• Member Since 12th Oct, 2022
  • offline last seen 16 minutes ago

Okie Brony

I'm here live; I'm not a cat. (Bask in the glory of my new profile pic.)


My first blog, a glimpse into my so-called life. · 8:08pm 6 days ago

I've been meaning to post a blog, but have been having trouble deciding what to write. The hard part is that I don't want to post a blog on Fimfic's shitty mobile version! (I hate typing on my phone's tiny keypad, anyway.) So, I'm writing this on my antique laptop. It's close to 20 years old, and runs WinXP. Thank Celestia that Mypal 64 was designed for "legacy" devices, and actually WORKS!!! Every other browser I tried, from Opera to Chrome, kept giving me bogus "Security Certificate"

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