• Member Since 8th Dec, 2019
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The Sound of Loneliness

Now, what do you get when one person gets both increadibly unlucky and lucky at the same time? A fanfic writer, apparently.


The Meaning of Vengence · 12:25pm Mar 3rd, 2020

There is a very curious dilemma that concerns one of our most basic institutes: justice. What justice is really supposed to mean? Well, it's actually a lot more complex thing to define and even more so to understand.

My favourite Meriam-Webster dictionary lacks a straight definition and instead links the meaning to the word "just", which itself is defined by such words as "lawful", "deserved", "righteous", "proper" and even "reasonable." Answers little, doesn't it?

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“Fools learn from experience. I prefer to learn from the experience of others.” · 12:32am Feb 19th, 2020

Hello, my reader. I think the time has come for me to talk about something very personal. Otto von Bismark, the Iron Chancellor, has this quote you see above. By my own admission: I am a fool. Be warned, this one isn't for kids, you ain't going to sleep better from knowing this.

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What the hell is copy editor? · 10:38pm Feb 15th, 2020

Let's talk about something less ephemeral and about something a lot less practical, especially so considering where we are: editing.
I do not intend to tell anyone how to do that, after all, we all are editors from the very first day of our life. But editing is still not to be treated lightly.

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History, though fun. · 8:33pm Feb 12th, 2020

Now, continuing the inspiration subject (apparently I am sticking with it for a while), do you draw your inspiration from history much?

I will not dare to assume, but I've been told on many occasions that history is boring. I agree. Most of history is indeed very boring. How can it not be? Life is boring! Our lives today are exceedingly boring. Imagine living without the Internet now, damn, I wouldn't have anything to do.

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Inspiration from extertion · 3:34pm Feb 9th, 2020

My reader, have you ever thought why do we get inspired to do things? Well, perhaps this isn't a good question. More like "how."
Now, this is a more manageable question, also a lot more useful one.

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Okay, so, apparently, there are also blogs around here. · 12:07pm Feb 6th, 2020

I reckon it's as good as any time I started one myself. Though, I have to admit, I've got not a single idea yet on what to write here. Looking around didn't help much, apparently, there isn't much of a tradition going in the place. Other people's blogs are usually very random. Or maybe that IS the tradition!

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