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Dark Scribe of the 38th Company, Iron Warriors Legion, come to bring the glory of Chaos to the realm of Pony.

More Blog Posts59

  • 5 weeks
    Cult Ponies

    I'm pretty sure people would rather have story updates instead of art updates, but it turns out most artists draw faster than I write.
    Also, uh, due to my last image hosting site failing, I don't actually know what art I've posted before so here we go!

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  • 30 weeks
    Character Roster (Updated)

    I'm re-posting the roster with fixed links and a few updates.

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  • 31 weeks

    The automata that started it all...
    The Tykan-Pattern Probe Automata

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  • 33 weeks
    Iron Cavalry

    Ever since the advent of the Strider-class equine battlesuit the commanders in the 38th Company have been thinking up new tactical approaches to using their new assets. The obvious approach is to use them like the Sentinels they were modeled after: for scouting and light fire support. But the Chaos pirates already possessed Sentinels and had not gotten a new field unit in quite some time, so they

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  • 42 weeks
    Praying to the Dark

    "You wanted to know more about us, grayskin?
    Do you want to know why humans turn to Chaos?
    Sometimes we convert at gunpoint. Sometimes we trade our souls for petty comforts or advantages. Sometimes we need to think that there's some kind of greater intelligence and will standing behind this cruel, merciless universe, and wish to align ourselves with it."
    Gaela smiled.

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Codex: 38th Company (Part 2 - Revision 2) · 1:53am Dec 10th, 2017

The revised 8th Edition rules for the Detachment Equiis generic units. Unit pictures by Omny87. I'm pleased to report that my earlier difficulties of possessing too much income have been resolved.

This section references pony units that can be taken as part of a 38th Company detachment or even used to form a purely equine detachment.

Many pony units require special equipment on the battlefield in order to use human guns (the lack of hands being an eternal sticking point), but when properly equipped their unique traits can make them tactically superior to human troops. The only persisting disadvantage they have is an inability to use heavier weapons; their small size and (as always) lack of hands makes handling the heavy and often very dangerous weapons and ammunition, never mind dealing with jamming and constant reloading, very slow and difficult. As a result, only those ponies who are unusually powerful or have heavy armor-integrated weapon systems will ever possess such weapons.
As a result of their limited dexterity, ponies far prefer lasweapons despite their relatively poor stopping power; the lack of recoil, jamming, and excessive noise, in addition to their prolific ammunition supply, make them the first weapon of choice for those not gifted with armor-integrated combat systems. Even unicorns, who have no need to physically handle their weapons, can struggle to telekinetically aim and reload a boltgun under the pressure of its ferocious recoil and the numerous distractions of the battlefield. It is the rare pony indeed that trades the convenience and reliability of a lasgun for a weapon that can easily put down an Ork.
The ponies’ most common and arguably useful trait seems to be the bond of intimate friendship and trust between their squadmates and commanders, which most of their human compatriots don’t feel even for their own family member or lovers. This trait is curiously persistent even in the few equines that take up Chaos worship.

Pony Units – HQ

Captain (30 pts/power rating 3)

The finest soldiers Canterlot has to offer, these officers tend to be mediocre marksmen and have a distinct lack of relevant combat experience. However, their unique talents, combined with human technology and know-how, can make them formidable opponents, if not especially impressive to their Astartes allies.

