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Character Spotlight: Applejack · 1:56am Feb 9th, 2020

Spoiler alert for chapter 438 - Natural Talent.

With the missing members of the Mane Six having returned to Equestria, and finding themselves embroiled in a battle shortly after returning home, it seems like a good time to put the spotlight on what they can do. After all, Everglow is a tough world, and adventuring there means that characters will be forced to grow in power if they want to survive. To that end, let's take a look at the most martial member of the team:

Applejack, 9th-level eldritch warrior

Out of all of her friends, Applejack has spent the most time on Everglow. Initially heading there in the wake of Twilight's death during the Elemental Bleeds in order to help resurrect her friend (as recounted in A Dangerous Sparkle), she later returned via an accident with the Cutie Mark Crusaders (as recounted in The Apple Falls Far From the Tree), putting the magic that she learned during her first trip there to good use in guiding the fillies back home. This last adventure also saw her come into possession of the artifact known as Severance, and although she only possessed it for a short time, the artifact left considerable havoc in its wake. With her alignment changed to Lawful Neutral, Applejack used it to send Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to Everglow, sending Pinkie Pie after them shortly thereafter (as recounted in Tarnished Silver and Clouded Diamonds) before Rainbow Dash finally helped her to give up Severance. Shortly after that, she would accompany Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash on a third trip to Everglow (the beginning of which is recounted in Book and Stars) in order to help find the missing members of Ponyville and get her alignment sorted out.

During her time there, Applejack came under the tutelage of the notorious Burly Brawl. A mercenary known for his overwhelming physical strength, he helped train Applejack in using her innate earth pony magic, pushing it to heights beyond what she'd thought possible. By the time she headed back to Equestria, Applejack had gained significant power (though not enough to overcome her teacher, whose lewd and crude nature offended her deeply).

Now, with the magic she's learned during her numerous trips to that other world, Applejack is more than ready to put her skills to use defending her family, her friends, and her home. Unfortunately, it seems as though she'll have plenty of opportunities to do so; the consequences of the Elemental Bleeds are still unfolding, and the ambitions of the wizard known as Lex Legis continue to loom large over Equestria...

The earth mare in front of you has a bright orange coat, with a golden blonde mane and tail. Her cutie mark is three bright red apples. As her green eyes turn in your direction, a friendly smile crosses her lips. "Well, howdy ya'll," she drawls. "My name's Applejack, what can I do for ya?"

The following statistics are built with Eclipse: The Codex Persona to be compatible with Pathfinder First Edition:

Available Character Points: 240 (level 9 base) + 30 (levels 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 feats) + 6 (“starting traits”) + 9 (restriction) + 18 (duties) + 6 (disadvantages) = 309 CP.

Applejack has adventured on Everglow enough that she's now built as a Pathfinder character, receiving all of the advantages thereof. In addition to being able to build her ability scores via a Pathfinder point-buy (see below), she gains 6 CP of starting traits, gains a feat at every odd-numbered level, and uses the Pathfinder package deal and Pathfinder skill list. Altogether, these represent a small but not-insignificant power-up.

Applejack's restriction is against using manufactured weapons (her use of the lasso is allowed on a technicality, as it does no damage). Her duties involve running Sweet Apple Acres. Her disadvantages are History (from what we've seen in the show and the aforementioned fics) and Recorder (this one is a bit of a sop, since it's player-focused and not character-focused; I've added it here because maintaining consistency with the show and those other stories seems like it's worth an extra 3 CP).

Ability Scores (25-point buy): Str 16 (+2 level advancement, +2 enhancement, +2 belt = 22), Dex 14 (-2 race, +2 belt = 14), Con 14 (+2 enhancement, +2 belt = 18), Int 13, Wis 10 (+2 race = 12), Cha 12 (+2 race = 14).

The base ability scores are taken from Applejack's original stats as given in A Dangerous Sparkle and The Apple Falls Far From the Tree. They've been slightly modified to remain consistent with the retraining she's gone through, which is also the reason that she's ceased to use a class-based progression.

