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Kobolds · 2:49am Jul 30th, 2020

The lizard-like ones, not the fuzzy ones.

They're a topic I've been kicking around in chat with friends for a while. Turning people/ponies/dragons/justaboutanything into a cute kobold with swept-back horns and a short but thick tail that have a built-in desire to serve their dragon master.

Seeing as I had a topic but no plot, I figured something generic and quick would be a good way to kick the tires on kobolds. So here it is. First person, human -> kobold TF with a sex-swap of F->M.

I walked in the door of the office suite and looked around. It was still hard to believe I'd gotten this far. Work was so hard to get right now, and getting cold-called by an agency for construction work—no skills needed had been both exciting and worrying. When I'd called back, however, they sounded professional and led me through a phone interview. And, now, here I was at their offices.

Behind the front counter sat a young man with large, round-rimmed glasses, but it wasn't his ocular augmentations that made him look a little odd—he was dressed like a wizard. Well, he had the hat sitting on a coat rack to the side, but he was wearing literal wizard robes.

"Uh, is this Sure-Shot Hiring?" I asked.

"It is! You must be Susan?" He might have looked like a wizard, but his fingers clacked over the keyboard before him with all the grace of a touch-typist.

"Yeah. Your interviewer said…" That's when it hit me. "You did the interview!"

"Guilty as charged. Look, I'll level with you. We have a new line of employers who are just itching to start some large scale work, and we need everyone we can find. We have the skilled workers already, and we just need people to provide unskilled labor."

The honesty was disarming. "I mean, I've done a little work like that before, though lately I've been caught up in hospitality jobs."

"I was just going to get to that, actually. Okay, hospitality and labor is a great fit for one of our smaller clients. If you could just head through to room two, and we'll get a brief physical before your placement. You're ready to work immediately?"

Rent was due in two weeks, I had enough groceries to last me about half that time, and my car needed a service. "Yes!" Whoa. Tone it down, Susan. "I have to ask, sorry, but is it a fancy-dress day or something?"

"What?" He genuinely looked perplexed for a moment, then his face lit up into a smile. "Of course! I'd forgotten." Reaching into a drawer of his desk, he pulled out a red nose and put it on his face.

Okay, so they were a bit strange. Everyone was a bit strange. "Looks great. Just here on the left?" I was already walking, I could see the door with a big number two on it.

Knocking on the door led to someone inside saying "come in", so I opened it and stepped inside.

"Hi there. My name's Jess, I'll be doing the physical for you. Would you be able to take a seat?" She wore a long lab coat and had a tablet in one hand that she was tapping away on.

It was all the usual stuff. There was paperwork to sign, and she checked my eyesight, my hearing, my reflexes, and finally asked me to strip off and lay down on my side on the bed.

"Uh, what's this test for, doc?" I asked, already moving to comply with her request.

"Oh, this is embarrassing, I'm not a doctor." Her words made the world fall out from under me, metaphorically speaking. "I'm just a nurse. Sorry if there were any assumptions there."

I could breathe and move again, thankfully. "Maybe lead with that next time. Being told the person who I just let poke me all over wasn't a doctor almost gave me a heart attack. So what do I need to lie down for?" I got all my things off, more reassured now, and got in position on the bed.

"Comfort while I do this."

Now, I'd heard a lot of different languages after working a few years in coffee shops, but the words she spoke didn't sound like anything I could place. She pulled something from the pocket of her lab coat and tossed it in the air—then there was a flash of green light.

The first thing was a slight pinch in the back of my head. It felt odd, but the sensations slowly spread out from there—which meant the rest of my head got done first. It was like having warm honey poured over me, but only my brain. I'd never felt anything in my brain except pain before (headaches), but this was—it was nice.

"Just keep calm. This will ensure you're all set for your new job."

Her words were hard to track from the laying down position. I watched her move to stand in front of me. The color seemed to drain from the wall behind her and her hair. Wait, no, it didn't drain, it just became less interesting. When she moved her hand, my attention seemed to latch onto it.

The honey seemed to cover my face next, and between my eyes a vaguely green snout pressed outward. It was strange how I knew what it was, but it just made sense to have it there. As I opened and closed it a few times, I felt my jaw hinge slightly differently to normal, and the movement also tipped me off that there was more weight at the back of my head.

"You're doing great. Things are going to feel a bit odd now."

I tried to say something, but my tongue was growing to suit my mouth, and I don't think I'd have much chance of getting words out anyway. The honey seemed to rush down my body. I couldn't help but squirm a little as it washed over me. Tilting my head, I looked down and gasped. My breasts were melting, or so it seemed, into the green, scaled flesh that was chasing the honey-sensation.

My arms seemed to grow, shoulders bulking up and my muscles rippling—but not showing the usual muscle tone that I thought it should. Still, when the honey reached my forearms, they did get bigger. The growth spurt in my arms continued on to my hands. My pinkies melded into my ring fingers, and all three remaining digits swelled up and grew large claws on them that looked more like talons than fingernails. My thumbs did grow, but nowhere near as much as my fingers, and neither of them grew huge claws.

"They'll help you with your work."

The honey continued, of course. I felt it cover my hips, then pour down my legs and—my tail. When I tried to turn my head to look over my shoulder, there was a ripping sound behind me.

"Hold on, that's your horn stuck on the sheet." Jess walked closer and carefully lifted my head and shoulders. That's when I realized she was now taller than before. She also smelled—smelled really female.

Something tightened in my lower belly, distracting me from whatever kind of tail I'd just grown. I squirmed a little, and there was more tearing-fabric sounds as I pressed one hand to the bed to sit up.

