• Member Since 4th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen March 27th

Meridian Prime

Your friendly local hollow eyed demon baby.

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  • 225 weeks


    (No really though I'm pretty proud of this one. Give it a try.)

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  • 225 weeks
    Still still STILL alive...?


    I'm here? 🤷

    I don't have many excuses this time.

    My computer turned out to be a pain and half to actually put together, and also it turns out that depression sucks. Who knew, huh?

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  • 242 weeks
    Still STILL Alive

    Currently working on the whole 'pictures of my new place' thing I promised in the previous blog--my shitty old laptop is starting to give up the ghost and I don't trust it enough to transfer my pictures to it, so I'm waiting on a rebuilt desktop.

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  • 252 weeks
    I'm Still Alive

    Aaaaand I have a decent reason for my long absence. Decent-ish, at least?

    Essentially, I found out around April that I would be moving to Japan to teach English for a year (minimum, potentially longer). As you can imagine, I then spent the next few months freaking out a bit and trying to get ready to go.

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  • 285 weeks
    Slightly Belated Seasonal Greetings!

    Real life has been trying its hardest to keep me away from anything remotely creative recently, but I have managed to write a Christmas-y story for the Jinglemas collab over the last month. Seeing as we're now free to post them to our own account, I've just put it up - I hope you all like it! It's a comedy piece, although a lot less dark than my

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You Might Like This Recs: Jan 2015 · 11:52pm Feb 1st, 2015

This is basically a collection of all of my recommendation from January 2015 for the You Might Like This Group. I'm posting it as a blog because the policy of the group means that the folders and recs are cleared at the end of every month.

Dear Twilight Sparkle by DonnysBoy
A charming little Twijack ship-fic that follows Applejack's attempts to write Twilight a love letter. Attempts being the key word. If you're in the mood for a short ship-fic, give this one a shot.

The Endless Song by psychicscubadiver
To say too much about this might ruin the story for some, so I will simply say that this is a standout take on a common theme, one that I myself have had a go at - Celestia's relationship with the sun. An absolutely fantastic little oneshot, and at less than 2500 words definitely worth your time.

Above All Else by 8686
The newest story from one of Fimfiction's most underrated authors, this story is absolutely perfect in what it does. It is simply the tale of Applejack's day off (from her perspective) and her various encounters with Rainbow Dash, but it uses this to expertly explore their relationship, both through AJ's own thoughts and fantastically written dialogue and interaction with RD. Please take the time to read this one, despite it's incomplete status.

The Collapse of Stolen Magic by Europa
This one is a little bit of a wildcard, as it has barely started. However, the author has a previous record of good stories, this one is pretty good so far, and it has one of the most fascinating concepts I've seen in a while. Basically, this is the story of a star that falls to earth - literally. I won't spoil more than that, but it's worth checking out (oh, and it's an adventure story. If that has bearing on your decision to read it).

Thrum Thrum Thrum by Immaneuel Kanter
This one is from way back in 2012, but is a wonderfully creepy and sad little oneshot. Give it a look.

I Thought I Knew The Sky by nightwalker
A snapshot of a moment shortly after the first two episodes, this piece may be short, but it works very well, and provides some lovely characterisation to boot. Go check it out.

Happy Ending by plumander
You may well hate me for recommending this one, although ThatOneWriter did before me. It's incredibly short, but damn it packs a punch. If you feel like being sad today, look no further.

Disco Fever by MrNumbers
If you haven't read The Demesne of the Reluctant Twilight Sparkle, you really should, because it's one of the best comedy's on the site. With Disco Fever, MrNumbers has once again shown me why I followed him - because his prose without fail will make me burst out laughing.

Dressing Room & Deep Cover by GAPJaxie
I'm recommending these stories as a pair, because although they work just fine as stand alone stories, they work better when read together. GAPJaxie has, with relatively few word, constructed a fascinating world and some great characters, using the premise that FiM is a live action tv show in an alternate Equestria. Short but sweet, and worth checking out.

Rainbow Dash Fixes Herself by Between Lines
If you're in the mood for some what the f:yay:ckery, man this guy has you covered.

Funatics by Baal Bunny
This is a very short, but very fun little story that manages to convey everything in wants to effectively and succinctly. The characterisation, voice of the (first person) narrator and general story are all spot on - quite a feat, considering the minimalism of the prose.

