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  • Sunday
    Fic recs, June 2nd!

    Fic writer Mica is looking for someone who can speak English and Burmese!

    I get to go visit my friend in the hospital again today, yaaaay! :D

    Oh wait, I meant the other one. D: At least it's not a relapse into alcoholism, yaaaay! :'D

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    8 comments · 169 views
  • 1 week
    State of the Writer: May 2024!

    Didn't write nothing! clapping emoji!

    My surgery was on the 22nd, and it went well, I'm still in recovery for technically the next week and a half or so, but as of this week I'm already feeling back to normal. Which I have to keep reminding myself I am not, lest I overdo something and hurt myself. <_< I am at least following the discharge instructions, so no worries about that.

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  • 1 week
    PP vs. What I've Become

    Knight Breeze's What I've Become might not be a name you've heard before, but given its stats, especially the over 60,000 views, I feel safe calling it a fandom classic. :) Major spoilers ahead for a ten-year-old story!

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  • 2 weeks
    Fic recs, May 20th: Project Get! #17!

    Hey! :D Welcome back to Project Get!, where I sort my RIL by views and grab the last 10 on the list that aren't sequels, unfinished, or by the same author twice! I've been trying to do this a lot more frequently, but 'frequent' has not exactly described these blogs out of me, has it? D: I dunno if that could change in the near future. I've got outpatient surgery on Wednesday this week, so I'm

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    12 comments · 211 views
  • 5 weeks
    State of the Writer, April 2024!

    It's another boring one! I ain't wrote nothin'! :B

    It actually feels lately like I've been crawling out of a pit? So maybe there's a light ahead? But it's also blocked by Balatro lol somepony save me D:

    The only other thing relevant to this blog is that I've had notes for a vs. post sitting in my notes document for probably the entire month now, what is wrong with me? D:

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    9 comments · 201 views

Fic recs, November 11th: Lotus Moon edition, part 1! · 8:18pm Nov 11th, 2022

Foal's Errand and family could really use some help right now!

Assuming they're still open, The Red Parade is taking commissions!

VisualPony has done readings of Martian's Friend, Foehn's Aletheia, Alpha Scorpii's Her Brother Doesn't Talk Much, Vertigo22's Celestia vs. a Cockroach, and Armyidiot's The Rain!

SO. Our next new reader is Lotus Moon! Kinda can't believe I wasn't already listening to her, y'know? The List:

DarkSwirl's Of Honor and Duty
Jay David's You Are SO Under Arrest!
shortskirtsandexplosion's Binding
JackRipper's Please Kill Me
Ice Star's Morning Masterpiece, Scrambled Serenity, Twitch, Autophobia (2, with Quinch)
ShadowWalking18's What Lurks Outside the Door
Paper Thin's (THE FLESH IS) WEAK
Trick Question's Princess Day
Rambling Writer's Best Hell Ever
anonpencil's Broken Bindings (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (That's impressive!)
Mutter_Butter's Ignore It in a two-for-one with Alyssa Hartwick's Dear Diary
BlueColton's The Well
jmj's Mare of the House and Ritual of the Harvest
Aragon's Primal Fear
Flint-Lock's Somno Captis, What's Beneath
Headless's The King in Crystal
Lil Penpusher's Open Up Your Eyes
Equimorto's Celestia Is a Spider and That's Pretty Much It
TheWingman's A Motherly Princess
AstralMouse's Twenty-Eight Boulders
President Dead's Into the Other, Second Thoughts
Ashfur's Put That Crown Back Where It Came From
RarityEQM's Perfect
Cold in Gardez's The Shadow Alphabet, and Other Tales for Nightmare Night (2) (3) (4)
RB_'s The Trees Are Screaming
Horse Voice's Anonymous Letter to Celestia
Feather Book's Of Love, Snow and Shadows
Voxum's Celestia's Dark Side
Opium4TmassS's How to Play With the Ponies
Daemon McRae's Fluttergamer
SPark's In All but Name
Nailah's Where's Boulder?
Soundofthewaves's What They Don't Know
electreXcessive's Peripherals
Rinnaul's REC [0]
Twinkletail's Eager Apple
Waypoint's The Princess of Paperwork
themoontonite's In Birdsong
bahatumay's The Fall of Celestia
her own Your Own Fault for Leaving Fruit Out
Closer-To-The-Sun's Be Strong Now
Greymane Shadow's High Stakes
Ebon Mane's The Cough
sbloom85's What Goes Around…
RockstarRaccoon's Pinkie Pie Wants to Die

