Nonpareil Fiction 286 members · 273 stories
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Hello, everybody! This is the official introductory thread for the group. We'd love to know more about you, so just state your name, any hobbies, and pretty much anything else. I'll start off.

My name is contodaslasganas, and I'm an admin in this group. I've been a brony since October 2013, and I joined FimFiction the following month. I started my first story in December 2013. I'm an MIT student who likes to write and be active in this site whenever I get bored with problem sets (which happens often :pinkiecrazy:).

So, what about you?

Group Admin

I'm Twi-Fi I am the founder of this group. I've been a brony since december of 2013. I joined this awesome site a month later and started writing my first story. I'm a system administrator/network administrator IT. I like to ride horses (English dressage and jumping) mess around with computers and write. :yay::twilightsmile:

My name is Dragor.

About me:
You've probably seen me around Fimfiction forums, where I'm very active. If not, you can check out Intriguing quotes that I made on Fimfiction.

I'm a very open person. I have an Ask Me Anything thread where you can pose any question you can think of, and I will answer it.

About my writing:
I write beige (dry) prose without any fillers. Never using words for their own sake, I describe only what's important to the story. Describing scenery is not something I aim for, instead, I use words as a tool to portray ideas and principles. In other words, If you hate purple prose, you're my kind of reader.

My themes are humorous and dark. I use writing to explore new horizons. My goal is to describe something unique, new and profound.

This tool told me that I write like: J. R. R. Tolkien, James Joyce, Neil Gaiman and Ian Fleming.

I have 6 published, completed stories on this site and 4 in my Google Docs, nearing completion. It’s about 130k of written material, but only about 20k of that that is published. The rest of it still waits for editing. I keep all my writing public in my Google Docs, so that anypony can follow and influence my stories from the idea phase to completion. I do this because I appreciate all the feedback and learn immensely from it. It keeps me only slightly misplaced instead of irredeemably lost.

I don't have a dedicated editor. Instead I let anypony edit my stories. I'm always glad to see people leave comments my Docs or published stories.

3611006 My name is Dragonborne Fox, and I am 19 years old. Having graduated high school a few months ago, and partaking in driving lessons, I am slowly transitioning to a life of adulthood. I like to draw, write, chatter, play with animals, play games...the list goes on. With that said, I do have a few prereaders on hand who ask me questions and shoot up suggestions for my stories (the more recent ones, mind you), and I act on said suggestions and questions.

I partake most in dark, sad, comedic, AU, and crossover-related themes, with human and mature as a side depending on the crossover material used. Speaking of material, I did a Let's Play of a game because someone asked me what the material was, and that was the best way to explain the material. I've written 29 30 published stories, with a handful still incomplete, mainly because I've been focusing on an ongoing re-write of one of my earlier stories (this rewrite has been submitted to the group).

I'm open-minded, but I'm also not afraid to speak my opinion should the need arise.

Hi, I'm Mayhew and I write My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fan Fiction... and none of you got that joke... Jeeze tough crowd, am I right? ... Okay all silliness aside... okay some of the silliness aside, I finally uttered the words, "When the Hell did I become a brony?" in mid-December Twenty-Thirteen and began my meteoric rise to become some guy who wrote a story that got a lot of love from a lots of folks... I do still write and have recently posted my worst received story... So now all I can do is climb up from rock bottom.

I like Sunsets, but not sunrises... I'm not a fan of the sun... it knows what it did! I am a professional culinary engineer... Okay fine I'm a cook, but I love it so... um I love reading and writing and I am relentlessly converting my nieces into bronies. I got two out of three so far, but the third wants a Derpy shirt for her birthday at the end of October so that's a thing... I suppose I shouldn't be writing a novel... Um So yeah I'm pretty easy to get along with and bacon is the greatest thing ever invented by humans

Um I was invited by Twi-Fi and I think this group will be a ton of fun. So lets all work hard together to make an awesome group with a bunch of fun folks.

