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Let R = { x | x ∉ x }, then R ∈ R ⟺ R ∉ R... or is it?

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Points of Canon: S7x07 - Parental Glideance · 5:47pm May 7th, 2017

This episode is being written up two weeks before its US airing, so you should know the drill by now.

You have been warned appropriately.

So this is what Rainbow parents look like.

  • Scootaloo is going to Cloudsdale to finish her report, and she presents it at the end of the episode, condensing the events described into something like a week or two, despite the rather large variety of events the Wonderbolts attended during it.
  • I’m not about to estimate the energy accumulated in this rubber band. No, really, I’m not and don’t ask. I know it’s ridiculous. I also know that pegasi can clearly withstand ridiculous gees, so let’s just accept this happened and move on. I call magic rubber.
  • 1. I was worried they forgot about these things, they haven’t shown any for so long!

    Apple Bloom mentions a pegasus chariot1 and a hot air balloon as methods to ascend to Cloudsdale. I question the hot air. Actually, even vacuum shouldn’t provide enough lift at these sizes of a balloon. But oh well. Both of these methods are at least established as practical, they have been done before.

  • Sweetie Belle mentions a flock of birds as a method, and this, this makes me wonder. How exactly does this work? Is it practical at all? How exactly does one harness the birds? Is she messing with Scootaloo? Is she messing with us?
  • 2. Did she break it and they won’t let her fly it anymore?… Is she so dirt poor that she can’t afford a ticket? She has friends. So asking friends to chip in to help you write a report is not ok, but asking them to help you get killed is?…

    So I wonder, why didn’t Scootaloo use either method? She used the balloon before to get to Rainbow Dash herself.2

  • Surprise! The stallion we thought was Rainbow’s father, the one who turns up in the closing scene of A Hearth’s Warming Tail, is not. Despite the nearly identical coloration to the actual father, one Bow Hot Hoof. So who is “Rainbow Blaze?” If he were her brother, which is, theoretically, a possibility, he’d turn up throughout the episode at least as a mention, but he doesn’t. Rainbow mane is both ridiculously rare and clearly strongly hereditary… A cousin? A disowned brother? What?
  • The name “Bow Hot Hoof” is weird, and I suspect a reference might be involved, but I don’t know what it is.
  • Bow Hot Hoof is using a machine to flatten the clouds. The only reason to do that that I can imagine is that they fluff out when unattended. Notably, the section of the cloud Scootaloo punched through is not full-solid, otherwise even her helmet wouldn’t save her. Maybe, that’s how they make clouds hard enough to hold non-pegasi objects? If so, Scootaloo is very lucky to pop through a non-hardened patch.
  • Windy Whistles collects Princess Celestia commemorative plates. These are a thing. Notably, I think this is the only case so far of Celestia’s face showing up so prominently on everyday objects in any kind of significant quantity. Does she get any royalties? :pinkiehappy:
  • Scootaloo sports a very interesting instant-print camera not observed before. Unlike Pinkie’s example of instant-print it’s not instant-developing and seems to obey the laws of physics at least out of politeness – though it does develop faster than our Polaroids do.
  • Rainbow Dash’s favorite food is “a pasta and potato sandwich on sour dough.” Not only this is a rather unusual kind of sandwich to make, have we seen potatoes before?
  • …So how did Scootaloo keep that sandwich in her album?…
  • In this kitchen, I see a definite disposable plastic bag trash can, among other things typical of a kitchen, but no refrigerator. The spot where it could be located is just off camera, though.
  • My supposition that pegasi children also get magic surges and can produce thrust that makes them difficult to contain is confirmed: one pair of pictures has her mother flying Rainbow not unlike a kite and looking tired out from just keeping her down. Notice that during The Cutie Re-Mark, Starlight has been able to keep an older Rainbow stationary rather easily.
  • Rainbow’s toy collection includes a bunny and what seems to be a puppy, a bear, a duck, a gramophone, a castle playset, and a basketball basket. Surprisingly normal. I’ll have to go back to that when I have a higher resolution copy, but I think there’s what has to be a breezie figurine on the shelf. There’s also a piggy bank, one that actually looks like a pig, in contrast to the “peggy bank” that Pip had.
  • Rainbow had an inspirational poster about a tortoise. “When the going gets tough, the tough don’t notice, because they have hard shells.” Which makes me wonder why she was quite so reluctant to adopt Tank.
  • I do wonder just how did Bow Hot Hoof do the sound effects on door opening. I can imagine numerous technologies to pull this off and they’re all rather a lot of work.
  • Rainbow’s museum contains no less than 20 trophies and awards of diverse description, but from the descriptions Windy Whistles actually gives, most of them they made themselves. Keeping the diaper she was wearing when she spoke her first word is the moment where it was supposed to start to creep the viewer out.
  • Windy Whistles mentions “‘Rainbow Dash saves Ponyville’ headlines” as mementos she does not actually have. Since Scootaloo immediately offers to trade, that implies they have to actually exist. The clipping she trades for the diaper is not a front page article, though, but a narrow column.
  • Keeping that Dash became a Wonderbolt from these people had to have taken some doing, and I doubt this could be maintained for very long, because Rainbow did eventually end up on promotional materials, as Top Bolt makes abundantly clear. They never bothered to come to a Wonderbolt event because Rainbow isn’t one, but inevitably, one of their neighbors of co-workers or friends would, and they would tell them.
  • The details of how the Wonderbolts “make thunder” remain unclear to me. Just what exactly did they do here? Bounce off the runway and create a shockwave?…
  • How exactly were spectators permitted to this runway, anyway? Rainbow takes the blame, but I doubt she left any standing orders or requests to permit her parents to enter. You’d think this would be a restricted area, remembering the strict safety rules for crossing the runway… That leaves Rainbow leaving a request to permit Scootaloo in and the parents piggybacking on it, but Scootaloo can’t just fly in herself.
  • At least some pegasi do wingshakes instead of hoofshakes.
  • When chewing out Scootaloo, Rainbow says “you should have talked to Twilight,” which, I think, implies that Twilight knew about Rainbow keeping this secret.
  • The Doctor is hanging out with Roseluck this time for some reason. Now, this is the exclusive box seats first seen in Sweet and Elite. We know how Rainbow’s parents and the CMC got there. How did the Doctor?…
  • Notably, Rainbow concealed the events of every encounter with Wonderbolts ever since Wonderbolts Academy, inclusive. Did she at least tell them about the Sonic Rainboom?… What about Equestria Games?
  • The special effects resulting from pegasi flying get particularly blatant in this episode. If that’s not pegasus magic, I don’t know what is.
  • Rainbow’s hoofprint has a very obvious horseshoe trace, which is kind of strange. I’m not sure if this should be called a cartoon resolution problem or not.
  • Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail turn up in front of the Wonderbolts HQ in trainee uniforms, suddenly greatly increasing the amount of time the secret had to have been kept.
  • I don’t know whether this “No one can make your parents feel more worthless than you” is a genuine statement or a deliberate guilt trip. But that’s basically deciding between crazy and evil. And Scootaloo taking their side is somewhat weird.
  • Rainbow’s flashbacks show what looks like a filly Spitfire and a filly Lightning Dust, but while the latter can, theoretically, be present, Spitfire can’t: She is not a “young flier” at the time Rainbow still is, in Sonic Rainboom. They also have Soarin, Flitter and Cloud Chaser, and Derpy, and the entire combination is highly unlikely. This flashback’s detail is not reliable.
  • The age distinctions between “Junior Flappers Club” and “senior competitive circuit” are unclear.
  • 3. That said… I suppose she might be adopted, and not entirely happy with her family situation, but an outright orphan without a family she definitely is not, she has a home she obviously could not manage entirely by herself. Looks like she’s either adopted or disabled, this way, but at least, not both. Meh. Couldn’t they fracking decide for once?