And now, yes, you read that title right. This is the first part of a review, because I added over 300 videos to my audiobook list, and even after removing the ones listed above, I would run into the journal character limit trying to post that many reviews at once. c_c;

H: 3 R: 5 C: 11 V: 3 N: 5 X: 1

Fluttershy's Rage-Fuelled Rampage by AstralMouse
Oh boy, just starting off and already I need to make a note. This was labelled as an "uncut" reading, which means entirely unedited raw audio. It was exactly what I had to deal with listening through BigAsh's channel, only he didn't have edited readings, and Lotus Moon does. <.< If I find any more, I will be skipping them, because I had to read this story myself.
Genre: Comedy
Anyway. This is a one-joke fic whose joke was not what I expected it to be! (i.e., "isn't it funny that Fluttershy turns into a rage monster when she's supposed to be kind?") It also doesn't overstay its welcome. The first scene sets things up nicely with a saccharine slice of life milieu, leading into overreactions over very minor things and the aforementioned joke. Overall, this was cute and amusing.
Recommended for Laughs

Inverno in F Minor by CrackedInkWell
Reading (part 1) with a whole host of people!
Genre: OC Fic/Drama
After the fall of King Sombra, the Crystal Ponies attempt to rebuild their shattered empire, culture and lives. But two guards find something unexpected in the rubble: A colt who might just be the son of the late king.
First off, in this story's defense, I did actually read the whole thing. Didn't bow out early, actually found myself enjoying it more toward the end. That being said, this is the very definition of a hard sell.

After a chapter or two of setup, we're introduced to the title character: Inverno, son of the late King Sombra, who's been sealed away in a hidden room in the Crystal Palace. And immediately, we launch into all the tropes you would expect. He's got red eyes like his dad. He's got fangs, also like his dad. He's a gifted musician and composer, which would later become his special talent, because, oh yeah, he's a blank flank despite being 13 years old. Oh, and when he gets angry, some latent magic ability starts breaking things around him, so don't make him angry. And, oh yeah, let's not forget that he's literally able to watch scenes depicting whatever the composer was thinking about at the time when he listens to music.

You see what I'm getting at. Take out two or even just one of these, and you have a reasonable character probably. Of course, there's also the issue that he was locked away his entire life, only ever being visited by his father and whatever slave happened to be assigned to him at the time. Because of this, he does not know shit about shit, and my god does this quickly get tedious. I mean, one of the first things he says is that he didn't know crystal ponies could talk. This speaks volumes to what he's been through. Same with him not knowing what the sun is. But a majority of his interactions with other characters involve them saying something innocuous and him very bluntly asking, "What's that?" It was a very I get it, already deal, and it just never ended.

Furthermore, it soon becomes clear that this story was written so the author could indulge in their real passion: music theory and history. And there's nothing wrong with that, save that we do get a lot of long history lessons with a distinct lack of ponification, and this can get boring after a while. I won't deny that I did learn something, however. But because of the concept of multiple intelligences, I'm sorry to say that while the author excels at musical topics, they have far less of a grasp on language use. There are constant malapropisms and typos, plus POV and even tense changes. No spelling errors, I don't think, so that's something. But again, this is overall on the harder side to read.

And that's a shame because there are two worthwhile things going on here. The first is that this is not your average OC fic. Inverno may be the title character, but he's in no way meant as any kind of wish-fulfillment or self-insert. No, if there's any self-insert character here, it's Professor Key Signature, an elderly earth pony music teacher brought in from Canterlot to get Inverno up to speed on how music has changed from what he knows. Key is a very interesting character, not least because the narrative isn't inclined to look upon him kindly, and I found myself getting caught up in his story. Which is weird, since who makes a super-powered son-of-a-villain OC and then spends most of the story writing about his music teacher?

