• Member Since 21st Jul, 2017
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A Man Undercover

I'm Autistic and suffer from ADHD & OCD, but I'm very high-functioning and capable of taking care of myself if I need to.

More Blog Posts695

  • 1 week
    D.I.Y. Duck

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    My Movie Review on Hacksaw Ridge

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An Apology I’d Like to Make, & Things I Wish to Explain About Myself · 12:41am January 10th

Most of you guys probably know by now that I was embroiled in another controversy recently. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if the entire site knows about it.

You see, around the end of 2023, I decided to speak up in support of my friend and fellow FiMFiction user, BradyBunch. He returned from a two-year missionary trip in November 2023, and I was excited that he was back. For those who may not know him, he was one of the first friends I ever made around the time I became a member of this site. He was always a joy to talk to, and the fact that we shared common beliefs & interests was something that particularly encouraged our bond.


One of the first blog posts he made since he came back was “This needs to be addressed.”, which he posted on December 20, 2023. In it, he was detailing his experience over communicating with his old friend, TheMysteryMuffin, via private messaging and their conversation about being trans. Brady commented that he was concerned over the path Muffin was choosing and insisted that it wouldn’t improve the user’s own life, but then Muffin responded by saying that Brady was being “transphobic” simply because he was against Muffin’s intentions. In the process of whatever debate was going on between them, their friendship fell apart, with Muffin being the one breaking it. 

Afterwards, Brady commented in his post that he may as well be “blunter” about his statements against LGBTism, and that it wouldn’t matter how delicately he’d put it because people would just give him dislikes and hateful comments anyway. Of course, people went on to suddenly harass him over the matter. Including people who claim to be Christian yet approve & support LGBTism. 

And that is where I got involved in the matter. In the midst of all the accusations thrown at Brady, I decided to speak up in support of my friend and defend him. Particularly by bringing up to a user named Pepper_2 that several verses in the Bible say “Hate the sin, not the sinner”, and that Christians can still make friends with others regardless of how different their lifestyles & beliefs are from theirs. I never got a response from Pepper, but from TheMysteryMuffin…yes.

After MM gave his or her response to me, we got embroiled in a heated debate. We argued over things like whether being trans is a lifestyle or not, as well as what the Bible says about being trans. It came to the point where MM frequently accused me of being homophobic & transphobic, and at one point, the user called me a liar by spreading misinformation about said user, accused me of not acknowledging the “history” revolving around LGBT people, and said that I’m not living up to what he or she thinks is the Christian standard. In response, I called the user an attention-seeking anti-Christian person, as well as a selfish, arrogant, immature, and insecure hypocrite. I also accused MM of leaning too much into victim mentality by always bringing up things like Christians persecuting LGBT people, the latter which I brought up that anyone who claims to be a Christian yet is commiting things like murder and adultery is actually a false prophet.

In the midst of it all, GTthe4th and Sugar Spoon also got themselves involved. 

Later, RainbowDoubleDash also brought himself in the mix, much to my displeasure. RDD and I have a history of unfriendly debates and never got along with one another, and to my point of view, he is an arrogant hypocrite who thinks he’s always right just because he has some certain backgrounds, and he certainly doesn’t seem to have the mental capacity of separating fact from opinion. Our debate mainly revolved around whether being gay is a choice or not.

Luckily, Ditzy Doo-Mailmare did manage to step in and finally put a stop to all the debating, and on the day before New Year’s Eve too! I was so thankful about that, because I grew tired of all the frequent responses despite how much I was trying to quit debating when they asked for it to stop.

As I frequently thought back on the event, though, I began to realize something:

In spite of my goal to try being as level-headed and mature as possible, I let my emotions and stubbornness get the best of me again. I said things in a way that clearly didn’t come out the way they were intended, in that while I’m actually not homophobic or transphobic, my statements gave other users the opposite impression. I also realized that I broke a solemn vow to myself that I wouldn’t get caught up in debates like that anymore. I never intended on embroiling myself in that, but somehow…I did. That, and I said things during that time that I regret having spoken now.