Hi! I'm Noble Thought. I'm a writer first and foremost, but I also review stories as well. Both for Twilight's Library and on my own.

I try to write ponies as real as possible, making them more than just characters. I want my readers to get sucked in and experience what they are experiencing and be more than just a spectator. I write romance, AU, adventure (soon,) slice of life, and comedy. Luna is best pony, Silver Spoon is filly with the most potential, Sweetie Belle is best filly, and Rumble is best colt.

Whether I succeed... well, that's up to my readers :twilightsmile:

Anywho... I'm glad to see this sort of group becoming more prevalent and active.

I am TheTrueDragoon. Amateur writer, budding critique, Star Wars fanatic, and local, self-proclaimed Mandalorian (Star Wars reference for those not familiar).

My writing is decent, at least I assume it is, focusing more on sad or emotional stories as well as a bit of action. I have some stories in the works to build my skill and go to the next level as a writer. I like to provide reviews for new, young, or struggling authors to help them grow and learn as writers themselves. Anyone who wishes for a review my send me a message or drop a comment on my profile page. I am also available for general advice, be it writing related or not. I just enjoy helping people.

Luna is best pony and she is mine. :twilightangry2:

Edit: no longer providing critiques or reviews.

Hello, I'm JMac. I'm an older brony (let's just say I'm probably older than you). I like to stay close to the source material, so I mainly write slice of life comedies, with the odd bit of adventure thrown in,and it's all rated everyone. I create original characters quite well and I tend to write open endings, so I have a large and growing cast of characters my readers want to see more stories about. This leaves me with a LOT of story ideas, and a lot of work to do... someday.

The name's Bond, James Bond. :coolphoto: (No srsly, nopony did that?)

Anyway, I'm The Guardian of Brittania, and I like to read good stories and critique the godawful ones.

I'm a freshman in high school, I like cooking/burning stuff, and my favorite video game is Ultima 7: The Black Gate.

Barbara Seedling (Babs Seed) is best CMC, :rainbowkiss: is best mane 6, Luna is best princess, and :trixieshiftleft: is best pony.

My name is Cadabra. I'm a video editor at an online car aftermarket company during the week and a wedding videographer on the weekends. I will be 30 in February (yikes!) and I just celebrated my 6th wedding anniversary.

I love history, psychology, economics, satire, and dark humor, which influences my writing. Playing with words is fun for me.

Site Blogger

Greetings fellow writers and readers of horse words. I am PaulAsaran, the somewhat prolific. This group caught my attention because it appears to have standards and isn't TRG or EqD, and I'm curious as to whether my work makes the grade.

I am a very active writer, having written 18 stories at almost 860,000 words since I joined in May 2013. I just turned 30 and have been writing since I was 8, so I consider myself a veteran and have rather strong opinions on the subject, though I try hard to maintain a sense of humility. In real life I work as a Technical Writer, creating instruction documentation for an engineering software company.

I am always looking for constructive criticism, and in turn love giving it. I comment on every chapter of every story I read, and I pull no punches. My favorites genres include romance, adventure and horror, and it's not uncommon for me to blend these elements in my stories.

Also, I tried that tool you linked. Apparently I write like Anne Rice. Cant' say how accurate that is, as I've never read anything written by her.

Hello, I'm Inkscape. :pinkiehappy: I'm a lady brony. I am 21 years old, and I have been writing since I was in the seventh grade. I am a senior in college, majoring in writing. (What else?):rainbowwild:
My biggest passion is my writing. I write everything from novels to drama and everything inbetween. I am still new to this site. I was very shocked and pleased that my second work of fanfiction, "Luna's Foalsitting Business," was added to this esteemed group. My other hobbies include doodling, gaming (furcadia and skyrim), photography, and making animation mashes for youtube. Somday I would like to write family/children's programming. My dream job is to write for Disney! :twilightsheepish:

Hi! I'm Jumbled Thought. I've been a fan since the end of season two 2012, became a brony 2013 through analysis (I even have some rage reviews as some of my blogs of things that could have been good but sucked), and a writer this year. I produce a crap ton of content it seems, am possibly addicted to Youtube videos, and play TF2 on Steam. My Steam is Jumbled Thought MLP, and my skype is Jumbled Thought. I love to talk about ideas, flesh out stories, and do roleplaying with people, though mostly of the sexier kind so far.:rainbowwild: I am honored to be here and already have a story within this nice little group. Cheers to good times ahead!

