• Member Since 17th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 17th, 2013


Before the change, I read over 25 million words. Yay me, I guess.

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Goodbye. (this is the part where you would play the worlds smallest violin) · 5:00am Jan 17th, 2013

It's been a year that I've been on this site, and I... well, I'm here to say goodbye.

Sorry, but I'm done with this site. I can't be on here for hours on end anymore, and I need time to get my life in check.

The only reason why I'm even on the site in the first place was MPPT3K, and that fell right through.

I'm just going to be blunt: this site sucks ass. Major ass, and I'm too much of a pussy wimp to take it (as anyone who riffed and PM'ed me knows). The fics that get attention seldom deserve it, all the while the stories that have a modicum of care, love, and attention gets thrown to the way side for repugnant, deplorable, stupid fics.

There's no reason I'm even on the site. I haven't read any new fics in months, I don't write, my blog post aren't riveting, funny, or mind bogglingly awesome/stupid, so what's the point?

But, there's a real reason why I'm not coming back here. It's my mom. She's going to Puerto Rico for two weeks to visit Grandma, and she doesn't look like she has much time. We can only afford one person to go, so it was decided for it to be my mother. On top of that, my mom has thyroid cancer. Turns out my parents were around when Chernobyl blew up (not on top of it, mind you, but close enough), sending massive amounts of radiation to her, my dad, my two year old older brother (don't worry, he's still alive and well. for now), and me while I was still in the womb. Anyway, her health and memory isn't what it used to be (like the rest of the family), and it turns out there's several things wrong with us because of the radiation (but no super powers. what a rip off), but it's nothing to serious. Well, it turns out that not only do we have mental problems because of incident, but our bodies kinda suck as well. I've been told I've got the insides of someone twice my age. Neat, huh? So, on top of my hernia and my spine about to be figuratively ripped out, my body is slowly killing itself. Neat, huh? My brother has more or less the same problems, but he greats them in stride, chuckling at them like their nothing (I guess that happens when you've got a family to feed of your own). Me, on the other hand... if I don't find other work, I'll be in a wheel chair before I'm 30. And that's the tip of the iceberg, but I know that everyone is dealing with just as bad shit (or even worse) so I wont bore you with all that.

Anyway, what I'm saying is that I'm being super emo right now, but I'm totally serious when I say that this is the last time you're going to hear from me. I know it's sad, stupid and cliche of me, but I've got bigger problems in my life that I can't be spending time on a website that I don't even like... except the people I've meet are really awesome...

I can't tell you how difficult it is to describe how sad I'm leaving. When I got here a year ago, I would never have realized how connected I would be to such a warm community of people.

Many times I have been humbled by the kindness of your hearts. When I look at what I've done here, the people I've meet, the stories we've read, I will always remember the good times we shared, even the times where we disagreed and I was an overly emotional baby.

Tomorrow I will wake up in my new life, full of yet-to-be realised opportunities, and empty of your company... I will be in a strange limbo.

You’ve helped me through some difficult times, and shared the joyous times in yours. Some people judge their lives on what they do, others on who they are. I want my life judged on the friends I keep, and how enriched I am from just knowing you.

To out a couple of people:

You might remember a time when I was maddeningly depressed and angry. Well I know it might not seem much to people but Atlas Nebula stepped in to lend a hand, even if he himself doesn't know it. I don't think he knows how much that meant to me. It was a kindness that I now try to return to newcomers. Just being around the guy made me happy, and he even took my whiny bullshit in stride. I'm sorry I got mad at him for helping a clop fic writer and being friends with... a few people I don't really like. I really enjoyed our riffs together - that was easy the most fun I had while riffing, and with you to work off, the riffs just kept coming (even if they weren't that great. I'm talking about mine, of course) Oh, and if need him or whatever, feel free to use Anon in anyway you wish. Just because I'm leaving doesn't mean that guy needs to die with me.