My suspicions on the matter were further confirmed after TheClownPrinceofCrime brought up the whole thing to me via PM. In the process, we talked quite a bit about the things I was doing wrong, and I definitely agreed that I was clearly not going about everything the right way.

With all this being said…

I’m deeply sorry about everything I did during that time. My only intention was to defend the integrity of the Bible and my Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ, as well as stick up for and support Brady, whom I still consider to be a great friend. I never wanted to get tangled up in a debate in the first place, and I certainly didn’t want to cause trouble for others.

I don’t expect any of the users I argued with to forgive me for my lack of civility, or the apparent communication errors I was causing. All I can say is that I’m sorry for everything, and I hope everyone who reads this can forgive me.

On another subject relating to what I brought up, I think now would be a good time for me to explain things about myself:

As most of you have probably guessed by now, I can be incredibly stubborn and hardheaded. Unfortunately, it’s a trait that I share with my family, because I’ve had conversations with family members where our stubbornness can become apparent. As a Christian, I’m very firm in my beliefs, and I obviously don’t approve of the various things that go against God’s Word & intentions, to which I believe that LGBTism is one of them.


Like I said before, I’m not homophobic or transphobic. As a matter of fact, I frequently looked up the definitions of those words every time I’m called those things, and they describe people who are intolerant only of the LGBTQIA+ individuals themselves. 

And you wanna know something?

I have nothing against people who are LGBTQIA+. 

Yes, I don’t approve of their choice in lifestyles, and I certainly don’t believe being LGBTQIA+ is something a person is born with, but that doesn’t mean I hate the people themselves! In fact, I have great admiration and respect for several people who are of the LGBTQIA+ division of the world.

For instance, Nathan Lane is one of the finest actors I’ve ever known. Regardless of him being gay, I’ve always enjoyed watching his work as a performer. The fact that he’s managed to bring a positive impact on the world, both as an entertainer and as a human being, is truly wonderful. One of my favorite characters that Lane played was Timon the Meerkat in the 1994 version of Disney’s “The Lion King”, and I still consider him and Ernie Sabella’s Pumbaa to be some of my favorite Disney comic reliefs.

Outside of this, I’m also an advocate for freedom of choice. Even if I don’t approve of a person’s decision to be gay or trans, I’d rather die than take away their rights to choose for themselves or force them into thinking the same as me. And who says I’d have to support them in their choices anyway?

Also, I would never want any LGBTQIA+ person to come to harm in any shape or form. I’d rather put a needle in my foot than wish for them to commit suicide or be murdered, and it disgusts me that several Islamic countries in particular are encouraging such things on them. I don’t approve of conversion therapies either, because such things were clearly made to compromise and destroy the LGBTQIA+ person’s rights of free will and choice.

If I recall correctly, Jesus encourages freedom of choice. His sacrifice on the cross was what solidified an individual’s decision over whether to follow Him or take a different path in life, and he certainly doesn’t get people to follow Him by force. It’s the biggest reason why I believe freedom of choice is important, and that getting forced into believing something instead is inhumane.

In the end, my intention behind revealing this little bit is specifically to help others get to know me more as a person. Especially with the hopes that, in the future, a greater understanding can come between me and those I interact with on this site. Hopefully, this can also help prevent tensions from rising and conflicts from starting.

I suppose...only time will tell.

Comments ( 52 )

While I do admire the fact that you were trying to stand up for me, I would also advise you to recognize when an online debate should end. Nobody wins in a protracted argument without the Spirit, and even with all the evidence and truth on your side, "a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still." Say your piece, learn when to end the conversation, and leave. Drama can be good in stories, but not when it actually happens to us.

We’re all human. I said some harsh stuff too. While I still stand by it, I apologize for getting heated as well. All is forgiven for me.

I agree with you on all these fronts.
I appreciate your kind words. I also hope that relations between us can be much friendlier from this moment on. I hate fighting, and debating, as well as being the cause of another’s misery.

