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Meanwhile, In Utaan · 6:44am Dec 10th, 2015

No. Really. (Also, her mane's shaved)

Come see what you've been missing.


Report shortskirtsandexplosions · 1,132 views ·
Comments ( 39 )

Rohbredden Dashie is cute, dammit!

OH NO! It's too adorable! :rainbowkiss:


I haven't even finished Austraeoh

Why do you taunt me so

Been seeing this series go on for years yet haven't read it...and now to ask a blasphemous question;

should I embark on this journey?

3607197 Yes. Right now it's over two and a half million words of comedy, adventure, tragedy, romance, and everything in between. It's a wild ride.

Ahah, so this prefecture is eastern themed! My secret hopes for being referenced twice just tripled!


Yeah, I just read the first chapter. Definitely going to knock out some of it this weekend.

3607179 Must... repress... spoiler... urges... aaannnnnd repressed.
Seriously though, enjoy the journey. wherever you're at now, it can only get better.

Comment posted by mastermenthe deleted Dec 11th, 2015

3607239 I read most of the series on my Kindle, so I missed most of these comments. Is there anything there particularly important? I'm reading the comments as I go along with Appledashery, but there are much fewer of them yet they seem often to relate.

So..."what I've been missing" is just another adventure that all six of Spike's friends embarked upon without him. Sounds like something I'm glad I'm not reading.

Comment posted by mastermenthe deleted Dec 11th, 2015

The noble jury phenomenon is one big fun aspect, the rest is tht IC tends to always implement something from the recent chapter comment points if discussion into an immediate future chapter in small important ways.

I haven't even touched Austraeoh yet, Skirts.

Stop taunting me, dammit.


You and me both.

3607284 Oh, I pay attention to the Jury and all that and I check the comments nowadays ^_^

3607281 Meaning I was dropped in the middle of a scene where a bunch of ghosts were fussing over Dash's ugly-ass haircut. Whatever the hell it is, it sure took a stupid fucking direction.

Besides, did I sound like I wanted a fucking summary?

3607334 ...why are you commenting, again?

3607336 Do you give a shit?

3607339 Hey, no need to be confrontational about it. I'm just confused—you checked out the link and it didn't seem like something you liked, and then you felt the need to be derisive and then blow off a comment that attempted to politely explain the plot better to you? I just don't follow why you felt that to be necessary.

Comment posted by mastermenthe deleted Dec 11th, 2015

3607344 Just my way of giving back to the fandom, I suppose. Isn't it natural for one to want others to feel as bad as one does?

3607362 Maybe, but at least I personally hope for others to feel okay even when I'm not. If you need to talk about anything, feel free to shoot me a PM; I'm always here to listen.

Perhaps you might want to put some spoiler warnings on that, old boy. I mean, it's not like you've spoiled any plot points that were 1,909,817 words coming and dropping people into a chapter that's completely unrepresentative of the story's direction as a whole. And of course, nobody is posting spoilers in the comments, or getting a confused image of the plotline after having their first experience of the story 2,528,755 words out of the loop.

*cough*3607272 3607281*cough*

Well, that was fun.
No idea what's going on, probably spoiled myself to a few points, but as good of a time as any to get started I guess.

Dear Sandy Claws, I have been a good boy a well behaved boy a non-criminal free of outstanding criminal convictions all year and would like the following for Christmas...



3607272 I will never understand why people feel the need to hate everything that doesn't star Spike.

GAAH, I'm coming dash! Can't wear that hoodies without being caught up!

Wait... was that a reference to Sammurai Jack? I didn't realize I am a FOOOOLIIISH guy
3607640 Personally I have a hate bonner against things that ignore him completely as a character in contexts where he would make sense. Like in Archmage where he is completely slapped outta the plot with a single line within the first paragraph and then never exists again, even by the point where he should logically return to theplot. If it has Twilight it should have Spike. They are kinda important to ech other.
Gah, I am entering the rant zone again. Better escape. In this case Spike doesn't have any real reason to be more relevant than he is already.

3607272 Maybe you're right. Maybe this story isn't for you. Certainly lots of folks have started Austraeoh and quit without making it too far. However, the kind of folks likely to be reading this particular blog post are probably folks who have enjoyed it.

Maybe this story isn't for you, but I'm surprised you feel that it justifies that level of negativity. Is it just because you're a die-hard Spike fan? If that's so, I can dig it. Spike is awesome, and I love every episode in which he's written well. I even brought him along in my own (terrible) 250,000-word novel.

I'mma check out a couple of your stories, if that's cool with you. Plus, if you want someone to rage at or an ear to bend, feel free to PM me too. I promise to be insufferably polite. :raritywink:

I'm not trying to be right, exactly, I'm just trying to understand.

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