I also want to mention Typewriterpony. Always with a joke and a smile, and no matter what kind of a day I had, I was always welcome to relax and unwind with Typewriterpony's company, even if it was just from a computer screen. It was like a refuge and it's another example of generosity and tolerance that I would like to emulate. He always, always found a way to make me laugh, and I can't begin to tell you how much that means to me. Thank you, Type, and I'm sorry that I wont be able to finish our riff together.

I would like to thank Thorax for being the very first person to add me to their watch list. He's a very cool guy with a very awesome sense of humor, and his fics reflect that a lot. If there's one thing you can take from this, check the guy out. He deserves some good attention. His blogs are hilarious as well.

There's also DPV111, who's not only an awesome person, his blog is all about showing the best/underrated fics on the site. Not only that, he's the first person to offer his help towards my riffs, and his input was and always will be most appreciated. He makes great points and has logic to back it up. That's rare nowadays. Thank you.

Dragon Emperor Geon. Man, I miss that guy. I first came across him when I was reviewing a terri-bad Mary Sue HiE fic, and he asked me to judge his OC. We talked for a bit, and it was revealed to me what a great guy he is. He even took one of my ideas and wrote a fic about it! But, the thing that I'll miss the most about him will be his blogs. Back when he was an active member, his blogs where always informative (and sometimes crazy), no matter the subject at hand. And he's really funny as well.

I remember a guy called Reasonandrhyme. While he didn't agree with my views on one of his favorite fics, it's always pleasant to talk to him. He even let me proofread a fic of his! It's awesome, by the way. I wish we had more time to get attenuated better, but...

TheGentlemanCreeper, Coffeebean, Crowley, and TimeBomb0 for being the reason why I even came to this site in the first place. (did you know that TimeBomb0 actually added me to his watch list? One of my favorite pony authors ever likes my shit enough to warrant that response - he even likes my riff! can you believe it?), and AnonAuthor for writing my favorite Mature fic ever. Atlas knows the one.

RatherHomely for writing up the awesome MPPT3K ( I liked him even before he wrote that, and his Choose Your Own Adventure fic was hilarious), but for allowing the likes of me to have guest riffs, no matter how bad mine were. It was the first time I've ever written anything that wasn't an assignment (and it showed) but he gave me a chance anyway.

And who could forget about Fallen Prime? No one, that's who. Don't worry, dude, being near the bottom of this list doesn't mean I love you any less than anyone else here. All of the homo. Anyway, I think the first time I meet the guy was during a riff shuffle (one of the first times he got editorial powers, I think. my head is like a thing with very many holes in it), and I would like to think that he and I are friends by this point. I would like to thanks him for his time and patience. Don't worry, he knows what I mean (wink). But seriously, I'm going to miss you, man. Good luck with everything (especial with those riffs you have to do. I saw that list. Yeesh.)

R1NGmasterJ5, for being the "former" riff master and starting the whole FanFic Theater 3000 thing on this site (he is the one that did that, right?) Remember that review you, Fallen and I did on that one Dusk Shine fic? That fic is an abomination, but I was happy that at least it was a reason to meet you. It was an honor, sir.

Hey, I'm looking at you, MrSing. I remember seeing your name all over the place WAY before you made an account here over in that gigantic riffing dock. Even if your time was brief, I'm glad that we had a chance to riff together. I wish we could've interacted a bit more so I would have more things to say about you. I'm sorry that your part is not as pandering sappy as the others.

Hey, it's Super_Big_Mac! I'm still surprised a fellow riffer actually asked me to riff something! It's too bad I'll never get the chance. I'm sorry that I couldn't deliver on my promise.

Muleicous. I've always enjoyed your riffs, and I've always wanted to so a co-riff together. Continue to be awesome, okay?

I really hope you write a fic that gets the attention it deserves, Burraku_Pansa. Seriously, it's a crime that your fics get 5 thumbs ups at best. I know a few people that can relate to that (a few of them I have links to their stories on my front page)

I want to thank everyone that I riffed together with in my time here ( I know I missed on some names, and I'm sorry. even in my goodbyes I'm an incompetent moron), all the ones that I've only meet once for bringing me laughs and enduring my company while we all mock the crap out of a horrible fic. The first one I ever did was that horrible Mykan one, and as terrible as that fic is, it did bring a lot of us together, so there's something good that came out of that.