    Scootaloo’s statement “Some ponies would dream of having parents like that” and the subsequent dialogue is going to be interpreted as a confirmation she’s a street orphan in one, two, three… She definitely did not say anything specific one way or the other. See The Many Secret Origins of Scootaloo, still holds.3

  • Rainbow’s instant napping skill is absolutely essential for a soldier.
  • One can actually get painted by a static rainbow in the air. This hasn’t happened before, not that I remember.
  • While a sandwich is not appropriate content for a report, I don’t see why would Cherilee grade this a B, unless there were specific problems with the delivery that we were not shown. Something’s fishy here.
  • Notably, this is one of the rare cases where school grades are mentioned, and they’re US-style letter grades, like in The Crystal Empire.

This was a very humiliating couple of seasons for Rainbow, wasn’t it?

Also, this guy with a chin the size of a mare’s head standing in line in front of Lemon Hearts and Carrot Top / Golden Harvest. I don’t know whose OC it is, but it’s so bloody blatant, it has to be one, so I’m marking it off. Any clues?

Yay, one more square!

Chronologically, this episode avoids the appearance of Twilicorn or Friendship Castle, but Rainbow Dash is a Wonderbolt and it recaps most of her way there. Notably, while Starlight is not in evidence, we can’t backdate it very far, because of the presence of Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail.

Chronology project has been updated accordingly as usual.

Comments ( 49 )

One can actually get painted by a static rainbow in the air. This hasn’t happened before, not that I remember.

Pretty sure that's liquid, nor light, especially given the rivers of rainbow runoff flowing through the headquarters.

Also, interesting note from the flashback: Derpy's eye condition is progressive. Assuming, of course, that the representation is accurate.


Pretty sure that’s liquid, nor light, especially given the rivers of rainbow runoff flowing through the headquarters.

We’ve seen pools of the stuff, yes, but we haven’t seen anyone painted by a rainbow after it has been dispersed in the air, yet. This implies that it’s either hanging thick in the air or that the colors remain vivid even in a very low concentration, something to keep in mind.

Also, interesting note from the flashback: Derpy’s eye condition is progressive. Assuming, of course, that the representation is accurate.

Don’t know if it’s accurate, but the flashback can’t be reliable for the reasons outlined above: It can’t contain Spitfire, because Spitfire has to be considerably older, and the entire combination of ponies in it is highly implausible.