Pony Captain (earth pony) | M: 7" | BS: 4+ | WS: 4+ | S: 3 | T: 4 | W: 5 | A: 4 | Ld: 9 | Sv: 4+ |
Pony Captain (pegasus) | M: 18" | BS: 4+ | WS: 4+ | S: 3 | T: 3 | W: 4 | A: 4 | Ld: 9 | Sv: 4+ |
Pony Captain (unicorn) | M: 7" | BS: 4+ | WS: 4+ | S: 3 | T: 3 | W: 4 | A: 4 | Ld: 9 | Sv: 4+ |
Pony Captain (alicorn) | M: 18" | BS: 4+ | WS: 4+ | S: 3 | T: 4 | W: 5 | A: 4 | Ld: 9 | Sv: 4+ |

A pony Captain is a single model armed with a lasgun and a chainsword.
Special Rules: Friendship is Magic, Destined to Lead
Destined to Lead: If nothing else, ponies are well-known for having inexplicable talent at things that humans must vigorously train and study at in order to master. Naturally, this extends to tactical leadership, and some can rally a herd of equine soldiers against the worst odds. Units up to 6” away may use the Captain’s Leadership value if it is higher. If this unit is your Warlord and has a Warlord Trait that does this, extend the aura range to 12".

• A pony Captain must take the Unicorn , Pegasus, or Earth Pony special rule to denote its species, and takes on the appropriate characteristic set. Alternatively, it may take the Alicorn special rule for +30 points/+2 power rating.
• A Unicorn or Alicorn Captain may upgrade its Psyker Level for 25 points or +1 power rating. It may then use 3 psychic powers per turn rather than 2.
• Any pony Captain can take wargear from the Armory and/or one item from the Warsmith’s Armory.
• Any pony Captain can take one mutation and/or a mark from Corruptions (with the exception of Unicorns or Alicorns taking a Mark of Khorne), OR take a Sacred Relic.

Psyker: Unicorn and alicorn Captains may manifest up to two psychic powers in each friendly Psychic Phase and Deny the Witch once in each enemy Psychic Phase. The Captain knows the Telekinesis power and may choose two additional powers from the Harmony Discipline.
Faction Keywords: Chaos, Iron Warriors, 38th Company
Keywords: Character, Infantry, Psyker (if unicorn/alicorn), Fly (if pegasus/alicorn), Pony, Captain


Pony Guards (70 points/power rating 5)

Ever the butt of jokes by villagers terrorized by wandering monsters or urbanites cleaning changeling ichor off their homes, the guards of Equestria are nonetheless the first line of defense against enemy invasion, bravely slowing down the slavering hordes of foes until Celestia’s student arrives to vanquish them for good. The guards themselves are quite ambivalent about this reputation, and didn’t overly mind their inglorious military careers, but this changed considerably after making contact with the humans and adopting their more “hardcore” take on matters of security. Now armed with flak armor and lasgun harnesses, the equine soldiers are a force to be reckoned with… or at least a much more dangerous diversion for Twilight Sparkle.

Earth Pony Guard | M: 7" | BS: 4+ | WS: 4+ | S: 3 | T: 4 | W: 1 | A: 1 | Ld: 6 | Sv: 5+ |
Pegasus Guard | M: 12" | BS: 4+ | WS: 4+ | S: 3 | T: 3 | W: 1 | A: 1 | Ld: 6 | Sv: 5+ |
Unicorn Guard | M: 7" | BS: 4+ | WS: 4+ | S: 3 | T: 3 | W: 1 | A: 1 | Ld: 6 | Sv: 5+ |
Earth Pony Sergeant | M: 7" | BS: 4+ | WS: 4+ | S: 3 | T: 4 | W: 1 | A: 2 | Ld: 7 | Sv: 5+ |
Pegasus Sergeant | M: 12" | BS: 4+ | WS: 4+ | S: 3 | T: 3 | W: 1 | A: 2 | Ld: 7 | Sv: 5+ |
Unicorn Sergeant | M: 7" | BS: 4+ | WS: 4+ | S: 3 | T: 3 | W: 1 | A: 2 | Ld: 7 | Sv: 5+ |

A unit of Pony Guards consists of 9 Guards and 1 Sergeant armed with lasguns and flak armor. The Sergeant is also armed with a chainsword.
Special Rules: Friendship is Magic
• A unit of Pony Guards must choose one of the following special rules at no extra cost: Unicorn, Pegasus, or Earth Pony. The entire unit must be composed of ponies of the same type. Segregation, man. It’s a thing.
• A Pony Sergeant may exchange his chainsword for a melee weapon from the armory.
• Up to two models in a unit of Unicorns may replace their Lasguns with Plasma Guns for 15 points each.
• Up to two models in a unit of Pegasi may replace their Lasguns with Melta Guns for 10 points each.
• Up to two models in a unit of Earth Ponies may replace their Lasguns with Flamers for 10 points each.
• Any unit of Pony Guards may take up to 10 additional Guards at +3 power rating or a cost of 7 points each.