Earth Pony, Greater (31 CP/+0 ECL race)

  • Attribute Shift, +2 Charisma/-2 Dexterity (6 CP).
  • Innate Enchantment, caster level 1 x spell level 1 x 2,000 gp x .7 personal-only modifier (10 CP; 8,400 gp).

    • +2 enhancement bonus to Strength (1,400 gp).
    • +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution (1,400 gp).
    • +3 competence bonus to Handle Animal (1,400 gp).
    • +3 competence bonus to Knowledge (nature) (1,400 gp).
    • +3 competence bonus to Profession (farmer) (1,400 gp).
    • +3 competence bonus to Survival (1,400 gp).
  • Immunity/stacking limitations when combining innate enchantment effects with external effects (common/minor/trivial; only covers level 0 or 1 effects) (2 CP).
  • Workhorse, corrupted for two-thirds cost/subject to dispelling, antimagic, and similar effects (4 CP).
  • Skill Focus (Profession (farmer)) (6 CP).
  • Resistance/+2 vs. poison (3 CP)
  • Resistance/+2 vs. spells and spell-like abilities (3 CP).
  • Blocked. Earth ponies are not able to take any spellcasting progressions (-3 CP).

After spending so much time moving between dimensions, as well as training to unlock her innate racial magic, Applejack has unknowingly transcended what most earth ponies are capable of, having greater abilities – albeit only slightly – than either Equestrian or Everglow earth ponies. In game terms, she's using all of the optional materials presented in this write-up of pony tribes, adjusted for Pathfinder. Note that, as per the Pathfinder package deal, she also receives a +2 racial bonus to her Wisdom score (which is already added to the ability score listings, above).

Basic Abilities (161 CP)

  • Proficient with light armor with the Smooth modifier (6 CP), proficient with lasso (6 CP).
  • Hit Dice: 4d10 + 5d8 (44 CP).
  • BAB +7 (42 CP).
  • Saves: Fort +8 (24 CP), Ref +2 (6 CP), Will +5 (15 CP).
  • Skill points: 18 (18 CP).

Applejack's basic abilities are approximations of her previous fighter 3/magus 4 build, albeit with one additional level in each class. Her Smooth modifier to her light armor proficiency allows her to ignore armor check penalties and arcane spell failure chances. While taking an Exotic Weapon Proficiency with the lasso wasn't part of her original build, it suits her character too perfectly (i.e. what we see her do with one in the show) not to take here.

Magus Training (69 CP)

  • Buy off racial restriction against using magic (3 CP).
  • 5 levels of bard progression (40 CP).

  • Opportunist/may make a melee attack when casting a spell with a range of touch, specialized for one-half cost/only for magus spells (3 CP).
  • Immunity to the inability to deliver touch spells through melee attacks (common/major/great), specialized for one-half cost/only for magus spells, corrupted for two-thirds cost/only for melee attacks made via opportunist (6 CP).
  • Shaping, specialized for double effect/only to create cantrips prepared in magus spell slots, corrupted for two-thirds cost/must gesture and chant in order to cast (4 CP).
  • Reflex Training/may cast a spell with a casting time of 1 standard action or less when making a full attack action, specialized for one-half cost/only for magus spells, corrupted for two-thirds cost/takes a -2 penalty to all attacks that round when doing so (2 CP).
  • Rite of Chi with +1 Bonus Uses, specialized for one-half cost/may only be used to replenish magus spells, corrupted for increased effect/may not take negative levels for additional uses, may subdivide total replenishable spell levels (14) as needed (4 CP).
  • Evasive/bull rush (3 CP).
  • +2 BAB, specialized for one-half cost/only for CMB and CMD, corrupted for two-thirds cost/does not add to iterative attacks (4 CP).

