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Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they https://ko-fi.com/presentperfect

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  • 6 days
    Fic recs, June 2nd!

    Fic writer Mica is looking for someone who can speak English and Burmese!

    I get to go visit my friend in the hospital again today, yaaaay! :D

    Oh wait, I meant the other one. D: At least it's not a relapse into alcoholism, yaaaay! :'D

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    8 comments · 171 views
  • 1 week
    State of the Writer: May 2024!

    Didn't write nothing! clapping emoji!

    My surgery was on the 22nd, and it went well, I'm still in recovery for technically the next week and a half or so, but as of this week I'm already feeling back to normal. Which I have to keep reminding myself I am not, lest I overdo something and hurt myself. <_< I am at least following the discharge instructions, so no worries about that.

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  • 1 week
    PP vs. What I've Become

    Knight Breeze's What I've Become might not be a name you've heard before, but given its stats, especially the over 60,000 views, I feel safe calling it a fandom classic. :) Major spoilers ahead for a ten-year-old story!

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  • 2 weeks
    Fic recs, May 20th: Project Get! #17!

    Hey! :D Welcome back to Project Get!, where I sort my RIL by views and grab the last 10 on the list that aren't sequels, unfinished, or by the same author twice! I've been trying to do this a lot more frequently, but 'frequent' has not exactly described these blogs out of me, has it? D: I dunno if that could change in the near future. I've got outpatient surgery on Wednesday this week, so I'm

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  • 5 weeks
    State of the Writer, April 2024!

    It's another boring one! I ain't wrote nothin'! :B

    It actually feels lately like I've been crawling out of a pit? So maybe there's a light ahead? But it's also blocked by Balatro lol somepony save me D:

    The only other thing relevant to this blog is that I've had notes for a vs. post sitting in my notes document for probably the entire month now, what is wrong with me? D:

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Fic reviews, January 20th: Pride and Positivity edition! · 5:27pm Jan 20th, 2021

Got tired of waiting for the President to be sworn in, so I accidentally finished a review blog. :B

I don't think it's news to anyone when I say that 2020 was a year that really needed something positive. Thank goodness, then, for the site's LGBT+ authors, who banded together to give us just that, in the Pride and Positivity 2020 writing event. :D 50-ish stories, all dealing with queer issues, identity, and sometimes things like mental illness, all with a positive ending, to remind us that things don't always have to be bleak, even if life sometimes feels hopeless.

A quick disclaimer before I begin the reviews: I, unfortunately, identify as a cishet male, so I'm sorely equipped to evaluate these stories on their merits as anything but stories. That's for my LGBT+ peers to do. I just came here looking for good fics, and hoping they weren't all simply declarations of "X is Y identity", because while that has its place? It's not really a story.

So even if I gave you a poor review, know that, as long as what you wrote came from the heart, from a place of authenticity, your words are valid. And no matter what you did, you helped give this site some positivity when it was needed.

In the spirit of event, and because people are still hurting, I also include these:

Black Lives Matter - Where to Donate
Support Black People MasterDoc
Transgender Law Center

H: 5 R: 14 C: 18 V: 2 N: 4

Song of Myself by Ice Star
Genre: Romance/Character Piece
For over a thousand years, Luna has wrestled with an internal affliction.
In light of what I just said, this is absolutely what I'm looking for. This story can be summed up as "Luna is trans", and that's really all there is to it. A whole chapter is devoted to finding a new name, even! But what else this has is excellent character work, plus the whole reformed Sombra romance. And that's not even to mention that Luna is a great character to use for any sort of LGBT theme, because her long absence from the world means she gets to learn about them alongside the reader, and that is apparently something I'm really into. :B Now of course, the astute reader will want to know just why Sombra is a good guy and also married to Luna. We get to see some of their earliest hints of attraction in a dream, as well as actions that show they are really good as a couple (seriously, he's so supportive). How or why did he get reformed? Ice Star wrote the story, that's why. :V It's not important. For all that this ends on what could be just a beginning, I found it an excellent way to start this event off, with some of the writer's strongest writing, that I've seen anyway.
Highly Recommended

Soul Marked by PingZing
Genre: AU/Drama
After centuries of searching, Celestia has at last found her soulmate. And she's not happy about it.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I'm honestly not sure why this story appears in this event? It's got a Romance tag, but the first chapter is an excerpt from a textbook, which tells us, among other things, that the soul mark does not always lead to romance. (Also, that first chapter is a phenomenal piece of in-universe writing, an excellent way to start off the story, and I could have read the entire damn textbook.) This ends on a kind of shippy joke, essentially, but not enough that I would really call it "shipping". But that's pretty much the end of my criticisms. The character work for Celestia is stellar, the divergence from canon is ever so subtle, and the soul mark thing didn't end up being "you have a picture on your face, so you have to love someone no matter what". Because I've seen that before, and it's creepy! This was my introduction to this reader, and it made quite the first impression. :D
Highly Recommended