It's admirable that you are willing to come forward and admit your flaws; that's more than a lot of people on the internet can say. (I say this in full awareness of how I acted in my early days on the site.)

I suppose the important takeaway from this situation, having scanned through the blog myself, is knowing when to break off as you're not getting through. Persuasion and rhetoric can only get you so far; if an individual is clearly not swayable on a topic, it is best to simply agree to disagree. At the end of the day, we all have to live with each other on this planet, and sometimes that means compromising.

God bless you warrior of Jesus!!

I felt a different kind of pain

What kind of pain, by any chance?

I had a large sebaceous removed from the back of my head

I'm not 'phobic' of anything.

But I DO hate all of you! Hate is not fear, you see. It's AN INTENSE LOATHING OF YOU FILTHY MONKEYS THAT I SHALL SOON EXPUNGE WHEN I VAPORIZE YOUR GOD-FORSAKEN ROCK!!! Think of yourselves as bacteria infecting a wound!


And I don't even need my final form, lol.


5763079 Pfft, no we don't! That's what PURGES are for! It's not like any of the enemy is IMMORTAL or anything!

WIPE THEM OUT, and you REIGN SUPREME!! :pinkiecrazy:

5763077 I am a veteran of the /b/ forums of the late 90's. We had flame wars that would qualify as supernovas.

AND WE LOVED IT!! :pinkiecrazy:

Okay, that's just creepy.

Now I'm deeply concerned.


Just being silly, and seeing improvement


In all seriousness, though: improvement is a daily thing to work on

I was wondering the same thing, really.

5763248 I just deal with the REAL WORLD!! The UNIVERSE don't care! It blows up entire GALAXIES sometimes! QUADRILLIONS of life forms ERASED in an instant!




But I'll put cat ears on them, so they look kawaii. NO ONE WILL SUSPECT A THING UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE!!

5763297 Alondro needs to explanation. ALONDRO IS THE REASON!! :pinkiecrazy:

It’s official. You’re a nut.

Nobody's right, if everybody's wrong. I don't support LGBT either but I respect. But I'd don't support those who try project their views and beliefs onto others. I also don't give personal opinion but, considering what I've seen on the net lately. I try and dissuade anybody from wanting to transition... It's a mistake that'll they'll regret down the road... I pray that they don't go through with it because they often would take their lives after it.

I give you and your friends my support, man. Don't ever let any of these folks try and dissuade you of the Word.

5763391 Pfft, you're 47 years too late with that diagnosis. It's impossible to know as much as I do without going a little mad!

5763434 My opinion is simply this: we don't tell people with anorexia that they DO need to lose another 30 pounds, and we don't treat cancer by giving patients more cancer.

Sometimes tho, folks need to put their foot down when someone is about to do something irreversibly stupid and unfixable, and for their own good. Usually that applies to those with trouble listening to authority, or those that have a reputation of being trouble and seeking attention.

As for the cancer? You let the government give you free handouts without payment in return and support all these movements that are more or less nonessential compared to those trying to FIND a CURE to the disease that is more burdensome or just as so with man. Which is why they are so comparable AND compatible with each other. We're wasting our breath and energy on something that's irrelevant to what the big picture really is: Human life in general.

5763613 Uhm, apparently you didn't understand my analogies...

Perhaps this one would clarify my position: We do not tell people with schizophrenia that it's a great idea to obey the voices in the walls telling them to go postal.

In other words, you do not treat any illness by furthering the course of the illness. It is foolhardy to condone delusion.

Then it is vain to even argue with fools that have that. And we have plenty undoubtedly.

And who said that we further the illness? It's those woke terrorists out there that do that. Not us Patriots. They have plenty of delusions.

As much as you said sorry for your mistakes, your story about me is still false. I am still not impressed.

You LIED about me again. Isn't that what Christians are not meant to do?

an attention-seeking anti-Christian person, as well as a selfish, arrogant, immature, and insecure hypocrite. I also accused MM of leaning too much into victim mentality by always bringing up things like Christians persecuting LGBT people, the latter which I brought up that anyone who claims to be a Christian yet is committing things like murder and adultery is actually a false prophet.