The above approximates Applejack's magus progression, with a few small changes being made to better optimize what's here. Using the Eclipse rules for building spellcasting progressions (pg. 10-15), Applejack has bought five levels in the bard progression with five caster levels for that same type of magic. This is considered to be arcane magic, uses the magus spell list, and has the Components and Studies limitations, requiring her to use with the normal somatic, verbal, and other components, as well as record her spells in a spellbook that she needs to prepare them from ahead of time. Her key ability score is Charisma, rather than Intelligence, since this will give her a slightly better set of bonus spells and save DCs, somewhat making up for her having slightly fewer spells than a normal magus (which fits just fine with how she's letting this lapse somewhat in favor of her earth pony magic, see below).

Applejack's Spellbook

Applejack's spellbook contains all of the above spells, as well as the following:

Although Twilight has made a standing offer to let Applejack copy any of the spells in her spellbook (or at least the ones that appear on both the sorcerer/wizard and magus spell lists), Applejack has been slow to take her up on it, putting more time into exercising her earth pony magic and combat skills while on Everglow and focusing more on Sweet Apple Acres while on Equestria. While she's not missing out on too much in terms of combat potential, compared to what she can do with her earth pony magic, Applejack might soon find herself regretting not taking advantage of the greater breadth that the magus spell list offers. Hopefully she'll sit down with Twilight and learn more spells from her soon.

Heavy Striker (23 CP)

  • +2 BAB, specialized for one-half cost/only applies to natural weapons and unarmed strikes (6 CP).
  • Luck with +4 Bonus Uses, specialized for one-half cost/only for attack rolls (6 CP).
  • Double Damage/variant, when striking the same target with two or more hoof attacks in the same round, deal 1d4 plus (Strength bonus x 1.5) damage (6 CP).
  • Expertise/trade BAB for damage, specialized for one-half cost/only for unarmed strikes and natural weapons, corrupted for two-thirds cost/values set according to Pathfinder version of the Power Attack feat (2 CP).
  • Evasive/overwhelm (3 CP).

The overwhelm combat maneuver can be found on page 54 of Eclipse. It functions identically to bull rush, save that the attacker does not move with the target on a successful check. Applejack's taking the Evasive ability allows her to do this without provoking an attack of opportunity. Note that unlike most combat maneuvers, the ability to perform an overwhelm is something that must be purchased; Applejack has taken this ability as part of her martial art (see below).

Break Through (21 CP)

  • Double Damage against inanimate objects (6 CP).
  • Augment Attack/+3d6 damage vs. damage reduction/hardness (9 CP).
  • Evasive/sunder (3 CP).
  • +3 skill points, variant/only for Strength checks, specialized for double effect/only for break checks (3 CP).

This suite of abilities allows Applejack to wreak havoc on her surroundings. Inflicting double damage on inanimate objects is incredibly destructive, particularly when combined with her ability to ignore up to 10 points (the average of 3d6) of hardness or damage reduction. Being able to sunder objects without drawing an attack of opportunity is likewise useful in combat. But her gaining a +6 bonus to Strength checks to break an object (on top of her existing Strength bonus) means that, if given time enough to take 20 on breaking something, there are very few physical restraints that can hold her.

Battle Hardened (19 CP)

  • Luck with +4 Bonus Uses, specialized for one-half cost/only for saving throws (6 CP).
  • Defender, specialized for one-half cost/only while wearing light armor or no armor (3 CP).
  • Immunity to environmental hazards (as per the Endurance feat) (common/minor/minor) (4 CP).
  • Improved Initiative +2 (3 CP).
  • Resistance/+2 bonus on saves against spells and effects with the emotion descriptor (3 CP).

Note that Applejack's bonus against spells and effects with the emotion descriptor (which all spells with the fear descriptor should also have) stacks with her racial bonus against spells and spell-like abilities.

