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AU Kaiju Profiles: Showa Godzilla · 6:40am Oct 27th, 2018

Title: the Monster of Justice
Alias: Godziller, Gigantis, Godzilla II, the World's Biggest Hero
Theme Song: Link!
"Hey Anguiras come'on! There's a lot of trouble ahead!"

Species: Mutated Godzillasaurus
Height: 95 meters
Weight: 55,000 tons
Length: 200 meters
1954 Godzilla - Biological father
Minilla/Minyra - Adoptive son
Godzilla Senior - Alternate Timeline counterpart
Godzilla Junior - Alternate Timeline adoptive son
Faction: Monster Island, Humanity, Terra
Morality: Once a ruthless and arrogant destroyer, this Godzilla has grown over the decades in many ways. Later giving a begrudging respect for humanity after they freed him from Xilian mind control and awakened him from a coma on the Island of Red Bamboo, his big turn around came when he adopted his son, Minya. Slowly but surely warmed over the years and aided by humanity, the Showa Godzilla has seen them as an acceptable part of his world and has intentionally come to their aid and fought by their side numerous times.
Traits: Underwater breathing, very sharp claws and fangs, fast swimmer, skilled closer quarters fighter, experienced team leader, and immunity to electrical shocks

Physical Prowess:
The Showa Godzilla is the physically strongest kaiju of his world and easily on par with the Amalgam'verse's Godzilla Junior. He's easily been able to lift and swing around foes twice as heavy as he is, smash open heavily reinforced barriers with a simple stomp, and clobber heavier foes over with a tail smack. Some notable feats include picking up Titanosaurus over his head, throwing around and smashing King Ghidorah and Hedorah into the ground on separate occasions, and knocking about Mechagodzilla.

The Showa Godzilla can sprint at up to 200 kilometers per hour and swim at a comparable rate. If needed he can also fly in short bursts up to 300 kilometers per hour by using his breath attack like a rocket propulsion. He is also quick enough to perform a 'flying dropkick' after a brief sprint, using only his momentum and tail to hold him up while traveling at considerable speed. He's also fairly agile in close quarters fighting, frequency boxing, judo throwing, and grappling with foes.

The Showa Godzilla shows the same durability his counterparts have, shrugging off maser fire, high powered missiles, and plasma based weapons with little issue. The only weapons which could pierce his hide are made of Space Titanium or Nebula M metals such as those used in Mechagodzilla and Gigan's weaponry, or the teeth and claws of kaiju of equal or comparable physical power such as Anguirus. While sufficiently powerful energy attacks such as those by Mechagodzilla and King Ghidorah can harm him, he can weather continued fie by such sources for an impressive amount of time.

While not as fit as he was in some years prior, due to lack of activity between 1975 and 1999 outside of a few incidents, he's barely slowed down about fifty years since his first arrival. Godzilla can easily keep fighting for hours at a time without tiring. During the battle against Gigan and Ghidorah, Godzilla and tag-team partner Anguirus had to swim hundreds of kilometers from Monster Island to Japan without pause, fight the enemy kaiju all night, and were able to swim all the way back to Monster Island without issue the morning after despite only a few pauses in the battle when they got knocked senseless.

Godzilla has an uncanny ability to sense trouble and other kaiju at long range. Some have suggested this is a sort of brainwave pulse or psychic precognition.

Thermonuclear Breath - By concentrating emission created by his nuclear reactor in his heart, the Showa Godzilla can expel several types of thermonuclear breath. All versions are rays of plasma and vapors that carry both explosive, concussive impact, and burning properties. The most common, as indicated by a flashing across his dorsal fins, is a mid-ranged ray that can be fired after a brief charging period. The second form is a short ranged, more vapor-like stream with much more concussive blowback on use. Godzilla can use this to either push enemies away or push himself through the air by firing it backwards and flying. Both forms are sky blue in color but lack the condensed beam properties of the Amalgam'verse Godzilla Senior or his progeny's rays.

Regeneration - Just like his counterparts, the Showa Godzilla has a rapid ability to heal from injuries sustained in battle. How quickly depends on the time allowed to heal and his current energy levels, but trauma ranging from punctured arteries to mass sharp force impacts to the head can all be mended within a minute or two.

Magnetic Wave Generation - After absorbing large amounts of electricity from natural high powered or ambient sources, the Showa Godzilla can emit large amounts of magnetic waves. These can scramble mechanical sensors, draw susceptible metallic objects to him, and call down lightning strikes upon his location by intensifying and focusing astrological activity.