The other thing I will praise is the general concept. "What's to be done with Sombra's lost kid?" is a great starting place for a story. And it ends with "Sombra's son tries to understand what his father put the crystal ponies through so he can make a suitable musical tribute to them," which is also really excellent. The finale involves him conducting a symphony he wrote himself, and it's genuinely quite moving.

Of course, it's also followed up by the birth of Flurry Heart, which just shines a spotlight on how much of this piece is completely extraneous. We spend too much time on Inverno trying to learn about common concepts, or Key's tragic backstory, or the tribulations of any number of other characters, and this just bogs the narrative down. There is definitely a good story in here, and you see it from time to time, but mostly it stays hidden, and that's a shame.

So like I said, this ain't gonna be most people's idea of a good time. For sure, if you don't have as much patience as I do for these kinds of fics, you probably shouldn't even bother with it.
Recommended Only If You Really Like OC Fics

Twilight Ruins Everything by Eskerata
Genre: Random Comedy
Twilight has a few things she needs to clear up.
So this is apparently based on some kind of show called "Adam Ruins Everything". And if said show is anything like this story, it is a joyless void of know-it-all-itude designed to drain the happiness from your soul. Like, this is definitely being played for laughs (there's bathroom humor in it, for god's sake, not to mention one of the funniest coffee jokes I've ever seen), but I was also waiting for a reveal of the books Twilight had been reading that would somehow explain the whole scenario. It never came. Also, and in no way this story's fault, the last fic I read right before this, Blueshift's The Cutie Mark Inspector, has a very similar concept while also being far more funny. So it's hard not to compare the two. It's just rather unpleasant seeing Twilight be this bitter and cold.
Vaguely Recommended

Everypony Hates Rainbow Dash by Eskerata
Genre: AU/Changeling Fic
Rainbow Dash learns a hard lesson about friendship.
The main problem I had with this story is the premise. I simply couldn't buy that changelings were ever like this. There are explanations, of course, but I don't like any of them. If it's a psyop, then the worst people possible were picked for it. If they're just good actors, then basically the whole story is a lie. And they are explicitly Chrysalis's, so this isn't some other, nicer hive we're dealing with, and that's not to mention no one at the wedding knew what changelings were, let alone Dash. Occam's Razor suggests that you're just going to have to accept that there were friendly changelings at young Rainbow Dash's flight camp. As to the story itself, it's all right, though definitely comes nowhere near that Comedy tag in my estimation. The other thing that bugs me is the title, which references a line that comes right at the end of the story and really has nothing to do with anything. I mean, that's the title of a comedy; this is really more a straight-up drama.
Recommended for Changeling Fans Only

The Phoenix by Script Singer
Genre: Historical/Cute
Celestia finds a phoenix egg in the woods, but finds out that caring for one will not be as simple as she hoped.
This is indeed cute, if fairly low in the stakes. It's mostly concerned with a young Celestia (how young isn't super apparent, at least given the voices Lotus used) worrying about what might happen to her new phoenix friend. The cuteness and sense of this being how things actually went do make this, though.
Recommended for Fans of Best Sisters

Corruption by Cosmonaut
Genre: Dark/Transformation
Is she so wrong to want to not have to live in fear all the time?
There's not a whole lot more to this than the Nightmare taking over Fluttershy, but on the other hand, do you need more of a reason to read a short story than "Nightmare Fluttershy"? Ask yourself. This won't waste your time.

