• Member Since 28th Sep, 2012
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I'm an IT Brony who writes stories based on a show for 8-year old girls whose content is meant for anything but 8-year old girls.


Mind changed on removing the griffon arc from Midnight Rising + teaser · 1:48pm April 5th

After receiving pleas from multiple readers to keep the Enter the Griffon chapters in place, I have decided to do so and go with my original plan, which was to simply offer new readers the chance to skip over them when they come and then write the current chapter to catch anybody who does skip

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One final thing... · 7:36pm April 4th

I have been advised by no less an authority than CHS acting Vice-Principal Ms. Cheerilee to use the upcoming Midnight Rising chapter as strictly a recap to relaunch the story, and not get into Lemon Zest until the following chapter, when I can devote a full entry to it without any split in focus. No, really. She did. You’ll see what I mean when the chapter launches, but basically, I’m going to make this kind of an interlude chapter where I catch new or returning readers back up and

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I have reached a decision on Midnight Rising... · 7:15pm April 3rd

Thanks in part to one final comment that came to me over PM last night. It wasn't a mean comment. In fact, it was nothing but a simple, politely asked question from a reader I hadn't heard from before: do you have to read the griffon chapters to understand what comes after?

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Work resuming on Midnight Rising, but... · 3:21pm April 2nd

It seems I have another issue to address.

I have to admit, I’m regretting doing the griffon arc right now. :ajsleepy: For as much fun as it was for me to write, it should have been a side story given how much of a distraction it turned into. And even those who liked it continue to complain about even the revamped ending, wanting the dragons to have won.

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C&C chapter 39 in prereads - no Foolin' · 3:21pm April 1st

Though I’ve been tempted in the past to do joke chapters of my more serious stories for April Fools Day, when it comes down to it, my writing talents simply don’t include effectively pulling off that kind of parody. In fact, the only author I ever knew who was good at that kind of humor was the long-gone and still-lamented Denim_Blue. I asked him once or twice if he could write an April Fools Day prank chapter of Firefly as a guest author of sorts, but he declined and then eventually

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C&C update and teaser · 7:49pm March 22nd

The new chapter is closing on 11k words, and it might well be up over 15k when all is said and done. Too far past that, and I’ll have to think about breaking it up again. I’ve gotten close to finishing the first and last (fourth) sections, with the second section at 70% done and the third, about 30%. But the third is in some ways the most crucial, given that’s where you’re going to learn what’s going on elsewhere in the Kingdom and just where/when/how the Cloven struck.

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Signal boost for AJA's update to Equestria Mystery Dungeon · 7:28pm March 12th

Still stuck at home for at least one more week for his long convalescence from surgery, AJ_Aficionado updated his M-rated crossover fiction Equestria Mystery Dungeon for the first time in two years:

[Adult story embed hidden]

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Just another manic Monday... · 8:35pm March 11th


As a thank-you to Feathered Hearts readers... · 8:07pm March 4th

For all the love and support I’ve gotten the last couple weeks over my blog posts on the story, I’ve decided it’s only fair to reward everyone with a new C&C chapter, which I will be starting this week. It will be sharing creative space with the next chapter of Midnight Rising, which I’m in the middle of writing as we speak, but I’ll aim to have a completed C&C draft out in three weeks, and a chapter launch in time for April 1st.

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Revamped Midnight Rising chapter launches tonight · 3:28pm March 1st

Sorry for the delay. Was waiting for final prereads to come in, and I’ve been sick this past week with what might have been the norovirus due to symptoms I’d rather not mention.

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