To see you here in front of me (you know what I mean, right?), the last time all together, is a picture I will treasure for a very long time.

So... until the next time we gather, my very dear friends, farewell for now.

This has been NaturalGlitch.


Report NaturalGlitch · 1,334 views ·
Comments ( 15 )

*reads and this song pops into mind*

You're a good man Glitch, I hope your life has some good parts in its future. Thanks for the mention, and it was an honor to know you wanted to co-riff with me.

You stay awesome too, ok?

Be well, and find happiness.

Hey, it's Super_Big_Mac! I'm still surprised a fellow riffer actually asked me to riff something! It's too bad I'll never get the chance. I'm sorry that I couldn't deliver on my promise.

Hey, you know what? That's perfectly fine. I understand life can suck, and honestly, you've got it worse than me.

I'm legally blind in one eye, and the contact lens I got just today can only get my eye up to 20/40, from 20/150.

My mom was in a wheelchair at 25. You know why? Because she didn't take care of herself. She was fat. Almost 400 pounds by her 34th birthday, and just over 300 after losing 50 pounds of water weight (water drained from her body) during her two week stay in the hospital before she died of Pneumonia, and her being overweight.

You've got your whole life ahead of you, my friend, and I want you to know that, God or not, Heaven or not, I bless you from the bottom of my soul with the best fortune you can get. Have a life that very few strive for, and even few live. Have a great life. Hope your short stay here has left you with a smile on your face, a tear in your eye, and a warmth in your heart that you can spread to the rest of your family.

God bless you, and all that you do.

Love out to glitch. May he find peace in the coming trials, may his resolve to move forward not falter, may his grace and humor he remembered for as long as his memory is alive.
Yours truly a background guy to much of a dipshit to say anything.


What you shared with us is simply tragic, Glitch. I hope it all works out for you. :fluttershysad: Goodbye, my friend. I'll never forget the times you made me laugh in your Dusk Shine and Apples at Sunset riff.:fluttercry:

We had a good run, my friend. Sad to see you go. You were one of my first lasting friends on the major riffing field, and as honored as you seem to be to have worked with me, I'm equally honored to have worked with you. Unless I hear of desires to the contrary, though, you're still on the F/F/T3K editing list.

Sorry to see you go man, and thanks for the nod you gave me with your Mare's Milk MST.

And to answer you comment that I seen on the Thinker Double Feature MST before it got deleted: It's a Thinkerfic. Really, that's the only explanation I got for it. The guy's been writing like that since the mid 90's, but he's not a tool about it. (Like some others who do write like that.)

Also, give me some links to your guest submissions so I can at least put them up on the MLP MST link GDoc so others can see your greatness.

I'm sad to see you go, Glitch, but I fully understand your leaving. I will miss you. I want you to know that you were the very first guy on the site that I actually took an interest in as a person, rather than just a writer. You are a great riffer, but above all, you are an awesome guy.

Goodbye, man. And good luck.

P.S. Thank you very much for the kind words. They mean a lot to me.

I can understand why you want to leave, the site isn't what it used to be and you've got a whole lot of important things to worry about.

But I want you to know that I'm truly sad that I won't get to know you better (I've actually got tears in my eyes, how sappy is that?). I had always hoped that we would do some more riffs together. This site is going to feel a whole lot more empty without you.

As you said, I was in the riffing doc way before I made an account here. But the reason I even made this account was to follow people like you. I would always look forward to a notification that you posted another blog or riff and I will really miss seeing those. You are one of the great riffers that I always admired, and whose spelling always needed to be corrected. :twilightsheepish:

I don't know if you'll be back to read this, but goddamn I'm going to miss you. Good luck in all your struggles and may you always find a reason to laugh.