Sociopath by Piece Bot
Genre: Dark
I hate Diamond Tiara so much.
This is one of those stories that's very, "Oooh, mental illness! It's so edgy and mysterious and that means it's cool!" And, I mean, I get it, that was my friend group in high school, too, but it's not a good concept to promote. Also, there's a healthy dose of parents just not understanding. And I love how our explicitly unnamed protagonist describes herself in the second sentence, just so we know. And keeps saying "God". Ultimately, even if none of this bothers you, this is not a full story by itself. It basically just introduces this character and her hatred of Diamond Tiara, and that's it. While the reading actually includes the sequel, I really had no interest in it.
Not Recommended

The Doll by Mocha Star
Genre: Dark
So many have helped to make it.
Note, this is not a good story to listen to, the formatting just doesn't work right. A comment from the author states that they wanted to keep the narrator's identity vague, but I'm not sure that was a good call. Maybe it's just me, but I really enjoy piecing together hints into an identity, yet the more details that came out of this story, the more confused I became. Ultimately, I suppose it doesn't matter, really; the unsettling atmosphere is created through the way they talk and how they made this doll. But it is a bit light on anything else, really.
Recommended for Fans of Light Horror

The Dreams of Pinkie Pie by Piece Bot
Genre: Horror
May I never see Pinkamena's dreams again.
This is the author's second-ever fic, and it definitely feels like they were still trying to figure things out. Horror, especially psychological, is a pretty ambitious topic for a new writer to tackle, and one I wouldn't recommend, even if said writer has personal experience to draw from. The main issue with this piece, aside from just being too simplistic to convey real horror, is that the tone keeps swinging wildly. Luna goes from "that was too much for me to bear" to "how does she come up with this stuff" and a comment about too much sugar, with almost no connective tissue in between. I mean, for a "Pinkie Pie is crazy" story, approaching it from Luna viewing and commenting on her dreams is actually really creative, this just doesn't hit what it was aiming for. (Also, the reading includes the sequel, which I'm again not interested in.)
Not Recommended

Moondancer Reads Every Book in Equestria by Madame Ponka
Genre: Comedy
Time to complain to Twilight.
It's more like "Moondancer finds out she's read every book in Equestria," but whatever. One normally doesn't come to a comedy for good character work, but I'd say that's actually the draw here. The author really gets into Moondancer's head and even comes up with some original ideas that expand her character. Not to say it isn't funny — there are at least two good jokes, including a meta one I couldn't help but appreciate — but in general, it's mostly just mildly amusing. Nice to see Moondancer written this well, though!
Recommended for Moondancer Fans

A Watchful Changeling by Carapace
Genre: Slice of Life
Hey, remember that very, very tiny slice of time wherein Thorax was both a 'normal' changeling and also welcomed to stay in the Crystal Empire? That was like… Well, it was literally a span of about 9 episodes at the end of season 6. You don't see a lot of stories out of that era for that reason, but this one's definitely a good'n. It's very cute without being light, giving us insight into Thorax's mind and character while showing just what kind of person he's become after Spike helped him out. It's honestly pretty heartwarming that way, and Carapace is a good writer, so everything works quite well. :)

Fireteam Odium by EchoTheFloof
Reading (part 1)
Genre: Destiny Crossover/HiE
I'm putting this here basically as a note-to-self. I know precisely nothing about Destiny. Like, I'm maybe 74% sure it's a video game? That's it. But it's always worth checking out crossovers to see if the author took the effort to make the crossed-over property accessible. In this case, sadly, they did not, and after a chapter and a half, I got tired of trying to figure out what the heck was going on. Like, I couldn't tell you anything about the characters except they seem to be murdery, and it's very confusing having one who's named Exodus and another referred to as "the Exil(?)" I guess she's an alien? I filled in the mental gaps with Halo, Mass Effect and Warhammer. It's also really weird when they touch down on Venus only to be attacked by a bevy of mythical creatures, and again confusing when one of said creatures is also something found in MLP:FiM. I guess Destiny is a sci-fi/fantasy setting? One of them does seem to be some kind of magic user… Well, despite the fact that this is an opaque wall of nonsense, I will say the writing is solid, so it's got that going for it.
No Rating

Equestria's Greatest Treasure by lord_steak
Genre: Cakelestia
Two sisters. One piece of cake. Zero things that can go horribly wrong.
I do enjoy Cakelestia as a trope, but I also recognize that most stories which bring Celestia's love of sweets into the picture do so in a fairly predictable way. This one at least shakes up the formula by involving Luna: not (solely) to make imprecations against her sister's weight, but as a rival for the final slice herself. Things spiral out of control from there, but this does make good on some of its own chaos, and has quite a few good jokes toward the end. So not bad!
Recommended for Cakelestia Fans

