• Member Since 4th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


I'm just someone who likes writing stories.


This story is a sequel to Retirement of a king

King Sombra has been officially retired from his villainous ways for over a month and still lives in the same house as Private Iceland and his friends. However, the newest addition to the house, Blue Axe, the son of Private and Dew, seems to like pouncing him, even if the colt is barely a month old.

Sombra is personally impressed by the colt's bravey, but Blue Axe's parents are a bit alarmed how aggressive their little boy behaves with the Master of Fear and Hate. How will Sombra end up dealing with this, or they themselves for the matter?

Or is it possible they are just overthinking things?

This story is part of The Equestria Tales series and takes place between Retirement of a king and Herding Inquiries
Story edited by Hail King Sombra.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Retirement of a king

Octavia is getting tired of living a single life and sharing a house with her sister. She wants something different, something unique even.

Then she learns from the papers that an unusual herd union is being created in Fillydelphia. A very rare thing to happen in this day and age. Her curiosity is piqued and she travels there to learn more about it. Turns out this is precisely what she wanted. However, now she's worried she's already blown her chance.

Can she convince a herd consisting of a silent, grumpy historian, his pegasus soulmate and a former dark king to let her join?

Special disclaimer This story features mild bisexuality topics.

This story is part of The Equestria Tales series and is a quasi-follow-up to Retirement of a king.
Story edited by Hail King Sombra.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Rage of a Queen, wrath of a Mother

After King Sombra escaped his captivity, he dropped off the radar again and nobody knew where to find him. Meanwhile, his mother has by all appearances started to reform and is allowed limited mobility within Canterlot Castle.

Then suddenly, after many months, the king himself returns and gives Private Iceland and his friends a rather odd offer; convince him to retire from his evil ways. Naturally, everybody is on guard, wondering what Sombra is up to and if he's being genuine about this offer.

Meanwhile, Princess Celestia must also contend with a mysterious accident that has delivered a very familiar pony to her kingdom.

Special disclaimer This story features mild bisexuality topics.

This story is part of The Equestria Tales series

The final story in the "Return of the Dark Ponies" story arc.
Story edited by Hail King Sombra.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to The Last of the Dark Ponies

Beware the Queen of Rage and Wrath.
For deadly are her many ploys.
And little pity is in her heart.
As her rage consumes and wrath destroys.

So sung the ancient Saddle Arabian bards of their nations most dangerous enemy. Queen Rabia of the Dark Pony Empire. Ever did she match wits and force with their old kings until her surprising demise, leaving her daughter Ira on the throne. Then the ancient Saddle Arabians finally invaded, destroyed their ancient enemies and executed the Last Queen. But Rabia had another child, the mysterious Lost Son who disappeared from her court before these events.

King Sombra, former tyrant of the Crystal Empire, the Shadow King. Lost Son of Queen Rabia. Exiled in his first defeat, killed in the second, fled into hiding in the third and finally captured the fourth time and sent to Tartarus. He would probably be rotting there along with Lord Tirek if there wasn't just one problem.

In his fourth defeat, his mother Queen Rabia unexpectedly returned. Promising the destruction of modern Saddle Arabia for what their ancestors did. The Saddle Arabians call the destruction of the Dark Pony Empire and the execution of the Last Queen their Great Shame, but the Queen of Rage and Wrath does not care.

For the destruction of her empire, they will face the Rage of a Queen.

For the execution of her daughter, they will face the Wrath of a Mother.

Saddle Arabia's hope may lie in the absolute unlikeliest source. The Tyrant of Fear and Hate. Who doesn't particularly like them much either.

Special disclaimer This story features mild bisexuality topics. If those kinds of things makes you uncomfortable, this is not a story for you.

This story is part of The Equestria Tales series.

The third story in the "Return of the Dark Ponies" story arc.

Edited by Hail King Sombra

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to The Sons of Barricade. Part 1. Cooper

When the magic suddenly drained all over Equestria, there were a lot of accidents as unicorns lost their magic abilities and spells began to fail. Some of these accidents were more devastating than others.

A colt loses his mother.

A soldier loses her best friend.

And a former gang leader living in Manehattan must now meet the son he's never met and face a dark spot from his past. Past he's still slowly coming to terms with while still haunted by what King Sombra did to him.