This Is Home by Melody Song
Genre: Drama
Limestone has never felt right.
So, this was exactly the kind of story I mentioned wanting to avoid in the outset of this review. I expect there will be a lot more of them to come. Limestone is trans! That's the whole story. The Pie parents don't understand, the Pie sisters do, the end. And there's nothing wrong with that, per se. But this also has some major writing issues: it's paced too fast, the description does a lot of heavy lifting with details not included in the story, and the author, bless them, really tried with the Early Modern English but does not have a grasp on it yet. The comments point out further ways the author could have approached the story to add some meat to it.
Not Recommended

Bifröst by Carabas
Genre: Historical Humanized AU/Comedy
In which a wedding is crashed by vikings.
This one's based entirely on the amazing cover art. The joke is that people in the Middle Ages had a very lax approach to personal hygiene. The names are amazing. And that's about it! You'd almost be hard-pressed to know this had anything to do with ponies!

Premarital Smooching by Scampy
Genre: EQG Shipping
Wallflower really wants to kiss Sunset.
Okay, so first, this is pretty funny, because Wallflower's so goddamn shy about kissing her girlfriend. But it's also introspective and has an important message about being patient and supportive with your significant other. Especially when they have as much baggage, introversion and self-loathing as Wallflower Blush. It's the kind of thing anyone who is or wants to be in a relationship could stand to learn, and Scampy presents it with utmost wholesomeness. :)

Fruit of Transformation by SigmaSonicX
Genre: Headcanon Dump
In need of artistic inspiration, Sunset finds herself on Mount Aris with a pair of guides.
The dialogue in this is kind of flat, and the writing overall feels like it might have been rushed for the event, but this has some of the most original ideas I've ever seen? Like seriously, I don't give two shits about hippogriffs, but this completely changed that. What a cool concept, and a far more interesting way to explore gender that… actually only just touches the surface. Tantalizing!
Recommended If You Like Coolheadcanons

The Festival of Love by theOwtcast
Genre: Wish-Fulfillment
All I can really say is that I'm privileged to have not lived a life where this kind of wish fulfillment would be my sole succor. Admittedly, other types have been in the past, so that's why I can sympathize with the idea behind it. That still doesn't mean it's good. It reads like an after-school special, where the bad guys are soundly chastised by all and sundry, while the good guys are lauded and celebrated in equal measure. It's hokey and hollow, built on strawman characters for whom the term 'character' is a real stretch. (How likely is it that three bullies with an axe to grind aginst gays are going to end up living in a place ruled by a gay king, anyway?) Someone, somewhere is going to get a positive thrill from this, so again, it's not completely meritless, but hopefully that person will also one day find better stories that give them the same thing.
Not Recommended

Sunset and Twilight Discuss Gay Anime Memes by Dubs Rewatcher
Genre: EQG Shipping/Comedy/Philosophy
Twilight and Sunset differ on the subject of Homura's stance on gay rights.
I ain't know much about Socrates, but I am here for gay anime memes. I am also way here for Sunset not completely getting anime, having bad takes on Pokemon, and messing up the names of the characters from Puella Magi Madoka Magica. But the conversation is actually good, too? Like, they talk through some important concepts in a completely unrealisticcivil manner and have a lot to say. That being said, I think it's a fair criticism to note that both Twilight and Sunset vacillate between being in well-written character and just, like, saying things. Like, spouting pre-planned arguments or something like that. This gets real, which is to say real-world, which is to say not Equestria Girls at all, and at some point, you may wonder why you ever thought this was fanfic. Still, I liked the window dressing and appreciated the meat of the argument, so that's what you need to bring to this to enjoy it.
Recommended If You Like Fics About People Talking About Important Things

Gay Pride and Some Prejudice by The Bricklayer
Genre: Shipping/Political Drama
Gallus and his friends are going to fight to save his relationship.
Oh boy, one other thing I hope I don't have to read a lot of is Gallbar. I know it's been big for a while, but I just do not care about either of these characters. Plus, it's technically breaking a canon relationship, which is also a big no-no for me, except that I may care about that relationship even less. And that's really where this story doesn't work for me: I don't care about the Student Six, and this is written for someone who does. Also, it's told really weirdly. We start off with a first-person italicized introduction from Gallus, and he cuts in now and then between the third-person narrative bits… Except that then there's also sometimes a first-person narrator in the middle of those? It's not Gallus, we're clearly outside his head. I don't know what's going on here. Now, all that being said, this does have one big thing going for it. I've always liked the idea that, since there are so many more mares in Equestria than stallions, mare/mare relationships are a-okay, while stallions are expected to make babies. If you want to portray homophobia in ponyfiction, in a way that makes sense for the setting, that's one of the better ways, if you ask me. And having a non-Equestrian involved was a good way to tell the story. Did not make me care about them, though.
Recommended for Gallbar Shippers

