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Q(^_^Q). The friendliest misanthrope you'll ever meet.

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    Everfree Northwest

    Quick update. I'm at efnw this weekend if anyone wants to try and say hello. You can leave a message here, but discord would be best to send a dm. You can also keep an eye out for my metal gear solid / time traveling Twilight shirt. (I used to have a Twilight's dollhouse shirt but I can't find it and this is. The. Worst. Possible. Thing.)

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Twilight Interviews Kaidan on his Return to Writing · 4:57am Sep 5th, 2021

Twilight: Thanks for meeting me here today for an interview. Fresh off publishing his new chapter of Twilight's Dollhouse 2 I'm sitting down with Kaidan for an exclusive one on one.

Kaidan: my pleasure

Twilight: So for our new readers who don't know who you are, why don't you introduce yourself.

Kaidan: I'm Kaidan, I write horse words. I like variety so I'm pretty sure I've written every genre. Usually dark tragedies, but also some human in Equestria, sometimes stories with enough edges to get a clean shave, and a bit of the fun stuff you used to have to sneak into the back of the video store to find.

Twilight: So you did erotica?

Kaidan: laughs. That's certainly one way to put it. I mean, I figure if it exists it must be someone's kink, and felt like someone should write it.

How’s Life Been?

Twilight: so for most of your stories it's been almost 8 years. What brings you back after all this time to start writing again?

Kaidan: Well I've had a lot of distractions in life and learned some valuable lessons along the way. Things have finally settled down, nothing has exploded recently. And I got looking for hobbies.

Recently I considered writing but I was really on the fence. I stopped by to browse and came across a mature story by Penalt: How Twilight Sparkle Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Baddies about the apocalypses that Starlight caused in her battle with Twilight, With a kinky twist.

Twilight: Oh, that's my favorite kind of twist.

Kaidan: Yeah, I mean if you're going to live in a dystopian hellscape the least you can do is spice things up.

Anyway, somewhere along the way I forgot why I enjoyed writing. It became a chase for upvotes and commissions. Reading Penalt's story inadvertently reminded me why I love to write.

Twilight: And what's that?

Kaidan: I really love the world building. At some point as you write it goes from this silly adventure in horse fan fiction to a living breathing world. You've built something that can continue on without you, spawn its own spin-offs, and becomes a living breathing universe. Now you're just one small part of this world you built, telling one small story in it.

There's something really special about being able to create a whole new world with words.

Twilight: So you basically fell in love with writing again?

Kaidan: Yeah

Twilight: You mentioned a lot of distractions over the last eight years, did you learn anything from it?

Kaidan: I did. I think there's a lot of lessons in life where you can't appreciate it while you're going through it, and despite how many people tell you the answer you're searching for, you're just not ready to hear it.

In my case I was always bouncing from one fire to another putting them out, so I never had that chance to just disconnect and reflect on my life. I'm older now with more gray hair than not, and I think the most important thing I learned was in my perspective.

Twilight: what perspective is that?

Kaidan: That there's a lot of negativity in the world, and that when people don't feel in control of their lives they'll do anything to feel in control again. It could be trolling, anger, Toxicity in games. People are generally in pain and haven't realized that they're doing it to themselves.

Twilight: How is that?

Kaidan: When we're upset we tend to surround ourselves with people that can share our frustration. Whatever view it is, we crave to be affirmed and find people who agree with it. By insulating yourself in the negativity to feel better, we only trap ourselves there.

Twilight: So how did you break the cycle?

Kaidan: Well, being too busy putting out fires is one way. But eventually I stopped using social media and cut out multi-player games. I started to look inward instead of outward, and to really stop and think about what I wanted out of life. In the end, I found tricks like gratitude journals, and made friends with a positive outlook.

But if people would only take away one thing I hope it'd be to spend less time around negative people, and if you feel like complaining about something instead try something like meditating or exercise and letting it go. Don't let life pass you by while you're busy shouting into the wind

Twilight's Dollhouse 2

Twilight: Poignant words. So what's the plan now that you're back

Kaidan: So I've recently updated Twilight's Dollhouse 2, I've always regretted not finishing it.

Twilight: Tell is more about Twilight's Dollhouse 2

Kaidan: So way back when I was young and naive I read The Secret Life of Rarity. It asked what would happen if Rarity snapped and started killing people, basically.

