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60 questions about Hard Shovel · 3:57pm Jan 29th, 2016

Hard Shovel is the father of Private Iceland and Barricade, he's referred to in Time Keeper of Ponyville but not mentioned by name, doesn't make his début appearance until Possession in the Crystal Empire.

Type: Unicorn
Coat: Dark tangeloish gray
Mane/Tail: moderate gold
Cutiemark: Shovel

1: What's your OCs favorite color?

He likes brown colors the most.

2: Where does your OC work?

Canterlot Science Society and Canterlot University.

3: What's your OCs favorite food?

Vegetarian lasagne

4: Does your OC prefer paper or plastic?

He prefers paper.

5: How old is your OC?

Around 64.

6: Does your OC have any supernatural powers?

No he does not.

7: Is your OC in a relationship?

He is married to Mirage Rock.

8: What are some of your OCs strengths?

Intelligent, social, very approachable

9: What are some of your OCs weaknesses?

Doesn't always know when to stop talking, can be mildly intolerant (Though he is working on that), doesn't always read people right.

10: What is your OCs favorite outfit?

A Stetson hat and a brown vest.

11: What is your OCs spirit animal?

He doesn't have one.

12: Is your OC sexually active?

This would probably prompt Private and Barricade to ask for brain bleach, but he and Mirage are still in full form.

13: What is your OCs earliest memory?

Going to a birthday party when he was little.

14: Does your OC have a cell phone? If so, what kind?

No he does not.

15: What makes your OC angry?

His son Barricade can get him irritated to a point that he'll be snappish.

16: When is your OCs favorite time of year?

He likes summer.

17: How long can your OC hold their breath?

He's never tried but probably a minute or so.

18: What kind of underwear does your OC wear?

He generally doesn't wear that.

19: Does your OC prefer plaid or polka dots?


20: What's your OCs favorite kind of pizza?

He doesn't like pizza.

21: Who is your OCs best friend?

He will always call Mirage Rock his best friend.

22: Has your OC ever killed someone?

No he has not.

23: Whats your OCs biggest secret?

Blames himself for how Barricade turned out.

24: What does your OC smell like?

Probably dusty since if he's not teaching at the University, he's off on a dig.

25: What time of year does your OC prefer?

He likes summer the most.

26: Is your OC a human or an animal? (or something else idk)

He is a Unicorn.

27: What languages does your OC speak?

Equestrian (English). Fluent in Saddle Arabian and Gryphon, can read various ancient languages though not as well was his wife.

28: Does your OC like anime?

He doesn't even know what that is.

29: Can your OC swim?

He can.

30: What does your OC choose to do about the, er, hair down there?


31: Does your OC believe in fairies?

Met too many to not believe in them.

32: Did your OC go to college? What did they major in?

He has a Ph.D in Archaeology.

33: Are your OCs parents dead?

Yes they are.

34: Is your OC religious?

Not really.

35: How flexible is your OC?

He's not out of shape despite his age.

36: What turns your OC on?

His wife Mirage.

37: What was your OCs first word?


38: Does your OC have any pets?

No he does not.

39: Who is your OCs biggest enemy?

Doesn't really have one but has had run ins with Dr. Caballeron.

40: What is the craziest thing your OC has done?

Nearly killing himself trudging through the badlands when he was dumped there to die by Dr. Caballeron.

41: What is your OCs motto about life?

Life is short, so it's what you leave behind what is important.

42: Does your OC drink coffee or tea?

He likes tea.

43: Who is your OCs biggest hero?

His grandfather.

44: What color eyes does your OC have?


45: Does your OC like reading?

He does, he also as a professional favor reads Daring Do.

46: Is your OC loyal?

He is.

47: Does your OC tolerate violence?

He generally does not like violence.

48: What social class is your OC from?

Upper middle class.

49: What country was your OC born in?


50: Does your OC cry easily?

No he does not.

51: What is your OCs favorite genre of music?

Classical music.

52: How does your OC feel about insects?

He could live without them.

53: What is your OCs sexual orientation?

Hard Shovel is straight.

54: Does your OC smoke?

No he does not.

55: What gender is your OC?

He is a stallion.

56: What kind of clothes does your OC wear?

A Stetson hat and a vest usually.

57: Would you call your OC adventurous?


58: Is your OC introverted or extroverted?

He is extroverted.

59: What is the first thing that someone would notice about your OC?

A kindly talkative older stallion.

60: Does your OC enjoy nature?

He likes it fine.

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