• Member Since 21st Nov, 2019
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


I am a longtime fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic who loves Pinkie Pie, drawing, typing stories and having a good laugh.


My Little Pony Story Path Change · 7:33pm May 14th

Hello, everyone. It's been a couple of months, and I thought I'd break the silence this time. I've got a short update to provide about where I'm going with My Little Pony storytelling.

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Equestria Girls Idea and Extra Updates · 7:09am March 12th

As I type this, two months have passed since I brought an end to The End of an Era. Wow, those flew by indeed. To this day, I stand by most of what I did for that rewrite story, and I hope it shall continue to be enjoyed in the year still to come. Thank you very much for the read.

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February Acknowledgments · 5:36pm February 12th

As of today, it has been a whole month since I wrapped up The End of an Era (Series Finale Rewritten). I want to say that while I'm (mostly) content with what I wrote (and modified) for that story, and I've voiced the multitude of complaints I have with The Ending of the End, the episode it's based on, in the Author's Notes, I still feel like after all these years, I need to construct a single place to put all of what I've said together and convey my full feelings of that two-parter in one,

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Further Future Details · 3:34am January 21st

Greetings again, readers! I decided to make a blog post elaborating on some of my future plans for My Little Pony storytelling, some current activity and a few thoughts I've developed in long time I've spent making The End of an Era. I hope I don't keep you here for too much time.

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New Year's Begun, Old Story's Done · 10:47pm January 12th

I've been aware of this for over a month now, but I wanted to bring the series finale rewrite to completion before I drew extra attention to it, because I was waiting for it to represent the story in it's finished form. As I mentioned in passing in the epilogue's Author's Notes, somebody out there created a TV Tropes page for The End of an Era to freely edit! I am humbled to see this exists. While it's not the only fan

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The Update Before Christmas: G5 Rewritten · 4:11am Dec 21st, 2023

Christmas is approaching fast, and what I'm hoping, aiming and certain to bring to you soon, followers, is the end of The End of an Era, marking the conclusion of my Friendship is Magic series finale rewrite, the biggest project I've tackled and brought this far. Chapter 16 (Part 4 - Chapter 4) will be the last to cover my overhaul of The Ending of the End, and after that, an epilogue will follow to put a bow on top of the package. I doubt it's a spoiler on any level to mention that the

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Late November Notice · 9:00am Nov 26th, 2023

Hey folks! I thought I'd drop you a line by blog post before sending myself to bed.

Starting off on the lightest note: I hope you folks have had a pleasant Halloween, a pleasant Thanksgiving, and soon enough, will have a pleasant Christmas! May it be bright as the population of Equestria!

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Finale Rewrite Notice · 3:39am Jul 4th, 2023

I am extremely late to pointing this out, but I figured this can still sound worth it before a whole month's worth of time has passed since. As of last month, it has officially been two years since I began The End of an Era, my extensive rewrite fan fiction of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series finale, and posted all of Part 1 (Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 4). Across those two years, I've worked on it at varying speeds, and currently, only one 4-chapter part, and the epilogue

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Fundraiser Notice · 11:41pm May 1st, 2023


2023 Update · 3:40am Feb 17th, 2023

Since the previous chapter of The End of an Era, Thanksgiving, Christmas, the dawn of the New Year, and my 29th birthday have come and gone in the time I typed, and procrastinated on, the next chapter, Part 3 - Chapter 3 (Chapter 11 of the story as a whole). There were a bunch of other activities that I swore I wouldn't do again until I buckled down and got that long-overdue chapter done. Now that it's finished and published for you all to read (hope you enjoy it), I feel like

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