Hi there! I'm Tessi Flameheart. I have only recently gotten up the courage to write fanfic and be an active member of the community but I have actually been watching the show since it was first broadcast. I have always loved writing and worldbuilding, and actually make my living as an author, even if I do need some help editing my work from time to time... and even though I mostly write business documents.

Basically what I do is write more adult oriented fiction involving ponies. Not erotic fiction, more like things you would see from Timothy Zahn, R.A. Salvatore, and Christopher Paolini. You know, stuff with a bit more dark and mature undertones, but I also do my best to keep the light hearted nature of the show a part of my work. I'm writing for adults not pessimistic nihilists. I am currently working on several small side projects with my big story "An Equestrian Odyssey" being a piece of High Fantasy inspired by Greek mythology, H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos, and the Hobbit.

I love it when people comment on my stuff and enjoy a good chat. Feel free to PM me about anything.

Hello everybody/pony. I'm David, I'm old enough to know better and I've been a fan of the show since mid May 2014 and a Brony since about 5-10 minutes into seeing Return of Harmony part 1. I've posted a couple of stories onto this site and I'm mostly here for the multitudinous good pony stories.

My favourite ponies are (in order) Luna, Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash.

Hello, I'm LoneUnicornWriter, but I would prefer being called Lone. I write a lot and read ocassionally. Been a fan of MLP since June 2013 and joined the site in September 2013. I came to this site because... it is interesting. I hoped to become a well known writer on this site and... that's pretty much it. I got nothing else to say! :fluttercry:

Hello everypony! I'm Whinifree and was converted to ponydom a little over a year ago when one of my WoW friends convinced me to watch the clip from Luna eclipsed where Fluttershy gives Luna voice lessons. I'm a gamer, although in recent years I've kind of fallen out of it what with the advent of DLC and the crappy games invasion that started in the early 2000's. At heart, I'm an entertainer type. I love everything entertainment and would like to work in film for my career as both an actor and behind the scenes.

Now on to the actually interesting stuff regarding this site in particular. People have always told me I have a talent for writing but have never actually really done it. I've never considered trying to do it professionally, I mainly just do it for fun. While I do enjoy good clops and ships, I won't be writing them, and I certainly will not be writing any gory stuff. I'm more into the fantasy/adventure/dark/drama style such as LoTR, Harry Potter, and Narnia. And most important of ALL!!... pic sucks!! :pinkiehappy:

I'm ThatOneWriter, known more casually as TOW. I've been part of the fandom since at least May 2013, if not a few months earlier. I admin Twilight's Library and The Writer's Group, and I'm involved in a few others. Sadly, more people seem to know me more from my admin activity than my actual writing.

When I'm not writing, I'm either on Youtube, playing Minecraft, hanging out on Skype, or listening to music. (Or a mix of the above!) I read way more than I write, and I've gotten my Read Later list below 60 now. I have so many ideas that if I didn't have work or college and could replace that time with nothing but writing, I would probably have at least 50 stories by now, and might have actually finished something over 10k words. As it is, I usually spend six days of the week thinking about writing and one actually writing.

P.S. ScootaBelle, TwiShy, and PinkieShy need more love.

Hello! I'm a horse word writer who dwells on Fim Fiction!

I'm a (soon to be a) Graphics Designer who currently lives in Indiana!