All That Lingers by Ice Star
Genre: Romance
In the moonlight, Empress Miamore Cadenza converses with a ghost.
Not content with giving us questions like, "Okay, but how is Sombra both alive and not evil?" Ice Star threw an extra question into this story: Where the hell is Shining Armor? The former question is answered by the setup, or at least half of it is, while the latter is tackled in-story, first with a suggestion that this might be quite a distance in the future before a more concrete explanation is given. And so, we get a story about a princess confronting the dead remnants of a foe she had bested decades earlier, who no longer seems interested in usurping her. Also, like, they kiss and stuff, and I'm not sure how is ever explained, but let's not dwell on it. c.c; The writing is poetic and Romantic in the classical sense, another real hit from Ice Star. Is it going to appeal to everyone? Eh, maybe not, too many loose ends. But if you ever wanted to see this ship work, here's a good example! Highly Recommended for Shippers

Bodysnatchers by Ice Star
Genre: Psychological
(Note: Due to the note in the description, I listened to this on Fimfiction to make sure I'd be evaluating the current version of the story.)
Interestingly, this stands pretty well on its own, and stands even better on its own if you read the description of the story it's marked as an "interquel" to. Like, just knowing that's how the two are related tells you most of what you need to know, the description just fills in blanks. This is a fairly bleak look at its protagonist, as he lets self-doubt get the best of him while, I dunno, fighting for his sanity? His soul? Good mental picture of a character either way.
Recommended for Fans of Dark Fics

Jealousy by TheEvilCookie
Genre: Drama
Why should Flurry Heart be born an alicorn when Twilight had to work for it?
I opened the story and really had to wonder about that intensely red vote bar. As it turns out, this is the account of notorious badfic writer Evictus, someone I've had little experience with. And in this case, at least, the downvotes are worth it, as Twilight is horrendously out of character. Yes, Cadence at least notices this, even if she doesn't question it, and yes, Twilight does apologize, but her turnaround is completely without reason. Also like, the logic here is incredibly circular? There's a lot of repeating the same ideas over and over again, most likely to pad things out to a thousand words, which is kind of sad.
Not Recommended

"Thorax is pregnant." by Dr Atlas
Reading with Lovebug Sektiss
Genre: Comedy
Twilight just can't believe it.
Here's how this story goes: Twilight can't believe what she's hearing. This goes on for quite some time. She tries to explain to Spike why she doesn't believe what he's told her, while also trying to not actually explain the birds and bees to him. This is emblematic of Puritan American sexual values and education, and also goes on for quite some time. Thorax shows up, at which point the narrative becomes extremely fetishistic, while the comedy becomes extremely basic. This goes on for quite some time. Thorax attempts to explain what's going on and why, without explaining anything. This goes on for quite some time. Thorax starts swearing a blue streak, like really just dropping an R-rating on this bitch, and that goes on for quite some time. I had had some small hope going into this story that it would include some interesting world-building for changelings, with maybe a few good jokes to back it up. But it did not provide, and I have to admit, I did not enjoy it.
Not Recommended

Good Sport by Shadowmane PX-41
Genre: EQG
After the Friendship Games, two students from rival schools get to know each other.
First things first, I must complain about that cover art. That is shipping art, but this is not a shipfic. In fact, there are a couple lines that even seem like they might be leading into shipping, but this piece is almost militarily devoted to being pure slice of life, which means I found it rather dull. The dialogue leaves something to be desired, plus it's got that issue of characters reacting to things in ways that are completely out of line with my own reaction. Whether it's bursting into giggles at a line that barely seemed funny to Indigo's laundry list of transgressions from Abacus Cinch that couldn't exactly be called "draconian", I often felt like I was reading a completely different story than the characters were living. Just not for me.
Vaguely Recommended