And Rarity’s flashback in The Cart Before The Ponies puts Derpy in Ponyville at this age anyway, so there’s a conflict one way or another.

We’ve seen pools of the stuff, yes, but we haven’t seen anyone painted by a rainbow after it has been dispersed in the air, yet.

Scoots drained the color out of one in Hearts and Hooves Day, I believe, leaving behind a grayscale arch in the sky... so I'd guess that rainbows are some sort of fluid that needs a magical matrix or field of some sort to keep them suspended in mid air. Moving through that matrix/field means you get the fluid on you.

:pinkiecrazy: It makes perfect sense!

Not a comment on the episode, but on the chronology tool for any other Edge users out there:

If you're wondering if it's you, save your time: it doesn't run in Edge. Dig up your old Chrome installation for this. (Or install one; it's well worth it.)


If you’re wondering if it’s you, save your time: it doesn’t run in Edge. Dig up your old Chrome installation for this. (Or install one; it’s well worth it.)

I’m sorry about this, but life’s too short to support any flavor of Internet Explorer. I could add the required polyfills to make it run as early as IE 11, (but no earlier) but that would mean it almost doubling the file size.

Sweetie Belle mentions a flock of birds as a method, and this, this makes me wonder. How exactly does this work? Is it practical at all? How exactly does one harness the birds? Is she messing with Scootaloo? Is she messing with us?

"What? Swallows carrying a pegasus filly?"
"They could grip her by the mane and tail!"
"It's not a question of where they grip her! It's a simple question of weight ratios! A flock of five ounce birds could not carry a seventy pound filly."


And Rarity’s flashback in The Cart Before The Ponies puts Derpy in Ponyville at this age anyway, so there’s a conflict one way or another.

This doesn't solve the temporal shenanigans, but if Derpy lived in Ponyville at the time of Rarity's Derby flashback, it would still make sense for Derpy to compete at the Cloudsdale races. It's a reasonable assumption that Ponyville didn't have a big enough pegasus population to host their own aerial races for children—so Derpy could just go to the Cloudsdale event. Hell, even in the present day, after growing a bit, Ponyville still doesn't appear to host any pegasus-specific contests.

Whereas if Derpy grew up in Cloudsdale, it makes no sense for her to show up at the Ponyville Derby, because that very episode established Cloudsdale already has their own Derby.


Actually, wait, Equestrian birds are ridiculously strong.

(buries Scootaloo under a pile of birdseed)


Any minute now…


I’m sorry about this, but life’s too short to support any flavor of Internet Explorer. I could add the required polyfills to make it run as early as IE 11, (but no earlier) but that would mean it almost doubling the file size.

Technically not a flavor of IE, if we're being picky. :pinkiehappy: (Which is why I must confess to being a little surprised when it didn't run - the new rendering engine, etc., in Edge are good enough to make even Google's most creatively designed web apps run fine these days. If it had been IE I was using, I wouldn't have been surprised at all to have problems.)

Anyway, it's not a problem or a complaint from me; I keep a copy of Chrome around just for this sort of thing. Just wanted to let any other Edge-users who wandered by know that they could save their time and skip right to their spare browser.


Technically not a flavor of IE, if we’re being picky. :pinkiehappy:

Well, no, it’s not. Edge, however, is rather lagging in supporting the new Javascript features as mandated by ECMAScript 2015 standard, and if I didn’t use those, I wouldn’t be able to cook this thing up in just a day.

The solution to “making Javascript a language that doesn’t suck but running in every browser anyway” is a transpiler – a compilation process that mutates Javascript from a sane language to that horrible mess browsers actually speak. To make up for the things browser Javascript engines do not yet do natively, it requires using a library that implements them in older Javascript.

This transpilation is a required part of modern frontend programming anyway, but I currently have this process tuned to support only browsers that have a 5% or more of the total browser market share, in an effort to keep the file size down a bit. Supporting Edge explicitly requires including almost the entire thing, while Chrome only needs a tiny bit of this library…

That said, try build #108. There was a bug in Riot.js that could prevent it from reacting to clicks in Edge. If that was why it didn’t work for you, it might, now.

They also have Soarin, Flitter and Cloud Chaser, and Derpy, and the entire combination is highly unlikely. This flashback’s detail is not reliable.

It looks like another case where we hear one character narrating an event, but see the other character's mind incorrectly filling in blanks. That seems to be a recurring thing this season. In any case, we can't fairly call it unrealistic, since people do this all the time.

Sidebar: I'm really grateful to you for doing this series. These posts always give tons for food for thought, and will be useful when I make my next comeback. :twilightsmile:

Man I loved this episode. It was cute, it introduced new family, and helped build a lot of canon.

I call magic rubber.

Or maybe Scootaloo just needed the vertical boost to get her pegasus magic working?

So I wonder, why didn’t Scootaloo use either method? She used the balloon before to get to Rainbow Dash herself.

I suspect Scootaloo put together a decent report in Ponyville, but when she asked the adults around her if she could go to Cloudsdale for a few days to fill out a book report, no one thought that was a good idea. The book report angle seems more like an excuse to be a stalker than the real motivator here. So Scoots did this on her own.