I figured it'd be fun to see what happened when Twilight snapped. What if she isolated herself from her friends, blamed herself for some deaths she couldn't prevent, and became obsessed with making all her friends immortal.

Twilight: Sounds like you're being a little hard on her, after all what's so bad about eternal youth?

Kaidan: Well Twilight goes about it by making every pony a doll in Twilight's dollhouse, sort of like the Twilight Zone.

I was also inspired by Cry for Eternity that really dove into the sort of existential depression that any immortal being would face when Twilight's mentor Celestia died, and she realized she would not only be alone now, but only grow more alone over time as beloved friends continued to die.

Twilight: And now you're finishing the sequel?

Kaidan: Yeah, the first chapter is a bit of a recap so it looks at a little Slice of Life to catch readers up on the story. Of course, you can go read the original too.

Twilight: Was there any reason it was delayed so long?

Kaidan: There was always some other story more in need of an update, more popular with the fans. Always another fire to put out. And to complicate it, I could never decide on how to end the story.

Twilight: So did you figure out the ending?

Kaidan: Yes. I actually figured out several that would work well that I'm in love with. The trick will just be choosing one, the path from point A to B on some of them may be a little too Deus Ex Machina, but I think that's a risk I'll have to take.

New stories?

Twilight: Any other plans while you finish Twilight's Dollhouse 2?

Kaidan: yeah, I've got a sequel to write for an old Collab I was a part of, it's also been waiting for a conclusion for 8 years.

Twilight: Oh? Now you've got our attention.

Kaidan: I'm actually keeping it under wraps, but only for a few days. I hope to have something out real soon.

Twilight: You must have some info to tease?

Kaidan: Well the Collab involved several authors and we took very detailed notes, so I just have to write the chapters. It was overly ambitious for it's time, but we'll have at least 1 author return for some chapters I think.

It's also the story I am most motivated to write, I think because of the nostalgia when all of us authors were in our prime. Maybe It took a certain amount of hubris to think 5 authors could Collab on a massive story when I can't even get a raid Fireteam together once a month in Destiny. But the fact it's never been done was part of the reason I had to try.

 I've always wished I could explore the amazing ideas and writing styles we had. Since that won't be possible, I at least want to tell people the great story we had to tell and hopefully people check out the original before they read my sequel. They're better authors than I was, and they deserve all the praise they can get. I think the sequel will fulfill my goal of finishing a great story as well highlighting some talented authors and editors.

Twilight: Any challenges you think a sequel to such an ambitious collaboration will face?

Kaidan: Yeah, trying to mimic the writing style of several other authors is hard. That's why I want to get a few rough drafts done to make sure I'm warmed up before I get anyone's hopes up by officially announcing it. Who knows, it might even be a good writing exercise to try and write in styles I haven't done before. Plus I don't have editors yet, and they all had writing skills in areas I lack. But at the very least, every story deserves an ending to thank all the people that turn out to read our colorful horse words.

Dash of Humanity 3

Twilight: Any other stories on the horizon?

Kaidan: Yeah, Dash of Humanity 3 shouldn't come as a surprise. It's the highest rated, and anyone who is still waiting for it's conclusion is probably pretty desperate for a happy ending.

Twilight: If I recall, Dash had it pretty tough. Trapped with Dash in her body, constantly getting beat up for his decisions, and so on.

Kaidan: Yeah, if I had to attribute an inspiration to it, it'd be the mature story: When a Pony Calls which was sort of the classic Human in Equestria story that just beats the snot out of the protagonist. That and Stargate Atlantis where Dr. McKay gets stuck in a body with a female scientist and she gives him dating advice. Helping him get through a rough first date.

There's some truly interesting things you can do with 2 people sharing a body, and some other related concepts that are definitely on my to-do list if any of the other things I've talked about fall through or wrap up soon.

Twilight: Like how Dawn helped Dash and Soarin?

Kaidan: Exactly, he had some personal growth where he started helping Dash instead of just fighting for control. He could give her unique insights too, and vice versa.

Twilight: Any plans for the 3rd installment you want to share?

Kaidan: Well, Dawn has been through a lot and has been through some stuff I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. At this point I just want to help the character grow into their new life with their new family, and find some happiness. The first story I think was perfect, and maybe should have stood alone. Then in the second story I really started to beat Dawn up in the hopes of making a happy ending, well, happier for the tragic journey to reach it. Then in the 3rd it went to a whole other level as I tried to one-up the one-up of the original story...