Energy Absorption - Godzilla can absorb energy from a variety of sources, mostly thermal, radioactive, or thermal. These can both temporarily charge his power above normal levels as well as restore him quicker. This, however, does not work on the energy based attacks of other kaiju as those carry concussive, thermal, or mana based properties. So, for example, natural lightning can energize Godzilla, but King Kong’s electrical shocks can harm him.

In a world much like the Terra we know, two dinosaurs once lived upon the peaceful Lagos Island. A father and son pair, the two of them were irradiated by the Bikini Atoll atomic bomb testings conducted in 1954. In a rage, the elder dinosaur later called Godzilla first returned to Odo Island before rampaging his way to mainland Japan where he met his end at the activation of the Oxygen Destroyer. But not even a year later, humanity became aware of his progeny when the son was discovered in the North Sea battling a similarly huge ankylosaurid kaiju called Anguirus. Anguirus, loathing the other monster later also called Godzilla for convenience for its savage ways, battled with it across the islands and the Pacific before both were drawn to Osaka. After a prolonged battle through the city, Godzilla seemingly slew Anguirus but was later lured back up north and entombed in ice. His prison wouldn't hold his hatred for long as Godzilla broke free in 1962 and battled a variety of foes ranging from the primate King Kong, Mothra and her offspring, and the pterosaur Rodan. However a slight shift occurred when the current Mothra managed to sit him and Rodan down to stop fighting and talk, given a massive threat was facing the planet in the form of the civilization-destroying dragon King Ghidorah.

At first, voicing his loathing for humanity and ambivalence towards any but himself, Godzilla arrogantly refused the call to arms until he saw the valiant Mothra try to fight King Ghidorah on her own. Loathed to see such abuse of power on a weaker form and perhaps seeing the proverbial tomato in the mirror, Godzilla rushed into the fray alongside Rodan. While at first still ambivalent to the small primates around him and caring only for his own survival, Godzilla's outright malice towards humanity cooled off to neutrality. His solitude and relative isolation were put to an end when he found himself in the care of a young member of his species in the form of Minya.

While strict and initially grouchy towards his son, Godzilla's heart finally started to warm from the infant's adoration and admiration of his father. Between his son's fondness for humanity and the fact the humans got involved to aid him time and time again in his battles to protect the planet, the old hatreds died away entirely.

No longer a beast of hatred, Godzilla soon found himself surrounded by comrades in the form of the other monsters on Monster Island and Monsterland; especially in the form of Anguirus. Seeing the dinosaur changed, Anguirus soon became the monster king's most steadfast ally. In 1955, the JSDF turned its weapons on a battling Godzilla and Anguirus in the hope of destroying both. In 1975, the JSDF threw everything they had at Mechagodzilla and Titanosaurus with the express purpose of saving a battered Godzilla's life after the kaiju had valiantly rushed into the fray to save two children from getting crushed under Titanosaurus' feet and take the fight out of the city. There was a good reason the alien hero, Zone Fighter, dubbed the heroic kaiju, "The Monster of Justice".

This change to benevolence helped save the Monster King’s life when a dire challenge faced him in 1996. Mutated by the aftermath of the Oxygen Destroyer device used to kill his father, The Destroyer started to ravage Japan. Sensing trouble, Godzilla rushed in to help and battled the growing monster. However as mighty as he was on his own, the kaiju had been a bit out of practice for the past two decades and was facing one of his mightiest foes yet. Overwhelmed, he might have been killed had not allies rushed in to help from all sides.

The JSDF launched everything they had at The Destroyer to buy time as Anguirus, Rodan, Zone Fighter, Jet Jaguar, Mothra, and King Caesar all converged on Japan to help give Godzilla back-up. The experimental Moonlight SY-3 craft was put to practice after it was found freezing weapons might have an effect on The Destroyer while also dropping radioactive fuel upon Godzilla to help recharge him. Between his giant and human allies, Godzilla led the final battle that ended the berserk threat that would have surely killed the monster king had the fight been alone.

Outside of an interruption in 1999 by the Kilaak invasion, an era of peace has come to the world where Godzilla lead the kaiju in peaceful existence in the world's wilds as mankind saw the towering reptile as a noble friend and ally.

-The Showa Godzilla is the alternate universe counterpart to the Amalgam'verse's Godzilla Senior. Aside from differences in their world's pasts, the key divergence point for the two was that the Futurian incursion in the latter timeline resulted in the dinosaur that would become this Godzilla being transported to the North Sea. Instead of being created by the Bikini Atoll atomic bomb of 1954, Godzilla Senior was created by a Soviet nuclear submarine crashing in the North Sea decades later. If heard speaking, the two's voices and thoughts would sound extremely similar outside of inflection or tone.

