• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


A college trained writer who is now back to honing his craft after graduating. Tends to write fantasy and science fiction. Also very shy! Who wants a muffin!?


I AM ALIVE I SWEAR! · 11:10pm Jun 5th, 2021

Seriously, I am alive!

It's just been a bit of a weird year for me, again. I got rusty with writing every day, the isolation and being stuck with my parents n' stuff.

But, all those excuses aside, I've got a major announcement! I've finished Broken Crystal! Or, at least, I've written all of it, so I can start posting chapters again!

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What's this!? A new chapter!? · 4:33am Nov 25th, 2020

*Coughs and clears dust off of his page*

IT'S BEEN TEN THOUSAND YEAAAARRRSSSSS.... *looks at calender* No, wait... two years. Yes, yes two years.

Anyway, so, uh, life has been... *fun* for me? I won't bore you with the details, because honestly my "fun" isn't really all that bad. I moved, and it threw my muse off-track and it's taken me an age and a half to get it back.

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History in our time. · 7:47pm Jun 5th, 2020

I am many things, I am a son, an author, a college graduate, a man born in the 90s when the world was undergoing great change.

But, I am also the son of a Hispanic, the cousin of not one but two African Americans, I am a man raised on the ideals that all life is sacred, that injustice must be fought against, that bullies are bad, and that American Democracy is the greatest most ambitious experiment of all time.

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Report Sylvian · 223 views ·

2019 · 11:58pm Jan 1st, 2019

Hey everyone! Just wanted to let everyone who still follows me know I am still alive! The tail end of 2018 was a bit hectic for me with some family issues and just general real life drama, so I've been rather inactive here, but I'm still here!

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New Short Story! · 6:23pm Nov 4th, 2018

So, I wrote a story a while back with my friend, Sweet Harmony, that had been intended to be published along with one of her own stories. However, she had to quit writing due to school and other things, but I had the story written and it'd be a total shame to not use it!

So, yeah, I'd intended to publish this on the day it's related to, however I got busy and totally forgot, so I'm going to publish it today!

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Halloween and new chapter! · 11:38pm Oct 31st, 2018

So, a new chapter is about to go live of my story, Broken Crystal! It's been written for a while, truthfully, but I wanted to finish the next, spookier chapter, before I published this current one... and sadly the next chapter isn't really done yet, but it's close!

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Dusting off the cobwebs! · 6:46pm Aug 1st, 2018

Jeeze, it's dusty as heck in here, ain't it? Been far too long since I last posted a blog, or done much of anything here to be honest! But, that all changes today!

So, first, a quick status update and review of things, because why not.

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Opening for commissions · 7:09am Mar 30th, 2018

So, yeah I am going to open up for commissions!

It's weird to say out loud, honestly, that I want to offer my writing skills for money writing stories for other people about really whatever they want (Within reason), but I really could use the money and honestly I'm more than willing to do this because I really want to attend some conventions and get some spending money, and just generally not be broke as heck anymore.

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Signal Boost: The Elephant in the Equine Room. · 9:34pm Dec 31st, 2017

I don't normally do this, and I certainly didn't think this would be the first blog post I do here again in over a year, but this needs to be addressed and it needs to be addressed now.


Please read this blog, arm yourself with knowledge, and please remember to stay safe at any and all conventions you attend in the coming year.

Stay safe, my friends.


Report Sylvian · 240 views · #Important #signalboost

New Avatar! · 1:09am Sep 10th, 2017

So, yeah, uhm I am still here.

I know it's been about a year since I last really said anything, or at least since I published "Unto Greener Pastures" but my adoptive younger sister has been doing a lot of art lately, and my OC Epic Prose has gotten a lot of attention (Apparently she really likes his design) and I used the newest one as my new avatar!

And here it is!

Report Sylvian · 276 views ·