• Member Since 7th Jun, 2016
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"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read"! - Groucho Marx


The needs of the many... · 2:15pm January 11th

I'm starting to make some real progress on my story "Danger Close" (unfortunately I'm still stalled out on "The Blue and the Grey") and I've already got almost two thousand words into the next chapter. My latest move is to find a possible new use for Daring Doo. She appeared early in my story, but I haven't worked her in very much since. The idea I had was for her is to possibly pursue a potential gamer changer in regards to the Storm King and the invasion, pretty much a nuclear option. There

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Report CoyoteXray · 47 views · #story thoughts

Uncharted Waters · 11:50pm Jul 25th, 2023

I've been working recently at the latest chapter of "Danger Close", and I've run into a problem. I've wanted to let one of my characters have a speech impediment, namely an occasional stammer. But, not having any personal experience with anyone with this issue, and having no training in the subject matter, I can't help but worry about whether I can do this and not have the character just seem like a stereotype. Has anyone else out there had any experience like this? Is there a good way to do

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The Cost of War · 3:31am May 8th, 2023

I am making more progress of recent on the story "Danger Close" and I hope to have another chapter out within the next week or so. I'm aware that I don't have a huge following, but I still plan to finish the stories I've started. Today, my writing had to take a nasty turn as I've had to kill a character.

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Do Stories Have An Expiration Date? · 2:24pm Feb 1st, 2023

My story, "Danger Close", was originally started in the middle of 2019, right in the middle of the last season of MLP:FIM. I admit that it's been a long haul trying to figure out just how I wanted to structure it, and exactly how the story should develop. I'm not much of a writer, and even as a reader I tend to stick a little too much to history as opposed to fiction, which can limit one's imagination somewhat. But in the last several months I've gotten more momentum worked up and have gotten

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Something is Coming · 3:09am Nov 17th, 2022

I've been plowing ahead these last few days on the long delayed next chapter of "Danger Close", and I think I can say that it will be finished by next week. I should ideally feel a certain sense of pride, were it not for the fact that it has taken me close to two years to get this far. It's not that surprising as such things go. There are a lot of stories out there that have stalled out over the years, basically because life goes on, and distractions come up in life. I hope that there is still

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Surprise...surprise...surprise · 1:29am Sep 1st, 2022

I've been looking over things recently, and I must say that I am pleasantly surprised to see the level of activity on this site after so many changes over the years. I'm also surprised at how the Gen 5 stories are doing here. It seems like things will not peter out on this site anytime soon.

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The Window is Closing · 3:56pm Mar 14th, 2022

I had a rude shock today as I was prowling through the options on Netflix. I came across MLP:FIM and noticed that the number of seasons available for viewing had shrunk, from the first eight to the first four. This, as you can imagine, was a very unwelcome revelation, as I had always thought that "Someday..." I was going to sit down and watch the episodes that I had missed, or just plain skipped, over the years.

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Changes keep on Changing · 3:37pm Dec 24th, 2021

Today I made a small (?) edit to "The Blue and the Gray". I decided to upgrade its reader rating from everyone to teen. I hope that this didn't inconvenience any of my readers out there, but I had to wonder if some of my recent use of profanity had disqualified my story from at least some of the audience out there. Yeah, I know, does anyone running this operation ever proofread this thing and catch stuff like this. Personally, I doubt it. But it felt like the right thing to do.

Report CoyoteXray · 121 views · #story notes

To Fleur or not to Fleur? That is the question. · 1:26pm Jul 10th, 2021

In the last couple of days, I've finally began the process of moving forward with my writing. Hearing that may excite some and bum out others, as I have noticed that I can be very wordy compared to other writers out there. I think that looking back, even though I was introducing an original character and a new concept in "The Blue and the Grey" (namely the Royal Flying Corps), I really could have used an editor to help keep me from rambling so much and help me cut to the chase.

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Two more chapters · 8:24pm May 6th, 2021

In the last few weeks, I actually managed to get a bit more of both "The Blue and the Grey" and "Danger Close" out there. I figure that "The Blue and the Grey" has probably two more chapters to go, but I really don't have a final idea for "Danger Close" yet. I'd like to finish these darn things, but the last thing that I want is something rushed, or just plain abandoned. I've read a story like that, where a complex setup went in the course of one chapter to "and they all lived happily ever

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