A cousin? A disowned brother? What?

Perhaps an uncle (clearly on father's side) who can be trusted to not embarrass Rainbow at events and also can keep secrets from her parents.

Does she get any royalties? :pinkiehappy:

Does Queen Elizabeth?

Not only this is a rather unusual kind of sandwich to make, have we seen potatoes before?

Raises the question of why they have hay-fries instead of regular fries.

Which makes me wonder why she was quite so reluctant to adopt Tank.

Tank initially reminded her of her embarassing parents? This rather goofy-smiling fellow that kind of follows you around and wants to cling to you.

They never bothered to come to a Wonderbolt event because Rainbow isn’t one, but inevitably, one of their neighbors of co-workers or friends would, and they would tell them.

I wondered about that too. Perhaps everyone who knows them closely has been asked by Rainbow not to bring it up. Also: Do they know Rainbow was an Element of Harmony and has saved Equestria a bunch of times? It seems like no, or they would have mentioned that.

You’d think this would be a restricted area, remembering the strict safety rules for crossing the runway

I think it's restricted by rules, but there's no enforcement mechanism. Ponies don't really "get" rule enforcement.

When chewing out Scootaloo, Rainbow says “you should have talked to Twilight,” which, I think, implies that Twilight knew about Rainbow keeping this secret.


How did the Doctor?…

He's a successful inventor, he can buy luxury box tickets for dates with all his marefriends. Also, for an event held in Canterlot, there are almost no unicorn spectators.

If that’s not pegasus magic, I don’t know what is.

It probably is. I believe we've seen ponies sign for things with a picture of their cutie mark before, I'm not sure how useful a hoofprint would be. Especially with horseshoes, then they all look identical.

But that’s basically deciding between crazy and evil.

Evil is a strong word, it's just passive-aggressive from some deeply hurt ponies. I could see Fluttershy doing something like this.

And Scootaloo taking their side is somewhat weird.

Explained pretty clearly later on.

This flashback’s detail is not reliable.

Is it? If Rainbow Dash is still a junior flapper, I could see Spitfire being like 8 years older than her and still being in this competition with her. I don't think Spitfire is enough to rule this unreliable. Also, the many versions of the races give us a rough estimate of flying ability, at least as teenagers. Interesting that Lightning Dust and Soarin appear to be consistently more highly ranked than Spitfire or anyone else.

Scootaloo’s statement “Some ponies would dream of having parents like that” and the subsequent dialogue is going to be interpreted as a confirmation she’s a street orphan in one, two, three… She definitely did not say anything specific one way or the other.

It narrows it down to two options really. She's an orphan, or she has a shitty family (or she's an orphan with a shitty foster family). Either way I expect numerous fics about Rainbow's parents adopting her to start rolling out.

While a sandwich is not appropriate content for a report, I don’t see why would Cherilee grade this a B, unless there were specific problems with the delivery that we were not shown. Something’s fishy here.

I think she also said the problem was the report was mostly pictures instead of text. A report with barely any text and mostly pictures, but from a student who did tons of primary research and interviews... I could see that getting a B.

4523512 I think you've nailed how rainbows work.

4523549 They should have used industrial-grade butterflies to lift a pegasus.


(buries Scootaloo under a pile of birdseed)

Wow Oliver, on the same episode we learne Scoot's is a sad orphan, you pile on the chicken jokes, you heartless bastard! :trollestia:


Tank initially reminded her of her embarassing parents? This rather goofy-smiling fellow that kind of follows you around and wants to cling to you.

Not to mention, I could definitely see Rainbow Dash being the type who finds her childhood interests embarrassing and does her best to disown them. "Yeah, I used to think tortoises were cool... when I was a baby! I'm not into baby stuff anymore, geez!"


Or maybe Scootaloo just needed the vertical boost to get her pegasus magic working?

Might be. I actually wonder something else, though…

What happened to her scooter?

She flies up with the scooter for the entire time after clearing the ramp, but up there she is embedded in the cloud. Being a pegasus, she has instinctive magic that allows her to remain stuck in it, but once she emerges, the scooter isn’t with her. The scooter is not a pegasus.

It would fall down. How’s this thing still in one piece when she rides it later in the episode?… How did Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom even find it?…

The book report angle seems more like an excuse to be a stalker than the real motivator here.

That does sound like a good explanation.

Raises the question of why they have hay-fries instead of regular fries.

Might be they have both, and “hay fries” are specifically distinguished from “fries” because they’re hay-based.

Tank initially reminded her of her embarassing parents? This rather goofy-smiling fellow that kind of follows you around and wants to cling to you.


Also: Do they know Rainbow was an Element of Harmony and has saved Equestria a bunch of times? It seems like no, or they would have mentioned that.

Apparently, most of these incidents escaped association with the Mane 6 names.

Actually, these parents explain why Rainbow would want these things stay out of the papers, even though she is prone to glory hounding. You’d think she would push for getting it proclaimed on every street corner, but if it means her parents would get so full of pride they might burst? Yeah.