Psyker: A unit of Unicorn Guards may manifest one psychic power per turn, but may not Deny the Witch. They know the Telekinesis power, so it will probably be that one.

Faction Keywords: Chaos, Iron Warriors, 38th Company
Keywords: Infantry, Psyker (unicorns only), Fly (pegasi only), Pony, Guards


Mages (80 points/power rating 6)

Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns and other such magic-based institutions are the academic incubators for the finest minds of equine kind, as well as the odd savior of the world. While most of these ponies go on to magical civilian pursuits, plenty of them discover a talent for destructive magic. These unicorns are inevitably sought out by the military, which is one of the few places where such inclinations are welcome (although still carefully controlled).
One of the few institutions more advanced in its method of warfare than humanity, the pony Mages scoff at the armor and rifles of the sapiens. They did, however, take quite a liking to hand grenades, which they observed were just as powerful as a standard fireball while requiring a fraction of the concentration and time to use in battle. Thanks to a superior grasp of telekinesis, they can easily deliver the explosives with much greater distance and accuracy than a human grenadier as well.

Mage | M: 7" | BS: 3+ | WS: 5+ | S: 3 | T: 3 | W: 1 | A: 1 | Ld: 6 | Sv: - |
Archmage | M: 7" | BS: 2+ | WS: 5+ | S: 3 | T: 3 | W: 1 | A: 1 | Ld: 7 | Sv: - |

A unit of Mages consists of 4 Mages and 1 Archmage. They are armed with magic cloaks and frag and krak grenades.
Magic Cloak: A magic cloak offers iffy eldritch protection from incoming fire, but they're not very difficult to make. These cloaks offer a 5+ Invulnerable Save.
Special Rules: Friendship is Magic, Unicorn, Grenade Levitation
Grenade Levitation: Units that can levitate grenades find them much easier to use in a combat environment than ordinary troops, and require less concentration than fireballs and other classic forms of destructive wizardry. Units with this rule can throw a grenade for each model in the Shooting Phase, in defiance of the usual grenade rules. Also, the attack range for their grenades is increased to 12".
• Any unit of Mages may take up to 5 additional Mages at +6 power rating or a cost of 16 points each.

Psyker: A unit of Mages may manifest two psychic powers per turn, and may Deny the Witch once. They know the Telekinesis power, the Magic Missile power, and the Shield Dome power.

Faction Keywords: Chaos, Iron Warriors, 38th Company
Keywords: Infantry, Psyker, Pony, Mages

Dark Mages of Tzeentch (125 points/power rating 8)

For Tzeentch, God of Sorcery and eternal nexus of change, corruption of ponies does not come easily. The equines cannot hear his whispers, and are generally very suspicious of the offers of great power which are his forte. When he does happen upon a pony that offers him tribute, it is often the most learned and willful of their kind (Sweetie Belle notwithstanding), steeled to absorb the most horrific secrets of daemonic lore and damnation. Tzeentch regardless takes great pleasure in worming his power into their souls, and although he finds all the love and benevolence a bit weird and unsettling, he’s nothing if not flexible.
His Dark Mages are magical weapons as fine and dangerous as the Rubric Marines of the Thousand Suns, if not as unthinkingly loyal. They blink across the battlefield in unpredictable flickers, and their eyes flash with lightning that can scour the flesh from bone in an instant. In close combat they are ponderous and deadly, slipping away from blows as if they know where they will fall. A moment’s weakness is all they need to slip a hidden tentacle around a foe’s neck, or lash out with a razor-studded tail.