-The Showa Godzilla was conscious of everything he did under the Kilaak control, being absolutely enraged he was set upon New York City and Tokyo against his will. There was a reason the moment he was free of control, he gathered the other kaiju and charged the Kilaak base and was later the one to rupture their defenses in a fury.

-His adoptive son Minya is the alternate counterpart to the Amalgam’verse Godzilla Junior, but his growth was never as rapid because he lived on Solgell and then Monster Island instead of the radioactive Infant Island and his father never underwent nuclear meltdown. As such while he has grown and is currently the kaiju version of a teenager, he hasn’t matured or succeeded his father yet.

Report Tarbtano · 2,546 views ·
Comments ( 36 )

You know, with all this talk about the various incarnations of Godzilla. I wonder if Xenilla will also be involved in this special?

No offense Tarb as great as this character profile is Showa Godzilla is known to be the Second Weakest version of the Monster King(the weakest being the 1954 Godzilla since it was the start of the Legacy) if possible at best he would be evenly matched with the Heisei version aka Godzilla Senior when he first appeared(Godzilla 1985 film if you remember) that was Senior’s weakest at the time and Showa is nowhere near as close to Godzilla Junior in size, strength and power so forgive me that I don’t see Showa being near as strong as Senior at his best or let alone Junior

If not scaled he'd still kick the crap out of the millennium Kiryu saga version, go about even with 2000/Megaguirus, and possibly GMK (who has no regeneration and a very slow beam charge) given his superb agility, powerful beam that's on a quick charge (keep in mind by 1999 he was hurting the explicitly beam-resistant Ghidorah, badly damaged Mechagodzilla, and blasted Gigan out of the sky), and sheer experience. He might not be the strongest Godzilla or even in the top 5 on paper for raw ability, but in practice he's a real slugger.

If scaling all Godzilla versions to about 100 meters, the gap closes. Given how slow and unresponsive it was, I could never see Shin Godzilla beating a 100 meter Showa Goji. Given how horrid a melee fighter Senior was, he'd have to spam his shockwave and conduction ability upclose. To respectfully disagree, a fight between those two is a toss up. Which makes sense given they are the same individual, just different versions.

A big reason Bridge!Junior is so strong is he's basically the best aspects of the Heisei, Showa, and Millennium (Namely FW and 2000) Godzilla's combine.

Ah! We’re journeying back to the multiverse again! Epic!:D And it’s with the Godzilla i’ve grown the most fond of in the recent years. I can definitely see where else you might’ve gotten inspired to make your Goji jr a heroic kaiju from.;) It’s also nice how you basically show this as the main timeline, with the one we’re following the alternate, given how things were evidently meant to be different. I’m still going around to guessing that there is going to be a Gojiran convergence from across the multiverse, based on the recent blog-post clues. If so, i’m looking forward to it.:)

You know, now that you bring up the size reduction idea... where would that put anime godzilla? I mean, really thinking about it, if his UTTERLY RIDICULOUS SIZE was removed... would the other godzillas stand a chance against him? I'm quite curious on that point.

While the Showa Godzilla was the Smallest, he also had the widest arsenal of tricks to pull from, and aside from scale may well have been the most powerful. Besides which, he was still towering in the future Tokyo of 1999, just as his counterpart was in the Amalgamverse. Ergo, he likely kept growing, and thus is now much closer in size (and strength) to said counterpart.

Plus, you will note this Godzilla has a weaker beam attack and never entered a Burning state. That can be taken to mean he is indeed weaker. Or, it can mean he focused more on developing his strength and speed instead of his energy output, and thus didn't kill himself by overclocking his reactor.

On a related note, between this profile, the profile for Zilla, the image of Gojira, and the image of a beam attack that only Junior or Senior could pull off, with Senior being able to do so easily, I'm starting to get an impression about who exactly the Four Voices may be. Here's a hint; not all chapters are set in Equestria, and flashbacks happen. Plus, if Dimension/timeline hopping can happen, so can time travel....

Quite a nice profile you have created here. Also, does Showa Godzilla still do the wrestling clap before going into battle?

This was great. I love the Showa Godzilla, and it's awesome to see him described here. :pinkiehappy:

So the Halloween special will take us to an anternate timeline?

You know, canonically the Futurians didn't change the timeline, but accidentally caused a time loop due to lack of information.

So where does the Hannah Barbera Big Z fit into all this?

You betcha.

Another timeline as another Showa/Senior counterpart.

And yes I know.

