• Member Since 16th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 8th, 2023


Now that I'm done with all my obligations, I shall wri- oh look, a distraction!


So what have we learned? · 4:36pm Aug 21st, 2016

The recent ep has certainly put some light upon changelings. Lots of bits of lore and abilities of changelings
-Changelings can emulate bipeds and inanimate objects
-Most changelings are born independent, and apparently no hive mind (so far)
-Apparently kindness and love makes them go feral, or at least drop their disguises for those with less control
-changelings, or at least the drones, are hatched from eggs in the nursery

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The recent ep gave me some ideas · 10:08pm Jul 31st, 2016

So after watching the recent episode, which was hilarious in it's own meta way, I got a couple ideas for a convention chapter for AR2. So far, my idea is just what would happen if Derring and Ahuizota went to a convention for the books he wrote. I don't know if RD will be there, and if it will be regular or r63 RD.

However, it's going to have to wait as several other fics are biting my ankles for me to work on them. I'll try to sneak in some words where i can, but don't expect it soon.


My editor sent me this and I'm not sure if i should feel attacked or amused. · 11:37pm Jul 27th, 2016

I just want to state for the record that I am working super hard on my fics, I just haven't had the time with 4 tests trying to drown me and Xcom2 being the addicting prick it is.

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So this is happening.... · 11:16pm Jul 17th, 2016

look at the first few seconds and at 0:17. Either that is a very good cosplay of Daring, or that is Derring. :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

I'm just going to assume the latter for now.:rainbowdetermined2:


So stuff happened... · 10:05pm Jun 22nd, 2016

Ok, i'm going to be quite frank with you guys, i'm in a bit of a writing slump at the moment. Rewrites for HLW have hit a wall as i come upon ch5. As soon as i finish this and the next two, i'm going to start publishing, but i gotta get through this boring, but necessary text.

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Rewrite Previews · 6:11pm Feb 22nd, 2016

Hey guys, like I said in my previous post, the preview of the HLW rewrites are going here. I'm also going to kill two bird with one stone and send out another offer to you guys for possible proofreaders for the rewrites:moustache:. My editor and I think they're much better, but I feel like I need another opinion or two:pinkiehappy:.
Anyways, here's the original and rewrite of the preview.:yay:


“It doesn't have to be this way you know.” she said in a pacifying tone.

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Proof that I'm still alive. · 6:00pm Feb 22nd, 2016

Heyo guys, I know i've not done much in terms of publishing, but i have been working a great deal in between classes and clubs. Now that the recent barrage of tests are over, i have some breathing room to write a bit. Anyways, I wanted to show you a little sneak preview of two clopfics i'm posting. I will post a preview of the HLW rewrites in another blog post.

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GlaDOS was right · 11:39pm Feb 9th, 2016

Sometimes the best solution to a problem is usually the easiest. And I'll be honest, sticking to a writing schedule is hard. So imagine my surprise when I find the simplest way to do it that doesn't involve some complicated or convoluted plot to do it.

Step 1: Install Focus 45 extension on Chrome from store
Step 2: Put daily reminder on phone to write 300 words min a day.
Step 3: Use extension when writing. Essentially speed writing. Use as often as necessary.
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Profit

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And we're off! · 2:46am Jan 21st, 2016

Things are progressing quite nicely despite it being the second week of the semester. I've really gotten into the rewrites of HLW and i'm enjoying it. I really got on a roll last night and belted out about 500 words, bringing the total to 1.6k on chapter 2. That being said, I looked back at it today and my paranoia started to pester me again. I didn't delete anything, but I am asking if anyone would like to preview it when it's done to see how it compares to the original chapter. Don't worry, i

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Rant and call for advice · 4:38pm Jan 6th, 2016

Okay, i'm not going to beat around the bush for this one.

Rewriting HLW is intimidating. Why? Because ignorance is bliss.

I've grown up as an author so much since I first published that fic that with all I now know makes it much more difficult and tedious to rewrite this thing. I need to get rid of the adverbs, fix comma storms, rework certain paragraphs, keep characters in check, don't let my own fantasies run rampant and wreck the story, etc. It's a mess.

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Report musicman722 · 458 views · #update #help me #please #HLW