I play video games, I eat Skype, and I hang out on my food!

wait.... what? OH WELL!

What do I like to do for fun?

Love ya! :heart:

good day. i am Autum Breeze. i became a brony, well, long before i joined this site, but in i beleive it was march 2013, but wouldn't admit it to myself until two days before i joined the site.

i love writing stories (fanfics are my specialty right now), riding my bike (when the weather's good) and playing kingdom hearts 2 on my ps2.

i've traveled to japan, met the governess about a decade ago, have a jack russel named jack russel (really inventive, right?) and just love mlp.

I enjoy writing... and reading.

I am also a constant inquirer into existential coincidences unnoticed by the wide public with a fix for perspective and philosophical subtext.

I also like songbirds. Beautiful creatures.

Hey everypony,

My name is HMXTaylorLee.

I became a brony sometime when I was stationed in Korea, right after season 2 had started. A friend of mine whom I had written with on another site recommended the show to me, and I decided to check it out. Unlike most folks in the military, I have a strong fondness for cute things, and am not ashamed to admit it! However, I didn't write anything until 2014, and I'll explain why.

I won't personally start a story unless I know how it's going to end, and it's a concept that I think is interesting or unique enough to see through. So, though I am a writer prone to horrendous procrastination, I will do my best to not allow any of my personal stories to languish unfinished.

My favorite thing to write is dialogue, and I also like to write emotional pieces. The biggest compliment I could ever receive as an author is when someone tells me that they teared up, smiled, or laughed at something I wrote - being able to connect on an emotional level with readers is the one of the most rewarding accomplishments ever!

Outside of writing and working, I love to play videogames and watch movies. I'm a really dull person, I guess.

Huh, can't believe I forgot to add my intro! Time to rectify that mistake.

I go by the pen name, Zodiacspear, and I am a writer and reader of grand adventures. Adventure is my biggest game and original characters are my game. Will read slice of life, random, dark, and the occasional romance fiction. My two longest stories Harmony Undone: The Rise of Order and Three from the Forest are my favorite works that I have written.

My favorite things to write are characterization and world building, both of these things test a writers creativity to their limits and beyond. Established characters are fun to write for, but it is original characters (or background ponies who are essentially OCs) where the writer can get creative as they have few to no bounds to their characterization.


Hi I'm Keam and I'm a 15 year old pegasister/brony that hail from the frozen wastlands of Sweden. And if you didn't understand, I'm a female.

and I've been a brony beginning of season 3 when my friend more or less forced me to watch the show. (boy wouldn't she stop talking about how great it wouod be) and I started watching in Swedish, which is the Biggest mistake of my life up till today! I joined Fimfiction in October 2013 after having read fanfics of EQD for a couple of months.

On here, I'm primarily a shipper,writer, reader, artist and friend. I am also an admin in a number of other groups. PM me if you want a chat buddy that is quick to replay.

As you might have guessed, my name is Flint-Lock, an aspiring writer from Washington.

I was assimilated into the collective joined the fandom sometime back in 2012, about midway through Season 2. At first, I was somewhat...reluctant to join the fandom- prior to Gen 4, I viewed the My Little Pony franchise in the same vein as plutonium and anthrax. But, over time, I grew to accept my broniness.

As far as my writing goes, I write fanfiction as a means to an end. If I want to become a writer, I need to practice. Moreover, I need feedback, so that I know what I did right, and what needs improvement. So far it seems to be bearing fruit: three of my fics have been featured, and several more have been in the "popular" box for days at a time. I know that it's not the highest of honors, and I know that quite a bit of crap has wound up in the featured box, but it's got to count for something!

My favorite parts of writing have got to be world building and characterization. There's just something so satisfying about fleshing out a character or a world- it's like I'm slowly creating a world with every keystroke.

Anyway, when I'm not fishing through my subconscious for ideas, I enjoy swimming, bowling, board games, video games, watching stupid videos on YouTube, reading, and overall using my imagination. An imagination that just doesn't know when to quit...

