• Member Since 8th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen May 17th, 2015



Well now aint that fun? · 6:15am Sep 21st, 2012

So yeah. I dropped off the face of the earth. Should probably explain that. You see, I wrote that chapter of Castle Walls in one evening. I didn't plan shit. Then, I figured "hey, I'm going to continue this". Then I wrote most of the second chapter. And then, here's the real kicker, I realized I had no idea what was going to happen. I had a few vague ideas, but nothing really concrete. So I took a look at the story. It is a complex one, full of alliances and characters and a ton of moving

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In the works · 1:06am Jul 19th, 2012

Alright, I'm trying to get the next chapter of Castle Walls done, but I hit a block and had it delayed. It will be up this weekend, that much I promise. As for why it's taken so long, I almost had it done last weekend but then I had to move and everything got screwed to hell and I'm only now getting back into the flow of things. Also, I've been working on some other stuff in what little spare time I've had, and they're looking really good. One is a really long story but that'll be posted

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Happenings. · 2:36am May 4th, 2012

So, what happens when a bunch of writers frantically tap out a story in 72 hours? This: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/23786/Setting-the-Rules A collection of stories that were all written and edited in three days. Last time, several of them made it to Equestria Daily after a bit more polish. So, yeah. Check out some good writing and vote for your favourite.

Additionally, I should have some stories coming out soon but at the moment I have a few things stopping me.

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Boredom leads to pony head canon · 6:14pm Feb 14th, 2012

All right. Been messing with this and I think it'd be fun to type up a bit of head canon. In trying to outline a family structure idea, I happened upon a question: what are pony genetics like?

Now, there is the easy answer of "because ponies" that pretty much let's you get away with anything except an alicorn foal. However, I thought it best to define a set of rules for it, lest an editor complain. So this is what I developed. 

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A gently request. · 3:55am Feb 6th, 2012

Alright, I don't normally do this but this picture really touched me. Find it here:http://atlur.deviantart.com/art/In-memoriam-281922131?q=gallery%3Aatlur%2F624070&qo=0

Now, not everyone can draw but if you can, you should totally do this. It is the least we can do. I for one will be dedicating a one shot fic to her. I think I have a good idea, it may not be Twilight and Rarity but it's something.

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Tale of Two Fillies and general updates · 4:39am Feb 3rd, 2012

Whee! A blog post because I feel like it. Anyway, down to business. I've hit a wall on The Tale of the Two Fillies, namely how to start the second chapter. I'm hoping to figure it out by this weekend, when I'll have oodles of time to write and stuffs. Additionally, I may put it on the back burner if I don't find a way around that, and write some other things I've outlined. I have a few one shot ship fics outlined, as well as a long adventure story. No matter what, I'm desperately trying to

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