Twilight Spun… by Starscribe
Genre: Bittersweet
Music boxes can't cast spells.
So, on the surface, "Twilight got stuck in the music box projection from A Royal Problem is a cool idea for a Blink-style darkfic. Starscribe, being A Good Writer, uses that jumping-off point to write a story that is at times sad, and at times existentially horrifying, but that ultimately follows through far more on its concept than one might otherwise expect. There's a twist in the early part of the story you will never see coming, which will only fill the reader with more questions. It's the ending that really makes this, though, as the characters finally come up with a solution to Twilight's problem that is both unique and pretty satisfying without negating the emotional impact of what came before it. This is a really, really good story, and I just love it.
Highly Recommended

Regrets by The Bricklayer
Genre: Drama
Does Starlight really deserve everything she's gotten?
I get the sense this was written as a way to wrestle with Starlight's character, post-season 6, and maybe do a little reworking around a few ideas that weren't so great in the show. If nothing else, it does come to a good conclusion for all this introspection, so I can't be too hard on this. That said, Sunburst's character really felt off, while a long scene in the middle gives itself away as a dream sequence because the Mane Six are also all out of character. So a bit of a YMMV, but one of Sunburst's last lines really makes it.
Recommended for Starlight Fans and Detractors

A Merciful Way by Eskerata
400th Review of 2022!
Genre: Horror/Dark
The past is wonderful, because everyone you know is still alive.
Is there a saying about how the scariest monsters are the most real ones? Because if not, there should be, it would probably be much snappier than what I just wrote. But the great thing about this story is that our main character is an abusive sociopath. His understanding of the concept of love is cruelly twisted, most likely by his father, and he's reliving some very awful moments in his own life thanks to the white potion Zecora gave Twilight in the season 4 premiere. We get to watch him concoct his control and abuse on his own terms, which makes the ending hit pretty hard. Even better, the story doesn't revel in sociopathy as some edgy thrill, unlike certain other stories in this blog. So yeah, I found this a thoroughly effective piece of horror, and a much better way to approach its own subject than I might have otherwise expected.
Highly Recommended

Power by Darkswirl
Genre: Dark
It corrupts.
So on the surface, this is a pretty decent story. Gives us some background on the Crystal Empire and Sombra, definitely comes before any of the comics gave us anything to hold onto, it fulfills a purpose. Also has a very good journal-style book inside it. Then you get to the end, and you will not see it coming. And that elevates this quite a lot.

Trickles by Glen Gorewood
Genre: Horror
The Cutie Mark Crusaders pick the worst time to visit Zecora.
Y'know, this is pretty good. The author did acceptably well with Zecora's dialogue, such that the amount they used had good meter, and I'm inclined to be forgiving based on volume. The monster is original — and I love the name "trickles", that just seems so incongruously silly and innocuous — and the way in which it shows up is probably the coolest part of the story. Do some bits of the writing maybe need adjusting? Eh, maybe. But yeah, overall, a decent horror fic.
Recommended for Horror Fans

Horseraiser by Captain_Hairball
Mature: Gore, Violence, Profanity
Genre: Dark/Tragedy/Hellraiser Crossover
Once the princesses found out Twilight had the box, she had to act.
So I've never seen any of the Hellraiser movies, but I know just enough about them to get the one really hilarious running gag in this story. XD That's about the end of the lighter fare, though. That Gore tag is working overtime, though not without purpose, since the descriptions of the pony Cenobytes are really disturbing. This is also not a story for you if you dislike bad things happening to main canon characters, no spoilers. That said, Twilight gets in an awesome chain fight with the bad guys? And the ending is really totally worth it. If you like over-the-top action and don't care that it's super dark, check this out.
Recommended for Horror Movie Fans