Yep. While I already had mind from Canon the adult Junior would be heroic or at least docile towards humans, the Showa Godzilla was a very big influence on what I saw the young prince growing up to be as a king. Plus it be kinda poetic as he's an alternate version of Senior and in some ways represents an idealised version of Senior in Junior's eyes, a father who finally let go of his hated, allied with a receptive humanity, and lived a long life.

Ah! So Showa Destroyah was the pure evil one. I see.

Are we gonna have Xeni, and Bio in this special as well?

That is the most appealing concept I have heard in a long time. And i’m glad Showa was such a big inspiration, just as it’s recently become to me. You don’t realize what’s good until you actually see it for yourself.:)

The showa is an alternate timeline? I always thought it was Goji Senior in his younger days (like a less-goofy version of the showa era. (and where is Gojirin?) And I would have made Minilla/Minyra eventually grow up to be G.2014/2019. that's how I would put that version in the Amalgam-Verse) But that's just Me, everyone has their own ideas. see ya when the halloween special comes out!

Destroyah wasn't in the Showa era, She/It was in the Heisei era. (why is She/It in Tarbtano's version of Showa?)

I meant in this version.

I know, its just odd that he put Her/It in His version of the Showa Era. (PS. No I'm not trying to judge)

Showa wasn’t in 1999, Showa isn’t 100 meters tall and the King Ghidorah, Gigan and MechaGodzilla were the first early versions which are also the weakest so of course Showa barely survived 2 out of 3 of them and was better off fighting them then the later counterparts

the KiryuGoji is far mightier than Showa cause he goes toe to toe with Kiryu a superior model of MechaGodzilla and took an Absolute Zero blast point blank and survived and those blasts can freeze down targets at a molecular level and break down to nothing something which Showa has never faced before nor could possibly survive

And there’s no way in Hell he could beat Shin Godzilla despite having limited mobility he is highly durable so Showa would break his hands, feet or tail if he keeps using physical attacks, ever evolving to greater levels of Metamorphosis (which we’ll never get to see cause those douchebags cancelled the sequel and leave it on a cliffhanger and everyone hates those shit) and obviously superior Atomic Lasers that fire at almost all angles and extreme lengths and last I checked Showa Godzilla is worse than TFS Gohan at Dodging so he would get one shotted or sliced in half by those lasers.

plus Showa’s atomic breath is nothing but a glorified flamethrower compared to the later versions(Hell Monsterverse Godzilla makes it look more devine and would most likely look more apocalyptic in the upcoming movie)

Look I’m sorry I respect your Head Canon and like you’re character development on the Kaiju and you’re stories but I have to lay out some facts that Showa Godzilla is to weak to fight against the Heisei, Millennium or Monsterverse Kaiju

Wise words from one of my favorite DBZ Villains “Multiverse Theory’s a Bitch”


The part with him fighting an alternate Destroyah reminds me of an old fic where a I think dimension jumping Destroyah ended up in the Showa timeline...though this ended far differently and more respectfully to big G.

Also, nice with using the Futurians as the divergent point.

Though part of me wonders if the two Anguirus are the same or different.

And still a fitting term, given how complex the multiverse actually is.:)


Showa wasn’t in 1999

Destroy All Monsters was set in the then future of 1999. Thus, Showa Godzilla did indeed fight in that year.

King Ghidorah, Gigan and MechaGodzilla were the first early versions which are also the weakest

Outside of the Rebirth of Mothra version, King Ghidora was a wimp compared to the original version in all other settings; the original was a Planet Killer, the Heisei version was a hackjob copy that died in his first real fight, and the one from GMK was a joke. Gigan reliably withdrew once the fight turned against him in the Showa movies, but was solidly beaten each time he fought any kaiju in Final Wars. The original MechaGodzilla had easily 4-5 times the firepower of SuperMechaGodzilla and Kiryu COMBINED, and was built from far superior alien metals. (Intersteller Alien Tech for the win....Unless facing off against Godzilla. The other MechaGodzillas were created by Earth-bound Humans, and thus were generally inferior.)

Yes, in 1954 Godzilla was only half the height of the Heisei one, but he had several decades to grow up since then. His only real weakness compared to later versions was that his breath weapon acts like a plasma blast and not like a longer-ranged particle beam, and that he uses brute strength instead of Nuclear Pulses to do damage in melee combat.

