• Member Since 12th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen May 30th



Walking In Shadows Chapter 3 · 11:35pm Nov 17th, 2020

After much Delay and a rewrite Chapter 3 of Walking In Shadows is now out! Read and Enjoy!

There will be a small break until February, this is mostly so I can get the other two chapters edited and spend the Holidays with my Family!

So in advance, Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Thank you, all of you! · 10:30pm Oct 31st, 2020

I am going to be honest, I didn't think that this story would take off as fast or as well as it did! I was expecting it to founder and get very little attention at all, but it didn't and I am glad.

So, from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU! All of you! I hope you enjoy the coming chapters.

On a bit of an update note, I was forced to rewrite Chapter Three due to some....Inconsistencies in the storyline, so expect it by the middle of November!

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Delay due to events · 7:13pm Sep 10th, 2020

Okay so, I hate to do this but I have no choice. Due to the state I live in being Litterly on FIRE, I am gonna have to put Walking In Shadows on the back burner for a bit due to how close AI am to two of the more major fires currently raging.

Now before you all break out the Pitchforks and torches, I have two more completed chapters in the backlog and I will STILL be writing every chance I get!

This delay is only temporary, well at least I hope it is!


Walking in Shadows Chapter 2 · 10:21pm Sep 3rd, 2020

Chapter 2 is now out, enjoy!


Walking in Shadow, it has begun! · 9:45pm Aug 20th, 2020

With this post, the first chapter of Walking in Shadow is now POSTED!

Yes you read that right! FIRST chapter!

A new chapter will be posted every two weeks!


A Captain’s Lament is now LIVE! · 5:52pm Aug 5th, 2020

It’s now LIVE, go have read and Tell me what you all think, Like, Dislike, ETC!


New story release and update! · 7:25am Aug 5th, 2020

Okay so first off, due to a previously mentioned Google Docs issue I have lost four chapters of the story I had mentioned two blogs ago. This has significantly delayed it and I am really sorry about that everyone.

On a happier note, I will be releasing a new one shot in......Eleven hours give or take? This is gonna be my longest One shot to date and if it does well enough I have plans!

With that said, Luna is calling me to the Dream realm and thus I must go!


Update on a story · 4:44am May 25th, 2020

As mentioned in my previous blog post I am working on a new story, there has been a delay (unintentional as it was and last second) due to a friend pointing me to an artist for cover art.

In the meantime I am still writing chapters (currently writing Chapter three) for a back log once the art is down and the story will then best posted and updated once every three weeks, so I can maintain a back log.

Again sorry for the delay and I hope everyone is looking forward to it!

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The Shadow walker comes. · 2:49pm Apr 29th, 2020

Prepare my friends, for a Man trapped in a world not his own, hounded by those who think him a monster for actions he took in his own defense.

Watch the shadows, for He Walks them on a path of blood and tears.

With that mildly disturbing intro out of the way, I would like to announce that I will be posting the first chapter of a new story within a day or two (it’s undergoing final editing) and that it will be a wild trip!


Our Anthem of friendship and family! · 6:43pm Feb 11th, 2020

This, this is what it means to be a Brony. To embody and embrace the ethics and morality of the show, to better embrace what makes us, us! To embrace and accept those around us, to show people that we all can be better though friends, Family, Harmony and Chaos! That only those who choose to be are beyond redemption and friendship. We are all one big, interconnected family spread far and wide around the world.

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