Part 2 of a duology called The Sons of Barricade.

This story is part of The Equestria Tales series.

The story happens both during the magic drain effects of School Raze and in the aftermath of those events.

Chapters (6)

King Sombra actively destroyed records about the Crystal Empire before his reign. Princess Cadance has slowly been reverting that destruction and has reached a point where only one question remains. How did King Sombra come to power in the Crystal Empire? Records are silent on that one.

It's fortunate then that during recent events, King Sombra himself was captured and locked up in Tartarus. So it should be a simple matter to go there and ask him. That's at least what Princess Cadance and Shining Armor think.

It turns out King Sombra knows quite a bit more than the royal couple realized. He knows where Princess Cadance came from.

This story is part of The Equestria Tales series

This story happens after the events of The Last of the Dark Ponies, around mid-Season 7.

Edited by Hail King Sombra

The story is inspired by this image: https://www.deviantart.com/inuhoshi-to-darkpen/art/That-Familiar-Feeling-797183774

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Possession in the Crystal Empire

When he returned to life and escaped from his enemies after possessing Private Iceland. King Sombra seemed to drop off the radar, only leaving vague sightings and hints of where he might be. So what was the former tyrant of the Crystal Empire doing before he struck again?

Sulking in a corner? Cooking up wild revenge schemes in a dark cave? Terrorizing the wilderness and any unlucky passerby? Gambling and living in luxury in Las Pegasus?

This story lightly touches on some of the things he was up to between his resurrection and his eventual return.

Special disclaimer: Mild implication of sex in the early part. Dark tag also on because of some mild dark elements.

This story is part of The Equestria Tales series.

Side-story in "Return of The Dark Ponies" story arc.

This story happens between the events of Possession in the Crystal Empire and The Last of the Dark Ponies, around mid season 5. It's not strictly necessary to have read either story.

Hail King Sombra provided some additional insight on the story and helped me with the tags.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Brushie chase

Foxy Stripes is on the outside a sunny mare, who likes bringing sunshine to those who are down, lift their spirit and chase those gloomy clouds away. She's a caring mother and a supportive friend who will go out of her way to help.

Yet she carries a burden not many get to see, a pain she carefully hides, preconception that constantly torments her.

In the end, sometimes the sunny ones need help chasing those dark clouds away.

Written in memory of my sister who passed away in summer 2013, who served as the inspiration for my pegasi sisters, Dew Doe and Foxy Stripes.

This story is part of The Equestria Tales series.

Marked as a sequel to the Brushie Chase as it happens roughly during the same time period and touches on Dew Doe's little (yet big) sister Foxy Stripes.

Cover made by Tambelon

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to In old Manehattan

Junebug has been living a fairly content life in Ponyville, raising her only son Cooper. She's avoided telling anyone who the father is, even Cooper because of the painful memories associated with his father, Barricade.

But she's begun to hear stories that Barricade has changed, that he's a different pony now. Yet, Junebug just can't work up any nerve to confirm them. Too scared to see if there is any truth to them. Then the mail arrives and she learns that the stallion she fears, may know exactly where she and her son live.

Junebug has to decide whether she faces her fears once and for all, or just hope nothing will come from this.

Part 1 of a duology called The Sons of Barricade.

This story is part of The Equestria Tales series.

Fourth story in "Barricade's redemption" story arc.

Marked as a sequel to In old Manehattan as it kind of follows up on Barricade's continuing path of reformation.

Story happens some time after The Last of the Dark Ponies, somewhere during season 8.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to The Last of the Dark Ponies

Tirek waits eagerly for his plans to come to fruition. The magic is draining from Equestria, his protégé had followed his advice to the letter. Soon his enemies would come and be just as trapped as he is in Tartarus.

But he wasn't alone in watching his plan unfold. His fellow inmate was also watching, being neither helpful nor as eager as him to see their enemies coming soon. If anything, King Sombra does not believe in the plan at all. Well Tirek would show him.

A mildly alternate version of the Tartarus scenes from School Raze, since in the Last of the Dark Ponies, Sombra was imprisoned in Tartarus. Marked as a sequel though it's more of a short follow up on his imprisonment.

This story is part of The Equestria Tales series.

Edited by Hail King Sombra.

Chapters (1)