• Member Since 10th Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen Mar 1st, 2017

Infinity Stance

Chicken Goddess is best goddess

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  • TVoid Fishing
    Fishing in the abyss is always a semi-lucrative endeavor. It's less expensive than Craig's List, it has every piece of shoddy furniture anyone could ask for, and it even offers free tentacle monsters for loan.
    Infinity Stance · 4.3k words  ·  27  3 · 980 views

Chicken Goddess Fics

Finished: (In order of continuity)

Alone--Chicken has always been secluded, but for the first time she is truly alone in a world which passed her by.
Void Fishing--The story of Chicken on a long, boring day going fishing. Step Führer is not amused.


Raising the Sun--Chicken convinces Luna to let her raise the sun. Shenanigans ensue.
Chicken is the Narrator--Chicken narrates the story. Nopony is amused.

Comments ( 4 )
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I could help Per-read. Or try at least I have school to deal with most of the time, but I can make time!


I could always use pre-readers to tell us of any inconsistencies or issues with dialogue. If you're interested, shoot me a message. Thanks for offering either way!

2357525 Hey! Sorry for the late reply, I've been a bit busy lately. There's more coming soon though, got a new one almost done, promise!

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