I had a whole story arc planned in Dash of Humanity 3 based on the mature story: Shattered. The story inspired me for how well it handled a very serious topic, but I plan to cut it. Shattered did it way better than I ever could, and as the 3rd story in the Trilogy Dawn deserves better than another round of being dragged through the mud by a topic that shouldn't be tread lightly.

So instead, for the rest of the 3rd story, I want to offer a nicer place to escape and enjoy some pony fics. It's about time Dawn got to learning about family, settling down, and a little slice of life action. I'll just have to find a way to make it interesting to read that doesn't involve constantly dropping anvils on Dawn's head.

Twilight: Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate.

Kaidan: Yeah I do. I've waited and been lurking for a week or two while I did some outlines and planning. I didn't want to get everyone's hopes up and then vanish again.

I've started and stopped writing a few times because I kept doing it for the wrong reasons, and then running off to generally be a jerk on reddit or discord, which only fed that cycle of negativity I mentioned earlier.

Anything else?

Twilight: Any other stories you want to share?

Kaidan: Well, in general I'm back to have some fun and finish up some stories. One of my stories in particular had always been one of the top 3 requested to get a sequel.

In time I'll reread and check on each of my stories. If I find anything that needs cleaned up or is overly edgy I'll address it. I'm hoping to provide a bit more wholesome dark and tragic style of writing that doesn't rely on shock and awe and breed controversy.

Twilight: Oh another surprise sequel to tease us with?

Kaidan: Yeah, I don't want to leave anyone hanging but if you're dying to know you can ask around for which of my stories was the darkest and tragicest.

 I've already got half a rough draft so I'm really just trying to get in touch with some editors and do the sequel justice. It's right up there with Twilight's Dollhouse, but like Dollhouse, it was one of my earlier and most flawed works.

Of course, my most flawed works are also my favorite. It can be exciting to be loved, but a lot of the time the really weird ideas that no one sees turn out to be the most interesting to write. If you want a really deep cut (no hit tracks) you should check out one of my personal flawed favorites, Scootaloo the Fugitive. I don't have a single negative memory about writing it. It was a learning experience on how to write. It was also so liberating to write without expectations, and full of the joy of seeing where a story written 100% off the cuff would take me.

Twilight: Well I think that about wraps up all my questions, we're glad to have you back.

Kaidan: Thanks, I'm glad to be back. And thanks for the tea, what is it? Green tea?

Twilight: Oh you should know, show don't tell.

Kaidan: Can I get some water? It made my mouth very dry.

Twilight: Oh don't worry, it'll be over soon.

Send help

Kaidan: …

Twilight: Once we get you back to the dollhouse the ponies will be so excited to meet their first human! And then you'll tell me all about those 'secret' updates you're working on.

Kaidan: ...

Comments ( 15 )

I had a lot of random stuff to say and an interview seemed like the best way to cover it all.

Twilight says hello! :twilightsmile:

I remember reading dollhouse and fugitive, and i remember asking for a sequel to fugitive, so i hope my wish comes true lol

Fugitive was so fun to read. I'm glad to hear that you're back and are well. :moustache:

See, this is why I don't remove follows for inactivity. Finding out about stuff like this is what that feature is for.

Glad I was able to pay forward all the encouragement you've given me all these years. I look forward to reading what you write in your coming stories

I agree. You never quite know when the author will come back. It's a highly slim chance, but can't say never.

I mean, sometimes I remove people who literally died, but even then I'm hesitant. Lots of misinformation out there.

I'm certainly glad people left me in their follows in case I started writing again. And it paid off this time, I'm in a place where I've got the time and motivation to write again. :twilightsmile:

I'll add Scootaloo the Fugitive to my list of things to re-read and see where I left off on the story. I have a lot of downtime during meetings that should have been emails. :scootangel:

5577947 5577932
Thanks. :heart:

I'm glad the community is still around and encouraging each other to be creative. As long as everyone keeps encouraging each other then I think the fandom will live on long after Gen 4 ended.

Personally, I just keep them all out of respect. When MythrilMoth passed away, I still kept all the stories I'd liked of his.

My point was more that an update from him would be a lot more unexpected than authors who merely disappeared.

No worries, Kaidan, I'm sure you'll make a very cuddly plushie for Twilight! :twilightsmile:

Well, that lasted a year at least, hope you come back again sometime, and thanks for visiting!
(TBF, I don't visit this site much anymore either, at least not for very long stints.)

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