Wow. Christians are so loving, aren't they?

I never said I was anti-Christain. You LIED about that.
Selfish, arragoant, immature, insceure hypocrite? Are you talking to a mirror?

Also, you are homophobic and transphobic. Stop pretending you're not. And you still provided no evidence that you "love us".

🙄There you go again with the reverse psychology, victim mentality, and hypocrisy.

Also, lying and spreading misinformation about me by saying that I’m lying and spreading misinformation about you?

Real mature.

It makes me wonder if you just like starting up conflicts to feel good about yourself.

Being LGBT+ is not a lifestyle.

I said before that I no longer wish to involve myself in debates relating to the subject, and I stand by it.

You may want to check out TheMysteryMuffins latest blog: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1032137/suicide

I saw it, and that’s all I can say. I’m afraid that if I say anything else, conflicts will emerge again.

I said before that I no longer wish to be the cause of ridiculous conflicts like the ones I took part in, and I intend to fulfill the vow more than ever.

You really screwed that vow up, huh?

You and Brady should be ashamed. Smearing God's name like this is baffling and on top of that, being so inanely wrong about God's word. I hope you're happy with the actions you taken, because God will judge you so harshly for this.

How did I screw up the vow, exactly? And what did Brady and I do wrong this time?

Tell me, and I’ll try to understand!

This time? We could go further back if you'd like. How many times Brady called for the death of people who disagree with him in 2018, only to be the biggest hypocrite on planet Earth in 2023-2024 calling for harrassing and belittling people for being trans + LGBT despite claiming that we should respect the choices people make to believe in what they will. He also said "I swear, I want to axe your balls off so bad and feed them to you raw. Where's your manhood? How much of a man were you before, anyway? To insult people and put the blame on them?"

I'm linking the url on that last line Brady said, since here we all are, watching you two nitwits put the blame on people for being... mentally ill? Or should we go with what you said and say: "I called the user an attention-seeking anti-Christian person, as well as a selfish, arrogant, immature, and insecure hypocrite." All this just for being trans?

God said to love one another as I loved you. Have you people forgotten about that rule? As someone who is formerly Catholic, I am baffled by you two. Back-asswards, Mr. Undercover. Can't believe you don't see that. And defending backwards logic in the name of defending a friend? Are you trying to be idealogically dishonest, or is that just your major malfunction?


Have you people forgotten about that rule?

I never forgot the rule. And frankly, everything you just said, including all the links and references, do not answer my question.

That was the past. This is the present.

Well you sure as shit have a terrible way of showing it. Next time, don't stand for hatred, and maybe you wouldn't be put on blast like this.


That was the past. This is the present.

Oh, so you want the present of him? The one who attacks the person who just killed themselves? Or maybe you're a fan of just controlling how other people should believe and live, because that makes complete sense.

Dude, you are made of up what you have experienced. Brady has not made an ounce of matter to change his perspective for the better and instead turned into the hypocrite who was against hatred of his own religion, choosing to hate others for the way they live. And by you not seeing this makes you complicit, especially with what you said on the matter.

I don’t see how I’m standing for hatred in the first place.

Then you are blind. Hope you're a fan of miracles, because the guy who saved Lazarus isn't here to save you.

Sure man. I would respect you if you would respect God, but unfortunately you failed in doing so.

I respect and love God every step of the way.

Keep telling yourself that when he tells you otherwise.

EDIT: Because you're inept and replied to me while having me blocked:

Are you self-aware? Read what you said, and then slowly read it again.

I was Catholic. Do I suddenly just lose God's word because I'm not Catholic anymore? Is that how simple-minded and entitled you are? Dude, you are one hell of a piece of work. Get some help.

I respect and love God every step of the way. It is you who happens to be exactly what you’re calling me.

Comment posted by Muggonny deleted February 1st

I'm gay for Jesus. Ain't nothing wrong with that.

if you love jesus then do you use light mode????

You may as well go ahead and see my “Response” post to see if that’ll either make you hate me more or the opposite.

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