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Meet The Mares: Dewdrop Dazzle · 10:30pm Aug 25th, 2021

There’s only so much that can go into a story, especially one with as many characters as 16 has. So I’m opening the floor to asking these characters questions. Post your reply with any questions you have and Dewdrop Dazzle will be happy to answer them (I’ll be editing this blog to add those questions). I’ll be posting the other characters in the coming weeks (up through Snowcatcher; the rest will come after their chapters are posted).

Interview subject #3: Dewdrop Dazzle

Source: https://www.deviantart.com/shinepawpony/art/Dewdrop-Dazzle-290601796

Cutie mark?

Source: https://www.deviantart.com/chromadancer/art/Dewdrop-Dazzle-Cutie-Mark-217600863

Favorite color?

Seafoam green.

Favorite song? Specifically, your favorite song that our audience on Earth might know?

Sailing by Christopher Cross.

Do you have a favorite television show?

Thunder In Paradise. I feel stupider for watching it, but dang, I really want that boat.

You were on the very first busload of ponies brought to the consulate the day the portal opened. Is that correct?


Relationship status?

It’s complicated. I’m single, but Snowy and I have a pact – if neither of us finds love by the time we’re thirty we’ll get married to one another. I’m not really her type though, so I’ve been encouraging my younger sister Razzle Dazzle, since she is Snowy’s type (Snowy’s partial to pegasi), and she’s had a crush on Snowy for a few years. Snowy is, as always, oblivious. As for me, if there are any hunky stallions out there reading this, look me up! I’m at the Mareiott in Little Falls (Wayne), New Jersey.

Do you have a car?

Not only do I have a car, it’s also a boat. It’s a 1966 Amphicar Model 770. The 770 refers to the fact it can go 7 miles per hour in water and 70 on land. It’s not that great at either motoring or sailing, but it’s one of the few vehicles that can do both. I couldn’t have afforded it, but Lulu Luck restored a wreck and the hotel wrote it off as a business expense. There are lots of lakes in the area, and we’re not that far from the Jersey shore either. We can take our guests out on the water with this.

Photo source: AlwaysDressesInStyle

Favorite part of living on Earth?

Unicorns are rare on Earth, and because of that humans don’t realize that my magic is limited. They also see nothing odd about the concept of a ‘water mage’ and find my abilities much more fascinating than my peers do.

What do you miss about Equestria?

My family. They can be obnoxious at times, but we’re always there for one another. Except, now we can’t be. Even when I was living in Canterlot, Snowy could teleport me home in an emergency. Having lived across the country from them for over a decade has somewhat dampened the pangs of loneliness, but we’ve always been a close family. Which is made all the more amazing by just how many of us there are.

Does living in Snowcatcher’s shadow ever bother you?

Not at all. Snowy’s flashy and likes the limelight. She says she doesn’t, but she secretly loves being the center of attention. I much prefer to stick to the background.

The human body’s comprised of 60% water. How long would it take you to kill someone?

Ponies are also roughly 60% water. As for the answer, we’re all better off not knowing. I’m a pacifist. I refuse to kill.

There are better ways of resolving disputes than murder. There are also ways that don’t involve dropping everyone involved from a mile up…

That seems rather specific. Is there an amusing anecdote that goes along with that?

No comment.

This interview took a decidedly dark turn. How about we bring things back around to happier subjects. We’ve determined you have a unique set of skills. Since you’ve indicated you only use your powers for good, could you stop a tsunami if one was headed for the Atlantic seaboard?

I… I don’t know. I’m good with water, but tsunamis are incredibly powerful. If I had Snowy’s mana reserves I could probably stop smaller ones, but I’d have to test it to find out. I’m pretty sure I could weaken one, or at the very least redirect one.

Ever thought of becoming captain of your own oceangoing vessel? If so, would you go with a cruise ship or a freighter?

That would be relevant to my interests. I never really considered it, but I could see myself as a cruise ship captain.

Spamotron: I understand that you have an “air bubble,” spell that lets you freely dive underwater and you can control the water around yourself to be almost as maneuverable as a seapony. How deep can you safely go? Ever just take a trip to the coast and go exploring?

Not far, sadly. I’ve only got twenty minutes’ worth of air in the bubble. I’m not sure how far down I could safely go because I’ll run out of air first. I’ve not gone exploring along the coasts, but I definitely enjoy mapping the bottoms of rivers and lakes. Because of my limits I’ve tended to stick to smaller bodies of water.