I think it’s restricted by rules, but there’s no enforcement mechanism. Ponies don’t really “get” rule enforcement.

There has to be one, though, otherwise fans – like Rainbow herself – would drop in on them every day…

If Rainbow Dash is still a junior flapper, I could see Spitfire being like 8 years older than her and still being in this competition with her.

They would remember each other much better if they raced against each other at least five times, and Spitfire being 8 years older would already pass the gangly teenager threshold.

No, I think Horse Voice above is correct: It’s Rainbow talking, but it’s Scootaloo imagining the scene. She doesn’t know who else would race against Rainbow, so she imagines ponies she knows to be good fliers.

And yeah, Derpy can’t fly in a straight line, but remember that comic? She flies exactly the same during a storm that gives Rainbow and Soarin pause. In a cross-country all-weather endurance race she might even win.

Wow Oliver, on the same episode we learne Scoot’s is a sad orphan, you pile on the chicken jokes, you heartless bastard! :trollestia:

I did mention I was completely heartless and incapable of empathy just one post ago, did you think I was joking? :)


How’s this thing still in one piece when she rides it later in the episode?… How did Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom even find it?…

I noticed that too. Maybe the scooter is enchanted with enhanced durability? Maybe AB and SS kept a close eye on where it landed?

t it’s Scootaloo imagining the scene. She doesn’t know who else would race against Rainbow, so she imagines ponies she knows to be good fliers.

Ok, but then how does she know what Rainbows childhood bullies look like? And why would she imagine Derpy sans strabismus?

They would remember each other much better if they raced against each other at least five times

Ehh, Spitfire is not the most perceptive of ponies, let's be honest here. If we're adding in comics, there's an entire issue about how she can't deal with younger ponies and tries to avoid them or yell at them. And as the previous episode makes clear, child body types have no internal logic.

In a cross-country all-weather endurance race she might even win.

She almost certainly would, in an unintentional death-race kind of way (i.e. every other competitor would get hit by lightning Muffins inadvertently sets off).

did you think I was joking? :)

I assumed they have very dry senses of humor in Obscuria.

Is good episode. Am enjoying. Lots of interesting tidbits from the blog and comments here, as well.




Rainbow’s hoofprint has a very obvious horseshoe trace, which is kind of strange. I’m not sure if this should be called a cartoon resolution problem or not.

Could she be wearing a branded shoe made specifically for stamping things, rather than for general walking? If so then it's presumably not nailed in. She just slipped it on out of shot. It could even be a rubber shape that's embedded into the Wonderbolt uniform, which does cover the hooves.


Technically not a flavor of IE, if we're being picky. :pinkiehappy:

looks up at the blog post
Why, yes. Yes we are.


Raises the question of why they have hay-fries instead of regular fries.

They're probably healthier. The ludicrous sandwich was presented as an example of carb overdose. Processed hay is probably much better for the average pony's digestion and metabolism.


What happened to her scooter?
How’s this thing still in one piece when she rides it later in the episode?… How did Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom even find it?…

Parachutes. And struts. And more struts.


Ok, but then how does she know what Rainbows childhood bullies look like? And why would she imagine Derpy sans strabismus?

She just had an opportunity to peruse a Rainbow Museum. It would include some of these ponies in background shots, wouldn’t it?

I assumed they have very dry senses of humor in Obscuria.

I’m not a typical anything, much less a typical Obscurian. And the only reason I eat soylent for breakfast is that they told me it’s made of people.


It could even be a rubber shape that's embedded into the Wonderbolt uniform, which does cover the hooves.

Best explanation so far.

Parachutes. And struts. And more struts.

And boosters, of course.


There, I found that expressing the rule as “> 5%, last 2 edge versions, last 2 firefox versions, last 2 chrome versions” does not bloat it anywhere as much as I expected. (Edge 13, however…) It should work now, unless there are more library bugs – this project uses quite a few libraries.

Unfortunately, since I’m running on Linux myself, testing it every time is a hurdle.

(starts countdown until someone mentions that it doesn’t work in Safari…)

EDIT: Tested it myself in fully updated Edge in virtual machine. Everything works now. CSV download was surprisingly difficult to get working...

4523821 4523823 4523881 4523668

And then I suddenly thought of a huge canon hole. One you could push a Starlight Glimmer through. Literally, actually.

Where, exactly, were Rainbow’s parents, when she has first done the Sonic Rainboom, and why did they neither photograph nor otherwise document or mention this historical moment when their daughter has literally done the impossible?

They were in the same place literally every other adult and authority figure was. It's kind of a plot point that—however many ponies saw the rainboom itself—no adults saw Rainbow Dash make the rainboom, so no one believed she did it the first time. I guess now we just have to amend that to "No one besides her over-supportive parents believed that Rainbow Dash made a sonic rainboom—and no other adults believed her parents."

Here's a plausible scenario: Rainbow Dash attends flight camp. Her parents stick around, cheering her on at every freaking practice and competition. Rainbow's already embarrassed by getting this much attention, and it doesn't help when the bullies tease her about the parents. So when Rainbow challenges Hoops and Dumb-Bell to that fateful race to defend Fluttershy's honor, she specifically chooses a time and place where her parents are unlikely to find her. And thus, Dash made her first Rainboom with only a few foals as witnesses.