Dark Mage | M: 7" | BS: 3+ | WS: 3+ | S: 3 | T: 3 | W: 1 | A: d3 | Ld: 7 | Sv: - |
Warlock | M: 7" | BS: 2+ | WS: 3+ | S: 3 | T: 3 | W: 1 | A: d6 | Ld: 8 | Sv: - |

A unit of Dark Mages consists of 4 Dark Mages and 1 Warlock. They are armed with magic cloaks, storm crystals, and a Mark of Tzeentch.
Magic Cloak: A magic cloak offers iffy eldritch protection from incoming fire, but they're not very difficult to make. These cloaks offer a 5+ Invulnerable Save.
Mark of Tzeentch: In addition to marking their allegiance, these fell runes act as a psychic focus that aid their scattered and limited sense of precognition. The Mark of Tzeentch adds +1 to Invulnerable Saving throws.
Storm Crystal: Psionic Wargear. When charged, these crystals can be used in the Shooting Phase with the following profile:
Range: 18" | S: 6 | AP: -1 | D: 1 | Pistol 2
Special Rules: Friendship is Magic, Unicorn, Blink
Blink: Rather than making an ordinary move or falling back, this unit may instead choose a direction (confirmed ahead of time) and use this ability. If it does so then the owning player rolls 1 to 5 dice and moves all models in the unit that many inches in the chosen direction, ignoring all intervening terrain and/or models. If used to fall back the unit cannot shoot or charge, but otherwise the unit acts as normal in other turn phases. The owning player chooses how many dice to roll, but if any models cannot be placed due to impassible terrain, the board edge, or the presence of other models, then they are immediately slain. This ability makes it possible to end up within 1" of an enemy model in the movement phase, and if so the unit will attack in the Fight Phase as normal. They do not count as charging, however; they're as surprised to be there as the enemy!

• Any unit of Dark Mages may take up to 5 additional Dark Mages at +8 power rating or a cost of 25 points each.
• A Warlock may take a single upgrade from Corruptions (although obviously not a Mark of Tzeentch, as that would be redundant).

Psyker: A unit of Dark Mages may manifest two psychic powers per turn, and may Deny the Witch once. They know the Telekinesis power, and two additional powers from the Dark Hereticus discipline.

Faction Keywords: Chaos, Iron Warriors, 38th Company, Tzeentch
Keywords: Infantry, Psyker, Pony, Dark Mages

Plague Witches (115 points/power rating 8)

Among all the Chaos Gods, Nurgle has the easiest time recruiting ponies to his twisted cause. Besides being the most popular patron of the 38th Company in general, his corruption may be spread physically rather than exclusively seeking a psychic outlet with which to whisper his promises of power and protection. For those (few) ponies that can look past Nurgle’s repulsive and destructive gifts, they even find that the Chaos God’s inner nature is, surprisingly, somewhat consistent with their philosophy of love and harmony, if not nearly as pretty.
Plague Witches are those Unicorns that have given themselves over to Nurgle and fully embraced his pestilent magics. A substantial portion of these equines are simply terminally ill ponies that turned to the God of Plagues for salvation from their illness, but Nurgle’s love is nothing if not indiscriminate. Once saved from the misery of their diseases, these unicorns, previously having been given up for dead, invariably devote their renewed lives to the worship of their savior, and divert their magical talents to this purpose. Thankfully, they’re fully sane and well aware of the stigma their allegiance generates, and they usually make every effort not to spread Nurgle’s affections where it isn’t wanted. Until they see an enemy, that is…