Farewell, Sir. It was an honor working with you. :fluttershysad:

Damn this is sad, but I'll continue to do what I do best.
Like nothing really matters.
Although I feel a bit happy to find out that I was so important to you. :fluttercry:
Goodbye, dear friend.

Darn, man. Just when things were picking up this year.

Do what you gotta do, Glitch. It's your life, and only you can decide how you spend it. Just know that no matter what choice you make, we won't blame you for it.

I'd make this post a bit longer, but unfortunately I'm rather pressed for time. With this in mind, I'll simply say goodbye and hope that our paths may cross again one day. Keep on keeping on, Glitch.


And to think that one of the last messages I sent you was poking fun at you for mistaking Coal for Lero...and I wouldn't change that for the world.

I don't know if you remember, but one of our first interactions couldn't have been stranger. At the time I recently started writing Dirty Sexy Pony, one of the many "popular" fics that you're so aghast at seeing be featured, haha. I was still an active pony fic reader myself, and I constantly saw your name in the comments of stories I thought might be interesting, where you were just laying down the trash talk and speaking your mind on the writing, the people that stepped up to defend the story, and the failure of the author to correct their story according to your recommendations. And no matter what everyone kept saying you just went at it like a honey badger. It was then just after the Mare Do Well episode came out, when everyone and their mom was peeved at the so called "awful" treatment that Rainbow Dash was subjected to and thus they decided to come out with fics and comics that presented what they saw would be a "better ending" or episode in general that I really agreed on some points you made on an anti MDW fic called "Dashed Trust"

NaturalGlitch: "This is what REALLY would have happened. " :rainbowhuh: No. No it's not. That's elitist thinking.

NaturalGlitch: This is so dumb. Are you kidding? Rainbow's boasting was getting in the of her saving ponies. Remember? That carriage would of careen of the cliff, the construction workers would of been crushed, the dam would of flooded the town, etc. All you people saying that "This is how it should of ended" are dumb. Yeah, how dare they give Rainbow a lesson about putting the lives of the ponies she's trying to save first instead of her own ego. Rainbow was in the wrong here, and no amount of fan art and fanfics will change that. How dare they try to change your dear waifu.

SatoshiKyu: Because ruining someone's reputation in front of an entire town is a joke, right? HAHA, SO FUNNY. The MDW scheme is over-the-top no matter how you slice it, but what really gets me is that the rest of the mane six didn't even TRY to get through to her. The fame goes to Dash's head, so naturally the first thing her friends should do is teach her a lesson by humiliating her in front of the entirety of Ponyville.


NaturalGlitch: >>SatoshiKyu Her friends actually save her reputation. Had Mare Do Well not stepped in, RD wouldn't have saved those ponies because she was too busy boasting. That would have tarnished her rep more than a new hero ever would. Her boasting was getting in the way of her saving lives. She was more into the fame and not just helping ponies.

SatoshiKyu: >> NaturalGlitch

Allow me to refer you to the REST of my post, which tells you why the scheme was over-the-top regardless of who you believe was ultimately at fault. :ajbemused: Trying to "teach someone a lesson" NEVER ends well when dealing with friends, but it's only a thousand times worse when you don't even attempt to clear up the issue with conversation first. I would be much more agreeable to the MDW plot if they had TRIED to get through to her, but they didn't.

"Rainbow's letting the fame go to her head--ENGAGE FORCED-HUMILITY CONTINGENCY PLAN ALPHA!" :flutterrage:

NaturalGlitch: >> SatoshiKyu Yeah, because Rainbow's been know to listen to other ponies when her pried is on the line. She's to hard headed to listen to reason when it comes to her ego. She would of denied everything her friends said until it was too late. (besides, the show last for only 22 minutes, where are they going to cram a conversation that wouldn't of worked in the first place?) And humiliate her? Rainbow did it all on her own. Did Mare Do Well force Rainbow to mow that lawn, or overly dramatically force open a bottle? No. It was all Rainbow. All Mare Do Well did was save ponies lives, and with the fame going to Rainbow's head, all Rainbow cared for was her pried and reputation, not saving ponies, which would of ended badly because with her boasting. She would of messed up and a ponies life could of been lost.
The town didn't even see Mare Do Wells unmasking, so Rainbow didn't get humiliated as much as everyone thinks she did. Not to mention that the "there's always someone better" is a good added lesson for Rainbow who thinks she's the best at everything. This story isn't as ego pandering as "What's eating Rainbow?" (oh no, our waifu got what's coming to her NO!!) and not as stupid as that one fic where she becomes a Shadow Bolt, but still this is wish fulfillment.
All this fic does is make Rainbow look like a child. If Mare Do Well didn't show up, that carriage would of careen of the cliff, the construction workers would of been crushed, the dam would of flooded the town, etc. Odd, people seem to forget that.

SatoshiKyu: >> NaturalGlitch

It is irrelevant whether or not Rainbow would have listened to reason, as it is the duty of a true friend to attempt communication before taking drastic action. If they had tried and failed to get through to her, the MDW scheme would have seemed much less cruel than it did. And honestly, the reality of the situation is mostly irrelevant--the show is primarily about the exploration of friendship, and it is a poor friend indeed that neglects to talk to you about your mistakes.

The very first time Dash's ego kept her from "adequately" saving somepony or stopping some disaster, her friends should have immediately gone to talk to her about it. Whether she would have seen reason or not is completely immaterial, point being that communication is the very first thing a true friend should attempt in any such situation.

Note that Dash never once actually put anypony in danger, merely that her ego kept her from reacting in a timely manner to situations that were already occurring. That said, none of the accidents that happened in the episode can be considered her "fault." That is, unless one wishes to imply that anyone with the potential ability to to help who neglects to do so is as much at fault as the perpetrator of a crime or the misfortune itself, i.e. everyone ever. Or unless you wish to say that Dash preemptively set up the various disasters and misfortunes that befell Ponyville for the express purpose of saving ponies in harms way and ultimately becoming a hero...?

Also note that it was in no way Rainbow's responsibility to interfere in any of the disasters that occurred during the episode. Dash chose to help because that's who she is--she was under no obligation to lift a hoof in defense of anypony at all. Rational minds cannot villainize someone for not taking action if they are not obligated to do so, and how can you berate someone for not doing their best when the very act of doing is not their responsibility?

As a final note, consider this--if you give to charity, does the charity to whom you are donating belittle you for what you have given, or demand that you give even more? They most certainly do not! And why would that be? Because you gave something, despite the fact that you had no need to. One who accepts from charity has not the luxury of picking and choosing and demanding more of those who provide it, after all.

NaturalGlitch: >> SatoshiKyu
"attempt communication" Would of ruined the mystery (even if it was obvious) the episode was trying to do. Besides, twenty minute show. Where were they going to fit it?

"her friends should have immediately gone to talk to her about it" This is how the conversation would of gone. "Hey Rainbow, maybe you should tone your boasting down a bit-" "The problem isn't my "boasting", it's that Mare Do Well creep's fault! I would of caught up to that carriage if she didn't butt in!" It wouldn't of worked, and it would of wasted the episodes time.

"merely that her ego kept her from reacting in a timely manner to situations that were already occurring." WHICH IS WHY MARE DO WELL EXCITED IN THE FIRST PLACE! THAT'S THE MESSAGE THEY WERE TRYING TO GET ACROSS! THAT'S THE LESSON! HER EGO GOT IN THE WAY AND PONIES COULD HAVE GOTTEN HURT! Not to mention that Rainbow is pretty much Trixie with wings for most of the episode (and most of the time in the show).

"That said, none of the accidents that happened in the episode can be considered her "fault."" What the fuck are you talking about? I never said they were Rainbow's fault. Her reactions, how she took it, and how desperate she was for recognition were her fault. I said it was her fault for letting her ego get to her head and only care more about fame and not saving lives.