A Changeling and a Kirin Walk Into a Bar by Typoglyphic
Genre: Headcanon Dump
Stop me if you've heard this one…
Okay, that genre tag is a little mean. What this does, it gets away with by virtue of having excellent dialogue. It's literally just four people sitting in a bar, talking about stuff, some of which involves the gender dynamics of two alien species. Because yeah, not a whole lot happens here beyond spelling out what kirin and changelings do for gender, but with Lyra and Bon-Bon as our audience POVs, the conversation is lots of fun. Not to mention just the ideas presented are interesting in and of themselves. It's a reminder that, if your story idea is kind of boring or dry, you can always make it not be so!

A Lovely Crusade by PingZing
Genre: Shipping
Apple Bloom's friends are coming back to Ponyville, and they've brought some changes.
If the ending of this story is a little sappy and predictable, I would chalk it up to having not been written for the "Pride and Tragic Lesbian Feels" event. :P Regardless, this has a really good message at its core beyond "yes, three people can be in a relationship". Apple Bloom's emotional state is some good character writing, as are her interactions with her sister, and that's what's worth coming here for.

Reflections by Emotion Nexus
Genre: Emotional/Shipping
Dinky doesn't understand why the mirror is so awful.
Quick aside: This is at least the second story (probably first chronologically) I've seen shipping Dinky with Lily Longsocks, the really strong filly from Crusaders of the Lost Mark, and… This is a really good ship? But so just out there, where did it even come from? Anyway, this is a pretty fluffy piece of the "you are trans" sort with the depressingly common experience of the main character not knowing that being trans is even a possibility until their support informs them of such. Interestingly, this does not use the term! The rest is cute shippy comfort and a lot of self-loathing from Dinky, which admittedly makes full use of the short word count.
Recommended as Trans Comfort Food

Apples on Porcelain Plates by I-A-M
Genre: EQG Romance
Sometimes, just looking at her is enough.
Okay, here's proof positive that I am capable of enjoying fluffy shipping when I like the ship enough. :) This is just AJ and Rarity, being naked together, enjoying each others' company, with a little vignette about how they first met. Also some good advice about communication in relationships. It is mostly fluff, though, so I can't give it the big H, but… You'll know if you want to read this.

The Myth of Sisyphus by Seer
Genre: Character Piece
Pinkie's time in Ponyville hasn't exactly been easy.
Judging by the comments, I'm not the only one who would have been completely lost in this piece if not for the context of this being written for a Pride event. That being said, I do appreciate the subtlety; this could certainly deal with any number of problems people face, and there's nothing wrong with not coming right out and marking one as the issue. Plus, Seer is a great writer and used the comparison to Sisyphus quite well once it's established. Seeing Pinkie Pie at a low, uncertain point in her life is a really rewarding thing, because we know how she nds up from here.

Rock Hard~! by RoMS
Genre: Anthro AU/Romance
If you're not familiar with Siden's Ultimare AU, the basic idea is simple: Take the mane six, swap their personalities, design backstories for them. Oh, and also they're anthros. And I think they're all paired off with each other, too. So in this story, "Applejack" is Sparkling Cider, a waifish Manehattanite who specializes in fancy drinks, as her name suggests, while her marefriend, Ivory — Rarity — is a buff, rough-and-tumble gem miner from Ponyville. The artwork of them together is adorable, let me just say that. The one thing I wish this story had gone into any detail on is how they sound; I mean, I assume their accents are swapped, but there wasn't much play given to vernaculars here. Besides, once you deconstruct the characters that much, it's hard to treat them as anything but OCs. Also, this is an intensely visual piece, where position and size differences are a major part of what's going on, equally as important as the playful banter, and I actually had a hard time figuring out who was doing what where. o.O But it's still awesome to see someone writing in this 'verse, because I don't think I've read any stories about these characters before.
Recommended If You Like AUs

The Dreamwalker's Lament by Sledge115
Genre: Shipping
Twilight spends time with Luna in the dream realm, neither of them talking about what's wrong.
Now here's something I've not yet experienced: post-canon TwiLuna. Pretty cool idea! And I like the use of dreamwalking here to give Twilight some respite from what has got to be ungodly pressure as the new Princess-Princess of Equestria. I'll be honest, I don't have much to say about this, and I might not have followed it perfectly, but that's on me, not the author. No, this was some nice shipping, taking a pairing I like into a new context I appreciated. :)

Congrats on Your New Lady Bits! by Fillyfoolish
Genre: EQG Comedy/Kinda Shipping
Pinkie visits Twilight in the hospital.
In all the litany of trans-related stories I've read on this site, they tend to be either A) character is trans and doesn't realize it until someone else tells them, or B) character is trans and knows this and now you do, too. I've never actually read about anyone getting surgery until now. Wow! Anyway, this is a goofy piece about Pinkie being incredibly supportive of her friend (in her own special way) and also intensely flirtatious. It's not defined what their relationship might be, hence the waffling in the genre tag, but apparently this is semi-related to another of the author's stories, so. It's cute, quick fun, even if Pinkie's Pinkie logic is sometimes really hard to follow. The sign of a well-written Pinkie!

