• Member Since 24th Apr, 2022
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https://www.wattpad.com/user/Timeman202 A developing story writer whose favorite pony is Rainbow Dash.

More Blog Posts509

  • Today
    Hamtaro Crossover Season 3!

    Season 3 of the Hamtaro x My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic crossover fic will be starting today. And like usual, two chapters will be made and published at once.

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  • Thursday
    June Plans - Hammies, Reversal, and more (Update Blog)

    June is almost here, and boy, there's a lot to go over. A tl;dr section will have to be put towards the end of the blog post, but if you want more in-depth stuff, then you should just read on.

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  • Thursday
    Screw Poll; do both!

    Screw the poll; I'm just going to do both. Reason? Simple really: I have a lot of built up creativity that needs to go some where. Plus, right now, my mind's got plenty of ideas for the Hamtaro fic.

    Regardless, expect a more proper update blog soon-ish.

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  • Wednesday
    Tiebreker Poll

    The results from the poll are in, and there was a tie between the Hamtaro Crossover fic, and the reversed roles universe fic. So, as a result, a tiebreaker poll is now being run. You can find the poll here: https://strawpoll.com/GPgVY2X5Bna

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  • Tuesday
    Poll time is running out!

    Time is running out for voting on the poll: https://strawpoll.com/B2ZBEm0RxgJ

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Decision (Important Blog Post) · 11:58am May 21st

(Quick note before beginning, I was half tempted to not have a creative title for this blog post. But I made one anyways. That's really all I had to say before I started getting heavy on you all. Now onto the actual blog post...)

It seems the comments on the last blog post were mostly saying for me to do what I thought was best. And after sleeping on the whole ordeal a bit, I have come to a decision. It's not happy news when it comes to the decision I made, but after I tell you what I've decided to do, I do have a few reasons behind it if you'll continue reading. As for the decision itself, it revolves around the "When Friendship Shimmers" universe. I have decided with the current reboot on the profile, that I will post what I have in terms of what I've written for the Season Six Finale and make it noted in the Author's Note to read this blog post. After that, the story will be marked as cancelled but I have no plans on having the story adopted so it can be completed. I will also be rebooting this universe a second time, just not in the near future.

Now that I've told you my decision, I do have some reasoning behind it. A few reasons actually...

  • The first reason behind this is quite simple: Writing the season six finale has really been hard even before Nintendo decided to pull so much Nintendo this month. This is because as I explained in the last blog post (go read that one for the full details) Throsten was slated to die in the season six finale, and that has already made it difficult to want to write such a thing.
  • The second reason, while in relation to the Nintendo news that's come to light in the past month, is different than you'd think. I am scared that, at some point after I make the season six finale, Nintendo will pull the ultimate Nintendo, and I'll delete the project outright out of pure, unfiltered anger. And that honestly scares me.
  • The third reason, is in relation to the second: The very fact that I'm scared that I'll delete the project outright out of pure, unfiltered anger towards Nintendo when it features Throsten would essentially kill the character off for good without him dying in a story. And that's the even scarier notion of the second reason.
  • And the final reason behind this, is that I hope to preserve Throsten in some way, shape, or form. Doing things this way allows me to do just that; even if the major reason behind this is because Throsten is a character I put so much effort, work, and thought into.

These reasons, plus the kind comments about how I should do what I think is best, are why I'm ultimately choosing to cancel the project, post what I've got on the season six finale so far and start working on a second reboot of the "When Friendship Shimmers" Universe. It won't contain Pokémon elements since I'm moving away from that moving forward, but the franchise might make a cameo in the form of Serendipity in the new reboot as like a blink and you miss it joke or something like that.

As for what the new reboot will be like, well this will allow me to further clean up the opening portion of the universe where Sunset becomes a big sister figure to Twilight. Also, as my writing style has been evolving, I am starting to come to grips that sometimes copying episodes and only changing them slightly while having reasons behind these changes while still trying to write a full chapter out of them is okay. Just so long as I put my best foot forward on the matter.

But beyond those details, something I think I'd like to try is splitting the universe up into multiple submitted stories or "books", as that is something that is being done on Fimfiction for a few stories such as the "Twilight Gets a Puppy" universe, and the "Nine Elements" universe that are being written by other users do this. (Side note, I'm actually quite a fan of the "Nine Elements" universe, which has given me a few ideas for the second reboot)

Regardless, I hope you all understand my reasoning behind wanting to reboot this universe a second time. For now, I have some things to take care of, such as publishing the currently made season six finale for My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot, and then figuring out what I want to do next. I might actually put it to a poll, as there are a few things I'd like to do next.

...Actually heck with it, I'll make a poll now and just tag it here. I'll remind you all about the poll in a second blog that will be posted later today. But if you've made it this far, here's the poll link: https://strawpoll.com/B2ZBEm0RxgJ
I am having this poll be open until June 4th, 2024 at 6:00 AM Central Time. I know that's two weeks away, but I may or may not end the poll early depending on how many people vote and how often the votes happen. Also, please try not to vote at the last second or wait to vote. Let's see if we can get at least five people to vote on this poll.

(Side note: The main reason I put the poll in a two week time frame is because the Thousand Year Door Switch Remake releases this week, and I'm mainly giving the poll this much time in case I just get that engrossed in the remake, and odds are likely that I will.)

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