comics discussions then, because that's where it shows off how incredibly mean, unfair and judging this fandom can be and where we get reminded on it that the majority of bronies aren't the brightest bunch around.

Also, what's wrong with headcanon?

It's really just the term itself.
I grew an aversion against this term when I last year stumbled into some people who couldn't differentiate between a "headcanon" and a theory based on things that were shown or implied in the show or the official comics.
The term "headcanon" is basically mostly a condescending term to denounce good theories that make sense, used by people who can't stand the theory because they don't like the subject matter of the theory for whatever reason.
That's what I had to learn the hard way last year on Equestria Daily and since then I dislike this term greatly and grew just less fond of it over time.

4155448 Well, you're always welcome in my neck of the woods; no judgement, no hate:pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

1. I've always used the term headcanon for things that I personally believe are true in the show, that theoretically could be true. I actually have a post about this. (please take a look at it).

2. You're right I don't go to the discussions, but I would like to say that it's not that there are a lot that are mean and stupid, it's that those few people that are voice their opinions more and louder than everyone else's. Maybe we should make a group for discussions, that has a strict "don't be a dick" policy?


1. I've always used the term headcanon for things that I personally believe are true in the show, that theoretically could be true. I actually have a post about this. (please take a look at it).

That's exactly what I mean. You can only base a theory on and theorize that it's true, if something is shown or at least implied in the show or the official comics. That's a theory then.
A "headcanon" would be if you simply wish for something to happen or to be the case, without any signs or hints there for it, like, for example, if you would say "In my headcanon, Derpy and Daring Do are sisters.", because there's no hint for it in the show or the official comics so far.
People just don't get this difference between a headcanon and a theory and this drives me crazy sometimes, especially if someone uses the term "headcanon" to denounce a theory he or she doesn't like.

You're right I don't go to the discussions, but I would like to say that it's not that there are a lot that are mean and stupid, it's that those few people that are voice their opinions more and louder than everyone else's.

If only that would be true. You should see how the Western Arc of the official comics gets bashed on Equestria Daily for no reason by almost everyone and once you oppose it and explain how Twilight's behavior makes sense and why she hesitated to attack the Cattle Rustlers directly with her magic to lock them away, you get picked on and portrayed as an idiot.

But let's stop with that now. We're on the verge of a long discussion here and this is not what this thread is for.

Maybe we should make a group for discussions, that has a strict "don't be a dick" policy?

That sounds like a swell idea, especially because I have often the feeling lately that the better part of the fandom is here on, but still, if we do that, we would have to face a lot of complaints alá "So I can't be a dick even if it's my opinion!?" anyway and to overcome this with sticking strict to the philosophy nonetheless and we would have to work out the groups' rules very good, so that bashing of stuff is impossible, but without that anyone can accuse us of suppressing opinions.

Name: EarthBound Pwny.
Bio: Female living in 'Murica.
Likes: Cheese, ponies, reading, games
Dislikes: Bullies, terrorists, haters, ignorance
Favorite pony: Rarity
Favorite story: The Secret Life of Rarity by BronyWriter
OCs: I've lost count of them all. And yet I haven't written any stories that feature them.


Thanks. I'll remember that and follow that invitation when the time comes. :twilightsmile:

Name: Just call me... Cash.
Bio: No-one in particular. Your average and avid brony gamer. (Teens-30s)
Likes: Doing quick sketches of pokemon, candy floss, fried chicken, the moon, and lemon bundt cake.
Dislikes: Bad OCs, pop-up ads, orange starburst, and the sun.
Fav Pony: Derpy Doo.
Fav Story: CCC
OC: Neo God of Madness ACC Ember Quentin Hewdraw.
The internet. The internet is my personality.
My avatar is my looks.
Bringer of death and mailman.
(OC)CV: The Blacksmith from castle crashers, with a brown bandana around his mask.
Pretty serious.
Blacksmith (duh)
(OC) Osiris: This guy right here.
Similar to that of Wonder-White from Wonderful 101.
Technician for Ember's blimp.
(OC) Rick: Dis goy.
The Egoraptor to Ember's Jontron. Silly like Ember, but a bit toned down.
Drug dealer

Name: Great and Powerful Fan (but call me Fan or Scorp)

Country: Austria

Bio: Just a normal Brony like you but with a dark side and i like to write (first fiction) and learn to improve myself.

Likes: MLP of course, Steam, Gaming and I love the Internet (spend most of my time here), Everything with Trixie as superior.

Dislikes: Everyone who say that trixie is bad (she is a bad pony and such stuff) i hate it if anyone just say this and then not explain why he think so

Fav Pony: The Great and Powerful Trixie (was there ever any doubt)

Fav Story: There are so much but i think 120 days of blueblood was really interesting

OC: Silver Soldier (but not really sure about his backround)

Bio: While I am right now a very hated user (everyone is free to check on my single uploaded story to see why, warning, is mature rated and quite dark) I was graciously invited to join, so here I am. I have been lurking the villain fictions for a long time, but never wrote anything until recently.
Likes: Villains, love story involving them filled with angst and tension, mature storylines.
Dislikes: Overly happy stories.
Fav Pony: King Sombra
Fav Story: The Umbra King, by Car cloth.

4139797 Might as well give it a go...

Name: You can call me Cloud if you want, I don't really mind.

Bio: I mainly draw, but in my free time, I either write or make LetsPlay videos on good ol' YouTube.

Likes: Ponies, Metal, Video games (especially those of the Horror genre), Mysticism, and Drawing.

Dislikes: Arrogance, People who think higher of themselves and that they're better than everyone, and really bad pop music... :facehoof:

Fav Ponies: Chrysalis and Vinyl Scratch... and Scootaloo.