Candied Flowers by Commentpony
Genre: Crackshipping
Okay, author, you got me. The first half of this is written all in italics, rushed, telly, with limited whitespace and really poor storytelling. But once the italics end, well, we get Cadence admitting she's not a very good storyteller. That being said, the rest of this does leave something to be desired, basically justifying its two main characters being together by way of making them teenagers, and then not really doing anything but going, "Aw, aren't they cute together?" Which, y'know, is fine, it's just not very interesting from where I stand. Anyway, point is, this is a first fic for which my reaction is ultimately "the author has talent" instead of "have you ever read anything?" which was my (admittedly hasty) first impression. :P
Vaguely Recommended

Sontavia, a Chance Musical Encounter by ajvasquezbrony28
Genre: EQG Shipping
Two girls just so happened to have a fateful encounter one day.
If I know anything about ajvsquezbrony, it's that he's absolutely obsessed with this pairing, the sole champion of Sontavia on this site. So this is a good place to start with trying to understand the reason behind this… though I'm not quite sure it works. I mean, this is basically just two people bumping into each other, quickly becoming friends and then immediately moving on to kissing. The pacing is thus a letdown, and the fact is — and this is even basically stated outright at the end of the story — that if they hadn't both been in something of a funk, which gave them something to bond over, they might not have even become friends. The writing has a lot of editing issues still, but really, it's just a very standard "how they met" shipfic.
Recommended Only If You Like Unusual Ships

Someday Soon by Emotion Nexus
Genre: Slice of Life
This sleepover will be the perfect opportunity for Peachy Pie to admit her feelings.
Okay, this surprised me. I was expecting another simple confession fic, and with foals no less, but instead, this is actually about Sunny Skies' dark past and the friendship between the two of them. That said, POV was really scattershot, and I was tripped up by it more than once. Still, this was cute and sweet, and not at all what I'd been expecting at the outset.
Recommended If You Don't Mind POV Issues

A Beautiful Music by morion87
Genre: Transformation/Shipping
Adagio gets Twilight to do something she never thought she would.
Man, I don't even get Sundagio as a ship, and you're gonna throw Twidagio at me? Have mercy. D: And I really wish they had, because there's just nothing to this. Twilight — and let me be clear, I was never sure which Twilight — turns herself into a Siren and lays on the bottom of Lake Ponyville with Adagio Dazzle. They talk about how long she might do this. That's it. No indication of why they're together, or why Adagio is a good guy now, and not enough substance to the rest of the story to belay such questions while I was reading. Not even any of the professed music! This is very bare-bones is what I'm saying, and all I wanted was something more to latch on to.
Not Recommended

A Best Friend's Love by LunaEclipsed011
Genre: EQG Shipping
Twilight has a few things to figure out.
This moves so fast and is so short, I was surprised at how concise it is. I mean, it's neither too fast nor too short for what it's trying to be, and that's a very pleasant shock. As for what it's trying to be, it's basically "break up Twimber so we can have Sciset", and I at least think the characters realize that right before a breakup and during Twilight's sudden existential crisis is not the best time to hook up. Also, Timber's a dick. It works!
Recommended for Sciset Fans

I'm Still in Love With You by Omegathyst
Genre: Romantic Tragedy
After all this time, Rarity still hasn't given up.
Romantic tragedy, or tragedic romance? You decide! Everything happening in this story is clearly Rarity's fault, due to her propensity to just act on drama and how things are "supposed to be". And because of this, she spends an inordinate amount of time suffering (and creating more drama). I'm not sure how sympathetic the story actually is to her, but all I can say is, I'm surprised to see RariLight generating Rarijack-like amounts of drama and tragedy. XD
Recommended for Shippers

Pieces of Rainbow by Mockingbirb
Genre: PSA
After Rarity rips up Rainbow Dash's rainbow flag shirt, it's time to have a talk about orientation.
It's not just the flat, unrealistic dialogue or the breakneck pacing here. It's that there's maybe two lines in the whole story that tell you where everyone is or what they're doing, and the rest is just talking. And as I suggested, the talking is exactly what you'd expect from a cheesy after-school special. It goes through everyone's orientations, jumping through really big hoops to justify Rarity's asexuality(?) in light of Simple Ways, then confronts the big conflict, as if it were any mystery. It's Rarity, guys, she doesn't care about symbolism when there are crimes being perpetrated against fashion! It was frankly insulting to pretend like no one could figure out her motives. If you want to talk about important topics, write about them, don't just have characters sit around and talk.
Not Recommended

