• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen 26 minutes ago

Titan Commander Sebaste

Guardians, roll out!


Rest in peace, Smudge... (2009-2022) · 1:48am Jun 9th, 2022

It's already been 1 year since my family had to put down Spencer, and now we just had to put the second cat we've had since Vermont down due to failing health, Smudge, a short haired tux named after the little smudge like mustache on his lip.

He was just a kitten, a teen at that point when we found him near a roadside store, and yet he chose us as his family.

Good-bye Smudge, may the stars light your path...


Milestone achieved! Level 25 reached! · 10:14am Jun 6th, 2022

25 years old.... Who'd have thought I'd make it this far? Not me, honestly.

But here we are, a quarter of a century old, with old scars to look back on and new horizons to look forward to.

I finally have a job as a busser at a local restaurant, and I've made so many friends on here.

Here's to the future!


New Discord account up and running! · 10:44pm Jan 19th, 2022

Okay, got a new account up and rolling! Discord name is Wrath_of_the_Lion#7472 for anyone on Discord who wants to re-invite me to their servers!


My Discord was compromised. · 5:56pm Jan 19th, 2022

To all my friends from Fimfiction on Discord.

If you're seeing this, I had to delete my original account due to it somehow being hacked thanks to me being stupid and clicking on a link I shouldn't have clicked in the first place.

I will be returning soon, but I don't know how long that will take. I sincerely apologize for any worry I gave you guys, and I hope that I'll be back and chatting with everyone on there again.

Till then, this is Sebaste signing off.


Tennocon 2021 thoughts · 3:37am Jul 20th, 2021

So Tennocon has come and gone, and holy emperor is there a lot to unpack!

So first off, let's address the elephant in the room:

Warframe is getting crossplay and cross save across all 4 platforms, or should I say 5 platforms? Yeah, they're bringing the game to Mobile, so phones and tablets will be able to run it.

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Rank 24 reached! · 1:33pm Jun 6th, 2021

24 years old....

Honestly hard to believe that I'm nearly a quarter of a century today!

As such, I should be able to release a new chapter for the Black Crusade!

Prepare for landfall!


Rest in peace, Spencer (2009-2021) · 8:39pm May 13th, 2021

So as of today, my family and I had to make the hard decision to put down one of our cats, a long haired tabby named Spencer.

We've had him since 2009, when we were moving to Connecticut. For 12 years, he's been one of the chillest cats we've had, and I'm honestly gonna miss him.

To quote Serizawa from King of the Monsters:

Sayōnara, kyūyū

Goodbye, Old Friend

Rest in peace, Bence, I'm never gonna forget you.


Oh throne almighty.... · 8:21pm Jan 6th, 2021

I'm not sure if you guys have heard anything yet, but the Capitol's been breached by armed protesters.

There's already been a confirmed fatality, a congresswoman.

I'm fucking scared for this country now, this never should've happened....


Equestrian Black Crusade rewrite displaced admissions · 8:45pm Sep 7th, 2020

To any and all Displaced Writers interested, Kirito, BronyParasite and I have begun the remake of a large scale Displaced War, and am currently seeking more writers who wish to add their displaced to this grand event!

Any Displaced who participate in the war will be granted one wish (Within limits and reason) by the end, though the victorious side will receive a greater wish.

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The War Within has been completed! · 2:20pm Aug 6th, 2020

As some of you might know, I've been catching up on Warframe lately, checking out some of the new things and completing the story quests.

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