"Dash chose to help because that's who she is--she was under no obligation to lift a hoof in defense of anypony at all." When she saved that kid from the well, yes. Pretty much every other instance, no. Fame is what she cared most about then. She was signing autographs instead of speeding to the rescue.

"and how can you berate someone for not doing their best when the very act of doing is not their responsibility?" Again, WTF? Rainbow did try to save ponies, yes, but she was to full of herself to do it properly. (did she really need to say her catch phrase?) If Mare Do Well didn't show up to help, ponies could of been seriously hurt, or worse. If Rainbow just swooped in and tried to save their lives *first* and *then* bragged, that would of been okay (annoying, but okay), it might of even worked. The problem was, she wanted recognition before and during the rescue, which was her problem to begin with.

"if you give to charity," Yet once again, WTF? You seemed to get the wrong message from my reply. Maybe I worded it wrong, maybe it's something else. You do like this fic, after all.

SatoshiKyu: >> NaturalGlitch

"Maybe I worded it wrong, maybe it's something else. You do like this fic, after all."

Subtle insults? Must we really devolve into baseless mud-slinging? I was trying to have a reasoned debate, here. You've made your argument and I've made mine, and there have been solid points on both sides--there is no need to stoop to baser political tactics here. Neither of us is running for president, so we needn't be subtly calling names and airing one another's dirty laundry, yes? Moreso, I don't see why you need to be belittling the fic itself. What, just because you don't agree with the premise suddenly makes you suspect everyone who does of carrying some contagious disease?

Honestly, I thought we were raising some fine points of conversation.

On another note, I would like to refute your rendition of how the conversation between Rainbow and her friends would have gone--admittedly, that is how it would have gone after the MDW scheme had been instigated. My intended point was that her friends should have talked to her before they resorted to the MDW get-up at all. With no active "antagonist" (an antagonist to Dash, if not to everypony else) to dig at her pride, Rainbow may have proven to be more amenable to the idea of toning it down.

NaturalGlitch: >> SatoshiKyu Oh, okay. Now here a image that has nothing to do with anything:
27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m02oh854ea1qd7m1so1_500.gif Honestly, I kinda wish YouTube would let images in like this, but you know someone's going to screw it up.

[the author] NightmareDash:>> NaturalGlitch Guess what? I happen to like my interpretation of the episode.:ajsmug: I'm not sure what problem you have with me, or why you've bashed my fic twice on grounds that have nothing to do with the writing itself. :rainbowhuh: If you want to promote your interpretation of the episode, then write your own fic about it. Don't just attack anyone with a differing opinion.

Possible hate detected. Ready the Orbital Friendship Cannon.

NaturalGlitch: >> NightmareDash You're writing was okay (I guess) but what your problem was characterization (major OOC). It's so bad they might as well be meat puppets with souls of different entities. You made Dash into a petty child and she "put's the Mane6 in their place". This is like a wish-fulfillment revenge fic. Not to mention that your summery is beyond pretentious. "This is what really would of happened." If that was true, then why didn't happen in the show? Rainbow was in the wrong, your interpretation of the episode is bad (though looking at your avatar, it makes sense), and I don't need to write a fic with my interpretation. That's because my interpretation of the episode is dead on with the canon of the show. "not at all characteristic of our favorite speed-demon" What, you mean how she humbled herself and accepted that she let the fame get to her head and she can't be the best at everything and should focus on saving lives instead of massaging her ego? Yeah fuck that. Let's make her a vindictive petty child that's always right. As least you labeled it as a alternate universe.

NightmareDash: >> NaturalGlitch Like I said, you're just bashing my work because you don't like my premise. :flutterrage: As an author of fiction, I have the right to interpret the show based on my own beliefs, and to write based on that interpretation. It's called creative control. And as several comments above prove, my premise isn't as idiotic and illogical as you paint it to be.