Dead Ponies Tell No Tale by Quirky Gallade
Mature: Gore
Genre: Ghost Story
Heed my words well. They may just save your life.
I want to start with the negative, because I think I have two problems. The first is that this isn't very pony, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I actually missed the Anthro tag at first, and had to wonder why there was constant talk of "hands". But a lot of buildup feels like it could have been anything, though I will give major points for cider rather than rum being the drink of choice on these seas. Second, the ending goes on for a bit. There's basically three separate final scenes, each one finaler than the last, and though this eventually justifies itself, wrapping up to a point more or less in canon — though the canon character tags are really overselling any individual's presence in the story — I was kind of wishing it would finish up a bit snappier than it had. But saying all that, I still love the hell out of this. The main journal format is written with such a strong voice, the ghost pirate tale is a classic (the author brings up the specter of Pirates of the Caribbean, and they are probably just both drawing from the same mythology), and I find I just really enjoy stories like this. I really appreciated the diegetic reasoning for the journal, that was unexpected and cool. And, yeah, the best thing I can say about this is that its good qualities far outweigh its negatives, for all that I spent way more time talking about them.
Highly Recommended

And Then Foals Happened by SkyPieIsTheBest
Genre: Random
Twilight really needs to be more careful where she aims new spells.
This story has a lot of writing issues, at least some of which can be excused because A) it's the author's first story, and B) the first two chapters at least were revised, most likely after the reading. That said, "my friends have been turned into babies" is a pretty fun classic trope, but it really needs more space than this story allots. Also, it's usually funnier if the least responsible member of the group is the last remaining adult, but at least the CMCs make an appearance for that role. Still, this just doesn't do its core concept justice, and I found myself really uninterested in the goings-on.
Not Recommended

Gabby's Autumn by CrackedInkWell
Genre: Slice of Life
Gabby's daily rounds end in a surprise.
Oh boy, the description says it's unedited. <.< It definitely shows. The early part is rather hard to follow due to the lack of dialogue tags, for instance. But if this does anything well, it's exploring how Gabby doesn't fit in with the other griffins of Griffinstone. It also captures something of the experience of growing up and being young in a depressed place. I mean, I wasn't a normal teenager by any stretch, I had no real concept of what my home was like, but this place is definitely a shithole, so… Anyway, I found this rather dull, all things considered. Two strong concepts wasn't enough to carry a lengthy story of people talking.
Vaguely Recommended

Always by Rose Quill
Genre: Sad Romance
Celestia remembers her fondest wish.
I suppose something could be said about Celestia pining over a stallion as a mark against her character. But when the comics added in Good Sombra as a love interest for her, I was all over it, and I would have shipped them anyway, and it would have been sad as balls, let me tell you what. This story, then, just explores what was set up while also twisting the knife in deeper, and I enjoyed it. :) I don't think much more need be said about it!

...Gee, that was a lot fewer stories than this felt like. <.< Granted, Fireteam Odium took up about a third of the first hundred videos, so quitting that early saved a lot of space. But still. Stay tuned for part two, I guess! Will it come before the year's out? Who knows!

Report PresentPerfect · 491 views · #fic reviews
Comments ( 12 )

The Phoenix is actually my first MLP fanfiction, it's a little old tho

Author Interviewer

well, you didn't do a bad job! :)

Thanks appreciate it!

Thanks for the reviews of my stories. You make some interesting points about my work. I'm impressed that you have read so much MLP fiction.

Even though I've read and enjoyed a gazillion other Starscribe stories, I skipped over Twilight Spun... because of the sad tag and the premise. I guess I should have known it wouldn't be a predictable "haz feels nao" story, but it's good to have confirmation. Onto the list it goes!

Author Interviewer

you're quite welcome :) sometimes, I impress myself

other times, I wish I could read more c.c;

it's okay, we all make mistakes :V

I don't make mistakes, I f#@king engineer them!

Oh snap, another review! Thanks so much! Always lovely to be included among the other great (or even not great) stories. Your ratings seem to be quite fair, and "cute short and silly" was what I was going for, so I'm glad that worked out that way. I listen to horse stories here and there, and I should definitely keep this reader in mind, actually, and maybe specifically save some of the stories in this list.

Well, there goes my sense of achievement at actually getting the old RiL list down a bit! Starscribe's fic in particular is one I'm really looking forward to.

Author Interviewer

Rest easy knowing there will be at least a few days before the next one hits. :)

Okay, holy carp, dude! I just finished reading Twilight Spun… and it's gone onto my Top Favorites shelf. Thanks a heap for cluing me in about this one! :pinkiehappy:

Author Interviewer

saluting pony emoji

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