I assume Rainbow would have told her parents about that first rainboom after the fact, and they would have immediately believed her. If she didn't tell them—if the relationship was already that bad between them—that's even more distressing that what we saw in the episode itself.


If she didn’t tell them—if the relationship was already that bad between them—that’s even more distressing that what we saw in the episode itself.

We can only assume she didn’t tell them, because it would have been her single biggest athletic achievement. (Doing it on cue probably still is.) I can’t imagine them showing off all those silly trophies from every little everyday thing she did, but not even mentioning the one that actually sets her apart from every pegasus alive.

4524298 It's simple to explain why Rainbow's parents weren't there: The whole thing was in some kind of summer camp and took place in a 15 minute period when the kids could run off and set up their own race. While today the parents are probably retired and can follow Dash around 24/7, back then they actually had jobs to go to.

Why they don't mention it..... That's a lot harder. I did notice all their trophies and achievements seem to be from when Dash is younger than the Rainboom. Perhaps the Rainboom is what caused the first big split between Dash and her parents. (No way Rainbow Dash has an extremely delicate way of dealing with people that didn't evolve through trial and error). Her parents believed her when no one else did, but how long before Dash would just be sick of bringing up the Rainboom at all, and her parents keep harping on it? So she blows up at them, only hangs out with her new griffon friend, and drops out of flight school and follows Fluttershy to Ponyville as soon as possible.

Eventually Rainbow is adult enough to establish a very limited rapprochement (probably aided by either her uncle or Fluttershy), the kind where she doesn't even visit them for Pony X-mas and they have no idea what she's doing these days. Her parents retreat into the glory days when their filly still wanted her parents to be part of their lives. And they never talk about Rainbow being older than ten ever again.....until Scootaloo tells them she's a Wonderbolt and starts up the cycle a second time.

4524293 I run a modded version of Vivaldi, will it work with my system? :trollestia:


I can’t imagine them showing off all those silly trophies from every little everyday thing she did, but not even mentioning the one that actually sets her apart from every pegasus alive.

Looking over the transcript, it's not super clear, but...

Windy Whistles: And look at this! She was wearing it when she spoke her first words.
Scootaloo: So cool!
Windy Whistles: And this broken lantern is from when she first learned to fly. And this bitten apple is from when she grew her first tooth! [gasps] So many memories!
Scootaloo: You're so lucky to have all of these!
Windy Whistles: Well, I may have a ton of Dash-mentos, but I don't have any of those "Rainbow Dash Saves Ponyville" headlines like you.

(Emphasis mine.)

Either Bow and Windy already knew before Scoots' arrival that Rainbow saved Ponyville, or they just learned from Scoots and presumably grilled her for info off-screen. Either way, Bow and Windy know their daughter has saved a town, more than once, yet they still celebrate "first words" and "learned to fly" as if those were the coolest things ever. So they strike me as the sort of parents who would gush over Rainbow's participation stickers from Flying Kindergarten even after learning about the sonic rainboom.


Perhaps the Rainboom is what caused the first big split between Dash and her parents.

That does seem likely, though I wonder about the mechanics of said split.

I’ll need to meditate on that…

I run a modded version of Vivaldi, will it work with my system? :trollestia:

You do know that Vivaldi is a Blink engine browser and thus essentially Chrome, right? People who don’t, normally don’t run Vivaldi. :facehoof:


Either Bow and Windy already knew before Scoots’ arrival that Rainbow saved Ponyville, or they just learned from Scoots and presumably grilled her for info off-screen.

They had multiple opportunities to look into her album.

So they strike me as the sort of parents who would gush over Rainbow’s participation stickers from Flying Kindergarten even after learning about the sonic rainboom.

Possible. There’s also that worrying Doylist explanation that the Rainboom is no longer special and they hope everyone forgets about it…


You do know that Vivaldi is a Blink engine browser and thus essentially Chrome, right? People who don’t, normally don’t run Vivaldi. :facehoof:

Uh, did I say Vivaldi? I meant an Opera build that runs on Windows 95. It's super underground, you probably haven't heard of it.


Uh, did I say Vivaldi? I meant an Opera build that runs on Windows 95. It’s super underground, you probably haven’t heard of it.

I have a wonderful book for you. It’s called “Daring Do and the Temple of God You Probably Never Heard About.”

But I won’t give it to you because I never heard of it either. :derpytongue2:


“Daring Do and the Temple of God You Probably Never Heard About.”

Oh that ol' thing, I read it years ago, before it went mainstream.


Well, thank you most kindly for that, since while I could have used it in Chrome, Edge is much friendlier to my heavily-multitasked memory...

(Also, since I don't believe I've said it before, thank you most kindly too for the chronology tool itself, which has been proving invaluable in my attempt to put together a consistent chronology for my AU.)

I was going to ask when the last time the show even mentioned or showed the rainboom... But I'm pretty sure it's the season 5 finale.

I really don't get why you're asking how the Doctor can get into VIP spaces.

Psychic. Paper.


Psychic. Paper.