In The Service Of The Princess Of Friendship by bookplayer
Honestly, I'm not sure I even need to recommend a bookplayer story, but I'm going to anyway because this is a wonderful little oneshot that addresses an issue that I'd sort of considered but hadn't really tackled about Twilight's ascension and new shiny castleresponsibilities. If the show pulls this off half as well as bookplayer does, I will be extremely happy.

Mysterious and Metaphorical Meaning of Marks by Sapidus3
This is a short and silly comedy piece - the alliteration is ridiculously fun, and the titular meanings are hilarious. Have a look if that seems like your cup of tea.

Save The Records by TheBandBrony
I'm not going to describe this one, because that would do it a disservice (it is an entrant to the second Most Dangerous Game contest). What I will say is that this is a incredibly emotive piece of prose, and anyone who likes music (especially jazz) should go read it.

My First Tree by Lambent Dream
Lambent's latest effort is just really interesting. It has interesting perspective (with near flawless Fluttershy characterisation), an interesting take on Earth Pony magic, and an interesting story too. It's also an absolute pleasure to read, so go and do just that.

My Little Dashie: Reversed by stanku
I'm sure you've heard by now of the More Most Dangerous Game contest, and honestly I think I'll probably be recommending a lot of them, as if this contest is anything like the last, there are going to be some good ones. MLD:R is in many ways exactly what it says on the tin - a reversal of the original, in which Rainbow Dash finds a baby human in a box. What makes it interesting is just how Rainbow treats this find. Everything is told through the first person from Rainbow's perspective, and the sense of disconnect that slowly comes through is just heartbreaking.

What We Wanted To Do by Cold in Gardez
I really hope that I don't need to recommend Cold in Gardez to anyone, but if you haven't read anything by this man, make it your first priority in the world of ponific. Seriously. Anyway, this is a hilarious take on what might happen if the Crusaders "youthful antics" were taken just that one step too far - to give you an idea of how far, the story is told in the context of a statement read in court. What makes this so good is how well CiG captures the mindset of the foals, and their reactions to the issue the plot revolves around. Go check it out.

Final Resting Place by Solitair
A short piece from one of the write-offs, its premise isn't something I've seen anywhere else, and it's used magnificently. Well worth reading.

My Little Danger Pony by shortskirtsandexplosions
You want cuteness? Here's your cuteness, ya melonfudges.

Reminiscent by Cold in Gardez
And we have another CiG fic, though quite a different beast. Where What We Wanted To Do was a light-hearted comedy, this is more his usual fare of rather unsettling prose, unusual only in it's length. Reminiscent is easily the shortest thing by him that I've read, but proof that short stories can be very powerful. The prose is absolutely beautiful and flows amazingly - every word feels carefully picked. Go read this now - it won't take you long and it's worth your time.

Mistakes Were Made by Sharp Spark
Now this one might not be for everyone - anyone with any specific hatred of RariJack or shipping in general should probably steer clear. But anyone who likes or is even just ambivalent should go read this, because it is a fantastically written love story. Not romance, but love story - the difference being that a story about love does not guarantee a happy ending, or even a happy middle or beginning. It certainly helps that at a technical level, Sharp Spark definitely know's what they're doing.

Paradox by CCC
This is the latest story by the fantastic CCC who you should definitely check out if you haven't before (subtle promotion is subtle). It is a crossover, so if you don't want to read a Doctor Who crossover story, this might not be for you. It is however a very well written adventure, owing in part to the brevity of the chapters, an interesting choice that has made the prose very tight.

Muffin Slices by CRDW
As I commented on the story itself, there is something incredibly human about this story. I'm not quite sure what it is, or how CRDW replicated it so well, but this does not feel like a story. It feels like a person.

The Birds Sang For Her by HoofBitingActionOverload
Much like Mistakes Were Made, this tells a fantastic love story. It's quite short, and heavily stylised, but both work in it's favour. Definitely worth your time.

Big Brother by obabscribbler
Although this is kind of an Appledash shipping fic, it's really not. What this is, is a story about Big Macintosh, and about family. It also made me feel all the feels.

Spotlight Review is here.

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