
by seeker9709

On the hunt

Rainbow's mane whipped through the wind as she tore through the open air over Canterlot. The streets below her were quiet and devoid of life, except for the small creatures that scurried beneath the shadows. The lamps flanking the streets were dimly lit, just bright enough to guide anypony caught in the darkness to their own homes and to illuminate what the moon above couldn't.

The air was cool and thin that night. There was a calm breeze, and the sky was lit by Luna's moon and stars. There was an almost visible appearance of peace and calm floating in the clouds, as if they were calling to Rainbow to curl up on one of them. But it was a bad night for her. The feeling of calm escaped her, and the gentle breeze did nothing to speed her journey.

In fact, the light air seemed to be a hindrance. She flapped her wings like she was a fighting a monsoon, and the soft breeze felt like it was singing a lullaby to her, calling her to sleep. A sleep full of dreams and peace, where she would be with her family, happy and free of the world Twilight had subjected her to.

But sleep wouldn't come. Rainbow would not allow it. She couldn't let Scootaloo down, she couldn’t let the poor filly fall victim to the same fate Fluttershy had been forced to endure. Timid and shy as she was, Fluttershy was still a full-grown mare. She could withstand far more than Scootaloo, a growth-stunted pegasus who still couldn't even fly. While she would be dreaming of happiness, her family could still be suffering in the real world.

What awful torture could Twilight have subjected her to? Would she enter the building only to find bones and a few tattered pieces of skin scattered around the floor? Maybe it would be worse; Twilight had shown just how cruel she could be. She would probably make it so Rainbow would have to watch. She would be forced to see Scootaloo's agony, unable to save her.

Or maybe it would be the opposite; maybe she would have to bear the pain in front of Scootaloo's eyes. She would do it without a second thought, take the lashings for Scootaloo or Fluttershy, but what if Scootaloo would have to see it? See the pain and agony that Twilight would force upon her.

Their family had nearly been torn apart by Twilight Sparkle, would whatever awaited Rainbow Dash at the slaughterhouse finally be the last straw that shattered them completely? Would it be the moment that tore them apart from each other once and for all? It couldn't be. They were so strong together, but at the same time, their experiences made the bond all the more fragile. Rainbow and Fluttershy, with everything they had endured when they were only fillies. And Scootaloo, having to lie in the ruined shelter of her home, her mother and father having been killed by that storm. Could this be what finally tore them apart?

No. No matter what she did, Rainbow would find a way. She would endure all the pain in the world to make sure that never happened. She would give her life without a second thought if it meant keeping Fluttershy and Scoots safe. Nothing would ever stop her, especially not some mad unicorn. Not even the likes of Twilight would keep Rainbow from saving her family.

Justice was coming to Twilight Sparkle, there was no doubt in Rainbow's mind, but would it be her or the unicorn who would have the last laugh? Who would ultimately win this twisted game of cat and mouse?

It wouldn't be fate that made that decision.

'No.' Rainbow thought to herself as her target appeared under the bright moon. 'She will never be allowed to win, we will make sure of that.' She narrowed her eyes, looking dead ahead. There, not to far in front of her, was a building looming in the darkness. I stood about four stories tall, and was only a short ways to the east of Canterlot Castle.

It was the place where all foreign affairs were dealt with. Meetings, proposals, requests, and treaties were mostly organized or agreed upon in that very hall. The Equestrian Diplomacy Center. There foreigners such as Griffons, Minotaurs, Elks, Donkeys, Wolves, and other creatures, even the dragons met with the Princesses to discuss terms or collaborations.

Of course, other creatures were not always prepared for the Equestrian lifestyle, so in order to appease Equestria's neighbors, there were certain measures in place so that the outsiders would be cared for and comfortable. One of those comforts that ponies did not require was meat. Flesh, not being a part of pony diets, was generally looked down upon by the citizens of Equestria. As herbivores, they preferred to not slaughter animals in their care, many of which were sentient.