Oh yes. If it really is the same Doctor.

Unfortunately, canon is quite ambivalent about that. In Frienship is Magic #1-3 there’s a frame of him using a sonic screwdriver, and comics canon is generally fond of implying that they’re the same, but Slice of Life does everything possible to muddle the issue without actually dissociating them conclusively.

Psychic paper existing in this world could make a lot of things easier, though…

4528355 Psychic paper is a simple alchemical solution where ground-up crystals are used to embed a memetic What-You-Want-to-See spell in paper. When it was first developed, it was used for catch-all licenses, but the ability for fillies and colts to abuse stolen psychic paper to get hard cider while underage quickly outlawed it. It's now one of the most heavily supervised substances in Equestria, and the only reason the Doctor doesn't get arrested everywhere he goes is because Luna's dream reconnaissance has made a pretty strong case for him not being quite as crazy as we think...

Also, this guy with a chin the size of a mare’s head standing in line in front of Lemon Hearts and Carrot Top / Golden Harvest. I don’t know whose OC it is, but it’s so bloody blatant, it has to be one, so I’m marking it off. Any clues?


4524298 4524341 4525411 Alternate explanation of the Rainboom: Her parents did hear about it and did believe it. Perhaps they've got a whole room devoted to it that we just never saw onscreen... or perhaps they don't, because after all, what evidence would it leave? So, while they were showing Scootaloo what they did have, it never came up.

Okay, watched this now it's aired here; first airing for once. Ugh, the 30% commercials tax. Post 1: own observations.
Naturally they teased Scoots flying and parents. DAmnit.

Technology!mechanics∃there existsSceneryAbility♪I heard… Magic.
Chiropteral notes (lit. hand-wing) (lots today)Animation oddments,visual interest Interaction with later. ❧uncategorized. ⛧Doylist considerations.
I've gone mad with power.

Scoots and AB aren't in position to actually be pushing that slingshot. SB's doing all the work.
❧JFC on a bicycle that's ridiculous air Scoots catches.
Cloud-'mower'. Probably more of a tamping machine, or they'd grind through. Gas-powered? Exhaust pipe, at least.
Wing-fingers in ears.
Sonic resonance shattering.
♪Laundry day. Ergo, these parents habitually wear stuff, unlike others.
♪oath: "Heavens to Celestia" come in Celestia.
❧Pasta&Potato on (∃)Sourdough. Carbo-loading, ergo ∃ nutritional science, study of fitness…
Instant photo camera, again.
A basketball hoop in RD's room.
Door-activated choral sound-effect generator.
Hoofshake vs wing, not a wing-shake?
covering from sound, facewing as well as facehoof practiced by RD, for same reason.
Shaped, multicolored fireworks. Bespoke, probably, given RD-shape.
RD (and Scootaloo) fake-heads, other memorabilia. Scootaloo stuff has to be bespoke.
Flight-disrupting turbulence just from a megaphone.
❧crying considered by RD to be embarrassing; possibly cultural, possibly not.
❧Wonderbolts cutting a ribbon.
❧RD in senior race early, explaining why others had cutie marks but she was "still first in class" from S1E12.
7-entrant podium. I couldn't catch what medals were on the lower tiers on mere television, but gold-silver were in evidence.
Perforated glue stamps?
Ditzy Doo/Derpy hooves ranked in a race; supporting her being invited to RD's team for the Friendship Games "later".
Standalone condenser mic, again.
Electric-smoke-trail generators.
Falkor's knot? No, "Falconer's". Ergo, ∃falconry?? I guess FS probably could.
♪"This isn't a rock'n'roll concert" ergo ∃rock'n'roll concerts at which fans are rowdy.

♪ "No one can make their parents feel more worthless than you!" That was heartrending.

Post 2, response. ⛧Doylisms abound.
"Bow Hot Hoof"…huh. I would've expected Bo.

I’m not about to estimate the energy accumulated in this rubber band. No, really, I’m not and don’t ask.

:fluttercry::twilightblush:First, assume a spherical Scootaloo…
50 kilos times * ~200m ascent times g, plus enough to break through cloud at minimum…but she doesn't slow appreciably on the way up.

Does she get any royalties? :pinkiehappy:

:trollestia: Well-punned.

Rainbow had an inspirational poster about a tortoise. “When the going gets tough, the tough don’t notice, because they have hard shells.” Which makes me wonder why she was quite so reluctant to adopt Tank.

IT says a lot about her personality. but, this is her room; it's what she displays to herself (inside the shell) not what she displays to others (outside the shell).

At least some pegasi do wingshakes instead of hoofshakes.

A wing shook a hoof, there, too. Hmm.

The special effects resulting from pegasi flying get particularly blatant in this episode. If that’s not pegasus magic, I don’t know what is.

Given the ⛧Blue Angels relation, it could be something they're carrying…were those outfits not so tight.

Rainbow’s instant napping skill is absolutely essential for a soldier.

Can confirm from WWII relation who was renowned among his squad for just this.

Couldn’t they fracking decide for once?

Nah, this was ⛧"tease about Scoots flying and parents" the episode then hard-right into RD.