"You, oh—" Jess looked down to my belly as I sat up. "Well, I'll take that as a compliment, but you really shouldn't be sitting up yet."

"What'd you do to me?" I asked, my words sounding higher-pitched and a little harder than normal.

"I guess it's time to level with you. Our employers are dragons. You wouldn't believe how much they're willing to pay for workers. Anyway, are you ready to meet your new boss?"

I shook my head, still trying to banish her scent from my nose. "What do you mean? I just—wait, the contract I signed said I could quit any time I wanted."

"And you can. Just tell your new boss you are done, and it will trigger a spell to bring you back here. We'll even cover the cost of turning you human again."

"I wanna be—" I never got to finish. A bright flare of silvery light hit me like a hammer and I wasn't in Kansas no more. For one thing it was hot. Hotter than hot. The lava flowing—my vision kept dragging back to it—just ten feet away was probably the reason for that.

"Oh, hey." The voice was loud.

I looked around, my nose working to track down the scent of something alive, and that's when I realized it was hard to find her because she was all around me. Almost literally. A huge dragon, her scales of shimmering cyan, was practically coiled three-quarters around me. Fear should have been my instant first reaction—that's how it worked in stories and stuff, right?

Instead of fear, though, I felt only—love? "You're so pretty…"

It took me a bit to work out where her head was, given I started at her tail. Her scales seemed to reflect the light of the lava and it made me want to hug her. When I managed to find her face, the feeling turned into a slight fluttering in my chest.

"You're kinda cute too. Oh, right, before we go any further I have to mark you. Here." She reached out her huge claw and gently tapped me in the middle of my forehead with the tip. I wasn't scared, and the moment she made contact I felt another ripple of hot honey rush over me.

By the look of my snout, I now sported cyan scales just like hers. Joy welled up inside and I bounced on my feet a bit. My oddly-shaped but still usable feet. "W-What can I—I mean—How can I—" I was tongue tied.

"First, my name is Ember. Normally Dragon Lord Ember, but you can just call me Ember. I've got a big problem and the company said they would supply workers to help. You're the third. What's your name?"

My mind raced and I tried to get the words out. "Y-Your Dragon Lordness, Ember—I uh…" It was hard to think about, but I eventually managed to drag my name out. "Susan."

"Susan's a girl's name. You might want to try another."

That was surprising. I looked down, between my legs, but the scales there were smooth and it didn't look like I had anything at all. "You're sure?"

"Very. Would you like a new name?"

Something about her just seemed so interesting and wonderful. I looked up at her huge face and nodded, though something was making my butt wobble. Oh, right, tail. Why was my tail wagging?

"Little Scale, I think. You're the first one who's turned the same color as me." Her tone was approving, and had my butt wobbling even more.

I felt so much joy to hear it that I barely managed to remember my new name. New name? Was there a problem with my old one? Lifting one hand up, I gently scratched one of my horns in thought. Oh, right, it didn't fit me. Little Scale was much better because Dragon Lord Ember gave it to me. "Thank you!"

She leaned over me, bending her huge mouth forward and touching her lips to the top of my head. "You're welcome, now, about these other two, they're kinda clueless. I hope you can keep them in line?"

She pointed a claw to one side and, stilling my butt, I turned and saw who she was talking about. Two more creatures, just like me, were standing at a cave entrance. I didn't need to smell them to know what they were—females.

Kobold females. A smile caught at my lips. "Dragon Lord Ember, I can have them sorted out in just a little bit." Each step made my butt wobble a little as my big tail swished behind me. It was big, but short. The closer I got to my kin, the more in charge I felt. "Alright, you two, no more slacking. Dragon Lord Ember has a job for us, and I'm here to make sure it gets done!"

What the job was, was obvious. She needed a cave big enough for her and her treasure, and I was just the right 'bold to see to the work!

Support me on Patreon or fuel my writing on Ko-Fi!

Join me on Discord. Please use your FimFic name as an alias. Warning, said chat may contain NSFW material and should be considered adult in nature.

Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the Coal Mine
Ender Voidwalker
KFS Crimson
Vi Watch

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words:

Report Damaged · 649 views · #story
Comments ( 9 )

Always had a soft spot for the little bastards.

I play Kobold Kare.

check out the artist 'ryusuta' on furafinity, they do clean stuff only, they had a period where they did alot of koboldy stuff, theyve moved on mostly and focuses alot on there self created demon race and a comic they are working on

but yeah

5325458 Their form was inspired by the kobolds in 36632999 over on FurAffinity (by Watsup).

Warning: Very NSFW.

Is it a coincidence you posted this the same day kobolds became a playable race in Pathfinder 2e?

5325519 Yes it is. I haven't been following Pathfinder for a while.

Kobolds do seem like a perfect fit for Equestria. Adolescent dragons kind of fit the mold as long as they're within shouting distance of the current Dragonlord, but a race predisposed towards industriousness and dragon worship is definitely easier to work with in terms of Ember dragging her society out of the Stone Age.

That said, I can only imagine how Twilight feels about this... assuming that ponies aren't helping with the hiring process. It's technically all voluntary, so...

5325537 One of the plot ideas we had kicked around was Spike having a group of kobolds just arrive and declare themselves his "clan", and they just start digging a set of caves under the Castle of Friendship.

Another was that Ember, to cement partnership with Equestria, declares Celestia an honorary dragon—at which point a swarm of kobolds take up residence in the caves under Canterlot and start building it out at as a warren.

Expect to see something coming out with these adorable little guys in future.

Lovely little short. Thank you.

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