However, other species occasionally did not care for the “lower” creature's well-being and simply took what they desired, flesh being the most common among the carnivorous species. In order to satisfy this request, the E.D.C. had built a slaughterhouse on its very bottom floor. While the Equestrians only served meat that was from the less intelligent population of creatures, such as fish or pork, it had not been uncommon for dignitaries and their parties to occasionally bring their own meat with them. While this was something that occasionally caused a great disturbance in the minds of the Equestrian dignitaries, sometimes one had to smile and turn the other cheek, lest one offend or insult the subjects one was trying to woo. Several of the carnivorous species tended to have troubling pasts with the Equestrians, and the Alicorn Sisters had it in their and their citizen's best interests to keep foreigners such as gryphons and dragons happy, in case they were filled with a sudden bloodlust.

Eventually, after several decades of complaints about the lack of strong and delicious meat such as beef and the like, and the subsequent self-supply of meat carried by all carnivorous dignitaries, the slaughterhouse had simply died on the bottom floor of the diplomacy center. The small storehouse was still intact after all these years, as no decision as to what should happen to the abandoned space had yet been made.

But regardless of what it was or would become, the fact that Twilight had specifically referred to it as “slaughterhouse” left a bad taste in Rainbow's mouth. It was an insult not just to pegasi, but to Equestrian in general. It was deeply disrespectful, and even horrifying, that Twilight thought to leave her there of all places.

With her speed, it didn't take Rainbow long to get to the Diplomacy Center even without breaking the sound barrier. She could see that the lights were turned out save for a few rooms, no doubt occupied by janitors or several bored guard ponies.

But Rainbow gave no mind to them, instead she had to focus. To think about every possible trap or snare Twilight could have set for her. She was done rushing headlong into a situation. Twilight's darkness had had its fun rampaging in her mind, but her rationality had once again taken over. This time, she would be the victor, and she would have the last laugh, not Twilight Sparkle.

Rainbow landed outside, hitting the ground in a full sprint and slowing down as she got closer and closer to the doors. By the time she reached the tall glass barriers, she had slowed down to a simple trot and made her way inside.

The door swung open, giving no resistance. The janitors usually made sure to lock the doors in case any teenage colts or mares wanted to sneak in and goof around on their own. While it was a simple action, Rainbow couldn't help but feel like her every action so far had followed some other pony's plan. As far as she knew she had been, of course, but it was still an unsettling feeling knowing that Twilight had prepared this building for her, and whatever surprises it held.

Leaving the door unlocked was like rolling out the red carpet. She had been expected; invited, even. There was no secret entrance or element of surprise. Where she was going was a place totally under Twilight's control. There wasn't a doubt in Rainbow's mind that she wouldn't be in control of the situation she was stepping into, but to save Scootaloo, that was a risk she was willing to take.

Unlike the last few days, however, she felt more full of confidence and strength inside herself then she had felt since before she fought Twilight. Gone was the voice whispering in her ear, trying to corrupt her mind. Rainbow was in control this time, and she would be damned if she was going to give it up again.

It didn't take her long to find where she was going. She had been a part of diplomacy meetings before, and had worked to detail security and manage the bustling ponies as they made preparations for the meetings and the after-events. A few hallways later, she found the worker's stairwell that led to the basement.

A short glide down the stairs, and she stood in front a large iron door. The hulking piece of metal was old and stained, mildew and mold slowly crawling across the once clean and shining door. Rainbow, barely glancing at the old and decrepit piece of metal, gave it a push with her hoof, and it swung open silently.

Luna walked out of the library. Once she had turned from that place, she didn't look back as she strolled away from the burning wreckage. In fact, the destruction she had caused put a small spring in her step as she made her way towards her sister. She was still horrified by what she had read, and what she and Celestia had learned was groundbreaking and terrifying.

The contents of those books were among the darkest, most nightmarishly brutal things Luna had ever heard of. And yet, right alongside them were spells that worked like miracles, potions that could cure nearly anything, glyphs and seals that could be use for incredible or nefarious purposes.

One spell, a high-level magical missile, started out as a fireball, but once it came into contact with an object it would explode and render the item or individual completely frozen. A smoldering husk trapped in a block of ice. Another one found key points on the body, which could be marked with needles, leaches, or even tattoos that allowed for magic to flow more easily. Once key pathways were opened in the body, magic could flow through a pony's veins and increase healing, remove poisons, or strengthen weak limbs. According to one example, it even succeeded in growing a pegasus' wings back. However, such a miracle feat was apparently never recreated, or had never been accomplished after that.