Plague Witch | M: 6" | BS: 4+ | WS: 4+ | S: 3 | T: 4 | W: 1 | A: 1 | Ld: 7 | Sv: - |
Necromancer | M: 6" | BS: 4+ | WS: 4+ | S: 3 | T: 4 | W: 2 | A: 2 | Ld: 8 | Sv: - |

A unit of Plague Witches consists of 4 Plague Witches and 1 Necromancer. They are armed with magic cloaks, necrosprite hives, and a Mark of Nurgle.
Magic Cloak: A magic cloak offers iffy eldritch protection from incoming fire, but they're not very difficult to make. These cloaks offer a 5+ Invulnerable Save.
Mark of Nurgle: In addition to marking their allegiance, these fell runes act as veritable wells of disease that corrupt and harden flesh and render the bearer immune to pain. They improve the toughness of the bearer by 1.
Necrosprite Hive: Psionic Wargear. When charged, it can be used in the Shooting Phase with the following profile:
Range: 12" | S: 3 | AP: -2 | D: 1 | Pistol d6 | Re-roll all failed wound rolls when targeting an Infantry unit.
Special Rules: Friendship is Magic, Unicorn, Unnatural Resilience
Unnatural Resilience: When a model from this unit loses a wound, roll a d6. On a roll of 5+, the wound is ignored. Against weapons that inflict damage greater than 1, a roll must be made against every point of damage, not just the single shot.

• Any unit of Plague Witches may take up to 5 additional Plague Witches at +8 power rating or a cost of 24 points each.
• A Necromancer may take a single upgrade from Corruptions (although obviously not a Mark of Nurgle, as that would be redundant).

Psyker: A unit of Plague Witches may manifest two psychic powers per turn, and may Deny the Witch once. They know the Telekinesis power, and two additional powers from the Dark Hereticus discipline.

Faction Keywords: Chaos, Iron Warriors, 38th Company, Nurgle
Keywords: Infantry, Psyker, Pony, Plague Witches

Fast Attack

Speedsters (60 points/power rating 5)

The Wonderbolts are undoubtedly the most famous stunt fliers in the Equestrian military hierarchy, but being a Wonderbolt requires extraordinary talent, technique, poise, discipline, dedication to an exhausting training and exhibition regime, and on top of that, the luck to showcase all these things while there’s an open slot on the team or reserve lineup. There are, obviously, many pegasi that display far superior flying ability without qualifying as a Wonderbolt (or even trying out for that distinct honor), and for those promising ponies there are much less demanding squads that can make use of their talents.
Speedsters are the name given to units of these agile pegasi, and they act as scouts and couriers for the Equestrian military. The 38th Company doesn’t have much need for the latter function, but has plenty of use for the former. Loaded down with pict-capture units and scanner equipment and beacons, these aerial aces soar above the battlefield beyond the reach of most enemy weapons and relay enemy positions to their artillery teams and deep-striking squads. Sadly, they have little survivability themselves, and things quickly go downhill (literally), when enemy anti-air fire decides it doesn’t have any better targets.

Speedster | M: 18" | BS: 4+ | WS: 4+ | S: 3 | T: 3 | A: 1 | W: 1 | Ld: 6 | Sv: 5+ |
Daredevil | M: 18" | BS: 4+ | WS: 4+ | S: 3 | T: 3 | A: 2 | W: 1 | Ld: 7 | Sv: 5+ |

A unit of Speedsters consists of 4 Speedsters and a single Daredevil. They are equipped with flak armor, lasguns, beacons, and frag and krak grenades.
Beacons: Beacons are used to mark tactical points for cogitators, particularly the ones that guide frag missiles or aim battle cannons. A beacon can be used on one enemy unit that the Speedsters move over in the Movement Phase with at least one model. In the following Shooting Phase, any weapons firing upon the marked unit with a randomized number of shots automatically uses the highest number possible (ie, a d6 weapons will fire 6 shots, a d3 weapon fires 3, etc).
Satchel Charges: These explosives are light enough to be carried easily by the pegasi, and necessary modifications have been made so to minimize fiddly finger-intensive handling. A model with satchel charges can drop them on one enemy model in the same manner as beacons, albeit with more immediate results. The target unit immediately suffers d3 Strength 7 hits.
Special Rules: Friendship is Magic, Pegasus, Ace Flyer
• A Daredevil may select wargear from the Armory.
• One Speedster may be equipped with Satchel Charges for 20 points.
• Any unit of Speedsters may add up to 10 additional Speedsters for +3 power rating or 12 points each.

