
I ain't gonna fight it anymore, but it's been fun y'all! · 12:47pm Apr 6th, 2023

This note will, as well, be on my profile's page just to get it out there.

Loved writing for all of you, but I believe my ship had finally sailed. Nothing to do with you lot, you're all cool. Simply put, I just don't think I can write horsewords anymore, being that I fell out of the show around season six or something. My knowledge is dated, my fanhood is aged, and I am free to write fuck-all elsewhere.

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New year? Already? Really? Happy new year! · 2:49am Dec 30th, 2020

Nah I'm kidding, but 2020 really is coming closer to ending. I want to start up the new year by working on my van. Gonna try and make the damn thing more livable lmfao, I'm kidding. I'm converting an ol' Ford '89 Econoline into a minicamper and I wanna see it through!

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Gotta lil something in the works for you guys · 10:35am Dec 26th, 2020

I'm a horror enthusiast, I love a good spine tingler. Obviously I'm reaching out on the genre spectrum and aside from Equine Isolation, I hadn't furrowed into it much.

That's all gonna change with an upcoming one-shot! apparently fucking multichapter story! I wanna try and delve into darker bits just as much as I wanna dive into romcoms, legit!

Watch out for The Dark Snow, coming to a FimFiction near you... er, us?

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Report Lack of Tact · 181 views · #Horror #applebloom

so i lost my job, im homeless, but i gotta van! · 6:24pm Dec 19th, 2020

Hey doods, twilightsmile speaking but of course.

So, sometime earlier I'd mentioned I'd say why I'm back with a more fuller-time approach. I'd recently been let go from my last employer and have been kinda struggling to land back on my feet. It's all fine though! I don't mean to say I'm worried or anything, or that I'm even fearful for the matter.

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okay, so ah, while i'm ahead, i wanna let you guys know · 10:43pm Dec 16th, 2020

So! With the new year comes new me, yada-yada, all that bs. I thought that, since I'm actually trying to write a tid more seriously--I'll explain my reasoning on why I'm even back to a fuller extent later--I might, eh, might as well drop the alias "Lack of Tact," finally.

I mean, not like I'll never not have a lack of tact. I'm that, but personified.

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Hurrhurr i write romances · 9:41pm Dec 16th, 2020

Nah, more like mediocre romcoms. Yeah, definifely mediocre romcoms.

Anyway! The ah, evident two-part Kinda-Heartwarming Moment with Sunset Shimmer is completed! As awkward as it is for me and everybody else.


I'm trying, okay? Sticking outside of my comfort zone is something I like doing.

And I am totally not getting into the idea of writing more of stupid shit like this.

Maybe a little.

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yo either i'm tripping or i just had the weirdest memory resurface for no particular reason · 7:08am Dec 14th, 2020

Okay, so I legit just remembered something and/or imagined a memory of something.

Wasn't there at one point, like, a lil' Rainbow Dash on the screen that did shit orrr, what? Like, was that actually a thing?

Please tell me that was a thing and why ain't it a thing no more, I miss that little blue fuck.


Nightmares and griffons and hellfire, oh my! · 11:38pm Dec 13th, 2020

The third chapter to "The Golden Mask," is under works. While one of my more dedicated stories, still under-seen.

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I'm just so tired guys. · 12:29am Dec 10th, 2020

Hi guys.

No one wants to deal with my shit, so I'm just gonna try and keep this short. I'm at the end of my rope here folks and, honestly, I don't know how much more I can take. I feel like I'm done, just emptied. Drained. I'm just so fucking tired of it.

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no, noooo! no, god no! noooooooooooo! · 3:04pm Dec 8th, 2020

It's too late for me, run while you still can! Ro-romance. is killing. me.

Nah, so, just want you guys to know that the next... several updates are going to be rather strange. Not for you--okay, maybe for you, but for me it's gonna be a kick in the ass.

I don't know how, why or when, and I certainly don't care who, but I think I might... start a few more one-shots? Romantical, fugly, one-shots. Yes, I'm being serious.

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