Target locked... Harmony batteries online... Orbital Friendship Cannon ready to fire. Awaiting Omega firing codes. :rainbowdetermined2:

NaturalGlitch: >> NightmareDash If you write a fetish story, no matter how bad the story is, if a reader has the same fetish, they'll love the story, no matter what. It's the same here. A bunch of people didn't like the outcome of the episode (it's okay if you humiliate every other character on the show, BUT DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH OUR WAIFU!!) got mad, and decided to surf for a fanfic about it, came across yours and like it even before they read it. Look at this fic. The Tails of Spike's Harem It's beyond atrocious in grammar, tenses, spelling, just everything is bad about this fic. And yet, it get's a high score simply because it's something they like, and not the actual quality of the fic. It's the same for this story (okay, it's not that bad, but still). I mean, you had the other Mane6 destroy there disguises and apologies to Rainbow, that she was in the right all along. This is pandering and you know it. Let me be more clearer this time. You're characterization SUCKS.

And you seem to think that I just hate this premise. I don't. I click this fanfic because it intrigued me. I though it would be like a "what if" story, like when Bruce never became Batman , and someone else was doing the crime fighting. But no. Rainbow is one of my favorite characters, and you made her into a self righteous baby while making the rest of the Mane6 look like the bad guy's, and they just forgave each other like that. Rainbow "put's them in their place" and the MAne6 forgave her, proving that the rest of the Mane6 (even in your fanfic) are way more mature than Rainbow.

I believe this is the part where you delete all my comments and/or ban me from your page.

NightmareDash: Not really. This is the part where I fire the Orbital Friendship Cannon.:trollestia:


NaturalGlitch: >> NightmareDash You mean like this?

NightmareDash: >> NaturalGlitch Yeah, like that.

And because of that craziness I not only laughed my head off but gained a lot of respect for you, so decided to send a PM:

On "Dashed Trust"
Typewriterpony: While I don't agree with your choice to antagonize, and thus completely close off the author and his...uh..."fan" to a more "open minded" discussion about the MDW episode, I found myself literally Rolling On the Floor Screaming to their arguments. And as Slowpoke as this may be to however long ago you tried to put sense into them, I've got your back, bro.

On "Dashed Trust"
NaturalGlitch: Wow, that was a long time ago. Yeah, talking to the author and his fans was like trying to beat a brick wall called "waifu-itus" with a fork in one hand named "logic" with a spoon in the other named "reasoning," and I may of been a little... antagonistic, but I hope I'm not that bad anymore. I've resorted to using transcripts and pictures to explain my point. Some people think that Twilight set up those accidents on purpose. Yeah.

It's the same mentality as the Trixie episode. People think that she ran towards the everfree forest, even though there was buildings and a rode that she was running on (there's even a map that people can check, but to hell with that, I guess). I just don't get it. They just like Trixie because of her design and they think she sounds sexy, so therefore she's the good guy, and everyone should demonize the characters and lessons, and romanticizes the antagonist because she roll's her R's.

Some people actually get offended when the canon of the show crushes their headcanons. I just don't get some people.

I think you hit the nail on the head over at that "What you're looking for" thread, and it's nice to have someone for support.

On "Dashed Trust"
NaturalGlitch: Wait... aren't you the guy that wrote "Dirty Sexy Pony"? Uh... I'm sure your other stories are... nice... yeah, not really into clop-logic fics.

I'll add you anyway, you seem nice, and your other stories seem well received.

Re: On "Dashed Trust"
Typewriterpony: Yes, I'm "the guy". I wonder what dark, terrible things you've heard about me or the fic, or if you actually suffered through reading the fic yourself?

I understand that everyone has limits to what they can tolerate and I'm not so delusional to think "morals are subjective" and all that jazz that lot o' other peeps like to say to justify enjoying clop. There's a reason you have to activate the mature setting to see those stories (even though I'm swimming around the deep end of the pool) since there's no story outside of an E rating that can be considered an "In Character" fic. Every concentric circle outside of that is an "interpretation" on something that wouldn't happen in canon and beyond that are dismal misunderstandings of what happened in an episode or how the characters would ever react in any circumstance.

