• Member Since 10th Oct, 2017
  • offline last seen June 5th

Tornado siren lover

Your average farm boy. Does not like changelings at all.


Possible return · 4:03pm Feb 4th, 2023

I’ve Been gone for 2 1/2 years. I’m working 2 jobs rn but I want to get back into writing at some point. I know my two stories pile up and a sable made of silver didn’t get that many reads but I’d be willing to overhaul them or start anew. The big question though, does anyone actually want me to come back to writing stories since my two fics were self insert shitposts?

Report Tornado siren lover · 97 views ·

Update · 3:25am Sep 4th, 2020

Hello everyone I know it’s been a while and shits been absolutely crazy recently with covid going global, California being on fire, again, an asteroid heading towards earth, elections coming up, and some of us like myself starting online school this year, but I have some good news for y’all. With access to a computer and grammarly, I’ll be able to have a new chapter available for pile up AND a sable made of silver ready and uploaded anywhere between the next 1-3 weeks. I don’t have an exact

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More time, more opportunities · 5:19pm Mar 29th, 2020

Having recently found myself with suddenly at least 5 months worth of spare time on my hands due to a pathogen going around and causing more panic than other pandemics, I’ve decided that I’m going to attempt writing a few game crossover stories that could either get really good ratings, or, get no views at all because it was poorly written. Don’t worry about pile up and a sable made of silver, those will both get new chapters added before I start work on the crossover stories. In the meantime,

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Side story to pile up? · 4:26pm Feb 29th, 2020

Should a side story be added to pile up where stuff that doesn’t make a lot of sense or just isnt as dark as some of the stuff in the main story be made? I feel like it could do well if I got feed back on what you guys wanted to see. Maybe even a behind the scenes type of thing for new chapters in the future to give you guys sneak peaks. Would you guys want that?

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Personal issue · 8:36pm Jan 19th, 2020

My loving cat Joey had to be euthanized today. I’m putting all of my five on hold until further notice so I can take some time to mourn his loss. Im going to miss that cat so much

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Trying third person · 4:43pm Dec 5th, 2019

Ive just started to create a serious of stories that will be written in third person instead of the normal first person self insert format that ive been using. I want you guys to tell me how it is when I do eventually release the first chapter and I want you guys to be completely honest. In the meantime, go check out pile up and a sable made of silver if you havent already

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a new story · 7:08pm Sep 13th, 2019

Just thought I'd let everyone know that im getting ready to start work on another self insert story and it takes place in the pile up universe. Many things are different. I'm Driving a chevy instead of a Ford, I don't hook up with celestia, starts off at the canterlot wedding, involves the royal guard again, and I hook up with a different guardsmare as well. I've already got a cover and some sort of description and im about to start writing the first chapter.

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school year · 3:17pm Aug 5th, 2019

To those who have read pile up and enjoy the story so far, the story will be put on hold until the school year starts back up when i have access to a computer again. ill be starting my junior year of high school on august 12th and be ending it sometime in may. once the year starts again and i have access to a computer for propper editing, will the story continue. But until then, Imma go huff some canned air and eat a mouthful of chillie peppers for the kick and work on my tacoma in the searing

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Vacation notice · 11:11pm Jun 21st, 2019

To the readers of Pile up that love the story, the story will be on hiatus for the next 15 days as I will be in Arizona and away from my Xbox one which I use to write new chapters. My flight will be leaving tomorrow 7:00am eastern time but I have to wake up and get ready at 4:30am eastern time. I most likely won’t touch down in Phoenix until 1:00pm and then it’s another 3 hour drive to my moms house from there. I am bringing an Xbox 360 with me but I don’t know if it can be used for making

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spring break notice · 1:38pm Apr 12th, 2019

As of today all progress on pile up and any other stories im working on will be put on hold until spring break is over because im going to the ohio valley raceway and ive been having to use school computers to write my stories. other than that. enjoy your spring break.