Inner Magic (16 CP)

  • Immunity to needing to spend an action to cast spells (very common/severe/minor), specialized for one-half cost/only for natural magic effects, corrupted for two-thirds cost/only to make spells with a standard action casting time take a swift action to cast (4 CP).
  • Shaping, specialized for double effect/cantrips, only for earth pony magic (6 CP).
  • 1d6 (4) Mana with Spell Enhancement, specialized and corrupted for one-third cost/may only be used with Spell Enhancement, only to enhance Shaping-based natural weapon effects (2 CP).
  • Rite of Chi with +4 Bonus Uses, specialized and corrupted for one-third cost/only to restore the spell enhancement pool, may not take negative levels for additional uses (4 CP).

The above abilities give Applejack the ability to use her earth pony magic actively, rather than just receiving a passive set of bonuses and abilities. She's able to use any of the listed 0-level effects at will, but using higher-level effects requires her to spend a number of points of Mana equal to the level of the effect. She normally has 4 points of Mana, but may at will use Rite of Chi to regain 1d6 points up to five times per day (though it might be easier to take the average and just say it represents 17 additional points, for a daily total of 21). The specific effects that she can use are listed below.

Earth Pony Magic

All of the listed effects treat Applejack's Hit Dice as her caster level. Where saving throws are called for, the DC is 10 + the level of the effect + Applejack's Strength bonus. All effects last for 1 round unless the description indicates otherwise.

Level 0:

  • Callouses: Grant her hooves (and only her hooves) energy resistance 3 versus a specific energy type.
  • Heavy Steps: +2 circumstance bonus on Intimidate or feint attempts.
  • Ironshod: +2 natural armor bonus specifically versus called shots to the hoof or leg (this stacks with existing natural armor).
  • Steelhoof: Ignore caltrops for 1 round.
  • Effortless Haul: Doubles her carrying capacity for 2 hours per level (does not stack with ant haul).

Level 1:

  • Adamantine Strike: Her natural weapons and unarmed strikes are treated as adamantine (overcoming DR/adamantine and hardness of less than 20) for 1 minute.
  • Enduring Durability: As an immediate action, she can reduce falling damage by 1d6 per two levels, and she lands on her hooves.
  • Magic Hooves: As per magic fang, but only on herself.
  • Master’s Parry: Block 15 points of incoming damage as an immediate action.
  • Sudden Strike: Make a single attack at her full BAB as a swift action.
  • Powerful Stomp: All creatures standing on the ground within 20 feet of her must make a Reflex save or fall prone. Bonuses that specifically apply against being tripped (such as having more than two legs) may be applied to this save.
  • True Strike: As per the spell of the same name.
  • Whirlwind Strike: Use the Whirlwind Attack feat, but as a standard action.

Level 2:

  • Whirlwind Rush: Use the Whirlwind Attack feat, but as a standard action and with her reach increased by +10 feet.
  • Eldritch Armor: As per eldritch armor (page 25 of The Practical Enchanter). This is treated as a 2nd-level spell that Applejack can cast only on herself. It does not stack with existing magic armor abilities, and can be used even if she isn't wearing armor at all.
  • Eldritch Weapon: As per eldritch weapon (page 25 of The Practical Enchanter). This is treated as a 2nd-level spell that Applejack can cast only on herself.
  • Grandmaster’s Parry: Blocks 25 points of incoming damage as an immediate action.
  • Guardian Stance: Gain a +6 shield bonus to AC for one minute per level.
  • Protective Sacrifice: As an immediate action, Applejack can make herself the target of a single-target attack aimed at an adjacent creature. If she is not adjacent to the targeted creature, she may move up to her speed toward them as part of this action.
  • Surge of Aggression: For the next one minute per level Applejack may take a move action as part of a full attack action.

Level 3:

  • Greater Eldritch Armor: As per eldritch armor (page 25 of The Practical Enchanter). This is treated as a 3rd-level spell that Applejack can cast only on herself. It does not stack with existing magic armor abilities, and can be used even if she isn't wearing armor at all.
  • Greater Eldritch Weapon: As per eldritch weapon (page 25 of The Practical Enchanter). This is treated as a 3rd-level spell that Applejack can cast only on herself.
  • Greater Magic Hooves: As per greater magic fang, but only on herself.
  • Merciless Striker: Cast as an immediate action, Applejack gains up to three additional attacks of opportunity for 1 minute.
  • Paragon Defense: Applejack gains a +7 shield bonus to AC for one minute per level.
  • Paragon Parry: Blocks 35 points of incoming damage as an immediate action.