Dan: Can you manipulate water in solid and vaporous form?

Yes! I can go hoof to hoof with Snowy in the snow. It’s why we both love snow so much. It’s the one place where we’re on equal footing.

Snowliasion: As always, though I really already know the answer: Favorite colleague you wonderful hydromancer?

Believe it or not, Diamond Rose.

Yeah, I wouldn’t believe that either. I’m just messing with you. Snowcatcher, of course!

Woggs123: Regarding your underwater bubble, have you considered taking diving equipment or would an air tank be too heavy?

Indeed, I use scuba equipment when I want to stay underwater for more than twenty minutes. But there's no good way to combine my air bubble with an air tank.

Emil: What was the favorite food/drink that you discovered on human-Earth?

Italian ice. I’m partial to blue raspberry!

BirdsBooksBrownies: I'm not exactly a prime example of "hunky" but I am a single male who would like to test the water as it were. Maybe we could meet up for coffee or something sometime?

Humans are open to interspecies relationships? I’m a little surprised. Interspecies relationships are still uncommon in Equestria, which is home to more than a dozen sapient species. Humans haven’t shared the planet with other sapients until now. My Mom’s a pegasus, and my Dad’s a unicorn, and even that’s considered somewhat exotic in some parts of Equestria. I’m not necessarily opposed to it, I just never considered it until now. I don’t want to lead you on or shoot you down, but I need a little time to think it over.

penguincascadia: What is your favorite place around the New York City metropolitan area to go underwater?

Northern New Jersey has a bunch of lakes, so there's no shortage of choices. Several of them are manmade lakes, and they're the most interesting to explore. West Milford Township has multiple lakes that were created by flooding existing towns. Charlotteburg is under the Charlotteburg Reservoir, Oak Ridge is under the Oak Ridge Reservoir, and Clinton Furnace is now under the...you guessed it, Clinton Reservoir. I'm also partial to Pinecliff Lake, Pompton Lake, and Packanack Lake. That’s just a few of the many to choose from!

Thanks to Feathermay, I discovered that pony names don’t translate to English quite as well as everyone originally thought. What’s the most direct translation of your name?

She Who Dazzles Like The Early Morning Dew.

Dan: Does your sensei (Seven Seas) like Gilbert and Sullivan?

As far as I know, he hasn't come to Earth. Because of that, my guess is he hasn't even heard of them.

Comments ( 18 )

Made famous by Lyndon Johnson, IIRC.


You're correct! He loved to terrorize passengers by claiming the car had no brakes and then driving into a lake.

I would probably do the same if I had one. :raritywink:

I understand that you have an “air bubble,” spell that lets you freely dive underwater and you can control the water around yourself to be almost as maneuverable as a seapony. How deep can you safely go? Ever just take a trip to the coast and go exploring?


I need to go back and read her and Snowcatcher's chapters, but can Dewey manipulate water in solid and vaporous form?

On her own, I mean. She can do Rain moves, but can she do cool Sub-Zero moves without Snowy helping her?

I bet they both like Purple Rain.

As always, though I really already know the answer: Favorite colleague you wonderful hydromancer?


Not far, sadly. I’ve only got twenty minutes’ worth of air in the bubble. I’m not sure how far down I could safely go because I’ll run out of air first. I’ve not gone exploring along the coasts, but I definitely enjoy mapping the bottoms of rivers and lakes. Because of my limits I’ve tended to stick to smaller bodies of water.

Added to the blog post as well. As always, thank you for the question!


Believe it or not, Diamond Rose.

Yeah, I wouldn’t believe that either. I’m just messing with you. Snowcatcher, of course!

Added to the blog post as well. As always, thank you for the question!


Yes! I can go hoof to hoof with Snowy in the snow. It’s why we both love snow so much. It’s the one place where we’re on equal footing.

Added the above to the blog post. The below is a bonus because you asked a question that's answered in the next chapter. :raritywink: Since you asked, here’s the scene in its entirety.

There are no major plot points being given away, this is another of the cute scenes between the two. Still, if you don’t want a sneak preview, stop reading here.

Without further ado:

Canterlot: three years, ten months, and five days ago

After a long day of class, there was nothing Dewey and I liked more than visiting the little lake high up on the mountain. It was winter and the days were still short, but if I teleported us directly from our last class of the day, we could manage a few hours of frolicking before starting on homework.

It had been a particularly brutal day, with tests in three of our classes, and we’d been too busy studying the past few days to have had any time off to play.