Faction Keywords: Chaos, Iron Warriors, 38th Company
Keywords: Infantry, Flyer, Pony, Speedsters

Reavers of Khorne (85 points/power rating 4)

Out of all the Chaos Gods, Khorne seems by far the least likely to host a pony cult. Putting aside that the God of Bloodshed and Slaughter represents the antithesis of Equestrian culture, even equine outcasts and deviants very rarely possess the sort of psychotic tendencies and murderous temper that characterizes his servants and allows Khorne a window to their souls. As such, those ponies that do join the Blood God’s cult are those who are drawn by the conventional promises of martial and military power, and this guides their devotion much more than the glory of carnage and the volcanic rage that characterizes human cults. Pegasi, who have a significantly stronger warrior culture than earth ponies, are almost exclusively the only converts to this brutal cause. Naturally, unicorns are out of the question.
Reavers do not display the usual twitchy, anti-social, or self-destructive behavior common to human and post-human Khornates, and the deep, familial (at times even romantic) bonds between members of a unit honestly make the priests of the Blood God a little uncomfortable. Once they get within leg’s reach of the enemy, however, their tendencies become much more similar to that of their Berserker counterparts. Reavers have given their lives over to combat, and are equipped with improved armor, adamantium hoof and wing-blades, grenades, and combat stimm injectors. Combat injuries are repaired with heavy augmentation, and such “improvements” are widely celebrated (and often imitated) by the group as another step toward martial perfection. To be sure, they lack the fanatical zeal and all-consuming hatred that empowers most Khornates, but if the big guy really cares he has yet to make his displeasure known.

Reaver | M: 12" | BS: 3+ | WS: 3+ | S: 4 | T: 3 | W: 1 | A: 2 | Ld: 7 | Sv: 4+ |
Gladiator | M: 12" | BS: 3+ | WS: 3+ | S: 5 | T: 3 | W: 1 | A: 3 | Ld: 8 | Sv: 4+ |

A unit of Reavers is composed of 4 Reavers and a unit Gladiator. They are equipped with brutal assault weapons, carapace armor, Marks of Khorne, and frag and krak grenades.
Brutal Assault Weapon | Melee | S: User | AP: - | D: 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it makes an additional attack with this weapon.
Mark of Khorne: In addition to marking their allegiance, these fell runes drive the bearers into a enraged frenzy at the scent of combat. A Mark of Khorne grants +1 Strength and +1 Attack, both of which are included in the profile above.
Special Rules: Friendship is Magic, Pegasus, Death Dive
Death Dive: This unit can be set up in reserve at high altitude rather than deploying with the rest of the army, ready to join the combat when and where the fighting is thickest. At the end of any of your Movement Phases this unit can be placed on the battlefield anywhere that is at least 9" from any enemy units. In addition, this unit can re-roll failed charge attempts.
• A Gladiator may select wargear from the Armory and 1 Corruption, other than a Mark of Khorne.
• Up to two models may take flamers for 10 pts each.
• Any Reaver unit may take up to 5 additional Reavers at +3 power rating or 17 points each.