Applejack possesses the following gear: +1 chain shirt (1,250 gp), amulet of mighty fists +2 (16,000 gp), belt of physical perfection +2 (16,000 gp), cloak of resistance +2 (4,000 gp), ring of protection +2 (8,000 gp), masterwork backpack (50 gp), bedroll (1 sp), belt pouch (1 gp), explorer’s outfit (free), flint and steel (1 gp), lasso (1 sp), mess kit (2 sp), common pot (8 sp), 50 feet of hemp rope (1 gp), soap (1 cp), 10 torches (1 sp), ten days' worth of trail rations (5 gp), waterskin (1 gp), 691 gp, 6 sp, 9 cp.

As a major NPC, Applejack possesses PC-level wealth, which in this case translates to 46,000 gp worth of gear. She's brought these things back from Everglow, and keeps the magic items under lock and key at Sweet Apple Acres, only breaking them out when she expects trouble.

Derived Stats

  • Hit points: 10 (1st level d10) + 16 (levels 2-4, d10) + 23 (levels 5-9) + 36 (Con bonus) = 85 hp.
  • Initiative: +2 (Dex) +2 (purchased) = +4.
  • Speed: 30 ft.
  • Alignment: Lawful Good.
  • Saving Throws: +2 vs. spells and spell-like abilities.

    • Fortitude: +8 (base) +4 (Con) +2 (resistance) = +14 (+16 vs. poison).
    • Reflex: +2 (base) +2 (Dex) +2 (resistance) = +6.
    • Will: +5 (base) +1 (Wis) +2 (resistance) = +8 (+12 vs. spells and spell-like abilities with the emotion descriptor).
  • Armor Class: +5 armor (+1 chain shirt) +2 (Dex bonus) +1 dodge (Defender) +2 (deflection) = AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 17.
  • Damage Reduction: 2/--.
  • Attacks: +7 (BAB) +6 (Str bonus) +2 (unarmed strike bonus) +2 (amulet of mighty fists +2) +2 (martial art) = +19/+14 unarmed strike (1d4+11/x2)
  • CMB: +7 (BAB) +6 (Str bonus) +2 (unarmed strike bonus) +2 (amulet of mighty fists +2) +2 (martial art) +2 (CMB bonus) = +21.
  • CMD: 10 (base) +7 (BAB) +6 (Str bonus) +2 (Dex bonus) +2 (CMD bonus) +1 (dodge) +2 (deflection) = 30.
  • Skill points: 18 (purchased) +9 (Int bonus) +9 ("favored class" bonus) = 36 skill points:

    • Acrobatics: 3 (ranks) +2 (Dex modifier) = +5.
    • Climb: 5 (ranks) +6 (Str modifier) +3 (class bonus) = +14.
    • Handle Animal: 3 (ranks) +2 (Cha modifier) +3 (class bonus) +3 (competence) = +11.
    • Intimidate: 3 (ranks) +2 (Cha modifier) +3 (class bonus) = +8.
    • Knowledge (engineering): 2 (ranks) +1 (Int modifier) +3 (class bonus) = +6.
    • Knowledge (nature): 1 (ranks) +1 (Int modifier) +3 (class bonus) = +5.
    • Martial Arts (stronghoof): 9 (ranks) +6 (Str modifier) +3 (class bonus) = +18.
    • Profession (farmer): 4 (ranks) +1 (Wis modifier) +3 (class bonus) +3 (competence) +3 (Skill Focus) = +14.
    • Spellcraft: 1 (ranks) +1 (Int modifier) +3 (class bonus) = +5.
    • Survival: 2 (ranks) +1 (Wis modifier) +3 (class bonus) +3 (competence) = +9.
    • Swim: 3 (ranks) +6 (Str modifier) +3 (class bonus) = +12.

