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Bed Head


Equestria Girls Flipped! · 7:37pm Oct 6th, 2018

Alright, let's try and finish this up shall we?

In Equestria, Twilight is rallying the rest of the Flipped Six. After overhearing CH!Spike's talk with Sunset and seeing him break the mirror she's determined not let a situation like the changeling invasion play out again. Naturally the others are a bit confused over what's going on, Thunderlane asking why she's waking them up before sunrise and Ditzy wondering why they're having breakfast so late.

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Equestria Girls Flipped! (Side: Canterlot High part 2) · 2:22am Aug 31st, 2018

Alright, so picking up where we left off E!Spike approaches the Canterlot High version of Ditzy Doo to try and get her help. Yeah, he's got plans for how to loosen Sunset's hold over the school and make it clear that he's not just gonna fall in line for her, but there's still a ton about this world he doesn't know about (not the least of which being how to use the technology). Luckily for him, CH!Ditzy proves to be rather easy to win over. Revealing himself as the mysterious "Purple Prose"

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Looking for some advice/inspiration. · 1:39pm Aug 10th, 2018

I'm trying to start a fanfic where the main character has amnesia and I want to avoid the cliche "wakes up going 'where am I who am I?'" approach.


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Equestria Girls Flipped! (Side: Canterlot High) · 11:37pm Aug 9th, 2018

So you're all probably wondering what E!Spike is up to while CH!Spike is having fun in Equestria.

Well it starts with him getting to know the local police and their station pretty well.

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Equestria Girls Flipped! (Side: Equestria) · 4:32pm Jul 29th, 2018

After quite a few failed attempts to start this and a bit of thought I realized it will likely be a lot easier to write (and read) this summary if I divided up the two story lines (Equestria and Canterlot High) and then brought things back together when they actually intersect.

Therefore, welcome to:

Equestria Girls Flipped! Side: Equestria

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Equestria Girls (Flipped!) · 8:53pm Jul 18th, 2018

Yeah, sorry it took me so long to get to this one folks. In all honesty I had a lot (and I mean a lot) of ideas regarding this one that I've been trying to work out the best way to organize them into something coherent. This is probably due to two factors:

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Some character notes · 3:58pm Jun 24th, 2018

As a little break between the big events, I'm just gonna start tossing up some little posts for notes about certain characters or minor events from canon (both backstory details and ideas for future stories or character arcs). Mostly because I'm not sure covering any of these alone would be enough to justify being a post of their own, but also for more fun! If there's any details you feel I left out and are curious about, feel free to ask in the comments.

So then:

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Crystal Empire Part 2 · 5:07pm Jun 23rd, 2018

So yeah, corrupted Luna is on the loose. Shining starts fighting her and tells Spike to find the Crystal Heart while Thunderlane gets the kids somewhere safe. Turns out Luna's real target is Cadence though, but by the time she gets upstairs Cheerilee has already taken her outside and Shining seals himself and Luna in the throne room to keep her contained.

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And the winner is... · 4:23pm Jun 23rd, 2018

The Crystal Empire

So, very little reason to beat around the bush on this one: The Crystal Empire has returned and Celestia knows well what that means.

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Canterlot Wedding Part 2 · 11:45pm Jun 10th, 2018

So after the gripping conclusion to the previous part we rejoin Mac and Time Turner in their hotel room the next morning, Time Turner nursing a monstrous hang-over from the sparkling cider served at the bachelor party and doing his best to politely refuse Big Mac's old-fashioned home remedies (look up a Prairie Oyster and you'll get an idea).

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