Faction Keywords: Chaos, Iron Warriors, 38th Company, Khorne
Keywords: Infantry, Flyer, Pony, Reavers

Heavy Support

Earthbreakers (60 points/power rating 5)

Mining is a highly technical and labor-intensive career, and quite lucrative; while pegasi may have an exclusive, biological right to cloud construction and unicorns are the only enchanters, earth ponies have little use for these things. Pegasi and unicorns, on the other hand, use metals and gems extensively, and there are very few pegasus or unicorn miners. Many ponies have a special talent for the digging aspect of mining in particular; these equines, properly equipped, can tunnel at a speed only slightly slower than they can walk. They have an instinctive sense of which parts of a tunnel are stable, and can find ways around deposits of rock before their picks ever make contact with any such impediments. That is, of course, they don’t decide it’s faster to just go right through them; earth ponies have a natural sense for the best places to carve through a stone obstacle, and when equipped with the humans’ motorized drills, teams of diggers can practically swim through the hard-packed earth.
Humans find the industry of mining best suited to machines and slaves, of course, but were impressed at the speed and accuracy with which the ponies could establish tunnels and trenches without the need for mobilizing large numbers. The idea that a group of ponies could dig a group of soldiers behind enemy lines fast enough to matter in the course of a battle was treated as a joke at first, until they actually tried it. Now the tactic is taken quite seriously. The Earthbreakers themselves are armored more heavily than most other pony units, both to protect them from stone shards and for weathering the guns of the enemy on the other side of the battlefield.

Earthbreaker | M: 7" | BS: 4+ | WS: 4+ | S: 3 | T: 4 | W: 1 | A: 1 | Ld: 6 | Sv: 4+ |
Quaker | M: 7" | BS: 4+ | WS: 4+ | S: 3 | T: 4 | W: 1 | A: 2 | Ld: 7 | Sv: 4+ |

An Earthbreaker Team consists of 4 Earthbreakers and 1 Quaker. They are armed with lasguns, carapace armor, and combat drills.
Combat Drill | Range: Melee | S: 7 | AP: -2 | D: 1 |
Siege Drill | Range: Melee | S: 10 | AP: -3 | D: d6 | Roll two dice when determining Damage and take the highest. Can only target Vehicles, Monsters, or Buildings.
Special Rules: Friendship is Magic, Earth Pony, Tunneler
Tunneler: Earthbreakers don’t only deliver themselves past enemy defenses, but can dig tunnels wide and stable enough for another infantry unit to follow them. One other infantry unit and up to one Character may set itself in Reserve along with the Earthbreaker unit rather than being set up normally. At the end of any of your Movement Phases, the Earthbreakers and their accompanying models may be placed anywhere on the battlefield no more than 3" from each other and no less than 9" away from any enemy models.
• A Quaker may select wargear from the Armory.
• A single model in the unit may exchange its Combat Drill for a Siege Drill for 20 points.
• Any unit of Earthbreakers may take up to 10 additional Earthbreakers for +2 power rating or 12 points each.

Faction Keywords: Chaos, Iron Warriors, 38th Company
Keywords: Infantry, Pony, Earthbreakers

Carrion Knights (100 points/7)

Although there are a fair share of unicorns that fall victim to Nurgle’s “gifts”, the Plague God’s parasitic avatars seem to settle best in the bodies of earth ponies. It’s not entirely clear why this is; earth ponies are generally more robust than other pony species, and usually possess stronger immune systems. Nonetheless, those earth ponies that give themselves over to Nurgle soon find their affinity for nature taking on less wholesome aspects; they begin to commune with parasitic insects, their coats release mold spores, and they experience a very un-herbivore-like craving for rotting meat. Ponies being the sort of creatures they are, they never seem to adopt the most sinister aspects of Nurgle worship, such as poisoning wells or infecting food stores, but nonetheless the healthy, non-cultist ponies keep a respectful distance and still insist upon a proper hygiene regimen.
Those that wish to serve Nurgle’s cause in a more confrontational manner end up as Carrion Knights, and they duly submit themselves to the Dark Techpriests and infectious clergy of the 38th Company. The mix of diseases and toxins in their organs is carefully ramped up, their bodies are swollen with baleful energies, and thick armor plating is fused directly to their bodies. By the time the procedures are complete, the Carrion Knight is almost as large as a Space Marine, and even more resilient than the infamous Plague Marines. Even when brought down on the battlefield, these creatures are rarely actually dead, and can usually be revived after a few days’ regeneration or a few augmetic replacement organs. The only obvious drawback to the Knights is a general lack of aggression on their part. They are ponderous, sanguine, and placid creatures who don’t even feel most of the blows and impacts made against them, and it is not uncommon to see a frustrated enemy simply get tired of trying to fight the beasts and leave.

