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Gusto Starstorm

G3 and G4 Fanatic, Equestria Girls Enthusiast, HiE Enjoyer, and Chronic Crossover Lover. Uploads a bit sporadic, but working on that.


Indigo Zap was quite respected at Crystal Prep Academy.

But outside of it, she felt like a completely different person. Her reputation not baring down on her meant she was free to express herself. But when she actually does... she feels trapped in a different way.

With the arrival of some new faces at Crystal Prep, Indigo's life will be turned upside down, as circumstance makes her question herself, her history, and her friends.

And it wasn't like she could just fly away from her problems. After all, humans don't have wings...

Chapters (2)

After defeating Xehanort and facing Yozora, Sora found himself faced with one of the greatest challenges of his life: High School.

Awakening in a world extremely lacking in magic, grafted onto the body of a reclusive girl, and forced to go to a snobbish prep school, the Keyblade wielder will be forced to handle the day-to-day of Moon Dancer's life, while keeping it a secret that he's not her. All the while, Moon Dancer seems rather hostile to him, almost as if she doesn't want to believe he is real...

Can Sora figure out a way to get through to her in time? Or will the stress of the Heartless, of Crystal Prep, and of Moon Dancer's attitude be too much for him?

Only time will tell.

(This is a sort of counterpart piece to my story 'Rebirth in Starlight', taking place in the world of Equestria Girls, and doing a complete rewrite of the original premise. Basically, I will be posting them together, and it will be left up to the reader's discretion which version they want to read.)

Update (2/27/23): New cover art! Drawn for me by Kenisu of Dragons.

Chapters (2)

It was a week before Nightmare Night, when Rarity decided to take a trip to Canterlot.

And while there, she meets a sweet, classy mare with a prismatic mane, and a habit of saying "Darling". But there's something about her that she finds just too familiar.

And as she'll learn, maybe there's more to this familiarity than meets the eye.

Update (4/8/2023): Now with a Dramatic Reading by Obab Scribbler

Author's Note (11/14):

Sweet Celestia.

Less than 24 hours live and this story has set three milestones for me. This is the first time I've had a story of mine be top of the Featured list, the first time I've had a story of mine get over 100 Likes, and the first time that a story of mine has reached over 1,000 views.

Thank you all so much. I am amazed.

Chapters (1)

Perception is a fascinating thing. Sometimes, how someone views themselves and how others view someone don't coincide. In fact, it can be absolutely baffling how different the two are.

The girl who seems to have everything together? She might be a wreck beneath the surface.

The girl who seems so inattentive? Perhaps she genuinely doesn't see the attempts to reach her.

The girl who seems so moody? Maybe there's more to it than what people see.

But of course, that's the thing about perception. Sometimes, it just doesn't line up. And few know that better than the girls at Crystal Prep Academy.

(This is a collection of little vignettes I'll be publishing, effectively going into my headcanons for the Shadowbolts. I hope you enjoy it.)

Chapters (6)

After his encounter with Yozora, Sora finds himself awake in a new world. Though it was far from ideal.

Trapped as the leader of a depressing little village where people gave up what made them different while stuck controlling the body of their leader was bad enough. But add onto that the fact that everything he learns about said leader makes him like her less, and the situation looks bleak for our hero.

Can he really just sit back and keep enforcing this girl's messed up beliefs of friendship? Or will his sheer belief in his ideals end up winning out in the end, undoing everything Starlight Glimmer has worked to maintain?

Author's Note: This is a complete re-write of a previous premise, which I liked, but felt like I could have done better. I've been hard at work trying to make the changes substantial, and to make them better than the previous attempt. I hope you'll enjoy the new version.

Update (2/27/23): New Cover Art!

Chapters (2)

The morning after an intense high can be pretty weird, especially when said 'high' was turning into a raging she-demon.

Beaten, humiliated, and forced to face her inner demons, to say that Sunset was not in a good place would have been an understatement. Yet, much to her surprise, her emotions were far more in control than the situation would have warranted. Whatever happened last night, it was messing with her, and now she had to deal with that, alongside the impossible task of making amends for what she tried to do.

Unfortunately for her, she isn't the only one feeling strange.

Fortunately for her, a certain someone doesn't think her situation is as hopeless as she does.

My own attempt at a classic fic premise, involving my favorite little bacon horse. Rated T for the occasional bit of bad language.

While not a direct sequel, this takes place in the same universe as Obsession and Ambition. They're not at all necessary to understand this story, but they are connected to this if you want to read them.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Obsession

The fires of ambition burn brightly, but sometimes, when they are too strong, they burn their user.

This was something Lightning Dust knew all too well, as her own ambition and recklessness had left her burnt beyond belief. As she gathered her things to leave the Wonderbolt's Academy, a maelstrom of emotions ran through her mind, furiously trying to justify her actions to herself.

But unfortunately, as she saw that picture again, all of that went out the window.

(Warning: Suicide/Self-Harm tag used for one reference inside the fic. Also, strong headcanon/AU vibes.)

Chapters (1)

Indigo Zap was the star athlete of Crystal Prep Academy. Way more athletic than she had any right to be, and always looking for a challenge, she helped the school's reputation immensely. Everyone respected her.

But no one knew what lied beneath the surface. No one knew why she was such a loner, even by Crystal Prep standards.

She rarely, if ever hung out with others, often rushing back home after practice. And she rarely called or texted anyone, and no one even knew what hobbies she had. That was by design, because Indigo didn't WANT them to know.

After all, how could they understand her obsession when even she didn't?

Edit (9/15/22): Edited a small detail about the number of sketchbooks. Not too important, but simply made the number smaller to fit new continuity details.

Chapters (1)