Fav Story: Applebloom: Transform and Roll Out!

OC: Too long to be read... but my main story tells his history. Link

Name: Punzil504

Bio: I just submitted my first story in over a year, and it's all thanks to Starlight Glimmer.

Likes: Tubas and Tatzlwurms

Dislikes: Clop for Clop's sake

Fav Pony: Beauty Brass

Fav Story: I have sixty four of them... and counting.

OC: Cacophony, a tangerine coated daughter of a Lunar Guardpony.


Name: Please, call me Weegee.

Bio: I am a product of random chance and very slim odds.

Likes: Playing video games, reading fanfics, and watching YouTube videos

Dislikes: Exercise, healthy eating, and terrible smells and sounds.

Fav Pony: Princess Luna

Fav Story: Too many to choose from.

OC: I have multiple, but the only one I'm putting here is a scholarly Pegasus by the name of Draconic Writ. As can be inferred, he is a scholar, most in his element with little-known languages. His Cutie Mark is of a stone tablet with near-illegible text on it. His coat is navy, his mane and tail are a lighter shade of blue with some purple stripes for variety. Somewhat stocky, he isn't the tallest stallion. He always seems to be in a bad mood, because he almost always is, but, when among close friends, he is an amicable sort. Sadly, he has very few close friends because most ponies tend to avoid him.

And that is all. I don't know why I was invited to this group, but I'll be certain to make the best of it.

Name: Just call me StormLuna

Bio: I'm 36 years old.....I can't think of much more to say right now.

Likes: MLP (obviously), classic rock and 80s metal, meat (except ham because it gives me migraines), reading and writing fan fics, football/basketball/baseball/hockey, Ancient Aliens, astronomy, shows about hauntings.

Dislikes: Rap music, little kids, and too many more to count

Favorite Pony: Starlight Glimmer

Favorite story: I have a ton of them but Cheerilee's Garden/Scarlet Harvest, Cutie Mark Cleansers and The Black Apple are ones I always find myself re-reading a lot.

OC: Solar Eclipse, a black Alicorn stallion with a solar eclipse cutie mark.

Name: Tails
Bio: 29-year-old brony from the U.S. I love MLP, Red Green, food, sleep, death metal, and beer. I've been into fiction, especially fanfiction, ever since I learned how to write.
Likes: Besides the things mentioned above, wrestling, boxing, MMA, football, and collecting movies and shows.
Dislikes: Political correctness, religious dogma, weak coffee, rap music.
Fav Pony: Lyra, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Maud Pie, Silver Spoon, and of course...Starlight Glimmer. :rainbowkiss:
Fav Story: Anthropology (Jason the Human), Where Your Heart Is (Cloudy Skies), and The Best Night Ever (Capn Chryssalid). Plus 7 more. You can see them in my profile. Not to mention many others that are in my "favorites" list.
OC: Sandy Parchment, a shy unicorn scholar with a peach coat and gold and beige hair. Her mane is braided. She travels around Equestria trying to learn and write everything she can about other pony societies. Her cutie mark is a quill pen and scroll.

I was very taken with the S5 premiere, and Starlight Glimmer instantly fascinated me. I want to know all about her and I really hope she comes back at some point!

Name: Just call me Chiami
Bio: 24, female, author and artist. Enjoy listening to music and reading as well.
Likes: Drawing, Writing, reading, playing video games and looking at cool stuff on the internet.
Dislikes: Coffee, house work, little children, stories with bad OCs/ OOC main characters.
Fav Pony: Favourite non-villain - Close match between Fluttershy and Octavia. Favourite villain -Starlight Glimmer
Fav Story: Oh too many to count. I love FOE but I also like me some Slice of Life stories. Even though it's not finished I really liked Dash's Secret.
OC: Chiami - Pony Persona. She has Purple Eyes, Purple mane, white coat and is a unicorn.

I have plenty of "OC's" however.

Name: I will never tell
Bio: in my 20s
Likes: Video games, Technology
Dislikes: How confusing this site is, my cousin somewhat)
Fav pony: Discord (He is part pony)
Fav Story: Rise of Darth Vulcan
OC: No need for this

4139797 Name: Canicus Palentine
Bio: 25 year old man from Britain
Likes: History, Mythology, Art, Drama, movies, video games, Fantasy, Sci-Fi ect. Also I like having many types of discussions, from serious philosophical talks to silly bits of trivia, to whatever's on your mind at the time.
Dislikes: Unprovoked aggression and bullying of any kind, porn, radical extremes (to any ideology), corruption and greed and bigotry, to name but a few.
Fav Pony: Oh I can't chose, I love them all! (except Snips, Snails, Sunset (as a villain, I like her as a reformed character), and many of the cast from Equestria Girls (I don't hate them I just find them boring or flanderized copies of the originals).
Fav Story: From this website? None, there are good and there are bad but I haven't found one that sticks out. From reality? Some of the include Lord of the Rings, Song of Fire and Ice, Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter, you know where this is going.

Name: not saying

Age: 20

Likes: fanfics, game and marvel movies.

Fav pony: Discord

Dislikes: the whole tyrant Celestia.... At best I'll gofor the greater good.

Name: Colleen Hickey (Catrina37)

Bio: I'm a Pegasister and budding writer.

Likes: Art, writing, and floral scent

Dislikes: Snakes

Fave Pony: Fluttershy

Fave Story: Bride of Discord

Hi! I'm Zalla661!

I recently wrote a fic staring Starlight as the main focus and wanted to get to know all of you!:scootangel: To be honest I a HUGEEE Trixie fan from the beginning and still am to this day, but Starlight is a close second in my books.

Hope to hear from yall!

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