Carrion Knight | M: 5" | BS: 4+ | WS: 4+ | S: 4 | T: 5 | W: 2 | A: 1 | Ld: 7 | Sv: 2+ |
Carrion Hulk | M: 5" | BS: 4+ | WS: 4+ | S: 4 | T: 5 | W: 3 | A: 2 | Ld: 8 | Sv: 2+ |

Carrion Knights are a unit of 4 Carrion Knights and 1 Carrion Hulk. They are armed with lasguns, fleshmetal, and a Mark of Nurgle.
Mark of Nurgle: In addition to marking their allegiance, these fell runes act as veritable wells of disease that corrupt and harden flesh and render the bearer immune to pain. They improve the toughness of the bearer by 1.
Special Rules: Friendship is Magic, Bulwark, Unnatural Resilience
Bulwark: Allied units aren't shy about taking cover behind the impressively resilient Carrion Knights, and the ponderous ponies, surprisingly, don't mind being pushed in the way of a hail of bullets. Whenever an Infantry unit within 3" of this unit is targeted, they may declare that they are covering behind the Carrion Knights. Any wounds suffered by the target of the attack may then be allocated to the Carrion Knights instead until there are no more Carrion Knight models within range (or left alive, as it were).
Unnatural Resilience: When a model from this unit loses a wound, roll a d6. On a roll of 5+, the wound is ignored. Against weapons that inflict damage greater than 1, a roll must be made against every point of damage.

• A Carrion Hulk may select wargear from the Armory and/or take a single Corruption other than a Mark of Nurgle.
• Up to 5 additional Carrion Knights may be added to the unit for +7 power rating or 20 points each.

Faction Keywords: Chaos, Iron Warriors, 38th Company, Nurgle
Keywords: Infantry, Pony, Carrion Knights

Comments ( 11 )

You're alive?! Hooray!!!

I've never actually played any of the Warhammer tabletop games, but reading your stuff for it has made me seriously consider it more than once.

Carrion Knights have worse saves than Plague Marines, and the same resistance otherwise. Kinda expensive considering that, no? Their ability to be a mobile cover is wonderful, though. Shame I could never find someone to play with your pony rules, it would be hilarious and awesome.

Oops! That was a mistake. They have Fleshmetal, so they should be 2+. Fixed it!

I've been diving back into it heavily recently, and expanding my army.
It's a serious investment of time and money, so I don't advise people to do it lightly, but if one is going to start playing now is the time to start with the recent 8th Edition revision.

It being online certainly makes it possible, thanks! Else me living in another hemisphere would be a rather poignant problem :derpytongue2:

Do you have rules for Pegasus Weather Ponies using lightning, whirlwinds, and other weather in battle?

Oh wow, this is a lot more in depth than before. Glad your taking the chance to really up the game on the Pony units. Also, welcome back! Glad to see you doing things again. :)

I do not, no,
I would assume that quickly manufacturing weather conditions on the spot in a battlefield isn't feasible or efficient enough to be a worthwhile tactic.
Maybe for a unique scenario, though? :rainbowhuh:

Rainbow whips up a tornado to deal with the parasprites pretty quickly, and several pegasi have produced lightning bolts with a kick if they have a cloud handy.
The lightning would probably be weaker than high-tech shooting, but a tornado could be nasty to enemy fliers.

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