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https://www.wattpad.com/user/Timeman202 A developing story writer whose favorite pony is Rainbow Dash.

More Blog Posts517

  • Saturday
    Hamtaro Season 3 Plans

    With all the dual chapter release on the Hamtaro crossover done and the chapter update for the reversed roles world done, now I give you my plans for the rest of season 3 for the Hamtaro crossover moving forward. Essentially, the chapter duo chapter updates will revolve around one of the updates being a remixed original episode so it can involve some of the ham-hams, and the other will be an

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  • Saturday
    ...Didn't realize what day it was...

    I honestly didn't realize what day it was. It's like nine PM now on this friday for me, so there's not enough time to get writing the next Hamtaro chapters today. I'll make up for this mishap by trying to also do a chapter for the Reverse world universe tomorrow on top of the two hamtaro chapters.

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  • Tuesday
    Level IDs

    Didn't realize it until I double checked, but each level has a level ID in case you want to search for them that way.

    Clean Freak - 565523
    Triple Threat Chaos - 565829
    Double R - 565836
    Waterfall Dive - 565887

    So yeah, plug those in if you prefer using that method...

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  • Monday
    Fourth Level Uploaded

    Before I dive into making more of the Hamtaro fic, I decided to give my creative juices a nice boost by making and uploading the fourth level in the "Doctor Robot" series of levels for Mega Maker. This one is called "Waterfall Dive" and while it's a rather simple level to beat, that's by design; it's designed to get you used to water physics for Roll prior to the next level which will have a

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  • 6 days
    Level Series Reveal

    As stated in the previous blog post, I am do have a Mega Maker Profile. And I've uploaded the recent level "Double R"; and with it's upload, I can now safely reveal the level series the past three levels I've uploaded are a part of. It's called the "Doctor Robot" series. Not the most creative name I know, but sometimes the simplest names are the best ones.

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Special Preview · 11:18pm Dec 18th, 2023

It's going to take me a few days to get the next chapter of My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot posted, because I'll be making what I am sure will be the longest chapter I've ever written as of the making of this blog post.

So, I've decided to give you a sneak peek into the upcoming chapter, by copy and pasting what I've written so far today. Enojoy your special preview.

Twenty years earlier; Lighting Town, Horris Residence...

Milissa Horris, age six, was your impressionable child. Her greatest talent was drawing. Boy did she love to draw. One look at her room could tell you that. But it would become obvious quickly from that, just how much she didn't like her biological father.

While there were some happy drawings here and there of normal things; the walls of Milissa's room were covered with various drawings Milissa made where what was obviously her biological father being killed in various ways: From an obvious firing squad, to what was supposed to be toxic gas, to being murdered by a street thug. It was obvious that Millissa had no love lost for her biological father. It would bring one to tears on how broken Milissa must feel inside to hate the man who gave her birth so much.

But those drawings were earlier ones. Some more recent ones seemed to be filled more with hope that, her birth father would be jailed, with her and her mother being looked after by an Arcanine. One she had gone out of her way to re-write some older drawings of the Arcanine where she scribbled over his name "Flamer Jackson" and above it put "New Daddy".

It was clear from this, that Milissa Horris saw Flamer Jackson as a true father figure. She believed this with her very soul. She believed that it wouldn't be long before Flamer Jackson could save her & her mother from the clutches of her fake father.

And tonight, thanks to the slaming of a door signaling that her fake father had had a terrible time at work, meant it was time to put Flamer Jackson's plan in action. With hope in her heart, Milissa picked up a recorder disguised as a toy. She was given specific instructions on how to work it, so she could record an altercation between her father and mother so the females can be saved from such an abusive man.

Quietly, Milissa began making her way to the living room after activating the recorder. Thankfully, the yelling her fake father was making was loud enough to be picked up from where she was in the house.

"I don't believe this!" Her fake father yelled. "Not only was work terrible, but I come home and am greeted to this sad excuse you call a 'dinner'. This isn't a dinner. This is slop. I work all day, and I expect to come home to a proper meal."

"I-I'm doing my best here. I slave away at the stove the entire time making sure to get you a meal worth eating. And nothing I've ever made for you is good enough." Her mother yelled back.

"I've had it with your excuses!" Her fake father said. Milissa had gotten to the living room just in time.

...Just in time to see her fake father use his much larger iron jaw to lift her mother up, pierce the skin, and let the blood drain right into the iron jaw Mawile like the three of them are known for. By the time her mother was back on the floor, there was no blood left to pool out from the body. She was dead before she had hit the ground.

At that, Milissa dropped the recorder, and rushed over to her mother. "M-mommy?" Milissa asked. "Wh-what did he do to you mommy? Why don't you move anymore? Mommy? Speak to me mommy. MOMMY!" Milissa was in tears by the end.

"O-oh shit..." Her fake father tried to bail, but was promptly caught by the local police.

"It's over Victus. You are under arrest. And we're going to have audio this time." Flamer Jackson said. "...Wait, what happened here?"

"Please speak to me mommy! Please!" Milissa said as she continued to cry.

"...You...you didn't..." Flamer Jackson said.

Present Day, unknown location...

Flamer Jackson suddenly woke up in a cold sweat. "...T-that wasn't just any nightmare." He said. "...The day is fast approaching. The day when everything will be too late."

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