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Icy Creation

Icy Creation. Inventor, milkshake mare, and... Truthfully, part windigo. I guess we'll just have to see how she deals with all that!

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Wow. This story was almost as shite as my other one. I even had spelling mistakes in the descriptions. I'mma just cancel this here, aye?

Terenilione Uis, a human. Kind of. Back home, he would be considered a Mage psion, a Height, and a Senser. The only one to ever be born with that combination of Variant Types.

Sent out in cryo, set to wake up from his cold sleep after there were no more human lifesigns on his homeworld. A chosen survivor.

One of the only three Dserans still alive, one of only two outside of cryostasis. Turns out that his pod malfunctioned. Instead of waking up once everyone else was dead, he woke up seven thousand years afterwards.

Having only been out of stasis for seven months, and, like most Dserans, never having left his homeworld before he was sent away, he is still getting used to the way things work in the galaxy outside his home system.

For example, just a few days ago, he learned that if you associate with someone who makes most of the wealthy criminals in the galaxy really mad, you should always expect trouble. Another lesson he learned, if trouble shows up, never judge the threat it poses by the size of the ship it is flying. That ship just might have the capablity to bring down, for example, a ship that is a kilometer long, with fourty seven decks, and a grav cannon that makes most battleships in this era look like they are throwing stones.

The only planet in the closest hard to reach system turns out to be an earthlike, in an unusual system. Surprisingly, it was a planet centric system, with the star orbiting the world. He had seen stranger (For example, a planet being used as a shell by a creature, and an exotic matter star), but this was still a new thing.

While an earthlike isn't exactly the best for a, ahem, "Uncontrolled emergency landing," due to potential collateral damage issues if the ship is destroyed and the reactors blow (Collateral damage in this context means a crater as deep as the mantel, and an entire continent worth of land, or more, gone), but if he didn't land on a planet, the reactors would blow anyway, and he alongside the entirety of whatever star system he happened to be in at the time would cease to exist.

So, with no choice in the matter, he told the ships A.I.S.P (Artificially Intelligent Ship Personality) unit, who he calls Sp, to engage the Drift drive on a course for the system.

Of course, he dosen't know that this will lead to him staying here for a few years. Hopefully Sela dosen't get too worried.

Now, you might have noticed that the description had some... Personality, in it. You might be thinking that somehow it was Teren himself that was supposed to be writing that, which would be impossible, because he dosen't exist in your universe.
Nor was it somebody documenting his lifes events for him, after learning of them from him. Again, no.

My name is Enter the Void. I will be your narrator for the duration of this story. If you don't like me? Too bad, you'll just have to get used to it. If you don't want to, the door is ri- er. I mean, well, there isn't exactly any actual doors on the internet, is there? No, I don't think so. Um. Just... Just ignore that. I didn't say anything. You can't prove otherwise!

Anyways, a few points of interest before we get on with the story. First, psionics and magic are two completely different things. They work in different ways on different principles. One thing, though, is that psionics can not shield from the effects of a direct spell (For example, you can't prevent someone from grabbing you with a levitation spell with an anti-psionic shield). However, non-direct spells can be blocked (For example, you can block a magical fireball with a psionic shield).

Another point of interest, while his Senser genetics allow him to sense the exact location of nearby active (able to control and use their abilitys) psions, it will also allow him to sense whenever a unicorn or alicorn is nearby, though not with the precision that he can detect psions. It will feel differently, though.

A final point of interest, if I'm not forgetting anything. This one is about me. Specifically about what I can and cannot do. I cannot interact in any way with Teren's universe. Unless of course, the interaction in question involves talking to an individual that can reach through the fourth of those four walls (Never really understood why it is specifically the fourth wall that seperates the ones within the story from the ones outside it. I mean, what about the other three?) as a part of who and/or what they are. For example, the one that Midnight calls "Mcpinkerton."
On the other side of things, I can talk to you readers, and to Midnight. Although, for obvious reasons, I won't see your response, if you give one, until after the chapter is over. I will try and respond to any non-spoiling questions and statements adressed to me as best I can, just as Midnight has told me he will do the same for questions asked of him, and statements adressed to him. In order to distinguish myself from my creator, I will sign anything I write in the "comments section" with this signature, -EtV-, at the bottom of the reply or response.
I won't really be talking to Midnight much, though. At least, not where you can see. He might come in on occasion, though. If he does, his text will look like this, Text, as long as he remembers to do it like that.

And with that, I believe we are done and ready for the story. I do sincerely hope you read this, though I will be restating my identity at the beggining of the first chapter.

So, what do you say, should we proceed? No? Too bad, we are starting anyway.

Chapters (3)

Ian Zairon stepped through the portal, into an entire multiverse of adventures. This is just one of his many stories.

After Ian's sister, Aedra, forced him to leave her behind and continue searching for their brother, Fenix, on his own, he was saddened. As he left that universe, he felt a shiver in his energy that reminded him of something, he realised too late it reminded him of his own home universe's Aedra's atoms were dissolved into jelly as the laws of physics changed and the universe Ian had just left was ripped asunder.

That left only Ian as the sole carrier of his father's, if you could even call it a father, energy. Aedra was ripped apart and Fenix was stranded somewhere in the multiverse. It was this realization that allowed the energy to redevelop a sentient state. And it was this state that allowed Ian's abilities to finally come out. Over his next few journeys, he learned to control these abilities and use them at will, unlike his brother and sister.

During one journey, he was about to leave when a burst of his own energy impacted the device as it was opening a portal, changing the way it functioned. He stepped through, oblivious to the fact that the next universe he stepped into may not be the same as any other.

As he stepped through the portal, his physiology changed, resembling that of equines. As he learned the naming scheme, to fit in he named himself Dimension Shift.

This is the story of Dimension Shift's first time in Equestria.

If you want to see Ian's adventure to build the device and escape his home universe before it was ripped to pieces, see Ian Zairon : The Origin Point over on Fictionpress.com

Chapters (4)