• Member Since 14th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jan 17th, 2017



Chapter 5 is finally finished! And really short. · 7:58am Nov 12th, 2013

Alright, I finally decided to finish Chapter 5 after all these months, and it's probably a lot shorter than I could have done, but it's a pretty decent amount right? Anyway, I'm sorry I didn't do it earlier but I procrastinate and I have so many games I want to play. You have no idea how many games I have not yet finished, there are SO MANY. So to make up the long wait for something so short, in my creative writing class I wrote a Dead Space fanfiction. I don't know if it makes anything up but

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YAY INACTIVITY! · 5:42am Oct 6th, 2013

I know I haven't done much all of September, and I said back in August that I would try to finish Chapter 5 before September 30. But stuff popped up and Grand Theft Auto V came out... Oh, also I have gain popularity in my school (I have no idea why, I didn't even do anything, people just seem to form around me) and I seem to have one or more of my friends follow me home all the time. It's not that I don't like it, it's just that almost every day I have someone follow me to my house. Although I

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Would you watch me play Amnesia? · 11:25am Sep 13th, 2013

I had ore-ordered the new Amnesia game, A Machine for Pigs, about mid August and it came out on the 10th of September, so it's relatively new. I was thinking that since I get scared quite easily, (I've made a list of all my fears and I have way too many), I thought that maybe I could record myself playing it and put it on my YouTube channel. My question is, how many of you would actually want to see me play it? I probably won't have a face-cam for a while and I recently bought a new headset

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First day of School · 5:20am Sep 5th, 2013

Alright, so I just had my first day of school which also happened to be on my birthday. So I'm 16 now, that may shock some people but I doubt it, and even though I said I planed on finishing chapter 5 before school started, I didn't. So now my new goal is to at least finish it before the end of September. So for those of you who actually care about my story, and I know there are some people who do, expect Chapter 5 some time in September. Also I got a Purple 3DS for my birthday if anyone cares,

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I'll be gone a while · 12:57pm Aug 19th, 2013

Well I'm going on vacation for 10 days to California. This is actually my first time going this far west so yay. I brought my laptop, in fact I'm at the airport waiting for my plane at this moment. I'm watching Tobuscus play Amnesia while I wait.

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Chapter 4 redone · 7:07am Aug 7th, 2013

Okay okay okay, so I haven't really done anything in quite a while now, and I'm sorry about that. It was near the end of school so I had finals, I was just kinda lazy and didn't really work on my story, and I went to Bronycon earlier this week, and it was awesome. But that's beside the point, the point is that I finally got around to redoing the 4th chapter, now instead of fillies rescuing Dragon, he rescues himself, like a man in a female pony's body. I also fixed up somethings within the

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An Update on my Life · 7:56pm Apr 27th, 2013

Okay, so I haven't been working on The Fire of a Spartan in a while. Truth is that about a week or two ago, I found my old Pokemon games, well some, I'm still missing a few, but after that, I haven't been very productive. I also found my old Fire Emblem game and my old Ratchet & Clank game, so I have been playing those again leaving less time to do anything productive. It's also getting close the the end of my school year, so most of my teachers now decide to give us multiply projects and

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Wait a minute... · 1:12am Apr 8th, 2013

Ok, so I found out a few days ago that Poultron is testing out this new Gold account thing and is assigning them to those who's User ID ends in 0. Well Mine ends in 0, why don't I have one? Or if I do, how would I know?

I just want to know if I actually have one because technically I should. Although it has no significance and doesn't mean anything right now, I would just like to know.

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I am a sad pony · 4:51am Mar 31st, 2013

I played the Walking Dead today, well most of yesterday and the last part of it today. And for those who haven't seen the ending, it is the most sad way I've seen anything end. Throughout the game, you get to know the main character Lee very well. He's the character you make decisions for so I grew an attachment to him on a level I've never been on for any other character in any movie, show, or game. I'm going to spoil the end so if you plan to play the game, I suggest you not continue reading.

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New Group · 5:28am Mar 12th, 2013

Hello, as you can see by the title, I have made a new group here on FimFiction.net. It's called Ponification and is a group for stories about Humans who are turned into ponies in some shape or form. It doesn't matter how or where, just that they were humans and are now ponies. I don't count Ponies turning into humans or Humans in Equestria as part of this group, partially because they both have their own popular groups. Also because that is not what I'm going for by ponification, I mean humans

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