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brb... again · 2:19am Sep 7th, 2017

I'm not so much scared as I am annoyed. There are people in Texas who are flooded out of their homes right now, and the Caribbean Islands have a lot more shiet to deal with than I ever could.

So... I won't be screaming doom and gloom until I happen to find myself in a similar place, which I highly doubt will happen. For the time being, however, I will indeed be doing preparations and other tropical-related exercises that my 2017 body has gotten far too fat to experience without getting terribly winded. Spluergh. I only have myself to blame.

This means that the dailies will have to take a slight sabbatical. Don't worry, unless there's a catastrophic loss of power or life, but, y'know, f'naaaa, I won't let this burn me out like the far lesser and overhyped Hurricane Matthew supposedly did last year. Expect horse lit to resume rather swiftly. I just need some time to weather the storm.

My apologies for being so silent as of late. More specifically, I'm sorry that I haven't been blarghing regularly like I promised I would. When someone like me goes for a long time without saying anything, it's super hard to get back into the groove of faking sociableness... I guess. Like... I have a Discord group and I lurve it to death, but I don't know what to talk about most of the time so I just spam princess pics and let all the other marsupials around the camp fire chat about whatever.

I'm blessed--as always--to have so many readers, Patreon supporters, friends, and overall fellow castaways of entropy. Thanks once again, and I plan to be tossing crack!fics and horse drama into your eyeballs soon enough.


Report shortskirtsandexplosions · 2,033 views ·
Comments ( 50 )

so I just spam princess picsĀ 

As far as I know, this is top tier Skirts communication.

Stay safe, dude

Have a princess and a hurricane, and hopefully less of the latter than the former in the coming days.

As a fellow Floridian, I'm not so concerned either. I remember 2004 and my house came out of that season without a scratch.

Can confirm. He makes the nsfw chat very interesting XD

Be safe! No rush :) :pinkiehappy:

Be super careful. If your area might take a cat-2 or higher hit, BAIL. I would not wish the bullshit I just lived through on my worst enemy and I'm one of the LUCKY ones. Wading to rescue boats in knee deep water isn't a life experience you want.

God's version of Bowling For States.

I love living in Kansas.

I live in new jersey but be carful anyone Texas to Canada good luck

Don't you have tornadoes there? Worst we have in Arizona is (potentially lethal) heat (9 months out of the year).

Stay safe.

Stay safe, dude.

Yeah, that's an excellent reason to take a sabbatical for the time being. Stay safe, and I hope everything turns out okay.

without getting terribly winded.Ā 


I live in Tucson and the struggle is real when its 114 outside bucking phoenix though sorry bastards
and of course good luck and stay safe to any of you who have bucking HURRICANES to worry about

I totally Agree

No reason to apologize for staying safe. You'll be in my prayers.

You stay safe we will be here when you get back!

I would rank something like this highly in the 'good reasons to suffer a delay' category, stay safe out there.

Weathering the Death Cloud > A few days of horse words

Dude, Skirts... we don't love you for your bubbly personality and outgoing nature.

We love you because your an all-around cool guy and make awesome adventures that will stick with us for years to come.

Stay safe, and hold fast.

You can build a house (theoretically, if not practically or affordably) that can withstand a tornado. Reinforced concrete dome, solid fiberglass capsule anchored halfway into the ground, bridge-grade stuff... A subterranean hobbit hole would be cool.

To a hurricane, we are grains of sand before the River Nile.

You can't fight 30 trillion tons of water dumped on an already nearly saturated flood plain.

I'm one of the fortunate ones, and I cannot fathom why anyone willingly lives in my town.

Stay safe out there!

Keep your head down and avoid nature's unbridled wrath. :twilightsmile:

Irma is easily worse that Harvey. Harvey flooded Houston. Irma wiped the entire island of Barbuda off the map.

Good luck, we're all counting on you

Seriously, I'm one of those sorry Phoenix vally-ians and the gratitude for dealing with uncomfortable heat over devastating flooding is real.

After hurricane irma, your also gonna get hit by hurricane Jose. Right now Texas is about to get hit by hurricane Katia

It's nice to see a blog from you again, no matter the slightly concerning reasons.

After the storm has passed, let us all know you, you know... Lived and stuff.


Good luck out there, stay safe and take your time.

We love you, and your Princess and trap spam.

We'll see you soon.

Jeez, how many hurricanes is America plagued by? It seems every other month there's another one racing towards your country with unrestrained glee. I must admit, I'm grateful to be where I am - the worst I have to worry about weatherwise is rain and the occasional gale.

So, to be clear, good luck. Stay safe. Do whatever you lot do when imminent doom is circling. If that means no horses, we'll just have to deal with it. Your safety take priority, at all times. Please stay safe.

My family (from Chicago) has been saying for as long as I've been alive, "You don't have to shovel sunshine." I think I'll add "You can't drown in it, either," to the family motto.

Stay safe Skirts, We're all thinking of you.

Good luck and don't drown please. We need your horsewords. :twilightblush:

Stay safe, ):(

Rent a station wagon, drive 500 miles and lay out in the back staring up at teh cigarette smoke marks in the lining and think to yourself.


They added new colours to the rainfall for Harvey, its about time they listed the Categories by wind speed increments and left it open ended. Irma would be a 7 plus? At least over Barbuda?

If you can, run for it, if you cant, move slowly but steadily to a more surviveable area. Dont forget, its Rabbit Season, its Duck Season, Its Amercia Season, and youre invited to the turkey shoot.

just how much water do you use when camping, reasonably?

Hey I also live in Kansas! :pinkiegasp:

My thoughts are with you.

Every time a hurricane passes by Florida I get paranoid for your safety. Best of luck, Skirts.

Hope you already got your stock of Dr. Pepper. The stores are empty from what I heard. Keep us informed.

I'm lucky weather here is, while chaotic, not that extreme. We only have a few weather related deaths every year, and its either people dragged by the water while trying to cross a flooded street, due to our horrible sewer system that turns our streets into a series of fast rivers every strong storm; or people asphixiated in their sleep during the ten or so cold nights we get every year, because our houses are not made for the cold and so they left a lit brazier in their closed room.

Good luck out there. I know being from Nebraska I couldn't live out there.

Glad to hear you're making sure to be safe and I can understand the difficulty in faking sociability. If you ever want to talk one on one, you have my deets

Please don't die.

Like, seriously... please, please, please don't die.

You probably won't, but... just please don't die.

But we have wild fires that will consume the forests and the flash floods will raze the hills.

That's a fair counter point. The Yarnell fire killed like 12 fire fighters last year, and another dozen or so people drowned in a flash flood a few months ago, as I recall. But that's still incredibly tame compared to most natural hazards, and can largely be avoided by not going swimming in random places during Monsoon season.

Also I guess a bunch of Montana is on fire right now, and that sucks too.

Edit: Also, obviously, stay safe.

Me too, hot weather has over drowning any day.Nice to see fellow Arizonians. Hope you stay safe marsupial lover.

Nothing in Arizona to worry about except scorching heat and crystal meth, right?

We're near Seattle, and the worst we have to deal with is the gentle rain of ash from the fifty wildfires in our state and Oregon. The forecast out here is basically Silent Hill.

That's still better off than Texas and Florida right now.

Stay safe, buddy.

See you again soon, Skirts. Try not to get too wet. :rainbowdetermined2:

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