• Member Since 9th Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen April 6th


Crackshipper par excellence | Find me on twitter @Calchexxis


Hispanic Tempest · 10:29pm May 1st, 2018

I've been asked quite a few times why I decided to make Tempest Shadow hispanic in my story 'Dead by Sunset' so I figure I'll just answer it here. One of the big reasons is because I, myself, am hispanic and her speech patterns mimic many of my relatives, a sort of pidgin spanglish mixture that rops between the two languages with ease.

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New Story: Dead By Sunset · 5:15am Feb 25th, 2018

Okay so I know people might be a bit annoyed that I'm posting something new while King & Shy is still in progress but hear me out.

To be perfectly honest my muse for King & Shy has flown the coop, that's not to say I'm not still working on it but it's slow going and I often find myself deleting nearly as much as I am writing. With that being said: I'm neither cancelling King & Shy nor putting it on hiatus. It is still alive and well.

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Report I-A-M · 399 views · #New Story

Q&A · 3:47am Jan 2nd, 2018

Yes, I (and the story) are still alive.
No, I have no excuse for taking almost an entire bloody year to churn out one bloody chapter.
No, I have no consistent plan for updates beyond 'I will try my very best'.
Yes, I still do my best to read every comment when I can.
No, I'm not caught up on the last season (not much time for tv sadly).
Yes, I am trying.

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Still Alive · 4:46pm Sep 3rd, 2016

Hey guys, just an update I'm still totally alive and still working on King & Shy.

It's been really busy at work and at home though. Moving house is always a huge delay on anything. I'm getting back into the swing of things though and hopefully by the end of this month everything will have settled down and I'll be back to my regular 1/week schedule. Sorry for the delay, but don't worry I am close to finished with the opening chapter of Act 2 so you'll get more of the story soon.


There Will Be A Delay · 4:55am Aug 5th, 2016

Sorry folks, I'm going to be moving house in the next couple of weeks which means my ability to work on The King & Shy will be severely limited. This month's updates are going to be a little sparse due to these circumstances but I promise I will try and find some time to do some writing in between boxing everything up and my full time job. I'm not dead and the story is still alive and well though, no fears there.

Report I-A-M · 330 views · #delay #moving house #not dead

1 week delay · 2:35am Jul 7th, 2016

There won't be a chapter this week because I'm being sent on a business conference for my job for the next half of the week and won't have time to give you guys the kind of chapter you deserve. Sorry about the delay.

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Extras on 'The King & Shy' · 7:07pm May 22nd, 2016

So regarding the last post I figured I'd give you guys a little extra.

This is Sombra's cutie mark. The horns on it are supposed to be a little more circular rather than curved but I'm not much of an artist and basically threw this together in Paint.

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New Account & New Story · 2:52am May 14th, 2016

Ah, that fresh account smell.

Not sure how many stories are gonna get on this account but my last one was inactive for so long it felt weird going back to it. So here I am, with my inordinate love of SombraShy ships, Warhammer 40k, and Sunset Shimmer.