A Bard's Wish by conkersbadfurday
Genre: Action/Adventure
Winter Wheat has a request for Discord. First, he must overcome a castle full of obstacles.
This story does an awful lot of things really well, being one of those marvelous and unexpected highly competent first fics. There's a lot of O&O action, for instance, and it all flows well. I love all the digs at gaming things, like "no one ever wants to be the bard". Our protagonist, though he's had a rough life, is a character first before he's a vehicle for angst. In fact, I'd kind of forgotten his motives by the end, having gotten just as caught up in the fantasy adventure as he was. That's good storytelling! I do hope this author comes back to write more, and I find I don't mind saying this.
Highly Recommended

Sanctuary by The DJ Rainbow Dash
Genre: Shipping/Drama
After the accident, even Twilight hasn't been able to get Rainbow Dash to open up.
Rainbow Dash losing her wings? In 2020? Well, the story number is pretty low. c.c Regardless, this was all right, though the writing could use another editing pass and the characters don't always sound like themselves. It's mostly about being able to meet someone on their own terms, and I'm glad it had a happy ending.
Recommended for Shippers

All's Fair in Love and War Games by TheLegendaryBillCipher
Genre: Shipping/Comedy
Pinkie Pie just wants Rarity to take a break.
For as short as this is, there's so much packed in here. Three whole scenes of Pinkie trying to distract Rarity and being distracted in turn. Jokes aplenty. It's really a case study in word economy! Plus it's cute and fun. :D

The Intervention by TheLegendaryBillCipher
Genre: Shipping
In which Fluttershy attempts to repay a favor.
I feel like I'm still the only person who thinks the quesadilla thing is about the dumbest 'character building' moment of the show's entire run. Yet here's a story that attempts to take it seriously, and succeeds in coming up with a cute, heartwarming scenario of Twilight overcoming her (patently ridiculous) fear. It's not tagged comedy, but the first scene is pretty darn funny, too.

Liquid Courage by TheLegendaryBillCipher
Genre: Drama/Shipping
Sweetie Belle returns to her apartment, drunk, with no memory of what she said to her oldest friends.
Okay, how many of these did he do? <.< Of the last three stories, I'd call this the least satisfying, entirely because we're getting the denouement of a bunch of stuff that happened off-screen. Being told everything in hindsight just doesn't really cut it, not when there's a lot of juicy drama just lurking around the corner. It's just okay.
Recommended for Shippers Only

Incandescent by Seer
Genre: Romance
What is love to a goddess?
I fucking dare you to figure out who the speaker in this story is before you hit the final chapter. This is one of those pieces where someone's just sort of reflecting on love, and debasing themselves before their paramour, which in a lot of ways, I really don't have much time for. But the language use is so strong, this is sure to please anyone who enjoys a solidly turned phrase.
Recommended If You Like Reading Writing

Slice of Cake by Snow Quill
Genre: Romance
Carrot Cake always has one issue with dating…
I really must apologize to the author: I read A Sweet Taste of Cake a few months ago, but it really sticks in the mind, and there's just no comparison to it. But even if this weren't easily comparable to one of the quintessential "how they met" stories in the fandom, it would still leave something to be desired. Two thousand words just isn't enough to really get a grip on either their chemistry or Carrot Cake's internal conflicts. They meet, their first date goes well, the second date goes well offscreen, he tells her he's trans, it's not an issue, the end. It's not without merit beyond the feel-good — I absolutely love the unspoken explanation for why Mrs. Cake's maiden name was completely different — it just isn't a very satisfying story.
Vaguely Recommended

No Shame in Love by TheLegendaryBillCipher
Genre: Drama
Lyra Heartstrings finds a new home.
I thought this one was a little weird. Young Lyra suddenly finding out about same-sex relationships, then realizing her parents are huge bigots at the same time, is told in a very childish sort of way? And then the last half or so of the story is just filling in bits of what happened in canon between Lyra and Bon-Bon. It does have quite the feel-good ending, it just didn't strike me as well as TLBC's previous entries.
Recommended for LyraBon Fans