I am not replying until you put some punctuation in so I can better tell what you are saying :P

The Heisei King Ghidorah lost to a much stronger Godzilla at the time and same goes with Final Wars Gigan in his first fight with the Strongest Godzilla in the Millennium Series and the second fight was a mistake on his part as he never accounted his frisbee slicers things coming back and Decapitate him which gave Mothra a chance to kill him cause she was not fairing well against Gigan when he got upgraded so it was dumb luck not in Gigan’s favor, and I wasn’t including the GMK Ghidorah unless you count his full power stage when he absorbed GMK Mothra’s soul and Ghost Godzilla was basically a stronger Super Zombie version of 1954 Godzilla even the he doesn’t have a Healing Factor like the other Godzilla’s he makes up for it with Iron like Durability that was only penetrated by Power Boosted GMK Ghidorah’s energy bal or lightning last I checked and you should’nt have gotten me started on the MechaGodzilla topic the Space Titanium and force fields were the only things that was advance for the first MechaGodzilla Durability wise other than that it’s fire power and mobility were amateurish compared to the future human technology of the later MechaGodzilla’s Hell even though the Black Hole Aliens did construct it they have no clue how to complete or upgrade it and relied on human intelligence to help with that so the first MechaGodzilla was made by aliens who were only lucky enough to have strong metal supplies but are second rate to humans with higher intelligence, look I don’t want to start a flame war with someone who was getting into someone else’s business another guy over a friendly mutual debate so can we just stop before it gets out of hand

What you mean make it shorter



The only bits I could get out of the most recent response was "The weaker copies of a world killing monster going down fast proves their opponent is stronger then the one that beat back the original" and "Pre-starflight human tech is superior to post-starflight alien tech." Ignoring the fact that it's the alien version that had more beam weapons, did not rely in proven ineffectual Maser technology, and had missiles that could actually wound a Kaiju.

Also, outside of Final Wars, the Millennium Series Godzillas were very close in size and power to the Showa version. Yes, Kiryu did in fact ultimately win, but not until after Godzilla Kicked his Ass. By comparison, the original MechaGodzilla was kicking Godzilla's ass until he got backup, and when rebuilt using Human tech (to make up for the loss of resources used in the original construction) even having a second Kaiju helping didn't let it beat Godzilla alone.

I will grant the Beam Spamming of the Heisei Godzilla was visually spectacular, but the Showa one was, in my opinion, a far better fighter.

Dude, you're not looking so hot out there

There I fixed it can you understand it now

Very interesting timing of this profile and all those tidbits of info in this one make it clear this is going to be quite the Halloween special you're cooking up.

Again, thank you for adding my art to this, you're awesome!


Let's break this down a bit.

the KiryuGoji is far mightier than Showa cause he goes toe to toe with Kiryu a superior model of MechaGodzilla and took an Absolute Zero blast point blank and survived and those blasts can freeze down targets at a molecular level and break down to nothing something which Showa has never faced before nor could possibly survive

The Absolute Zero Cannon comes from a Showa era movie, and in the fight against Godzilla, it's effects are seriously dispersed by being fired under water. Ergo, that Godzilla only tanked a fraction of the weapon's power. (Most of the effect was soaked up by freezing the huge iceberg that was created.) Kiryu was agile, but fragile; it was knocked out of the fight by battle damage, and needed both mid-fight repairs and a mid fight recharge to keep going. Hardly a superior machine.

And there’s no way in Hell he could beat Shin Godzilla despite having limited mobility he is highly durable so Showa would break his hands, feet or tail if he keeps using physical attacks, ever evolving to greater levels of Metamorphosis (which we’ll never get to see cause those douchebags cancelled the sequel and leave it on a cliffhanger and everyone hates those shit) and obviously superior Atomic Lasers that fire at almost all angles and extreme lengths and last I checked Showa Godzilla is worse than TFS Gohan at Dodging so he would get one shotted or sliced in half by those lasers.

What is this durability that you speak of? Shin withstood no more damage then the Showa Godzilla tanked with no problems on a regular basis, and was significantly wounded by a conventional bomb. Shin's energy attacks took a long time to charge (though did do widespread fire damage at a low charge), and most importantly left him helpless for days afterwords. As for the penetration of those lasers Shin sent out; they are likely to do some damage to the Showa Godzilla, but he has proven to be extremely resistant to energy attacks in the past, and is actually fairly agile, so evasion is not entirely unlikely.

plus Showa’s atomic breath is nothing but a glorified flamethrower compared to the later versions(Hell Monsterverse Godzilla makes it look more devine and would most likely look more apocalyptic in the upcoming movie)

I think you have the Monsterverse and Showa Atomic Breaths switched; the 2014 version's attack was a short range attack that looks a great deal like flames, while the Showa Godzilla did multiple versions of what can only be described as Plasma Beams. Longer range, better coheasion (or shorter range, higher temperature and pressure), and over all better then the American version.

Comment posted by ScourgeofLightning deleted Nov 1st, 2018
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