Well, that's about it. And now, fellow cartoon horse enthusiasts, I bid you adieu.

My name ^

I read, I write, and I edit, in order of least- to most-often. I'll happily do any of those on request. Feel free to ask.

I also ended up as an admin for this group a while ago.

I started watching the ponyshow in July of 2013 and made my FiMFiction account soon after. It sat useless for a while until I took on an editing job. Then another. Then a few more.

I got to writing close to the turn of the year, and published my first story before 2014. It was deleted, along with another one.

But hey, I'm less temperamental now and have reigned in my artistic frustration. I vowed to leave everything I publish in the future on the site, even if it's poorly received.

So, once more, I'll happily read your thing, write a thing or edit your thing on request. Just give me some time (in months) to do so.

reed my tings like them adn favorite tehm and follo me pl0x. Il lik u!!!!!1!!!one!!!!!

Hello everyone. I joined this group because I thought it was about sweet stories (when I googled nonpareil it shows me pictures of sprinkles on a cupcake and I've never heard the term used any other way), and after reading the submission guidelines I have since realized that was not the case, but decided to stay anyway.

Good evening--I'm Dragonjek (or Jek, by your preference), and I like reading. I actually don't do much other than that--I play games sometimes, create things sometimes, but I am pretty much a reader.

But because some of the stories I want to read don't exist, I have to make them.

Hello, everyone! The name is Frogmyre, that guy who thinks he's Gilgamesh. At times.

Anyway, I joined the fandom... mid-2014ish? ...To be honest, I forget. That aside, I am writer of fiction involving miniature pastel equines that have the tendency to turn into food. I kid you not. I joined this group for two reasons. One: To see what stories are considered nonpareil, a word which I've come to love ever since the Flimflam brothers! And two: So that I may eventually submit a story here, and have it featured.

If you have any questions, feel free to send me a PM!

Hey, Charles Xavier here, but many of my friends call me Chuck for short. Been writing fanfiction for over a decade and just completed my first MLP one this year. I graduated from film college and currently working as a screenwriter, hoping one day to work my way up to be a director in movies. I hope you can excuse my succinctness, but I tend to keep a rather low profile about myself personally.

Note to admins: I just submitted my story into this group having read the rules and regulations et al, and then realized that I foolishly neglected the very last Guideline of Submission regarding Crossover stories (Crossover: Shouldn’t be reliant on the reader knowing the source material of the crossover)! I'll be true admit, my story does assume that the reader is familiar with MLP G1, and X-men to some extent.

Sorry for the small mishap. :twilightsheepish: I'll let you decide yourself whether or not the story's worthy. Even if it does get rejected, I'd very much appreciate your fair criticism nonetheless. Thanks.

Hey, I'm SpitFlame. I'm an author on FIMFiction, and... yeah.

Group Admin

Hello! I've been poked to make some sort of glorious introductory post, so I will engage in the powerful formalities. I'm a doctor of physics that somehow got dragged into the wonderful world of colorful cathorses. Once upon a time, I debated writing as a career, and I spent a great deal of time churning out novelesque things for the enjoyment of others. After a relatively long hiatus, I returned to the writing front to throw together an OC-based story.

Here, I met some fairly awesome folks, and I'm stoked to have forged some new friendships - or in a couple cases, come to discover my long time friends also wrote. :P Now I'm launching into the new adventure of being one of the Nonpareil Fiction administrators. I shall be tackling reviews, and I hope that folks come to find the decisions I reach fair, regardless of what that decision may be. :P

Looking forward to even more magic of friendship. :3

I'm from Greece. My name is Dionysios Papagiannis and you can call me Dennis which is the normal name I have and nionios is a slang in Greek/nickname for my real name.

I like changelings, I like Chrysalis, I like Greek mythology and pur some of my Greekness into these things.

I like also writing about OCs and stuff.

Dunno what to say more...

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