Rooster by Dreamer Deceiver
Genre: Epistolary Future Fic
Is it strange to find oneself in the Dragon Lands?
Okay, this one went over my head. I guess Scootaloo is non-binary from the comments, but not even the comments seem to agree on what the story is about, so I'll just talk about what I can. Namely, this is well written and presents an interesting future for Scootaloo, even if it seems to involve the Cutie Mark Crusaders breaking up. And though it contains entire dialogues, it still feels like these were made within the confines of what someone might actually remember while writing a long letter. The punk music discussion in particular seems like the kind of thing that would stick in your head, even if it takes up a rather inordinate amount of wordcount. On the whole, a good piece, I just didn't get anything out of it. At least others have.
Recommended If You're Interested in Gender Identity Issues

Taco Salads (A SonTavia Romance) by ajvasquezbrony28
Sequel to Sontavia, a Chance Musical Encounter
Genre: EQG Shipping
Octavia tries to figure out why her girlfriend likes tacos so much.
Though this does make an effort to let us get to know our protagonists, at heart, it's just fluff. Though even for a fluff piece, it's a bit ephemeral. I mean, we have this nice conversation up to the drive-thru window, then the rest of the story is finished up in a rush. More character-building conversation and banter would definitely have been welcome. But, editing mistakes aside, this isn't bad.
Recommended If You Enjoy Fluff

We Will All Be Changed by Cynewulf
Genre: Humanized Relationship Drama
There's something wrong, and it's hurting us.
I've read stories where a character doesn't know the word 'trans', then someone else tells them they are, and it solves all their problems. I've read stories where a character knows they're trans and just doesn't know how to tell others about it. But somehow, a story like this, where it seems all the characters lack the vocabulary to discuss transness, is ultimately more satisfying, even if those other stories definitely have their places. I guess I like watching characters figure things out for themselves, even if their partner kind of freaked out at first and is trying to make up ground in being supportive. (I also love that Rarity has to reevaluate her sexuality at the end.) I dunno, I've ultimately got no real basis to judge from. I just really liked this story, and the writing is excellent, and the lack of quotation marks helps drive home the sense of not really being sure about what's going on.
Highly Recommended

Rainbow Connections by Silent Whisper
Sequel to Futile Devices
Genre: Shipping Drama
To tell Rainbow how she feels, Fluttershy must be bold.
At its core, this is a very convenient romance. They both like each other, so even though everything in Fluttershy's grand plan to tell Rainbow how she feels, it's gonna go better than expected by the end. Yet it was so good? I love how this takes a bunch of things from the original story (which will be reviewed in the future!), like Fluttershy's guitar playing, and turns them into subtle hints that she was also interested in Rainbow. I love the whole concept of speaking someone else's language, and that's why none of those subtle hints worked. I mean, this is a positivity event, of course they're gonna get together by the end, but the foregone conclusion didn't change the fact that this was really well written and I was there every step of the way.

Gays Upon My Gems by SigmasonicX
Genre: PL Shipping Comedy
Well'p, here it is, guys: The first Pony Life fanfic (that I have read). And I hate how well Sigmasonic captured the one-dimensional mania of that fever dream. In fact, this story makes me think that the people who made that show were literally trolling us the entire time. This is like trollfic! It's so dumb, but it's so great, I hope no one else writes one.
Recommended If Your Love of Shipping Is Greater Than Your Hatred of Pony Life

Thank You by themoontonite
Genre: Slice of Life
Twilight's ready for her big day, thanks to a brother who understands exactly what she's going through.
I don't even know how to explain it, but this was really great? All we see is Shining going to start HRT for his transition, and then Twilight doing the same thing with Shining by her side. And that comparison is just so effective! I certainly wouldn't have minded more to the piece, because it's that good, but what's here is exactly what needed to be here for the story to work! (Also, the comments are excellent reading in their own right.)
Highly Recommended

100 Ways to Come Out by Quirky Craft
Genre: Slice of Life
Scootaloo has something important to tell Rainbow Dash.
What do you get when you mix good character writing with the sheer ridiculous that is Rainbow Dash/s parents? A surprisingly heartwarming story about coming out. Also, PinkieDash. :3 That's really all there is to this, and I loved every second of it!

I've Been Thinking by ConfettiColored
Genre: Epistolary HiE
The upcoming meeting of worlds will impact more than just interspecies relations.
In many ways, this is exactly what you might expect, up to and including being a self-insert. But in the context of this event? This is actually a really creative way to approach things. I actually wish there was a response from Celestia, even! The author packed a lot of stuff in, and it pretty much works.
Recommended for HiE Fans

Haikuesque (When She Laughs) by themoontonite
Genre: Shipping
Twilight likes Fluttershy. She just doesn't know how to tell her.
Here's one about polyamory! This is pretty cute, the kind of story that makes me want to poke endless fun at Twilight. It just seems like she's the kind of person who falls in love easily, and the fact that Rarity's so supportive of her new ventures was pleasing. :) Plus, there's some decent poetry! So yeah, a very light shipfic but nevertheless cute and amusing in turns. I find I really like this author.