One spell could extend out from a pony's own shadow, and if it connected with another, it would give the user complete control over them so long as the shadow wasn't broken. A powerful spell, as long as the sun stayed behind the clouds or darkness stayed intact, but it was useless with total darkness or too much light.

But there was more. Luna had spied a diagram of a glyph, one that had seemed familiar to her, but she couldn't place where she had seen it. Finally, after some time, she had realized that it was the spell Twilight had used to destroy the journal, along with Luna's room. It was an intricately made glyph that, after being pumped with an extremely high amount of magic, could then absorb certain characteristics from whatever source it was allowed.

In the case of Twilight's, it was from Celestia's own sun that that particular glyph had stolen its destructive power. And yet, that was only one. If one was thrown into the water, it could absorb and expel hundreds of gallons if need be. Place it over a fire, or even a volcano if it was strong enough, and you would have enough heat to burn down half of the Everfree. Other types of magic in the surrounding world were also viable sources. Pump it full of passive magic, and it could be used for healing spells, communication, transportation, or other varieties of 'gentle' magic. However, on the battle field a glyph like this could obliterate forces if the right destructive magic were channeled.

All in all, Luna couldn't shake the feeling that even the best and most mild of those books came at he greatest price. How could a pony learn some of the things in those books with out having to... experiment, first? Some things weren’t natural, and many of the most unnatural things in those tomes were part of Twilight's darkest personal collection.

Former collection, to be precise. Most of the papers had been turned to ash, and Luna doubted she wouldn't return to finish what was left once they had settled this whole thing. Maybe they could salvage some spells worth saving, but Luna didn't truly know just how much would remain intact once they went back.

But she pushed that thought aside for the moment. Instead, she looked ahead of herself, focusing on the two guards who stood in front of Celestia.

The first guard, one Luna wasn't familiar with, was talking to Celestia in a hushed tone. He seemed to have an air of nervousness about him, while Celestia had a growing glare taking its place on her features. Her eyes narrowed as she would occasionally say something back to him, the guard hurriedly trying to explain what had happened.

The second guard stood silent while he glanced back and forth around the room. It was the one that had interrupted Luna during her... episode. He was the first to notice her as she approached the three; he seemed to have calmed down, but was still nervously eyeing the alicorn.

He mumbled something, cutting off his partner as Luna approached them. As she got closer and closer, she realized the state the two guards were in.

The first one, an earth pony, was wide-eyed but far from bushy-tailed. His bloodshot eyes were wide open, and his breathing was quick and shallow. He stood still, but Luna could tell it was forced. The stallion was itching to go, and seemed to be trying to control the adrenaline that he had no use for.

The other guard, the one still nervously glancing at Luna, was a bit more green-around-the-gills. As a pegasus, he wasn't normally exposed to as much magic as unicorns or earth ponies, and it looked like being teleported inside the crystal ball had taken its toll on him. He looked sick and weary as he swayed, clearly trying to stay on his hooves.

Luna giving him that scare earlier hadn't helped him much, that was obvious. She didn't blame him though; she had been told she was a scary sight when she was angry.

However, as she approached, the guard stood a bit taller, and made the effort to show her some respect. This, in turn, only made Luna feel guilty for scaring the poor stallion. She rarely ever got that angry, and to have been on the receiving end of her Canterlot Voice while she was in full fury mode couldn't have been fun for anypony.

As she got closer to the three ponies, she picked up on the conversation that was still being held in hushed tones.

“...Managed to keep everything under control...escaped before...went after her...still haven’t found...doubt they could catch her quickly...pretty roughed up.”

A sense of dread filled Luna's chest as her eyes widened. The pegasus tapped the other guard's shoulder and pointed to Luna, calling his and Celestia's attention to the younger alicorn, who had halted her pace and stood there with wide eyes. There was a moment of silence between the parties.

“Please tell me that I didn't hear what I think I heard.”

Celestia sighed, walking over to Luna with the other guards following behind her. “No, sister, Twilight is not free.”

Luna relaxed at hearing that. At least it wasn't a complete disaster. “Well? What did happen?” Luna asked, still unsure about the situation.