Post responses.

because Spitfire has to be considerably older,

RD is competing in the "senior" races early, they did note…perhaps Spitfire is competing in them late. (Unlikely, but possible.)

Or maybe Scootaloo just needed the vertical boost to get her pegasus magic working?

Quite plausible, given the performance-gap Sky Stinger had between assisted and not.

Especially with horseshoes, then they all look identical.

I can only think about hubcaps and also those flashing-light shoes advertised in the breaks of the show.

remember that comic?

Whch, the one to the Yak post in the ass-end of nowhere? (no offense, Cranky)

The name “Bow Hot Hoof” is weird, and I suspect a reference might be involved, but I don’t know what it is.

I just realized: [Rain]Bow Hothoof.

Which puts us in a weird limbo of "hereditary nameかしら*?" "hereditary maneかしら?"

*"I wonder if it's so…"ish.


:fluttercry::twilightblush:First, assume a spherical Scootaloo…

…in a vacuum.

You know what, that’s a sadfic recipe right there.

And Rara/Rasputin would make for a crack shipfic, not just a popular dance song.


In the dark of the night, Luna will find you
In the dark of the night, just before dawn!

I just realized, from the closing segment…
which gives me a story idea. Microbiology can't be widely-known…

How many microscopes have we seen?


How many microscopes have we seen?

I don’t remember any, but, I was not tracking them. It’s very possible one or two did turn up. Check the Doctor’s lab in Slice of Life, for one.

Need about again as much to make word-quorum.

by Line

"Mold is tiny plants," said Hutch potentate and amateur lensmaker Lay One Hook, inventor of the microscope.. "And there are all kinds of little things running around when I put my old sandwich under the lens! I think I shall call them animal bits, or anibits for short," he mused, clearly thinking of CHARMONY™, the marshmallow cereal recently licensed by the Princess of Friendship. (Act now, supplies are limited! Only B20 per box! Send orders to 3-F Fodder, c/o Flim.)

Our filly, Germ Line, discovered an important fact of this heretofore unknown kind of life and her cutie mark by observing through one of these newfangled devices: "They grow and multiply, without pony intervention! It's super-neat!"

Her unwashed live-in sibling, Watt A. Sinker, saw more on sticking a hoof, a wing, and just about any part of a little pony that could fit under Lay's glass-enhanced sight. "They care for themselves. Perfect pets, I don't even have to clean up after them. And they're so wiggly, with those little thingies."

"It's only right that such a freeloader have such freeloaders," an annoyed Hook proclaimed. "Celestia only knows Sinker's not intentionally contributing to anypony's wellbeing, or any…bit's? Not that Sinker cleans up after himself, either…"

In general, though, Hook was opticmistic. "It is the way of tomorrow! Where will we find something living next? In your eye? In your gut? In the drinking water?"

This humble reporter hopes it never comes to that, but cannot help but share his special somepony's enthusiasm for seeing what's yet to come under the microscope.

"Science is advancing! New things are being discovered! Isn't it exciting, Spike?" Twilight took an other bite of her sandwich, and looked to her Number One Assistant.
"I dunno, Twi. I've got a bad feeling about this," he said.

In the kitchen at Sugarcube Corner, away from all this, Pinkie Pie felt a full-bodied spasm. Not another doozy, today's not a good day for a doozy, she thought to herself.

As the Element of Magic and her dragon set down their papers, at the next table, Daisy, Lily[-of-the-]Valley, and Rose exchanged a look, then as one turned to Twilight.
"Did you say…"
"…they grow…"
"…care for themselves…"
"…and move all on their own?"

Twilight nodded exuberantly, unaware of the gravity of the situation.

Daisy screamed, and flipped her table, running at Twilight. The other two followed suit, flipping Twilight's table, causing their papers to disperse and flutter all over the place. Twilight's vision was abruptly obscured by the daffodil sandwich she had just bitten into, now smashed against her face.

Savoir Fare approached as the Flower Trio's hoofbeats and screams receded into the distance. Twilight's sandwich slid down her face. "Will Miss be wanting dessert?"

"I think I've got a friendship problem to solve."

In Canterlot, a similar scene was playing out as Moondancer finished her paper. Mint Leaf looked to Foxtail Amaranth. Foxtail Amaranth looked to Marigold. Marigold looked to Mint Leaf. And, as with all across Equestria, wherever the Sun was delivered, panic reigned.

Having looked at the episode again due to rerun pre-new-ep, I caught two other things.
"Hold onto your wings"
and those fourth-tier medals were…purple? gray? I couldn't get a good read in the short time they were on-screen again. Let's pull up the gallery and a color-picker…they are subtly pink (#CxAxCx). What metal[-alloy] is that? Bismuth bronze?

Also: Lightning Dust looks so happy to get second under Derpy. Then is happy to be in first (and is, serially). Then is pissed when RD takes first instead…


What metal[-alloy] is that? Bismuth bronze?

Enamel over gold, most likely.

That would not make much sense for a low-place award, though, as clearly gold > silver > bronze > this.


Sorry, thought you were talking of some other award.

No idea. Like I said above, I'm not sure they existed. :)

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