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Georg is senile and needs help identifying a story · 5:53pm Oct 4th, 2017

Found it! Time Enough for Love by Horizon from the Writeoff archives. No *wonder* I couldn't find it on FimFiction. Thanks, guys!

I want to credit the author who wrote this *amazing* story about a romance between Princess Celestia and Clover the Clever (male) where Celestia is a barbarian, Luna was the socialized one, Clover was Starswirl’s student/associate. Starswirl makes Clover an amulet that throws him forward in time a year when it is spun, so he would be able to be with her when she needs him most, but the ‘widget’ that I’m planning on borrowing for the next arc in Letters is ‘Mister Smashy’ (sic?), the warhammer that Celestia carries.

Unfortunately, my brain is made of cheese. Fortunately, I have minions. (waves to the reader) Anybody remember the name of this story? It’s totally awesome, and ends with this gut-tearing scene that would bring tears out of a stone. So yeah, I’m a little jealous.

Included below the break is a snippet of what I plan on doing with ‘Mister Smashy’ in Letters From a Little Princess Monster in the next arc.

Luna was an alicorn princess. The moon and the stars above bowed to her will. At night, she ruled all of Equestria.

During the day, she felt very naked and powerless.

This morning, it was far worse than normal.

She strode along the corridors of the castle, questioning guards as she found them in order to locate her sister. That in itself was odd, but far odder the thin-lipped and intense expressions of concentration on each of the guardstallions she passed, some of which indicated Celestia's path with a tense-winged point before she even could open her mouth to ask. Her brisk pace took Luna outside under the blazing sun and along the path leading to the Royal Statuary Gardens, an even odder destination considering the contents of...


Luna hastened her pace until she was nearly galloping, slowing when she approached her sister, who was proceeding down the path, one hoof after another, as if she were carrying the weight of the world on her back. In a very alicorn way, it was not an inaccurate description. Mister Smashy rested quietly on Celestia's back, tucked between her wings with the handle of the massive hammer sticking out over one shoulder where it could be grasped by teeth or magic, depending on the degree of personal interaction the Goddess of the Sun wished to impart on whatever had drawn her ire.

Walking more cautiously, Luna walked up behind her sister while making plenty of noise. Celestia looked... tense, and the last thing Luna wanted this morning was to feel the weight of a dense chunk of dwarf star matter in the teeth by startling her sister. She had just opened her mouth to ask what had set Celestia off when a chance breeze brought the answer to her unasked question, and explained both the unusually warm day and her sister's tension.

"Heat?" asked Luna quietly while falling into step beside her.

"Yes," said Celestia from between thinned lips.

Luna cleared her throat, and when Celestia gave her a terse glance, pointed up at the sun.

"Oh!" The blazing heat of the morning lessened somewhat until it became more appropriate to the season. "Sorry," she added with a slight grinding of her teeth. "It's taking most of my concentration to keep from... never mind."

Luna eyed Mister Smashy lying firmly on Celestia's back, but her mind was far away. She could still hear Big Mac from when they had been curled up in his bed, talking about problems and the difficulty in sorting them between hitting problems and thinking problems. The problem Celestia was facing seemed to be one of the hitting kind, and once she was done, there would be adequate time to deal with the thinking problem which Luna was facing, provided they faced it as sisters.

"I see you have determined the reason for the season, so to say? I too have an issue which needs your input, but we shall wait until you hath dealt with Discord."

Comments ( 16 )

I really wish I knew, Georg, but I don't seem to have seen a story like that. But I'll see if I can find it for you.

Comment posted by Nagel Navari deleted Oct 4th, 2017

Pretty sure you're thinking of horizon's Time Enough for Love, which he still hasn't brought to Fimfiction. You'll have to look through the Writeoff archives.

Where can I find these Writeoff archives?

4686870 4686868 4686874 4686875

Bingo! Time Enough for Love by Horizon from the Writeoff archives. No *wonder* I couldn't find it on FimFiction.


Horizon! Get your rump in gear and get this published! There are people out there who are not crying enough! I want to see those tears flow!

(coughs quietly)

With that said, I know who to credit now. Thanks, guys!

By the way, guys. This is the way you write a hook:

Clover was approaching Queen Platinum's throne for his usual Sunday morning report when a boom split the air and the Great Hall's seven-thousand-pound iron door sailed past his shoulder.

"I am Imperatrix Celestia Invicta, Slayer of the Dragon Legions, Tamer of Tartarus," a voice thundered from the doorway as every pony in the room froze statue-still. "And alla you prancers better clear on out, because you're raising the sun too rutting early, and I've decided I'm gonna take over and do it myself."

Thats a lovely story right there.

Celestia carrying a warhammer named Mister Smashy puts me in mind of another one-shot: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/283295/to-dethrone-a-princess :trollestia:

4686909 Oh, yeah. Loved that one.

Great story,thanks for the link.

Site Blogger

Alright, I read the first two scenes. horizon. You are now obligated to publish. How can I review this when it is not on FIMFiction?
Ignore those original fiction reviews behind the curtain!

I remember someone's writeoff compilation that included the following entry:

Pre-unification, the Earth Ponies were the only ones who knew how to cook properly, so the Pegasi were getting annoyed with all the inedible pebbles sent up with the food.

It ended with Commander Hurricane interrogating Smart Cookie, demanding to know where this master of transformative magics, this "Bay King" lived.

Someday, horizon will post the finished version.

Someday. :ajbemused:

I always forget to check the writeoff entries.

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