Rainbow Dash Fails at Pride Day by Mockingbirb
Genre: Comedy
In which Rainbow Dash is asked to give a motivational speech.
Funnily enough, she actually sort of succeeds, too? This was weird and kind of unfocused, mostly because the bulk of it involves Rainbow Dash waffling hard, and that's more or less the point. She basically gets tricked into giving this speech, which she is bad at, and then tricked into doing it well, during said speech, so you can maybe see where my confusion lies. XD It's still funny, make no mistake, just maybe a bit more Random than it initially lets on.
Recommended for Laughs

Sandbar and Gallus by Botched Lobotomy
Genre: Shipping
Sandbar helps Gallus read Romeo and Juliet.
I wasn't looking forward to ending this on Gallbar, but this is actually pretty good, and it's because the author writes the Student Six well. I wish they'd had this much character and chemistry in the actual show. Granted, it's really strange that they're reading works of literature with real-world titles. Not that pony puns would have been more welcome, just that the ponification stops with the authors' names. And maybe falling in love over reading Shakespeare is cheesy, but it's also pretty cute. The last chapter, with the scene of Pinkie Pie in the role of student counselor, is also laugh-out-loud hilarious. This turned out to be a great piece to end on, after all. :)

Report PresentPerfect · 1,009 views · #fic reviews
Comments ( 28 )

To be noted, This Is Home was one of the first LGBTQ+ MLP fanfictions I wrote, ever. Like, literally back when I just started attending a high school specifically for creative arts, which includes my department, Creative Writing. I uploaded it specifically for the Pride and Positivity event, and though I didn't expect it to necessarily be one of the better stories, I just wanted to say "hey, I participated, I'm Bisexual, this is my contribution"

Because I just wanted to participate, and because I thought I was getting better as a writer when I wrote This Is Home, hearing this kind of review of my story is incredibly disheartening. I really did try my best to get this right, because it seemed like such a good idea. I'm sure you have a very good eye for stories, but you really hurt my feelings with that review. I don't mean to offend you, of course. You seem to have a knack for reviewing.

Again, I mean no offense to you, I'm just stating how I feel. I'm sure you're a great reviewer.

Author Interviewer

I do apologize if you hurt your feelings, that's not my intent. :( If it's an older fic that was just recently published, do you think you have a more recent piece that better shows off your ability?

Well, Coming Out was originally also going to be added to the event, but I didn't finish it in time. This Is Home was the only fanfiction I had at the time that fit the genre and was already completed

As a rebuttal to mine, I even outright said that what there was for the story was barebones. Because it was meant to be much longer and explain everything that lead up to where the story starts.

But it never went anywhere. For various reasons. So what there is, was all that was ever done for it.

I'm not even sore about it not being recommended. Not my problem if people don't like or read it. I'm not looking for popularity.

Site Blogger

I was so happy to see Rock Hard~! exists, if only because I love the Rarity and Applejack redesigns. Wish we had more stories set in that AU.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I'm honestly not sure why this story appears in this event?

I actually kind of... forgot? I entered Soul Marked into this event? But yeah, it was sort of awkwardly grandfathered in, as I'd finished the story just before the event was announced, and I loved the goal of the event. I made sure with the event runners beforehand--I know this is only kinda-sorta qualifies if you squint, but do you mind?--and they said "Sure!" But yeah, fair criticism.

A Lovely Crusade was me writing a story specifically for the event because I felt a little bad that the other one only kind-of counted >.>

This ends on a kind of shippy joke, essentially, but not enough that I would really call it "shipping".

Urgh. Yeah, weakest part of the story. I really should have done right by the two of them and allowed Chrysalis at least a tiny bit of honest introspection. Oh well.

Thanks for the reviews! Your insight is much appreciated.

Real talk time. Unreasonably well-groomed Vikings were a huge problem during the early Middle Ages, and I'm so happy to find a story that finally acknowledges that.

As for the rest... *groan* I've got too many stories on my to-be-read list already! :facehoof:

I think this might be my first story reviewed by you and honestly, the review is completely fair lol. It was one of my first speedwrites and as such, I wanted to keep it short and pretty much as I originally wrote it. I didn’t know there was another story about the Cakes with a similar title, but I guess it makes sense. Thanks for the review though, I hope someday one of my better stories may find its way onto a blog.

Holy crap this is awesome! I'll admit, these probably aren't my strongest stories, but they hold a special place in my heart either way. (Also regarding the POV issues in SS, I'm eventually going to give that one a rewrite, I just really don't have the time at the moment.)

thanks so much for the reviews T.T im glad that Thank You landed where i wanted it to with people bc its kinda hard to write a vaguely autobiographical story because it could just flop yknow? but im glad my little story about my brother and i told thru the lense of colorful horse people worked out 💛

Thanks for the review, friendo. :heart: I’m glad you didn’t think it’s terrible, that automatically makes it a big step up from what I used to write!