Never could quite understand apologist explanations for episodes myself because I think writers like RainbowDoubleDash can do amazing analyses of characters such as Trixie and AU-Twilight that simply aren't "well, if I were [the character] I would have reacted this way!" like how lots of people have done with Rainbow Dash in MDW or Discord or more recently Queen Chrysalis. In fact, that was pretty much the main argument of a lot of people that I confronted when I made my comments on the Alone comic on DevArt.

Thanks for the watch, I'm finding the Mykan thread depressingly interesting

Re: On "Dashed Trust"

Yes, I'm "the guy". I wonder what dark, terrible things you've heard about me or the fic, or if you actually suffered through reading the fic yourself?

I read some parts of it, and all I can say is... I'm so terrible confused by it. Maybe I was sleepy when I read it, but I was befuddled while reading it. It's just clop-logic set to the max. Maybe it's just not for me.

I understand that everyone has limits to what they can tolerate and I'm not so delusional to think "morals are subjective" and all that jazz that lot o' other peeps like to say to justify enjoying clop.

Check some of my favorites. I have to problems with clops (I sure do want some erotica, but that's not happening anytime soon). What I care about is a story, regardless of what genre it is. It's not always the concept, it's the execution that matters to me the most. The only problem I have with clops is that somehow it being clop excuses the utterly unnecessary ridiculousness of the story. A good fanfic writer takes the canon of the show and expands on it, while most clop (and "dark" stories) suffer from massively stupefying characters, worfing, OOC-ness (and I don't mean them having sex either), and a bad fanfic writer just takes out giant clumps of the canon and inserts some asinine plot line when it's completely unnecessary. The mistake most of those writers is that they have one idea, and instead of expanding it properly, they just write it like "and then this happens, and then this" just to get to the "important" part, forcing the character to become cardboard cutout's.

since there's no story outside of an E rating that can be considered an "In Character" fic.

They live near the everfree forest and tartarus. It would be beyond easy to make a "Teen" or "Mature" fic work, it just that no one is trying. You simply take these characters, know them in detail (read the wiki if you need help) and simply put them in "Teen" and "Mature" situations, and try their best to not force the goal of the fic and try to flesh it out properly. It's not that hard at all.

Thanks for the watch, I'm finding the Mykan thread depressingly interesting

No problem, and believe it or not, that's actually the third thread about him and his antics. If you want to check them out, their in the same site. It's quite entertaining, those people not only tore that fanfic apart, they came up with much better ideas with Mykans own premise.



By the way, saying that you wanted to emulate tolerance from me? You, a riffer, decided to muck around with a clop writer. If that doesn't grant you tolerance sainthood in the church of Bronyology I don't know what will.

I'm sad to see you go but I'm sure that you'll find your way to hang out with the lot of us, if not on this site then we can always communicate through gmail and all that. I hope you take care, bro. I wish that I put you on my watch list so I could find out when you posted this blog and not while I happened to come across it like I did an hour before I started typing out this beast.

As weird as the both of us are I always figured you to be a voice of reason in this fucked up fandom of ours. Please...email me or any of the others if you need help with anything (unless it's monetary because I'm strapped for cash atm) or just want to talk. I never knew your problems were to that extent and while I'm not uber depressed that you never told me, since you have your reasons or I just never asked at the very least let me tell you that now that I know I hope you and your family manage to get the proper care you need for your conditions.

And if you get a blemish on your ass, that's not a cutie mark, you should really see a doctor!

As long as you don't completely leave
(Come say Hi every now and again, I don't like it when friends disappear.)

As well, I hope everything goes better for you and your family, you and them really deserve it after everything you had so far.

Seems the price I pay for keeping my people-follow lists really short is that I don't always have my finger on the pulse of people who have said nice words to me in the past. I'm glad I happened to surf over here blog post so I can give you at least word or two of sympathy for your situation. Best wishes for you and yours in this unhappy situation.

And good riddance to you!

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