Celestia let out an annoyed sigh, giving Luna a weary expression. It didn't take Luna long to deduce what had happened. She stared at the ground, anger building in her chest once more. Just how many times would that filly have to mess up before she got herself killed? Rainbow Dash was her best and brightest. Her personal student. She had served under Luna, been her friend, been her student, and yet it seemed all of that had been torn away by one mare.

A pony who had once been a brilliant strategist, amazing fighter, and one of the most loving and loyal ponies Luna had ever known, was now reduced to a blind, angry, and hate-filled vigilante? Is this the legacy she would leave behind? After everything she had been through, suffered through, how could she have been tortured so much so that she was driven to such idiocy?

“What came of... the event?” Luna said, rubbing her eyes with one hoof. The stallions were silent for a moment, not because they were afraid of the anger on her tone, but because of the sadness and exhaustion in her words. Finally, one of them spoke.

“A few minutes ago, Rainbow knocked out the guards stationed outside of Twilight's room.” Luna sighed again, causing the guard to wince. He continued again after a moment, “Once inside, she assaulted Twilight, before saying that she wasn't going to be controlled anymore. She said something about not becoming a monster, and that she wanted to know where her friend, Scootaloo I presume, was. After a few moments, Twilight told her where the filly was, and Rainbow ran out of the room.”

Luna was silent for a moment. “Where did she go? Was there anypony after her?” The earth-pony nodded. “When she ran off, several pegasi peeled off after her. If I'm correct, Twilight said she had hidden the filly at the... at the slaughterhouse.”

Neither Celestia nor Luna could suppress a gasp. It was a horrifying idea to hide a hostage at a place where animals were slaughtered. In fact, the thought was downright barbaric. To even suggest such a thing...

“Have they reported back yet?”

The pegasus shook his head. “No ma'am, we have yet to hear back. Rainbow is far faster than any other pegasus, and I doubt they will be able to get to her in a timely manner.” There was a pregnant silence as all four ponies thought on the meaning of his words.

Realizing what he had said, the pegasus hastily tried to apologize, only to be cut off a by a hoof from Luna. “Don't worry, I am not angry. Rainbow has made her own choice, and by diving in head-first in only she will be able to help herself. However, what has happened with Twilight Sparkle? Is she still restrained?”

The guards nodded. “Believe me when I say this, Princess,” the pegasus said with confidence, “the guards threw themselves upon her to make sure she stayed restrained. We took no risks, and made sure she was still locked up tight.” Luna nodded approvingly.

“Excellent. I believe I need to speak with the mare myself, my sister and I have a few more questions we need answered.” Luna looked to Celestia with serious expression. The taller alicorn returned the expression evenly. It was about time they had a talk about the Draconequus.

Luna approached the crystal ball, still resting on its pedestal. Before she picked it up, she turned to the pegasus. “Before we go, I must apologize for my behavior earlier. It was wrong of me to turn my anger on you in such a manor. I hope you can forgive me.” She bowed her head, humility in her voice.

The guards exchanged an unsure glance. The Princess was bowing to them, and they had no idea what to say. It took them several seconds to figure out how to respond. “Princess,” the pegasus paused.,“I... Thank you.” Luna lifted her head, giving him a quick smile before turning back to the crystal.

Behind her, Celestia beamed at her sister. Luna truly was a wonderful leader, if one managed to cut past her shell. She was so quick to find humility, and never afraid to show it. She was a shining inspiration to those who followed her, if they followed her with loyalty. Truly an example to those who wished to be made of sterner stuff.

Luna picked up the crystal, her horn flowing with magic. As the two met, there was a small flash, and the ponies were back inside one of the rooms inside the Tombstone.

However, the moment Luna's eyes opened, she realized something was wrong. The normally white walls were painted red from the flashing alarm lights sounding off from the wall. A shrill siren rang out through the halls, screaming like a banshee. Both sisters felt like they had just swallowed stones. Something was seriously wrong.

“Sir?” Luna called to the pegasus behind her, her voice poised on a fearful edge. Her eyes were wide, staring out into the hallway where a broken and dented helmet lay. “You did say Twilight was contained, didn't you?”