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60 Questions about Barricade · 8:16am Jan 23rd, 2016

I'm going to be trying to do these daily and cover characters I plan to use fairly regularly. If there is a character of mine someone specially wants to see questions answered for, just let me know.

Barricade appeared as the main antagonist in the Time Keeper of Ponyville and continued his antagonist role in Tango and has made a third appearance in Possession in the Crystal Empire.

Type: Unicorn
Coat: Dark gray
Mane/Tail: Dirty Blonde
Cutiemark: Brick wall
Magic: Indigo

1: What's your OCs favorite color?

Barricade likes gold color and opal

2: Where does your OC work?

He runs a gym and helps maintaining an apartment complex, he's the owner in name for reasons that have not been disclosed.

3: What's your OCs favorite food?

Spinach and daisy sandwiches

4: Does your OC prefer paper or plastic?

He likes hard cash if possible

5: How old is your OC?

Barricade is in his late twenties, 28-29 range.

6: Does your OC have any supernatural powers?

Although he is more efficient in using his regular Unicorn magic than his brother Private, no not really.

7: Is your OC in a relationship?

Barricade is in a polyamory type relationship with Barbell and Gold Shovel.

8: What are some of your OCs strengths?

Hard working, brave (yes I know that sounds odd), good at reading ponies

9: What are some of your OCs weaknesses?

Selfish, irrational, somewhat amoral

10: What is your OCs favorite outfit?

He doesn't care much for clothes.

11: What is your OCs spirit animal?


12: Is your OC sexually active?

Very much so, just ask Barbell and Gold Shovel

13: What is your OCs earliest memory?

Private landing on his head when they tried to get that cookie jar.

14: Does your OC have a cell phone? If so, what kind?

No as they do not exist yet where he is from.

15: What makes your OC angry?

Ponies messing around in his business. Anyone acting violent near his children.

16: When is your OCs favorite time of year?

He likes spring.

17: How long can your OC hold their breath?

Almost a minute.

18: What kind of underwear does your OC wear?

Being a pony and not caring for clothing anyway, none

19: Does your OC prefer plaid or polka dots?


20: What's your OCs favorite kind of pizza?

Pineapples and carrot pizza

21: Who is your OCs best friend?

Blue, Barbell, Gold Shovel, Tornado, Rain Storm and Thunder Cloud (they also form the top tier of his gang)

22: Has your OC ever killed someone?

Surprisingly enough, no, he likes to beat the living daylight out of rival gangs though.

23: Whats your OCs biggest secret?

He's still in love with Foxy Stripes.

24: What does your OC smell like?

Depends if you catch him after a shower or after a work out in the gym. In shower he likes using pine scented shampoo. After a workout he probably smells like he needs a shower very badly.

25: What time of year does your OC prefer?

See 16.

26: Is your OC a human or an animal? (or something else idk)

A unicorn, mythical animal.

27: What languages does your OC speak?

Plain and simple Equestrian (english)

28: Does your OC like anime?

He has no idea what that is.

29: Can your OC swim?

Yes, yes he can.

30: What does your OC choose to do about the, er, hair down there?

Nothing, being a pony

31: Does your OC believe in fairies?

Yes he does

32: Did your OC go to college? What did they major in?

Barricade only graduated from high school, never bothered with college.

33: Are your OCs parents dead?


34: Is your OC religious?

Not really.

35: How flexible is your OC?

According to Barbell and Gold Shovel, very, very flexible.

36: What turns your OC on?

Mares working out.

37: What was your OCs first word?

Piat (he was trying to say Private)

38: Does your OC have any pets?

No, he doesn't care much for animals.

39: Who is your OCs biggest enemy?

Himself actually, he just hasn't realized it yet.

40: What is the craziest thing your OC has done?

Talking with King Sombra possessing his brother's body.

41: What is your OCs motto about life?

It's a dog eat dog world and I aim to be amongst the top dogs.

42: Does your OC drink coffee or tea?

Coffee is needed to properly wake up Barricade.

43: Who is your OCs biggest hero?

He's never looked up to anyone in particular.

44: What color eyes does your OC have?


45: Does your OC like reading?

Only certain adult magazines, mostly for the pictures.

46: Is your OC loyal?

Oddly enough, yes.

47: Does your OC tolerate violence?

He is quick to resort to violence.

48: What social class is your OC from?

He's from upper middle glass, but considering his living, has lowered a bit.

49: What country was your OC born in?


50: Does your OC cry easily?

It's really difficult to get Barricade crying.

51: What is your OCs favorite genre of music?

Pop music

52: How does your OC feel about insects?

Kill them with extreme prejudices.

53: What is your OCs sexual orientation?


54: Does your OC smoke?

Only if offered but he's not a regular smoker.

55: What gender is your OC?

He will inform you that he's all stallion.

56: What kind of clothes does your OC wear?

None, doesn't like clothes.

57: Would you call your OC adventurous?

Somewhat. Depends really what it is.

58: Is your OC introverted or extroverted?

He leans more towards extroverted, Barricade is a social pony.

59: What is the first thing that someone would notice about your OC?

That he's a smug jerk.

60: Does your OC enjoy nature?

No, not really.

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