Applejack's class skills are Climb, Craft, Fly, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (engineering), Knowledge (planes), Profession, Ride, Spellcraft, Survival, Swim, and Use Magic Device. Under the Eclipse rules, any skill in which she places six or more ranks (such as her martial art) is also treated as a class skill. Note that, in addition to speaking Common (i.e. Ponish), Applejack should be able to speak one additional language due to her Intelligence bonus.

Stronghoof (Str)

The traditional style of earth pony combat, this martial art (Eclipse, pg. 80-84) is unsubtle and direct. Practitioners focus on dealing out massive amounts of damage while being trained to resist the same. It’s typically learned in conjunction with more rounded styles, as it has little-to-no use for magical or ranged techniques.

  • Requires: quadruped body-type, Weapon Focus (or equivalent) with a hoof-type natural weapon.
  • Basic techniques: Attack 4, Power 4, Strike, Toughness 4.
  • Advanced/Master Techniques: Breaking, Improved Sunder, Mighty Blow, Overwhelm (Eclipse, p. 54).
  • Occult Techniques: Focused Blow, Inner Strength, Iron Skin, Resist Pain.
  • Known: Attack 2, Power 3, Strike, Toughness 2, Overwhelm.

Further Development

Applejack has become a powerhouse in melee combat. Bolstering her already-impressive abilities via judicious use of her earth pony magic and magus spellcasting can allow her to both dish out and withstand incredible amounts of punishment, at least for a short period of time. However, she's not very well equipped to deal with an extended period of fighting; once she uses up her comparatively small amounts of Mana and magus spells, she's liable to falter in the face of determined opposition. Worse, she has little way of countering ranged combatants except to try and close the gap. Her defenses against magical attacks are similarly lackluster.

While Applejack could increase her Mana reserves, she's already hit the limit of what her body's natural magic can accomplish. Buying up some more of the magus spell progression might be worthwhile, but will quickly offer diminishing returns. While she'd be well-served to keep increasing her Armor Class, hit points, and saves, she might want to look at branching out into a few other low-grade magical disciplines, such as warding-specific Rune Magic (Eclipse, p. 97), Entreaty Magic (though she'd have to balance the obligations that go with that with tending to her farm), or possibly a few Witchcraft abilities (Eclipse, pg. 109-121). If she's going to dabble, she should at least dabble widely.

Report Alzrius · 361 views · Story: Lateral Movement · #Applejack
Comments ( 4 )

Huh so she became LN due to Severance and that was enough for her to send Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to the Everglow? A tad extreme even if it was from the neutral stance...though the obvious bias for the punishment helped pushed it that way.

Still, I've read stories where AJ had incredible strength (sometimes to a truly ridiculous degree) but seeing these stats and how it translated to what was seen in the story...it actually makes the feats of strengths in the other stories a bit more believable. Though this now makes me wonder what Maud's own stats are like and how she'd stack up to this version of Applejack.

5199967 The way I see it, her response due to her altered alignment was "going to such a harsh place will straighten them out." Sort of like sending an unruly brat to military school, albeit more dangerous. Of course, the "grow or die" paradigm that the Night Mare enforces was probably whispered into her mind by Severance, so there's that too.

Applejack's strength here is actually fairly comparable to what we see at the end of the series, where she's one-shot kicking her way through solid stone walls and tossing huge boulders around. Maud, I would guess, has probably managed to inadvertently figure out some of the same tricks, though I doubt to quite the same degree. Although she has been to Everglow herself at this point, in Roots of Stone.

And if you think Applejack's power as displayed here is something, you should see what Burly Brawl can do...

Canterlot Castle and Canterlot Mountain will probably end up as rubble if he ended up in Equestria, especially if he decides to chat up Cadence too.

5199978 It would be a mess comparable to a massive natural disaster, that's for sure. He's got several levels on Applejack, and he's a lot more focused on his area of expertise.

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