RoMS #13 · Jan 20th, 2021 · · 1 ·

Thanks for the positive review! :rainbowkiss:

Well, can't say I'm surprised with the 'not recommended' rating. I liked the event and wanted to participate, but between real-life obligations, writing another fic, and lack of inspiration for something that might actually stand a chance of being good (and doubting inspiration would come at all and especially by the event deadline since I normally neither read nor write anything even closely related to romance), I just went with the first idea that popped into my head and wrote it in an afternoon. Could it have been better? Maybe, but knowing myself, I'm not very convinced. I probably won't participate again if the event gets repeated even though I think the event is a great idea. I guess I'm just not up to the task of creating something worthy for it :ajsleepy:
That being said, I'm not angry or disappointed with your opinion or anything like that. I actually agree with you and wish I could have done better

Glad to see you liked my stories, and most of the stories in the event, even my Pony Life fic.
For the record, I maintain that Pony Life is quite good :ajsmug:
(Side note, why does this site have so few pony emotes?)

I really love cute Fimfic events like this and Monochromatic's two fic bombs. Writing can feel pretty lonely sometimes, so every little bit of community and external encouragement helps, especially when they aren't competitive. It's so interesting to see where other people go with the themes and how broadly different genres and issues are represented.

And apparently they also come with a decent chance of a PresentPerfect review, so that's a pretty nice cherry on top.

Posh #17 · Jan 20th, 2021 · · 1 ·

5439176 This sure does sound like something that someone who is Definitely Not Mad would say.

I know for a fact that people do like the story I submitted. And that I've had multiple people say that I should do more with it. And I will do more with it one day.

One meh :/ review will not change my mood.

Just want to say thank you for the kind words :) I had a lot of fun writing A Bard's Wish--and also a lot of anxiety because it was my first time writing a trans character and my first time tackling fanfiction in ... many, many years. I'm glad it's made some people happy!

Hey Present, i'd like to politely request that you remove this review.

Thank you.

Thank you very much for the reviews. I'm glad you liked my pieces.

Author Interviewer

You and me both!

There were actually quite a few stories that made me wonder why they were here, and if, like, people were just allowed to add stories to the group folder after the fact. That's where I got the list from, after all. c.c

Hey, you could've always been me, and just not been able to complete a story for the event. :B

Got it.

You're a sweetie!

Review more SunFlower stories or I will break into your house and pour maple syrup all over the furniture :heart:

Present, the contest was 13 years ago

You have to move on, we're worried about you

I actually completely forgot these stories were supposed to be positive until I was just reminded, right now.

It should also probably be mentioned that a big proportion of these stories got downvote-bombed simply for being a part of the event, so if anyone's glancing through these recs and deciding what stories to read, mentally shift some of that red into green before you decide.

Oh, hey, thanks for the kind words! Glad I got ya to (somewhat) enjoy Gallbar right at the end. :raritywink:

Ah! Forgot I entreated those two into this ^^’
Anyways :), oh nice! Quirkys story got a recommend, and that’s before she was able to apply my proof reading edits :pinkiehappy:

Anyways, I do thank you for the honest reviews with mine. Taco salad was really nothing more than my attempt to make a short sweet one shot anyone could read, although I’ve always meant to go back and do some clean up ^^’

As for Chance... oh I am NOT proud of that one at all :twilightoops: honestly, I only really wrote it for this, and after seeing that picture and thinking; you know what, no ones done this before, so I will! Nice little break from octyscrath :pinkiehappy: actually funny story, was just off a piñata high before becoming the SonTavia captin (least I’ll be remembered for something XD)
Anyways, truthful, I really thought I would just do one story with them, so I kind of rushed the romance at the very end. Even as I wrote it out I was thinking; too fast, but better than leaving it incompleted. If I knew I’d keep things going I might have ended it more like I did with Siren of the Wellspring (which got featured, so yeah, definitely sequel one day ^.^)

As for why I’m still going with these two? One, I get to be captain and known for something 😎 two, aside from them being hot :twilightsheepish: well, being Demisexual, it takes a lot for me to consider that. I guess the more I wrote Octavia and Sonata, the more I found myself relating to them. Sonata with her more hyperactive, can come off as irritating, but can mean well, and Octavia with her desires with her musical dreams to make something of herself, but most of all (at least with Tavia more in headcannons) them coming from rather toxic family dynamics, be it Octavia if you go with the stern parents, or Sonata with how her sisters mock her childish stupidy. Both of which of issues I deal with my dad, and they help me to cope

Well till next time ⭐️

That threat really doesn't work in Canada.

New Scampy fic: [T][Romance][Sex] Wally and Baconhair Sensually Cover Their Couch in Maple Syrup

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