It meant we were pent up and needed to really cut loose. Thankfully, nopony ever bothered with ‘our’ lake, not even in the summer, let alone the middle of winter. We were alone, and that meant we could go all out.

Dewey’s magic was strongest around water, and between the lake and the snow, she was in her element. The snow meant I was also at my peak, and we squared off against one another in a battle for the ages.

As always, I let my friend go first. The fight was almost over before it began. I could see Dewey’s horn glowing, but I couldn’t figure out what she was doing with it until I was hock-deep in snow. The packed snow beneath my hooves was slowly swallowing me.

How subtle. I teleported from the trap and onto the middle of the lake, skating to a stop on the far side. Dewey had me on the run early, but with the ability to teleport, I held the overall advantage. I unleashed a spark of magic into the air which boomed as it exploded in magical fireworks. It also triggered an avalanche, and a wall of snow raced down the mountain toward us.

C’mon, Dewey, show me what you can do.

The more snow and water, the stronger Dewdrop’s magic. She reacted best when she didn’t think about things, hence why I’d caused an avalanche. The idea was to force her to do something big, like when she’d gotten her cutie mark. On that day she’d summoned a downpour on a sunny day.

With more raw material than she’d ever have access to unless she went to the ocean, Dewey sculpted a magnificent, much larger-than-life replica of Princess Celestia. She even utilized the debris caught up in the avalanche, with rocks becoming her regalia and a mighty pine tree becoming as her crown. It was a sight to behold, and Dewey placed it at the top of the peak, where everypony in Canterlot could look up at it and behold its magnificence.

“Beat…that…” she huffed.

I shrugged. “I can’t. You win.” It didn’t happen often, but I was never disappointed when she beat me in our magic battles. “Want to go skating?”

Dewey nodded. “Just let me catch my breath a bit first.”

I nodded and draped a wing over her withers. At that moment she went from panting for breath to holding it in awe. She stared at my horn and wings in turn.

“Is something wrong, Dewey?”

“Wings.” She fainted.

My horn blinked out and my ‘wings’ disappeared. A simple illusion spell, it was one of my favorites. Combined with another spell to simulate the weight of the wing and the feel of feathers, they felt as real as they looked.

I grasped Dewey in my aura and teleported us back to our room. That’s enough playing for one day.

(sorry if this one's too late)
Regarding your underwater bubble, have you considered taking diving equipment or would an air tank be too heavy?


There's no time limit, so please keep the questions coming!

Regarding your underwater bubble, have you considered taking diving equipment or would an air tank be too heavy?

Indeed, I use scuba equipment when I want to stay underwater for more than twenty minutes. But there's no good way to combine my air bubble with an air tank.

This has been added to the blog post. Thank you!

if there are any hunky stallions out there reading this, look me up! I’m at the Mareiott in Little Falls (Wayne), New Jersey.

I'm not exactly a prime example of "hunky" but I am a single male who would like to test the water as it were. I did a scuba course several years ago as a part of a summer camp I took part in for five years. I am not a great swimmer but if I had the opportunity I would love to get under the waves again. Maybe we could meet up for coffee or something sometime? I'm going up to Milwaukee here in a couple of weeks right by the great lakes and from what I've heard home to some really good food.


Thank you! This has been added to the blog with a reply. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you and tell her there is absolutely no hurry. Excepting stubborn puppies and little brothers I like to think that I am a fairly laid back and patient individual. She's right that it would be breaking new ground and there are definitely obstacles to consider. That's why I suggested coffee or tea or whatever as a lowkey meet and greet scenario.

What is your favorite place around the New York City metropolitan area to go underwater?


Nice makeover! With enough hair dye I could color my coat, mane, and tail to match your art. Maybe I'll try that one of these days, just to shake things up a bit. If nothing else, it'll be funny to see how long it takes Snowy to notice.


Does your sensei like Gilbert and Sullivan?

Comment posted by Dan deleted May 18th, 2023


Answered in the blog! Thanks for the question, but I'm afraid the in-universe answer is a bit disappointing. Longer answer: He would thoroughly enjoy their work... if he knew about it. Musical? Check. Comedic? Check. Pirates? Check. It checks all the right boxes for him. Whether he ever discovers them probably won't be addressed in story.

But suffice it to say that once he discovers Earth has a bunch of nations that don't always get along with one another, and that many have navies and would love to have the advantages of a water mage... let's just say there's a strong chance he'll make the trip across the portal. But he probably won't be in touch with Dewey if/when that happens.

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